This document is from the Cornell University Library's Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections located in the Carl A. Kroch Library. If you have questions regarding this document or the information it contains, contact us at the phone number or e-mail listed below. Our website also contains research information and answers to frequently asked questions. http://rmc.library.cornell.edu Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections 2B Carl A. Kroch Library Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 Phone: (607) 255-3530 Fax: (607) 255-9524 E-mail: [email protected] Reel Notes Material relating to issues of interest to Abrams often appeared in various files and series. For this reason, cross-references are given for many of the entries in the guide. Wherever they appear, they are the last items in the entry and are keyed to the various series by the following abbreviations: B (Biographical Data); C (General Correspondence); 0 (Organizations); S (Studies); AS (Articles and Speeches); BM (Book Manuscripts); T (Topics); and SB (Scrapbooks). Dates, when given in cross-references, are in the following form: 2117162 (February 17, 1962); or 3159 (March 1959). Names of organizations listed in cross-references are indicated by shortened forms or initials only: New School (New School for Social Research); or NYSCAD (New York State Commission Against Discrimination). Biographical Data Reel I Biographical documents are arranged topically and chronologically within topics. Reel 1. Vita-Passport Materials Vita. Army applicalion forms with recommendations from Warren Jay Vinton, Bernard Botein, Robert F. Wagner. Lewis W. Lorwin. 1949 Pulilzer Prize Nomination materials including letters from Raymond Hilliard, Ben Davidson. Leon H. Keyserling. Warren Jay Vinton, Robert F. Wagner. Bernard Taper. "Profiles: A Lover of Cities," Part I and Part 11. New Yorkpr (FebruaryJand I I, 1967): 3G42.4548. Correspondence and research notes relating toTaper's article, includingletters from Taper, Alexander Crosby. Harry Tugend. Correspondence provoked by Taper's article, including letters from Alexander Crosby, Richard McAdoo. ARhur Naftalin. Jack Kaplan. Passport materials. General Correspondence General Correspondence Reels 2-10 This series was called "Administration" by Abrams and includes all personal and administrative correspondence not directly related to other series. It is arranged alphabetically by the name of the correspondent and then chronologically within each correspondent file. There are frequent enclosures. The guide lists significant correspondents indicating the number of letters from each person and the dates of the letters. Names with asterisks (*) beside them are those men and women whose files Abrams kept in a separate folder. Reel 2. Ackar-Clay Segment 1. Ackar-Axelrod William Abrarnson(193645). 12. Saul Alinsky (195>56), 7. Charles Stein Ascher (1955, 1969), 2 Segment 2. Bab-Alice Bloch George Backer (193%63), 4. AS: New YorkPosr Correspondence. H. Douglas Barclay (1967). 2. T: NYS Legislation. Stewart Bates (1957), I. Daniel Be11 (1953, 1. Enclosures from Sidney Hook. Edward Bernays (1956, 1959. 1969). 5. 