Parshas Tzav 5775 Volume 14, Issue 23 P ARSHA I N SI G H T S P O N S O R The Shabbos preceding Pesach is called Shabbos Hag adol, commemorating the miracle that occurred. (Orach Chaim 430:1) MAZEL TOV TO Bnai Yisroel left Mitzrayim on the tenth of Nisan, which was on Shabbos. They took a sheep to vsuvh kth,ueh NEIMAN be their Korban Pesach and tied it to their bed posts. The Egyptians asked them, “What is this for?” Bnai Yisroel responded, “To slaughter for our Korban Pesach.” The Egyptians were ON YOUR BAR MITZVA furious but did not respond or react. (Mishneh Berurah) MAY WE CONTINUE TO Bnai Yisroel tied the sheep to their beds for four days - until Erev Pesach. Since the Egyptians SEE MUCH TORAHDIKE could have react ed during any of those four days and did not, shouldn’t they all be NACHAS FROM YOU commemorated as miraculous days? Why do we only commemorate this miracle on Shabbos? BOBBY AND ZEIDY You have spoken harshly against Me, says Hashem, yet you say, “Ho w have ABRAHAM we spoken against You?” You said, “To serve Has hem is useless, and what did we gain from keeping His charge or for walking submissively before Hashem, Master of Legions? So now we praise wanton sinners, those who did evil were even built up… (Haftorah Shabbos HaGadol, Malachi 3:13-15) DILEMMA Bnai Yisroel had spoken so disparagingly about Hashem. How could they claim to Him, “How It was a portion for Moshe… have we spoken against You?” (8:29) When the Chofetz Chaim was running away during the First World War and saw open chillul Shabbos for the first time, he burst out in tears. Upon experiencing it again the second Moshe had the status of a kohen, Shabbos, his talmidim found him crying very bitterly. They asked him, “Rebbi, why are you allowing him to eat the korbonos. crying so hard?” The Chofetz Chaim answered, “Upon seeing chillul Shabbos during the first (Zevochim 101b) Shabbos, I was devastated, so I crie d. When I saw chillul Shabbos a second time, I was not as Yisro, the father-in-law of devastated as I had been the first week. It seems that I am becoming accustomed to chillul Shabbos and it is becoming a little more acceptable to me. For that, I cry even more.” Moshe, took Tzipporah, the wife of Moshe, after she had Based on the Chofetz Chaim’s lesson, that people become accustomed to a situation, the been sent away (shilucheha). Maayan Hashovua answers the above questions as follows. The Egyptians had seen their god attached to the beds of the Jews, awaiting its slaughter and were alarmed. Upon seeing it tied (Yisro 18:3) to a bed a second time, their anger had dissipated a bit. The miracle on Shabbos was greater. The word sent away (shilucheha) teaches that Moshe divorced his Similarly, when the Novi was speaking to Bnai Yisroel, they had already begun to accept their ideology as the norm. They therefore couldn’t comprehend what the Novi was referring to. wife when he left Yisro’s house. (Mechilta) One must keep his focus on the truth and not fall into accepting standards that others have set. In fact, this is why in the Hagodo we react so severely to the rasha’s approach and words. The A Kohen is not permitted to marry a standard of one’s spiritual life cannot be set by the yardstick of a rasha or by others who divorcee (Emor 21:7). If so, how possess less spiritual levels. was Moshe permitted to take his wife b ack after she returned with her father, Yisro? A GLIMPSE OF GREATNESS One should wait until after tzeis hakochovim to recite Kiddush for the Seder. (Orach Chaim 472:1) The Mishn eh L’Melech was a guest at someone’s house for the Seder. As they waited for tzeis hakochaovim before making Kiddush, the Mishneh L’Melech realized that the proper time had arrived. Knowing that there is a mitzva to start the Seder as soon as possible, so that the children should remain awake (Orach Chaim ibid), he approached the host and asked him if he thought it was dark outside and time to make Kiddush. The host looked outside and said, “It looks like it is still a little light outside.” The Mishneh L’m elech responded, “Sorry, I thought it was dark. My mistake must be because I am the guest, and Chazal (Beitza 32a) say that when one must rely on others for food, the world is dark for him.” If you would like to receive the Oneg Shabbos by e-mail, Please subscribe online or email us @ [email protected] H ALOCHO It is preferable to buy new vessels and not kasher old ones for Pesach. (Piyut Shabbos