es Asks $25 Million for Cops, Firemeii —. 1 • -— — . ,—A : —. SEE STORY PAGE 21 Sunny and Cool HOME Mostly sunny and cool today.! THE DAILY VFPTQTFT? Clear, quite cool tonight. Sim-' By and milder tomorrow. FINAL Fags 2) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years iVOL. 91, NO. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1968 36 PAGES TEN CENTS Biggest. State X)ope Raid Conducted in Middlesex NEW BRUNSWICK (AP) - "strike teams" of at least three The officers were ordered to The battle plan for the New they were supplied by a corn- Months of undercover work by men each, with some teams strike with military precision, Brunswick raids opened with mon source. a state trooper who posed as a having six men, depending on making all arrests at 5:15 a.m. the statement: "mission- Lt. Kell said one of the ar- drug user led today to the ar- the previous police record, if Maj. Victor E. Galassi, state to apprehend heroin subjects rested was charged in fiye rest of dozens of alleged "door- any, of the man sought. Each police investigation officer, for the unlawful sale of nar- to-door" salesmen of heroin team was given a copy of the said the largest previous raid cotic drugs, heroin and-or mar- complaints. He also said a ju- and other drugs in raids exe- complaint, a picture of the of this type was conducted in ijuana." venile with a loaded weapon cuted with military precision. man's police record, if any, Atlantic City last year in which Galassi said authorities found was arrested. State police said more than and a State Police arrest re- 34 persons were arrested. That no evidence that those arrest- Those arrested were taken to 40 persons were arrested in the port. Each officer also carried raid was sparked by undercov- ed were part of a "syndicate, Municipal Court for arraign- pre-dawn raid, which they de- a map of. New Brunswick with er work by a baby-faced state gang, ring or consolidated op- ment on the charges, most of scribed as the largest narcotics red line outlining the route to trooper who posed as a high eration." He said many of which are high misdemeanors raid in New Jersey history. A the homes of tfie persons school student for several those arrested knew each oth- carrying prison sentences of sought. weeks. er, but he had no idea whether COLLEGE BONDS — State Chancellor of Higher Education Ralph A. Dungan em- total of 52 persons were named two to 10 years. in 120 complaints. phasizes a point,during discussion on New Jersey's higher education needs in Eaton- "It was a military-type oper- town last night. D. Louis Tonti, right, executive director of state Highway Author- ation right down to the syn- 9 ity and co-chairman of Monmouth County Bonds Yes Committee, was moderator at chronizing of watches before sparsely attended meeting. (Regijtar Staff Photo) the raiding parties left," State Sees Howard s Place Safe Police Lt. George Kell said. The raids took -place in New By DORIS KULMAN Brunswick, the home of Rut- Rep. James J. Howard, D- gers University, and in nearby N.J., can vote for Richard M. Plainfield, Piscataway Town- Nixon if the presidential elec- No Bond Substitute, ship and Franklin" Township. tion is thrown into the House Aimed at Pushers —and Mr. Nixon is top man Kell said the raids were in the popular vote — without aimed at pushers and distribu- fear of reprisal from the Demo- tors, rather than at users. He cratic party leadership. Says College Chief described those arrested as House Speaker John W. Mc- "people we knew were respon Cormack, D-Mass., yesterday EATONTOWN - State Chan- The chancellor said there are vides the college facilities to sibile for selling on the street,' denied that Howard would be cellor of Higher Education 40,000 students in state colleg- meet their need for highly- and that about 90 per cent o stripped of his seniority and Ralph A. Dungan came to Mon- es, " including community col- trained personnel, Chancellor the charges covered the sale oi committee assignments, or mouth County last night to leges today — and 54 per cent Dungan said. He said that the heroin. otherwise punished, if'his cam- speak on the future of higher of New Jersey students are in kind of employes New Jersey According to Kell, a single paign pledge to vote for the education in New Jersey — andcolleges out-of-state. By 1975, industries need won't come state trooper whom he would candidate with the largest pop- make a pitch for the J990 mil- the number of New Jersey col- here unless there are good edu- not identify purchased several ular tally means his vote goes lion bond issues. lege students will have swelled cational facilities for their chil- thousand dollars worth of nar- to the GOP candidate if the The chancellor's appearance to 200,000, and even with an dren. cotics during six