0: NCADH. Algernon D. Black (1944), I. 0: NYSCAD, NYSCDH, CWCCH; BM:Forbidden Neighbors; T: Restrictive Covenants, Stuyvesant Town Segment 3. Bertram Bloch-Buttenwiesser 'Max Bloom (1941-691.44. Walter Blucher (194448, 1967), 6.0: ASPO, IFHTP: BM: Fulure ofHousing; AS: 41?2/50.9/22/52, Net+ YorkPosl Correspondence. Vladmir Bodiansky (1957-58),3. S: Ghana; T: Ghana. t.rne\t John Rohn (1936, 1')13,,? 0: NYCIIA: EM: .\i,~n'.,SlrugwL Shg it, r: AS: Request\ Refused. '1': Re\trict~veC,~ven.tnt\. Horace Mann Bond (195F54), I. *Bernard Botein (193M9). 6. B: Vita. Lyman Brymon (1953). I. Edwin Burdell (1%5-66). 2. Albert Bush-Brown (I%?), I. Harold Buttenheim (1936, 1946, 1956). 3. 0: NYCHA; AS: 10146, 11/18/47; T: NYC Ten-Year Housing Program, NYC Municipal Law and Legislation, Refugee Planners. Segment 4. Caine-Cizek Joseph A. Califano, Jr., (1969), I. Joseph F. Carlino (1959), 1. *Eric Carlson (1957-631, 8. S: Jamaica. Venezuela; AS: 10149,7151; T: Cooperatives. Elmer Caner (195659). 1.0: NYSCAD, Urban League. Clifford P. Chase (1958), 1. [Reel 21 General Correspondence Serge Chermayeff (1955, 1963, 1966), 3. AS: 11114166. Henry S. Churchill (1938, 1949, 1%2), 3. 0: NCHE, New School; AS: 10125-26151; T: Bibliographies; C: Albert Mayer. Segment 5. ClarkXlay *John Clarke (194S54, 1968),37. Reel 3. Clerk-Fletcher Segment 1. Clerk--Council Harlan Cleveland (19611, 1. AS: 511 1154. Arthur Comey (1950). 1. Aryeh Cooperstock (1963), 25. S: Canada; BM: Glommentary Segment 2. Courntey-Cytryn Jacob Crane (l957), 1.0: IFHTP, NCHE; AS: 9/22/52. *AlexanderL. Crosby (194&68), 30.0: NYSCAD, NHC, NPHC, NYSCDH, NYSHRA; BM:Forbiddm Neighbors, Future ofHousing; AS: Zll5/5l, 4113167; B: Correspondence. Segment 3. Dalton-Dyer H. Darin-Drabkin (196&66), 7. Maurice P. Davidson (1937), 3. Carmine G. De Sapio (19551, 1.0: NYSHRA, Urban League Karl W. Deutsch (l959), I. Howard Dietz (n.d.).. .. 1. Constantinos A. Doxiadis (1957-58). 5.0: Ekistics; BM: The Ciry Is rhr Fronrier, Man's Struggle for Shelter. Earl S. Draper(l941). 1. Henry Dreyfuss (1947, 1956), 4 David Dubinsky (1956). I. John Dyckman (1964), I. Segment 4. Eagan-Everett Alan J. Edden(l951), 1. "Julius Edelstein (1955, 1962-68). 36. C: Herbert Lehman, Robert F. Wagner; 0: Catholic Interracial Council, Democratic State Committee, FPHA; T: Federal Government Housing. Nun Eren(1961-62),3. S: Turkey. Segment 5. Fagan-Fletcher Carl Feiss (1939, 1942),3. 0: NAHO, IFHTP; AS: 1111411940,5I4/1955; T: Refugee Planners. Thomas K. Finletter (1955-60). 5. General Correspondence Reel 4. Foley-Hyman Segment 1. Foley-Gutman Mark Fortune (1967). 2.0: AID: S: San Salvatore. Turkey. Lloyd E. Foster(1957), 2. Jerome N. Frank(19411, I. Felix Frankfurter (l954), I. AS: 617154. Orville Freeman (19681, l Daniel M. Friedenberg(l965). I. Hortense Gabel (1957-58). 4.0: NYSCAD, New School, NYSCDH NYSHRA; BM: Forbidden Nrighhors, Matj's Struggle for Shelrer: AS: 10119153, 1016155. James W. Gaynor(1962). I. Meredith B. Givens(1959). I. Josephine Gomon (193%68), 31. 0: AFHA. Ernest Gruening (1936). I. Segment 2. Haar-Hyman *Charles Haar(1948, 1951-55, 1968). 10. S: Indian Task Force. Helen Ha11 (1967). I. Rudolph Halley (1951-52). 3. 'Averell Harriman (195>69), 23.0: NYSCAD, NYSHRA; BM: M~~I's Slruggle for Shelrer; T: Pakistan. Charles Harris (1968), 1. Charles Yale Harrison (193&38. 1942, 1947-49), 1I. 0: NYCHA. Arthur Garfield Hays (1937. 1944, 194S51). 