Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly FRIDAY, 14 NOVEMBER 1913 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 2-792 Adjowrnment: [ASSEMBLY.] Question of Privilege. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. FRIDAY, 14 NoVEMBER, 1913. The SPEAKER (Hon. vV. D. Armstrong, Lockyer) took the chair at half-past 3 o'clock. APPROPRIATION BILL No. 4. ASSENT. The SPEAKER: I have to report to the House that I this day presented to His Excellency the Governor Appropriation Bill No. 4, and His Excellency was pleased, m my presence, to assent thereto, for and on behalf of His Majesty. ASSENT TO BILLS. The SPEAKER announced the receipt of messages from His Excellency th_e Goyernor intimating his assent to the followmg Bills:- Marsupial Proof Fencing Act Amend­ ment BilL Cremation BilL Great vVestern Railway Act Amendment BilL Roma to Oralio Railway Bill. Land Act Amendment BilL Government Loan BilL Closer Settlement Act Amendment Bill. Appropriation Bill No. 4. QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE. The SPEAKER: There is a notice of motwn st"nding in the name of the hon . n::.omber for Paddington on the business­ paper for to-day, which seems to have two objects :-1. It is sought to make the ques­ tion one of privilege; 2. It is a censure _on the Speaker. As regards the first po_mt mentioned, it i,, laid down that a questwn of order in the House cannot be treated as a matter of privilege ("May," 273). And, fur­ ther a matter oi privilege should be raised at tl;e earliest opportunity ("Ilbert," 43). The business the hon. member objects to took' place on !Uonda:, last. On both these grounds it fails as a matter of privilege. As a cen· sure on the Speaker, it fails also-1. Be­ cause the poim was not raised and no ruling was giYen: 2. '1'hat, had a rulmg been g1ven on thn point, tho time limit mentioned in Standing Order No. 115 has been exceeded. I have, therefore, ordered the motion to be struck off the bu.sinP,s-p,,por. HoNOURABLE ME'.IlBERS: Hear, hear ! Mr. FIHELLY (Paddi"qton): May I be permitted to offer ., word on your announce­ ment? The SPEAKER: The hon. member may not do so. Ho~OURABLE MEMBERS: Hear, hear ! Mr. FIHELLY: I move that your ruling b& disagreed with. The SPEAKER: Order! Under Standing Order No. 115, the hon. member may give notice of that motion in the usual parlia­ mentary manner. Questions. [14 NovEMBER.] Elections Acts, etc., Bill. 2793 Mr. FIHELLY: In the usual form I give RAILWAY WORKSHOPS AT CLONCURRY. notice of motion that your ruling be dis­ agreed with. I recognise that the motion Mr. MAY asked the Secretary for Rail­ Qannot come on-- ways- " Will he consider the desirableness of The SPEAKER Order ! establishing workshops at Cloncurry, seeing that Cloncurry will be the centre Mr. l<'IHELLY: But at the same time it of a large railway system 1" is a protest against your judgment. The SECRETARY FOR RAILWAYS The SPEAKER : Order 1 replied- " WhBn desirable, the question will be considered, having due regard to the economic working of the railways." QUESTIONS. SUSPENSION OF ENGINE-DRIVER. WAGES OF DREDGE EMPLOYEES. Mr. ROBERTS (Ea'"t Toowoomba) asked Mr. KIRWAN (Brisbane) asked the Trea· the Secretary for Railways- surer- "1. Is he aware that a driver was re­ "1. Is he aware that the rates of pay cently su;;pended at Toowoomba for re­ that are now being paid to employees on fusing to act as fireman, in accordance the dredges are lower than paid for with a regulation 1ssued that when a similar work by private employers? driver refuses to sign a certificate that " 2. Will he, in the framing of the he has a knowledge of the road on which Estimates next y<?ar, give favourable con­ he is called to work his engine, he must sideration to an increase that will place work the road as a fireman? these nwn in the position of receiving the "2: Will he suggest to the Commis­ ·ruling rate of wages? sioner the difficulty could be overcome "3. Will he also favourably consider by allowing one of the inspectors to the payment for services performed by accompany the driver, .and thereby re. the men who carry out the weBk-end rr.ove a grievance among what up to watch on the various dredge plant?" now has been a most loyal body of ser­ vants of the Commissioner?" The PREMIER (Hon. D. F. Denham, O:rley), for the Treasurer, replied- The SECRETARY FOR RAILWAYS " 1. No. (Hon. W. T. Paget, Mackay) replied- " 2. The matter will be considered. " 1 and 2. As the dr1ver referred to "3. Payment is already made at ov:er- has appealed to the board, it is not advis­ time rates for services performed