HaGadol) Normally kashering is not considered to be inferior. Why in regard to vessels to be used on Pesach would it be preferable to buy new ones? The Avudraham explains that the reading of Parshas Tzav is before Pesach because Tzav discusses kashering vessels and in fact is the source for kashering vessels for Pesach. (Eliyohu Rabba 428:4) The halochos of kashering are discussed in Avodah Zora (75b) and are derived from the pesukim in Parshas Matos. What does the Avudraham mean when he says that the source is Parshas Tzav? Why is a brocho not recited when one kashers utensils for Pesach? (Rabbeinu Manoach Hilchos Chometz 5:26) A brocho is never recited when an item is kashered. Why does Rabbeinu Manoach specifically ask the above question in regard to Pesach? After kashering a utensil, it is customary to toivel the kashered item. (Opinion of the Raviyoh 464) Normally one does not toivel items after kashering them. Why should one have to toivel a vessel that has been kashered for Pesach? There are two reasons for kashering vessels for Pesach. 1) To extract the chametz that is absorb ed in the walls of the vessels. 2) To renew the identity of the vessel as a Pesachdike vessel. The Chavatzeles HaSharon explains that kashering utensils for Pesach includes an additional feature – to redefine the vessel as a Pesachdike one. This is the reason that the source for Hilchos kashering utensils on Pesach is not Maseches Avodah Zora and Parshas Matos - it is Parshas Tzav. The explanation is as follows -just as kashering in the Bais HaMikdosh was to elevate the items to the kedusha necessary for a utensil to be able to be used in the service of the Bais HaMikdosh, so too in regard to Pesach, kashering a vessel is to redefine its status as a Pesachdike vessel. Based on the above that kashering vessels for Pesach has the additional perspective of beco ming a vessel with a new status, all the above questions can be answered. Since the vessels need to be redefined, the peytan ruled that it is preferable to buy new vessels, even though all year this halocho does not apply. This is also the reason why Rabbe inu Manoach asked about reciting a brocho only in regard to kashering for Pesach. This is also why the Raviyo says that there is a custom to toivel vessels after they have been kashered for Pesach. Since they are being elevated to the status of Pesachdike vessels, it can be compared to elevating vessels from a non-Jew’s possession to a Jew’s possession, that requires them to be toiveled. B AIN H A Z M A N I M TORAH RIDDLE W H O A M I ? Shacharis 8:30 Which posuk in this parsha teaches that 1. I can be from a korban Pesach a person should be very careful not to Followed by Learning 2. I am also for the owner cause embarrassment to other people? All Boys and Bochurim 3. I can be for thanksgiving Are invited to participate Last week’s riddle: 4. Peace And the two kidney s and the fat that is The Community is invited on the two keseelim (flanks)… (4:9) Last week’s clues: I am the opposite of the To Open Chavrusa Learning “ayin”, I make it seem coincidental, I show What is the connection between the word Hilchos Pesach 9:15 keseel (fool) and the word keseelim humility, Bilaam look alike. (flanks)? Answer: Kidneys are the organ Followed by Ma’ariv 9:50 Answer: Small Aleph in the word Vayikra that gives the body advice. The fat on the flanks weighs d own on the kidneys, Congratulations to : Sorry no congratulations Please submit answers to thereby restricting their proper function. this week. OnegShabbos @Beachwood kollel.com Therefore, the word fool is keseel. Congratulations to : Sorry no 1. I have corners congratulations this week. 2. I have pyres for fires K OLLEL B ULLETIN 3. The General used me for asylum MAZEL TOV 4. The Angel will try to save himself with me ß Rabbi and Mrs. Avromi Elbaum on the birth of a girl // Rabbi and Mrs. S. Elbaum Mr. and Mrs. Heshy Neiman on the Bar Mitzva of Yekusiel Yehuda Last week’s clues: I am read this Shabbos, I ß Mr. and Mrs. Yossi Abraham am this Shabbos, I am the beginning of a new year, For me they would violate Shabbos . Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Nisenbaum on the birth of a boy ß Rabbi and Mrs. Ephraim Nisenbaum / Mr. and Mrs. Yakov Nisenbaum Answer: Rosh Chodesh Shalom Zachor after 9:00 in their home 2462 claver Congratulations to: Sorry no congratulations ß Mr.
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