4.0: NYCHA; AS: 511947. *William L. Holford (195&68), 23. S: Ghana. Pakistan. *Franziska P. Hosken (19667, 1969. l I. BM: The City Is the Frot,lier. "Bryn J. Hovde (194448, 1951-52), I I. 0: New School. NYSCAD, NPHC, NYSCDH; AS: 5147,3122149,218153, Requests Refused; C: Jacqueline Tyrwhitt. Hubert Humphrey (l961), 1. BM: Forbiddcrrr Neighbors; AS: New York Poll Correspondence. Reel 5. Icken-Koenigsberger Segment 1. Icken-Julius Kahn John lhlder (1951),2. AS: 101611955; 0: NYCHA; T: Baltimore. Reginald R. lsaccs (1949, 1957). 4. Stanlc) hl. l\s<<r(IY47.IY5b5oI. 7. 0: ( WC'( H. KYS( ,\I). K)'S( DH. KYSHK,\. I ( 'I P; AS: h 17 :J57: T: NYC' hlun~cipa.I.,lu .~ndlegidation Re,tn~ti\s( tncnsnt~.Stu)\csdnt 'I'd-n Jane Jacobs (1958), 1. AS: 411962,5122J69: T: Washington Square. JacobJavits(l94S50. 1955, 1957-58, 1961, 1964, 1%6, 1968). 12. 0: NYSCAD, Seaview Association: AS: New, YorkPosr Correspondence. Alvin Johnson (1937, 1939, 1953. 1957),9.0: New School: BM: Forbidder! Neighbors: AS: 411951. Lee F. Johnson (1955),2.0: NHC, FPHA, NAREB, NPHC; BM: Forbrddeirn Neighbors: AS: 1111951, 51511952,512111954. 6/911955,Neiv York Posr Correspondence; T: (Federal Government Housing) Wagner-Ellender-Taft Bill. Philip Johnson (l964), I [Reel 51 General Correspondence Segment 2. Lenore Ferber Kahn-Khaleeli :IJ. Marshall Kaplan (1961. 1963-69). 35. 0: NCADH; S: California: BM: Forbidden Neighbors; T: California. John F. Kennedy (l960), 1. BM: Forbidden Neixhhors; 0: NCADH. Robert F. Kennedy (1965, 1%7), 2. AS: 1011 1160. Segment 3. Kihss-Koenigsberger Martin Luther King, Jr. (1958), 1. Philip M. Klutznick (19621, I. 0: NYSCAD, New School. NYSCDH; BM: Man's Strugglefor Shulrrr: AS: 2/8/53. 'Blanche Mahler Koeffler(1939, 194649, 1954, 1961, I%), 30+. -CJtIn> Kn>enigsberper IlY51f,Y~.82 S: (;hand. S~npdpure.Philippine\. hiyend. P.ik~stan.BM: (ilt~mmenur):T: (;hand. N~gcnd Reel 6. Koff-Nation Segment 1. Koff-Lyttle David L. Krooth (1948, 1959, 1967), 3. BM: Future ofHousirrg. LoulaD. Lasker (1947). 3.0: NHC, Housing Week: C: Albert Mayer. Louis Lefkowitz(195_9), 1. 0: TCTP; AS: Requests Refused,New York Posr Correspondence. Herbert Lehman (1938.1950). 2.0: Liberal Party, NYCHA. NYSHRA; T: NYS Legislation; C: Julius Edelstein. Max Lerner(1947). 1. Samuel Levitas (1940, 1955-56, 1960). 5. AS: 3130145, 313152,3123153, 10115155. John V. Lindsay (1965, 1967). 2.0: Housing and Development Administration; S: NYC Housing Task Force. Max Lock (195659, 1968), 5. *Lewis Lorwin (194547, 19-53, 16. BM: MUN'SSrruggk for Shelter. lsador Lubin (1961, 1%3), 3.0: NYSCAD; AS: 6117157. Henry Luce (1964), 1. Segment 2. Mahler-Miller Warren G. Magnuson (1967). 2. T: (Housing) Home Ownership. Blecker Marquette (1955). 1. *Albert Mayer(194668),42.0: CWCCH, NYSCDH, NHC, NPHC, New - School, NYCHA; AS: 5111154,4115159. 11116161,New YorkPosr Correspondence; T: Bibliographies, NYC Municipal Law and L~gislation, Refugee Planners, Washington Square. George Metcalf (1956, 1965. 1967. 1969). 5. 0: NCADH. Martin Meyerson (19W66). 7. Segment 3. Millham-Nation Morris Miller (194652). 25.0: NPHC. MacNeil Mitchell (1943, 1946, 1948, 1950. 1957, 1%5),7.0: NYSCAD. NYSCDH, NYSJLCRMDL. Robert Moses (1944), 1. Constance Baker Motley (1954, 1957, 1%5), 3.0: NAACP. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (195657, 1%&62, 1965), 7. 0: Joint Center for Urban Studies, TCTP; C: Averell Hamman. Lewis Mumford (1948, 1964, 1967-681, 7.
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