www.TheMennonite.org March 21, 2006 Page 32 8 Many waters cannot quench love 11 When friendships go too far 16 A caretaker of God’s creation 19 CPT worker Tom Fox killed GRACE AND TRUTH Pride: the spiritual cancer he foremost of the seven deadly sins is pride. Pharisee prayed, “God, I thank you that I am not C.S. Lewis called it the great sin, because all like all other men—robbers, evildoers, adulter- T other sins can be traced back to it, though ers—or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a nobody ever admits to having it. Pride is a sneaky week and give a 10th of all I get.” That is not a spiritual cancer, easy to see in others but almost prayer but a brag sheet. impossible to detect in ourselves. However, there C.S. Lewis writes in Mere Christianity: “As long are early warning indicators. as you are proud you cannot know God. A proud The itch for recognition. I crave admiration and man is always looking down on things and people: attention, though outwardly I am reticent to put and, of course, as long as you are looking down, myself forward. Publicly I say I don’t want any you cannot see something that is above you. … recognition, but inwardly I hope that people, not Whenever we find that our religious life is making only notice, but will tell me how wonderful and us feel we are good—above all, that we are better amazing I am. than someone else, we may be sure that we are Jesus warned that this itch for recognition may being acted on, not by God, but by the devil” infect our spiritual practices. In Matthew 6 Jesus (111). What is the chemo for this cancer of pride? Clarence E. Rempel is a says, “Don’t do your giving to the Lord in order to Practice repentance. The despised tax collector pastor at First maximize public recognition. Don’t blow trumpets prayed, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” I find Mennonite when you are helping the poor.” Pride can infect this prayer a helpful antidote to the poison of spiri- Church, Newton, us even when we are at our best in serving the tual pride. Pastors may be more tempted by spiri- Kan. Lord. Why do I want to serve on the church tual pride than others. I find myself praying this board? Why do I want to lead worship? It’s even prayer repeatedly. possible to be the center of attention by being the Repentance names the pride and calls it sin. It contrarian of the congregation or committee. may be pride about moving up the social ladder, Pride is preoccupation with and inordinate about your family’s roots in Prussia or the Ukraine, assertion of self. Good pride is loving yourself. about school, sports or work achievements, about Sinful pride is being in love with yourself. children or grandchildren, about spiritual disci- The press to be No. 1. C.S. Lewis writes in Mere plines. Pride expects special treatment and pre- Christianity that pride is essentially competitive. It ferred regard at church or at work or in the home. gets no pleasure out of having something, only out Pride looks around and says, “I thank God I don’t of having more of it than the next person. We may have the problems of those people.” say people are proud of being rich, smart or good- The Bible says, “Humble yourselves, therefore, looking, but they are not. They are proud of being under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up richer, smarter or better-looking than others. in due time” (1 Peter 5:6 NIV). For some of us, pride sneaks in by driving the Practice sincerely thanking God. Thanking God newest, most powerful SUV. For others it comes in is the antidote to the poison of pride. Recognize driving the oldest, most economical, most frugal that every good gift, ability and abundant blessing or green vehicle. comes from the Almighty Creator (James 1:17). Masquerade of spirituality. Pride will masquer- Everyday thank God for the blessings and the ade as devout spirituality. Remember the two men goodnesses of your life. It’s not about you. It’s all who went up to pray in the Temple (Luke 18). The about God. It’s all from God. TM The Mennonite is the official publication of Mennonite Church USA. Our TheMennonite Vol. 9, No. 6, March 21, 2006 mission is to help readers glorify God, grow in faith and become agents of healing and hope in the world. The Mennonite (ISSN 1522-7766) is normal- Editor: Everett J. Thomas Offices: ly published on the first and third Tuesdays of each month by the board [email protected] 1700 S. Main St. for The Mennonite, Inc. Periodical postage paid at Scottdale, PA 15683- Associate Editor: Gordon Houser