durmg able that anything be said in this House the week-end watch, but not for n"erely _ ':~ent with regard to the matter." living on board." RAILWAY FROM KING'S HOLE TO MOUNT ELECTIONS ACTS AMENDMENT BILL. CUTHBERT. CouNCIL's AMENDMENTS-RESUMPTION o:v Mr. MAY (Flinde1·s) asked the Secretary CoMMITTEE. for RaihvaF- On proposed clause 17-" Rules for deter­ " 1. Is there any intention on the part mining residence''- of the Railways Department to construct Qucstion-That tho o.aission of subclause the railway from King's Hole, Dugald (3) be agreed to-again stated. River, to Mount Cuthbert, in the Im­ mediate future? Mr. THEODORE (Uhillagoe) thought that the Committee should disagree to the sug­ " 2. Seeing that the construction is gestion of the Legislative Council, .as it almost completed on the first eection­ would have a very seriou, dfect on a very viz., Cloncurry to King's Hole, Dugald large number oE \\orkers in this Stat€. He River-would it not be a euicidal policy wa, convinced that th•• Council had not seen to shift all the plant elsewhere? how serious the consequences of their amend­ " 3. Considering the high percentage ment would bf'. He could easily understand received on borrowed money on the how irritating it "auld be to hundr.eds of Northern system of the Queensland Go­ \\orkcrs who made applications lo be en­ vernment Railways (especially on that rolled under the provisions of the Bill, to part of the s:vstem emanating from find that when their claims came before the Townsville), why should this system not .court they had been turned do•m by the receive first consideration in tho expen­ officPr ap[JOinted to deal with such claim. diture of loan monev for construction It was very little satisfaction to a worker of r,ailways of a payable nature in the who was a native of Queensland to find that, Cloncurry district?'' simply because the registrar dc6ded that he was not satisfied that he had a place of abode l'he SECRETARY FOR RAILWAYS in the district in which he had applied to :replied- be enrolkd with a fixed purpose of remain­ " 1. As rapidly as possible after Parlia­ ing there, he was not to be enrolled. There ment approves of the plans and appro­ were hundreds of workers whose ap11lications priates sufficient funds. would be ruled out on the ground that they "2. The hon. member can rely upon had no placo of abode with the fixed pur­ the department not being unbusinesslike. pose of remaining there. · "3. The Cloncurry district has of late The PREMIER : If he has resided in the years received every consideration with electorate one month out of the preceding regard to railway construction." seven he will be entitled to vote. M·r. Theodore.l 2794 Elections Acts [ASSEMBLY.] Amendment Bill. Mr. THEODORE: That was not the ques­ meatworks .at Alligator CrBek and Towns­ tion the registrar had to decide. This ville, and immediately they left the Towers, covered the right of being enrolhed as well their names were struck off the roll. Not as of voting. When the claim was placed one of them could say that they were going before the court, thB question asked was, to remain there for more than a season, a.nd whether the claimant was a qualified rui­ the consequDnce would be when their claim dmlt ac, ording to the rules laid down for came before the registrar it would be re­ determining the question of residence. The jecttod. It looked as if the Government were Tegistrar had to (JB 3atisfied by the ciaimflnt tr· ing to deprive those who they _charac­ that he had a place of abode in that elec­ terised as mero nomads of therr nght to torate with the Jix<"l purpose of remaining vote. Tho only thing for the Homo Secre­ there. tary to do wus to disagree with tho Coun­ cil's amendment, as if the subclause were The PRE>HER: He is not required to left in, it would not make the provision too satisfy the registrar. liberal. They should mak'l the Bill a demo­ cratic measure to meet the needs of ,a demo­ Mr. THEODORE read section 31A of the cratic community, and he hoped th; Minister consolidfltcd Acts, after which this new would disagree with the Council B amend­ clause, which determined the question of ment. re~idence, was to be inserted. It did not govern the returning officer in the matter of Mr. LEN~(J.;:\1 (Herbert): Whilst the giving votes, but it certainly controlled the deputy leader of the Opposition was speak­ actions of the registrar in receiving claims ing, the Premier interjected that as long and the action of the court in accepting as a man could sav he had been one month them.
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