months of un- House decides the Presidency. was sponsored by Brookdale anticipated 25 per cent expan- Additional broad* based tax- dercover work. Rep. McCormack declared as Community College (the new sion of independent colleges, at es would be required to meet Kell said there wap, no spe- "absolutely false" and "dirty county college) and eight civic least 85,000 of them will have toe states capital needs on a cific reason for conducting the politics" a Monmouth County groups. Only 20 persons came to spend the money to go to Republican's allegation that "pay-as-you-go" plan, the chan- raids today, and that autliori Malcolm V. Carton John W. McConnack James J. Howard to the civic auditorium in the colleges out-of-state or drop the cellor pointed out "and the cost ties could nave raided last he and Majority Leader Carl Monmouth Shopping Center to idea of going to college at all, would be so substantial week or waited until next week. Albert, D-Okla., plan such re- another Democrat Congress- election be decided by the into the Third Congressional hear him, including two news- he said. it would rock the taxpayer. prisals against Democrats who man from South Carolina who House?" District campaign is reprehen- When the raiding parties, don't vote for Humphrey if tfie men^ and six persons affiliated Brookdale Funds Set "So if you believe we have composed of 124 troopers, 10 voted for the GOP nominee in "Absolutely false," Speaker sible and dirty politics." with Brookdale. If the bond issue is approved, Presidential race is tossed in- he general election. McCormack declared firmly in Has 'High Regard' to meet these needs, there isn't prosecutor's detectives and 24 to the House. Apparently unruffled, Mr. Brookdale will get $3.5 million any alternative but to accept city policemen, fanned out Wants Explanation Boston yesterday, "no such "I have a high regard for Dungan discussed the needs of to build its classrooms. the bond issues," he said. shortly before 5:15 a.m., they Problem Is Claimed "Will our Congressman please statement was ever made by Congressman Howard. He is higher education in New Jer- New Jersey's industries and "Even if the state were in were armed with 120 arrest In a letter to The Register, tell us, how, by any stretch of me, or by Rep. Albert. I am one of the ablest and most sey, the possibilities of the pub- research organizations will better fiscal shape," Mr. Dun-warrants for 52 persons. Malcolm V. Carton, an Asbury the imagination, he can keep amazed at it. It's a pure fig- dedicated members of thfr- lic buildings bond issue which wither unless the state pro- dee COLLEGES, Pg. 3, Col. 3) The raiders were broken into Park attorney and a campaign his promise and at the same ment of the imagination of the House. He served the people will appropriate $202.5 million aide of Howard's Republican time be an effective represen- person who said it, and this of the Third Congressional Dls- for college and library facili- opponent, State Sen. Richard tative, should the Presidential 11th hour attempt to inject it (See SEES, Pg. 2, Col. 1); ties, answered questions, and R. Stout, said that "Congress- asked to be invited back to dis- man Howard has been telling - cuss the New Jersey tax struc- the people . one of the pri- ture. Rocky Eyes Legislature mary reasons he should be re- Intense Audience turned to Congress is that he Nixon Asks Humphrey The audience was small but, has accumulated four years D. Louis Tonti, moderator, not- seniority and holds a seat on ed, it was knowledgeable and Call in School Crisis the important Public Works It's questions were both pointed Committee, which has enabled and informed. Mr. Tonti, who NEW YORK (AP) - G.pv. plan "a step backward" and him to be so wonderful and ef- For House Vote Pledge Is co-chairman of the Mon- Nelson A. Rockefeller is con- asked the commissioner to ficient to his constituents." sidering calling a special ses- mouth County Bonds Yes Com- "develop new suggestions." Noting Howard's pledge to By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS enter the White House it would and Wallace one. Sixteen dele- mittee, one of the sponsoring sion of the legislature to deal Shanker said he was submit- with a citywide teachers' strike vote for the Presidential can- Republican Richard M. Nix- have to be through the back gations are still questionable, organizations, is executive di- ting the original plan to the didate with the largest popu- on has challenged Democrat door, through the help of a The latest AP survey showed rector of the state Highway that is affecting the schooling union's delegate assembly but of 1,1 million public school pu- predicted overwhelming rejec- lar vote should the election go Hubert H.
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