Goshen, IN 46526-4794 1999. Canada Post international publications mail sales agreement no. [email protected] phone: 800-790-2498 40033185, GST no. R122192453. Subscription rates: $41.95 (U.S.) per year. Advertising Coordinator: Kristene Miller fax: 574-535-6050 Group rates available. Scripture references are from the New Revised [email protected] Standard Version unless otherwise noted. The views expressed in this pub- Circulation Manager: Rebecca Helmuth 722 Main St., P.O. Box 347 lication do not necessarily represent the official positions of Mennonite Newton, KS 67114 Church USA, The Mennonite, or the board for The Mennonite, Inc. [email protected] phone: 866-866-2872 Editorial Assistant: Nora Miller fax: 316-283-0454 Postmaster Design: Dee Birkey Send form 3579 to: The Mennonite Cover: Capture Photography adaptation by Web site 1700 S. Main St. Dee Birkey www.TheMennonite.org Goshen, IN 46526 2 TheMennonite March 21,2006 CONTENTS 7 8 8 Many waters cannot quench love The sacred gift of waiting—Laurie Oswald Robinson with Alfonso Robinson 11 When friendships go too far Workplace affairs can be devastating both to families and co- workers.—Gerald and Marlene Kaufman 14 Announcing God’s forgiveness We are to speak the word of forgiveness to people we meet, 20 just as Jesus did.—John M. Drescher 16 A caretaker of God’s creation Fifth in a series—Bethany Keener 19 CPT worker Tom Fox found killed in Iraq His death confirmed on March 10. 20 Global church confronts wealth gap MWC’s gathering in 2009 will receive report on the debate. —Everett J. Thomas 21 CLC grapples with finances, identity Task force forms, hears feedback on structure and vision of denomination—Gordon Houser 16 22 Mennonites help write WCC statement —Tom Finger DEPARTMENTS 2 Grace and truth Pride: the spiritual cancer—Clarence E. Rempel 4 Readers say 6 News digest 18 Leadership Signs of hope out of the chaos—Roy Williams 24 For the record 30 Mediaculture No such thing as a good divorce—Gordon Houser 32 Editorial Hold on to chastity—Everett J. Thomas March 21,2006 TheMennonite 3 READERS SAY Real and deadly sin why, I have often wondered, do those leading the Re “Sin Is Real and Deadly” (Grace and Truth, sharing time feel obliged to restate during the Feb. 21): I am so impressed that Clarence Rempel prayer what has just been said? Certainly there are spoke up on a silent issue within the church: sin. items that should be shared and prayed over with Some people are uncomfortable even mentioning caring people in the congregation. I believe, how- sin because someone may feel offended. I sin. I ever, that smaller groups are more appropriate for This publication wel- am saved, yet still I sin. I don’t think a day goes by most concerns. comes your letters, either about our con- when I am not guilty of some sin. Oh, I don’t cheat I hope congregations will take time to discuss tent or about issues or murder or lie or take God’s name in vain, but I the many valid concerns Boers raises with this facing the Mennonite Church USA. Please am sometimes prideful, thinking I am really some- article. For those who conclude that sharing time keep your letters thing. Some days I am angry or lazy. Some days I should be retained, I offer this suggestion: brief—one or two paragraphs—and put money ahead of God. Sin is in me, and only Schedule sharing time to start 15 minutes before about one subject because I have acknowledged my sins before God the worship service. Those who desire can meet only. We reserve the right to edit for and accepted that without the redemption of the together for sharing and prayer. They can then length and clarity. cross, I am not lost forever.—Cindi Newcomb, join others in the congregation to worship through Publication is also subject to space limi- Marion, S.D. the sharing of God’s Word.—Jeni Hiett Umble, tations. Send to Indianapolis Letters@TheMenno- nite.org or mail to Clarence E. Rempel’s article was so biblically Readers Say, The sound and so well written. I look forward to his Although Arthur Paul Boers makes some impor- Mennonite, 1700 S. Main St., Goshen, IN articles over the next two years on the “Seven tant points about out-of-control sharing, his con- 46526-4794. Please Deadly Sins.” And in the same vein, I appreciated cern is misplaced. The problem is not the sharing include your name and address. We will the letter “Changing the Definition of Sin” by itself but the size of the church within which it not print letters sent Jewel Showalter (Readers Say, Feb.
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