PRIME MINISTER ON WORKING KOMITAS VARDAPET, VISIT TO SHIRAK MARZ FORGOTTEN FOLK PAGE 2 HERO paGe 4 ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS Weekly Digest of the Government of Armenia April 19-25, 2011 THEMA “Quote of the week” “The Genocide is an epi- sode in boTh armenian and world hisTory, which cannoT be elimi- naTed from diplomaTic documenTs and annals of The 20Th cenTury, even from memories of Those people whose ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT SERZH SARGSYAN ON ancesTors perpeTraTed THE DAY OF REMEMBRANCE OF THE VICTIMS OF THE iT.“ ARMENIAN GENOCIDE TiGran sarGsyan prime minisTer of RA ellow compatriots, however, despite every devious program and fToday is the 24th of april, and calculations, the armenian nation survived the we commemorate the memory of the mets eghern; survived with irreversible loses, Upcoming Events victims of the armenian Genocide. fought against other calamities, which befell in 1915-1923 a crime against the armenian the nation in the 20th century, and triumphally, APRIL 26: Georgian FM Grigol nation, against humanity and civilization with victoriously independent statehood ush- Vashadze will pay visit to Arme- was committed, which at the time had no ered into a new millennium – a statehood that nia name. all the names and definitions – mor- will never again allow the repetition of such al, legal, or political – given later are only a crime, a statehood that will defend its right- APRIL 29: Deputy aide to the US provisional and only in part reflect what had eous cause and will struggle in the international State Secretary on European and really happened. The true scope and depth fora not only for the recognition of the arme- Eurasian issues, Tina Kaidenau of the tragedy is known only to us, and nian Genocide, but also for the prevention and will meet with PM Tigran every armenian, in any corner of the world, punishment of the crime of genocide per se. Sargsyan feels devastating repercussions of the mets while in the 20-s of the last century, the task eghern on his or her destiny in every sense in front of our nation and our country was JUNE 4: St. Petersburg’s Petrovsky – moral, cultural, linguistic and political. not to die, not to perish from the face of the stadium will host EURO 2012 Rus- The ottoman empire implemented at earth, and to survive, armenia of today has sia vs. Armenia the state level the program of elimina- other tasks. wide horizons of restoring his- tion and expulsion of the armenian peo- torical justice, of development, of progress USEFUL LINKS ple. Throughout the process, at its every and creative work are opened before us. • www.president.am stage the murders, deportations, conver- The republic of armenia has been proving • www.gov.am sions and enslavement of the armenians through its resolute steps that despite black pag- • www.parliament.am were viewed as routine trifles. as for for- es of history, it strives for peace with the neigh- • www.mfa.am eign interventions, they failed to stop the bors, including Turkey. Today in Turkey, more • www.armenpress.am perpetrators and in some instances pushed than ever, reasonable voices are being heard. • www.panarmenian.net them towards even more gruesome acts. April 24, 2011 full address www.president.am • www.matenadaran.am ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS CHRONICA HEADLINES OF PRIME MINISTER ON WORKING VISIT TO SHIRAK MARZ THE WEEK rime minister Tigran sargsyan traveled in Javakhk (ashotsk) region of armenia • APRIL 19: Armenian banks seem pto berdashen community of shirak - seeks to develop ecotourism and safe- to display interest in agriculture marz to get acquainted with the course of guard the exceptional biological variety of construction of a guest house and office territories of high-mountainous region of • APRIL 20: ArmeniaAH doesn’t have buildings at arpi lich armenia chirac – Ja- Ottoman Turkish language ex- national park. The head vakhk along the bor- perts to study Turkish archives of government took the ders with Georgia and opportunity to meet Turkey by simultane- • APRIL 21:AH Jars discov- with the inhabitants of ously promoting sus- ered in St. Mary church terri- berdashen community. tained development of tory are transferred to museum The eco-region nature communities in shirak protection program in marz by means of arpi • APRIL 22: KimAH Kardashian calls south caucasus - crea- lich national park and for Armenian Genocide recognition tion of protected areas realization of com- munity development programs in the protected zone of the national park (14 tar- • APRIL 23: Genocide.amAH website’s get communities), as well as by contributing to cross-border cooperation be- had over 400000 visitors since 2007 tween armenia and Georgia. The program has a total budget of euro 2.2 million. berdashen community ashotsk region is also included in the program of management • APRIL 24: AH Lepsius House by agricultural resources of communities and their competitiveness. This program will to open in Yerevan May 2 help develop