Ships Built in the Ports of Tasmania

Ships Built in the Ports of Tasmania

(No. 58.) 187 2. TASMAN I A. HO US E O F ASSEMBLY. SHIPS BUILT IN 'l'HE PORTS OF TASMANIA. Laid upon the Table by the Colonial Treasurer, and ordered by the House to be printed, July 24, 1872. .. RETURN extractedfrom Register of S,hipping, Port.of HoBART TowN, from the Yem· 1825·to 1872, showing the Date of Buil,d, where Built, and the Register Tonnage. Name of VeRsel. Tons. When buiit.,1 · Where built. __N_a_m_e_o_if_V_es,.s-el_. _ -~-o_n_s_. _ ·W-7wn built. I·_ __w_,_ie_r_e _b_u_il-t. __ 1 -----·--·------,--- Tasmanian Lass (lost) 48 1831, Hobnrt Town Wallaby .......... .. 285 ' H'38 Port Ar'thur Friends (lost) .....•.. 18 1832 · Ditto Charlotte (lost) ....•.. 2!) 1829 'Maciquarie Harbcmr Sisters (los1) ..•••••. 131 1840 Ditto A!!ne8 and Elizabeth 75 1840 · Hobart To,i•n Indtist ry (lost) ...•.. 39 1829 Ditt,, ~(lost) .......... Industry (lost) ..••.. 17 183:2. Maequarie Harbour Black Diamond (lost) 27 1842. Poi-t Arthur Susan ( lo-t) ••.•.•••. 25 1838 Pittw<1ter JauP .............. .. 17. 1842 · · ·comriton .ferry John (lost) ........ .. 35 1833 Hobart Town lEc,lus ( lost) ....... 14 1843 H110n Isabella ......... .. 69 1810 North W(•$t Bay Maria Or.r (lost) ..... 289 18:38 Hobart ·Town Marys (lost) • • • • • . , 62 1840.. Kangaroo Point Australian 23 1825 Ditto Blossom .....•••.• · 44 H\37 11,·strlown lotus (lost) . ... 37 1844 · · Htioii l{iver Shamrock ..••.•... : .. 36 1832 Ma<!quarie Harbour Sir Eardlev Wilmot 22 I 8i4 Bruni Island Victoria ........... 21 1840 Hobart Town (lo~t) ..•........ Flying Squirrel ..... 87 18~0 Dirto · Allison (Jost) . .... 22 1R44 ·North· West Bay S~a D~vil (broken up) 27 1840 .Ditto Eliza ... lH\ 1843 P"rt Arthur Victoria .......•.... 36 1840 .Pittwat~~ Maid ,of' the Mill I Jost) 23 1844 H uon Governor Artl1nr .... 24 1832 Hobart '!'own ElizabPth .Reb,•cc" 100 ]828' M,1t•quarie :Hm:b'.our Platypus (lost) 20 18411. Ditto (lust) ........... Erin-go-Bragh (lost) 17 1839 Ditto Caledonia ......... 27 1844. Hunn Queen (Jost) •••...... 2:3 ]840 Ditto Ha1wiotte Natha11 ... ll4 1844 Hobart Tow.n Diana ......•. 163 1840 Ditto Flying Dutchmar, 90 1845 Blackman'.:s Bay Derwent, Steamer ..•. 49 18~0 Port Arthur (lost) .....•....•.. Humber ...........· 48 1841 Pt>rcli Bay Flindf1rs ........... 16 18~5 Hoba,;t: Town .- t lost) ..•.••.. 10 1838. Port Arthur Aric,] (lost) .•.•...· .. 27 184='>' . 'Ditto .. Shamrock ... ; ..... 36 1832 Macquarie Harbour I~abelJa (lost) ....... 125 1832. Macquarie Harbour Richm"nd Packet(lost) 27 1831 Bohart Town Thistle ................. 27 , 1846 H,w11 Biver Cascade ...•...••... 39 1841 ,M,11·q11arie 130 1846 \facqnarie.Harbour Truganina , •..•.••.. 6:2 1839 Ditto ;\1 "tilda (lost) ...... 41:l 1816 Po1't Cygnet ·· llreeze ........ .' •.... 29 1841 Ditto Flying Childers ....•. 2:~o 1846 Hobart Town Fortitude (lost) •..•• ; 27 1~41 Bruni Island Miranda (lost) ..••. 128 J 84(i -Ditto . ... Marytlost) ....•..... H 1839 Hobart Tnwn E~pernnza .......•.. 142 1847 Hobart Town ,. Sisters ...•.....•. : •. 54 1841 PPppnmint Bay .Raiuuow t lo8t) ..... 52 ]846 North West Bay Red Rover (lost) ... 29 1833 Bluff F,·rry Isahella (lust) ...... 99 1><47 Ralph's Bay Gratitude (lost) ..... 