PAGE FOURTEEN — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Sat., March 1, 1975 OBITUARIES Manchester Week in Review iiaturtjpHtf r lEiiftttnn Im lJi POLICE REPORT Mrs. Loiiis O. Favreau C. Roger Abler ROCKVILLE - Mrs. Carmel Appointment Brought Protest MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1975 - VQL, XGIV, No. 129 TOLLAND — C. Roger Ahier, promise to appear in court on Manchester—A City of Village Charm TWENTY PAGES Salvucci Favreau, 57, of Suf- 47, of 8 Hurlburt Rd. died MANCHESTER March 18.' PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS field died Friday at Hartford Friday night at Rockville In Manchester government, disputes An antique weather vane The car was towed away. Hospital after a long illness. General Hospital. He was the teaches working skills to the handicapped Frank R. Simon, president of continued, but the participants changed. valued at between $300 and $500 • Lesley E. Butler, 28,of 109 She was the mother of Mrs. husband of Mrs. Alma and retarded. It contracts for jobs and Manchester’s Carlyle-Johnson Machine Mayor John Thompson and Director Carl was reported Friday missing by Spruce St. was charged with Maureen Stott of Rockville and Kunowsky Ahier. work projects. Co., was fined $500 in Hartford County Zinsser have been at odds over the parking Jay Stager of 30 Forest St. issuing a bad check on Friday the wife of Louis 0. Favreau. Mr. Ahier was vice president ✓ Superior Court on a charge stemming lot at Lincoln Center and a petition asking The Vane, a three foot by two at 10:45 p.m. She is also survived by three of marketing for LaPointe In­ from a strike incident at the company last Downtown foot copper horse, was stolen She was released on a $100 sons, two sisters, and two that it be put back in its original state. May. Ford Decision Expected Today dustries in Rockville. He was non-surety bond, and is to This week two other directors, Phyllis ’The Mayor’s Downtown Action Com­ Frederick Lowe Jr., \^ho is retiring as from the roof of the Stagers grandsons. born in New York City and lived appear in court March 17. a. Jackston and Vivian Ferguson, resign^ in m ittee, working since early 1972 to Manchester Community College president house. He told police that the The funeral is Monday at 9:45 in Maryland before coming to • Reuben Lewis, 49 of 100 protest from the-Board of Directors’ per­ revitalize downtown Manchester, heard a won the praise of the Democratic Town. thieves used a ladder at his a.m. from the Nicholson Tolland a year ago. He was an Diane Dr.,South Windsor, was sonnel committee, claiming the specs for suggestion this week that it combine Committee for the college’s involvement home to reach the vane. Funeral Home, Rt. 159, Suf- Arniy veteran of the Korean injured in a one car accident the post of personnel supervisor were forces with the Downtown Revitalization in community affairs and the committee Mrs. Horace Learned of field, with a Mass at ^ cred Conflict. Friday at 1;22 p.m. on Spring On Controversial Oil Duties tailored to fit Elizabeth Bauer, who was Task Force of the Greater Manchester Avon, form er owner of the Heart Church, Suffield, at He is also survived by three wished him well in the future. appointed to the position by Town Chamber of Commerce. Stager house, said that the St., east of Gardner St., police 10:30. Burial will be in St. sons, Roger C. Ahier, Brian Irene LaMay was elected president of WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Ford Anderson, chairman of the House Manager Robert Weiss. William Sleith, who has headed the weather vane was placed upon said. He was taken by am­ ^jostpone for 90 days all three $1 increases that my proposal to delay the imposition Mary’s Cemetery, Claremont, Ahier, and Keith Ahier; and the Democratic Club of Manchester. promised today to announce whether he Republican conference, hinted strongly Weiss denied the implication that the mayor’s committee since its inception, the former Cheney horse barn bulance to Manchester in the oil import fee, the first of which of additional oil tariffs is likely to be N.H. two daughters, Dianne Ahier will move toward a compromise with the that Ford would defer the final two $l-a- specs were tailored and said the charge is resisted the proposed merger. No decision about 1860. Memorial hospital where he went into effect Feb. 1. accepted.” Friends may call at the and Barbara Ahier, all at Democrats in Congress by postponing two barrel increases in the fee on imported oil unfair to him, to Ms. Bauer and to the was reached. Sports Although no estimate of the was admitted and is reported in Veto In Doubt Budget Director Jam es Lynn said (on funeral home Sunday from 2 to home; and his