necessary actions for improvement of pastures, such as introduction of a • system of replaceable use of pastures, water-assisted maintenance of pastures, as well as • APRIL 25: AH Erdogan again partial repair of roads conducting to pastures and creation of opportunities for manufac- sets conditions for Armenian- ture of forages. during a briefing with journalists, concerning the programs carried out Turkish protocols ratification in the region, the prime minister said that the development of cattle breeding is seen as a priority. as assured by Tigran sargsyan, irrigation water and roads are needed to en- AH sure greater accessibility of pastures. according to the prime minister, the experts involved in this program say that it will help increase community revenue by at least 20 percent. AZERBAIJAN VIOLATES THE 20 April 20, 2011 full story www.gov.am CEASEFIRE REGIME ABOUT 150 TIMES OVER THE WEEK THE ARMENIAN FOREIGN AFFAIRS MINISTER EDWARD NALBAN- DIAN RECEIVED THE BARONESS CAROLINE COX, MEMBER OF THE HOUSE OF LORDS strengthening the armenian-british relations. The foreign affairs minister highlighted the importance of development of bilat- eral relations in both bilateral and multi- lateral formats. possibilities of decentral- ized cooperation were discussed as well. he azerbaijani side violated the cease- minister nalbandian and the british parlia- Tfire regime at the line of contact mentarians discussed the perspectives of deep- about 150 times between april 17 and 23. ening of the armenian-british cooperation. press service of the nKr defense army n april 19, the armenian foreign The sides discussed also issues related to the reports that the front troops of the azeri oaffairs minister edward nalban- armenian-british parliamentary cooperation. army fired more than 1 700 shots all along dian received the parliamentary delega- in this context the sides mutually stressed the the line of contact between the armed forc- tion led by the baroness caroline cox, visit of the speaker of the RA national as- es of nagorno Karabakh and azerbaijan. member of the uK house of lords. sembly to london in march of this year, as “after all this the azerbaijani propaganda ma- welcoming the baroness cox, minister well as the meeting between the heads of chine continued disseminating information nalbandian highly appreciated the support the two chambers of the uK parliament. last week that the ceasefire regime had been and humanitarian activity of the baron- in the course of the meeting the co- violated by the armenian side. furthermore, ess has provided to armenia and nagorno- operation between armenia and the on april 20 and 22 official baku rushed to Karabakh for years and mentioned that the EU, as well as processes in progress present the killing of three soldiers of its army armenian people is grateful to the baron- within that format were touched upon. as the result of attack of the defense army. ess for her activities supporting armenia. upon the request of the baroness despite the activeness of the enemy, divi- underlining that since 1988 she has been cox, edward nalbandian presented sions of the nKr defense army maintained connected with armenia and the armenian the recent developments in the settle- the ceasefire regime all along the line of con- people and considers herself as a friend of the ment of the nagorno-Karabakh issue.. tact and properly fulfilled their military duty,” armenian people, the baroness cox said that April 19, 2011 www.mfa.am reads the statement of the nKr defense army. she would continue her activities in favor of April 25, 2011 www.armradio.am 2 AH ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS RES PUBLICA LEVITIN: NEGOTIATIONS ON CONSTRUCTION OF ARMENIAN LA Times: ObAmA’s reLuc- NPP NEW ENERGY UNIT IMPORTANT TANCE TO RECOGNIZE GENOCIDE NOT PRUDENCE BUT prompt allocation of a loan by rus- COWARDICE sia during the global financial crisis. .s. president barack obama puts aside russian minister of Transport, co- uclarity in an effort to maintain the support chairman of the armenian-rus- of armenian americans while not offending sian intergovernmental commission Turkey, Tim rutten of los angeles Times igor levitin noted for his part that writes in an article he titled “obama’s lack of armenia-russia ties have reached moral clarity on armenian genocide issue.” a new level over the past years. “The line between prudence and moral cow- “we have managed to overcome ardice can be a fine one, particularly when it consequences of the global econom- comes to the conduct of diplomacy,” the article ic crisis, increase the trade turno- says. “for americans, the question of where rmenian prime minister Tigran ver between the countries,” he said. and how to make such distinctions has a par- asargsyan has said that russia levitin said that armenia and rus- ticular urgency this week, as we commemorate is armenia’s main economic part- sia have implemented many joint the 96th anniversary of the genocide inflicted ner.
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