22 1841 North West Bay Industry... JS 1847 . Ditto . Mary , ..•...•.•..• ; 42 1840 HobHl'l Town My~t.-ry (lost) ..... 39 1847' · North West $ay 0 Royal William ..... 43 !833 Ditto Tasrnan ......•••.... 51\3 1847. .Hol,art Town ·, Reeb ere he (lost) .. 8-1, 1840 Port Davey Brotl1Prs ...........•. 37 rn,17' H uon River Elizabeth Henrietta 40 1828 River Derwent ::-ophia .............. 42 1847' Port Cygnet : (lo,t) Madonna (lost) ..... 32 1847 Huon River Sophia (lost) , ••..•••. 22 1R41 Nol'.tb "West Bay 1~:tdy J?enison .(lost). 159 It,4,7 Port Arthur .. Mary .....•......•. 17 1841 Sorell .C1rcass1an ............. 105 184H Hobiti-t T .. ,v.n ., :Shamrock (lost) ...••. 36 1832 M acqnarie Harbour Pilot . .... 91 1847 Port Arthur Bandicoot •.••••.••. 56 1838 Hc,b,1rt Town You11g River :Chief 31 1847. 'Peppermint Bay Vulcan 1lost) ...••••. 16 1841 Perch Bay ( l"s.t) ............ Adelaide ...•...... _.._ 96 1831 M ,1cquarie Harbour Fair Tasmanian ...... 145 1848. 'Hobart To.wn Prince of' Wales (lost) 17 JR42 Hohart Tnwn William Henry ..... 37 18~8 Port Cygtie.t Scotia .............. 104 1841 North West Bay Emu .....•..•.•..•. 309 1848 Hi,bart Town Dolphin (Jost) •.••.. 17 1842 Peppermint Bay Triumph ....•..•.•• ,. 46 1848 Huon River Providence (lost) 17 1841 Bruni Island Rose ............ .. 28 1848·· .Ditto . Native Youth .....••. 26 1842 Bohart Town Lady Flora (lost)· ..•• 3-'> 1848 · Port Cygnet · . Jane (lost) ........ .. 17 1812 Compton Ferry ~PY (lost) ......... .. 47 1848 Lcirig Bay . Amelia (lost) •..•.... 13 1842 Hobart Town l:',truirgler (lost) ....•. 27 1848 Oy,ter Co,ve .;' William the Fourth 200 1831 Macquarie Harbour 1-laniet (lost) ....... 45 1848 Pittwater .. (lost) ... ; ...... .. Apollo,(lo~t) 44 1848 N or·th West Bay Flying Fish ....... 123 1843 Hobart Town. Eliza .............. 98 1834 P<irt Arthur . Black Wattle (Jost) .. 17 ]833 Ditto Union (lost) .•.•.••• 74 1848 . ' D' En~rP-casteaux: Sylvanus (lost) •••••. 73 1843 Ditto ·,eh,,nn<i! ·· David·(lost) ........ · 68 1842 North .\Vest Bay Gi;eyhounU ..••••• ,,. 69 1848 I Ditto .,,.,.. 4 ti' ,_._ Nome of Vessei. Tons. When built. Where built. Name of Vessel. Tons. When built. Where built. --------1---------1---4----- ---------1----•I----- -----~--- Ann Jane .•.••.••••. 39 1848 Hobart Town FirP FI y (lo•t) ..•••.. 14 1833 Hobart 'l'owu Flying Fox (lo~t) .... 187 1849 Ditro Lady Franklin ...... ·. 41 1853 Huon River Margaret Brock (lost) 245' 1848 Ditto lluon ('hief......... 3:3 1849 Huon Lady Emma •••••... 203 1848 Ditto Bentligo ....•........ 30 1853 Hobart Town Aun l.loyd •..••.••.. 30 1848 Lon!! Bay Eclipse ............ 190 18ii3 Ditto Thistle ••••..••.••••. 27 1M6 Huon River Victory ........... 48 1853 Ditto Venus ...•....•••... 17 l8i9 ·Pt•ppermint Bay .I Hne Elizabeth (l.ost) . 54 185:3 Ditto Patrick Henry (lost) 25 1849 Huon River .Rebec,·a .........•. 45 1853 Huon Ril-er Henry Edward •••••. 84 1819 .IJitto Wanderer (lost) ..... 41 185:3 Port E,perance Runnymede ..••••••. 284 1849 Hohart Town . Rechc>rche (lost) .... 22 1853 RPche>n:lw Bay Sist.. rs (lost) .....•. 34 1849 Hnon Hiver Uncle Tum ...•...... 47 1853 Hohart Town Helen (lost) .•••••... 109 1849 Port Arthur Defiance ...•••.•.