parents, Mr. and more increases in the fee that he recently — one that went into effect Saturday and board which conducted oral examinations weight is available, Mrs. satisfactory condition. ^ The President previously announced ABC’s “Issues and Answers” ) that when 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Mrs. Emilien Rousse of Mon­ East Catholic advanced to the first imposed on imported oil. one scheduled for April 1. for the job. He said Ms. Bauer finished Learned said that it would The car was towed away by that he would veto the measure. But there the leaders met with Ford on Friday, the The family suggests that any treal, Que., Can. People round of the State Basketball Tournament Rep. John 0 . Anderson, R-Ill,, told But Anderson added, “ it’s much too ear­ first among the top five qualifiers. require at least two people to wrecker were indications from the White House President was asked to defer the $1 per memorial contributions may be A memorial Mass will be Manchester Police Capt. George P. Class A Division with a 56-45 whipping of reporters following a meeting between ly to predict if there will be a com­ Two government officials recommended remove it from the roofi He was charged with failure during the weekend that he might instead barrel increase in oil import costs made to the American Cancer celebrated Monday at 8 p.m. at McCaughey, a member of the local force Jonathan Law High of Milford. ’The Eagles Ford and Republican ' congressional promise.” to drive in the right lane and agree voluntarily to delay the next two fee scheduled to take effect April 1 and to Society, 292 S. Marshall St., this week that the town undertake at $25,- for nearly 30 years, was named acting will face Branford High Tuesday night at a leaders that the President intended to St. Matthew’s Church. Burial was given a written warning for Ford has until Tuesday to veto a con- increases. 000 study of the water quality and supply Arrests stop, retroactively, the $1 increase that Hartford. will be at the convenience of the police chief until Town Manager Robert site to be announced. made recently in- driving after drinking, police make his announcement at 4 p;m. EDT. gressionally passed measure which would to meet anticipated requirements of the elude: “I think the President got a very good took effect Saturday. The $1 fee levied in family. Weiss selects a successor to Chief James Cheney Tech made a valiant attempt but said. Court is March 10. Mrs. Margaret Jacobsen federal "Safe Drinking Water Act.” ’The input as to what course of action he would February would stand. The Burke-Fortin Funeral M. Reardon, who retired Friday. it wasn’t enough to get past the playdown • John J. O’Neill, 49, of 158 recommendation came from Jay Giles, take on the Democratic energy program, ’ SOUTH -WINDSOR - Mrs. Home, 76 Prospect St., Harold A. ’Turkington, in his 54th year as round in the Class C Division as Stafford • Joseph J. Fiumo, 27, of Returns from Camp David Walker St. was arrested on Manchester's Net Grand List Anderson said of the White House Margaret McCall Jacobsen, 82, director of public works, and Frank a Main St. businessman, rejoined Watkins High prevailed, 54-52. East Hartford, was arrested on As Ford returned from a weekend in Rockville, is in charge of charges of having a roaming meeting. He added that the Democratic of 59 Tallwood Dr. died Jodaitis, water and sewer administrator. Bros., the same firm he started working Manchester High, ranked 21st in the Friday at 6:30 p.m. at the Camp David, Md., a White House arrangements. dog. proposals “don't constitute a program.”' Thursday at a Rocky Hill con­ for in 1920 as a Manchester High School Class AA Division, begins its title drive Manchester Drug Store at 717 Adjusted to $288^919^663 spokesman, Larry Speakes, said “we’re There are no calling hours. The two dogs owned by “They were long on rhetoric and short Hit by Slump graduate. tonight against Norwich Free Academy at Main St. He was charged with right where we were Friday afternoon.’’ valescent home. She was the The family suggests that any O’Neill were allegedly snap­ on substance,” he said. “The great vice of widow of Magnus Jacobsen. The directors of Manchester’s Sheltered An estimated 1,535 Manchester people Windham High in Willimantic. fraud and deceit and conceal­ He apparently referred to the the memorial contributions may be ping at passersby on Walker St., the Democratic position is that there isn’t Workshop revealed this week that it,too, is were out of work in mid-January, the state Three Manchester wrestlers and five possibility that Ford’s veto of a bill, to Bom in Middletown, Mrs.
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