••• 44 1853 S 0,uth Brnni Mary Ar,n .• :•••••••. 105 1849 North We,t Bay Fairy ............. .. 36 1853 Hobart Town ·Annie .•••.••.•••. 39 1849 Sat,.]htP lslaud Jubilee.• .......... .. 24 ]853 Ditto Derwent· ..••..•.••.. 404 1849 Hobart Town PPtrel .........•..•• : 20· 1854 Ditto Medway ...•...•.•.. 35 1849 P1·ppp1•rnint Bay Annie .•••••..•.•.. 36 lri5-3 Ditto Sir John Franklin ... 21 18~9 Holiart Town Eva ............•. 57 1854 Ditto Jermy Lind....•..... 136 1849 Ditto Fr'emls•(lost) ..••.... 58 1854 R,·ch,-1·1:he Day Union ...•.•••.•••• 158 1849 Huon River Lucy (lost)..... • ••• 25 1853 rrc•yeiuet Peninsula. RPdwing (lost, ••.•.. 44 1849 Port Cygnet Emily Downing ... 269 1841 Port Arthur Victoria Pucket •.•.•. liO 1850 Pc>ppermint Bay Caroline ........... .. 41 JR55 Port Cygnrt Triad ............ ,94 1850 Huon River ~haunon .....•..... 50 1856 H non Iliver ·:: HPauama ..••..••••.. 313 lt-50 Hobart Town 'l'ommy .....••. , •..•. 60 1856 Hobart Town awk (burned) .••. :. 19 1850 Ditto Knngaroo .....•••... 110 l>.'55 Mary Aun (lost) •••. 28 1850 Pittwater HobPrt Burns .•••.... 57 1R57 Long- B.,y Dart (lost) •••••.•... 128 1850 Hnon River Topsy (lost) ...... 22 1857 Hoba,t Town Redwing ..•...••••.. 5 1850 D' Eutrecasteaux Connaught Ra1,ger .. .. 43 18:,1 Fr,,nk in · Channel Lapwing- ..•..•..•... 15 · 1855 Adventure Bay Swansen PackPt •••••. 41 1850 Port Cygnet Kingston .......•••. 38 1858 flohart 'l.'uwn DovP. ...••.•..••••. 53 1850 Pol't E,perance Str.,nger (lost) ..••••. 28 1856 Port E~1wrance Swordfish •••••••••. 168 18fi0 Hobnl't Town Emu .....•....••••. 29 ]858 Hobart Town Yarra ...•..•••.. 139 1850 Ditto Juno .........••.... 48 1858 1-Iuon AlliPrt Packet (lost) •. 103 1850 Huon River Isab,.lla Brown...•••. 359 1859· 1-Ioliart Town Guz,·lle ••••.••••... 26 1850 N"rth w .. st Bay Bupid .............. 61 1840 Port Ar1hur Middleton ..••.... 340 1850 D' Entrecasteaux Star of Tasmania .. 31 ]859 1-fob,.rt Town Channel Julia ............... 31 1~57 North ·w,•st Bay_ Otwny ....•••.•••••. 28 1850 Hohal't Town Sisters ............• 34 185-t Huon Sarah ........••.••.• 41 1850 Peppe,mint Ba.y Wild Wave ..•..•••.. 71 1869 Hob,·rt Town Fri•e TradPr ....•••. 206 1850 Hobart Town ~ecret ........... 20 1859 Ditlo Sarah and E,ther .· •.. 53 1850 PPppermint Bay SPa Gull ..•......... 19 1859 Ditto Portland tJost) ••••.. 73 1850 Hohal't Town Emily Ellen .....•••. 8 1:--60 Ditto Mosch .. 10 ..•.•...•. 36 1850 Ditto Ar111alillius .......... 13 1858 ThrP<' Hut Point Isahella ....•...•... 31 1851 Port Esperance My,tery ............ 18 1860 P1<1•p 0·rmint Bay· William ..•.....•... 32 1851l Hobart Town Pryde ...•.....•.... 61 lt<55 I-Imm niver · Victory ..•...•.•••. 52 1851 North W PSt Bay Skipjack ....•...••..• 33 1861 Frankliu M,,11,ourne ....•••••. 150 ll-'51 1-1 oliart Town Thomas Brown ...•••. 279 J8(il Hobart T .. wn Liverpool (lost) .. 55 lt<51 PPp]JPl'mint Bay Eclwartl & Christopher 24 ]857 Port E~pcrance · Charlotte> ......••.•. 21 1851 North West Bay Llovtl's Hemld ..•.•.. 68 ]851 l-1110n RivPr M:irquis of Salisbury 16 1851 Oyster Cove J' ro.lic ........••.• ·•.. 8 }t,60 I-I .. bart Town (lo,t) ........••... Alert ..••••.....••.. 41 ]85/l PPppermint

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