Sighthill Branch Closure Review Our Sighthill branch is closing in June We’ve put together this guide to share with you how we’ve made the decision and let you know about other ways to bank with us. We’ve noticed the way our customers like to do their everyday banking is changing. And we’ve used this information to help us decide what changes to make. To make sure we’re offering our customers the right services in the right places, we’re investing £250 million into our branches and digital services. We’ll be improving some branches to offer better digital technology and opening some new ones, but this does mean closing some too. Following a careful and full review, we’ll be closing our Sighthill branch in June. There are a number of other branches you can visit, the closest one is Corstorphine, and you can also use our Gorgie branch. This guide will tell you more about the review and our Partners are always on hand if you’d like to speak to them in person. About the branch Opening times* Address What’s available Monday 09.30 – 16.00 495a Calder Road Tuesday 09.30 – 16.00 Edinburgh Wednesday 09.30 – 16.00 EH11 4AP 0 1 0 Thursday 09.30 – 17.30 ATMs inside ATMs outside Deposit Friday 09.30 – 17.00 the branch the branch Machines Saturday Closed Sunday Closed About our customers Age of our branch customers How are they using the branch now compared to last year? 60% 51% 45% 30% 30% 9% 9% 30% decrease in the decrease in ATM increase in online and 16% 15% number of customers withdrawals mobile banking 3% using the counters U18 18-44 45-64 65+ How else do they bank with TSB? 91% 78% 9% 24% use another TSB branch use another TSB branch as well only use also use or online, mobile or as Sighthill branch Sighthill branch the Post Office® telephone banking What about Business Banking customers? 3% 79% of branch customers use at least have business accounts one other TSB branch YourYour closestclosest branchbranch fromfrom <InsertSighthill Field will be1> Corstorphinewill be <Insert Field 22> <Field 23 Insert map> TSBTSB Branch Branch DistanceDistance RingsRings PostPost Office Office ATMATM BusBus Stop Stop TramTram Stop Stop TrainTrain Stop Stop <InsertCorstorphine Field 22> OpeningOpening timestimes* HowHow cancan II getget there?there? <Insert Field 24> <Insert Field 25> 163 St John’s Road Monday 09.00 – 17.00 • <Insert Field 26> Edinburgh Tuesday 09.00 – 17.00 • It’s 2.5 miles from our Sighthill branch EH12 7SD Wednesday 09.00 – 17.00 • <Insert Field 27> Thursday 09.00 – 17.00 • That’s about 20 mins on the 35 and the 12 bus Friday 09.00 – 17.00 •• <Insertand about Field a 1028> minute drive Saturday Closed Sunday Closed • <Insert Field 29> OtherOther waysways toto bankbank withwith usus PersonalPersonal bankingbanking customerscustomers BusinessBusiness BankingBanking customerscustomers ClickClick TapTap CallCall ClickClick CallCall tsb.co.uktsb.co.uk ourour MobileMobile 03450345 975975 87588758 tsb.co.uk/businesstsb.co.uk/business 03450345 835835 38583858 BankingBanking AppApp IfIf you’reyou’re notnot alreadyalready registeredregistered forfor onlineonline banking,banking, gogo toto tsb.co.uktsb.co.uk toto findfind outout more.more. ® Address Opening times YourYour closestclosest PostPost OfficeOffice® Address Opening times <Insert Field 30> <Insert Field 32> If you’re a personal banking customer, you can also use any 283 - 289 Calder Road Monday 09.00 – 17.30 If you’re a personal banking customer, you can also use any ® Edinburgh Tuesday 09.00 – 17.30 Post Office ®branch to: Post Office branch to: Lothian Wednesday 09.00 – 17.30 • withdraw money Thursday 09.00 – 17.30 • withdraw money EH11 4RH • check your balance Friday 09.00 – 17.30 • check your balance Saturday 09.00 – 12.30 • pay in cash and cheques to your account Sunday Closed • pay in cash and cheques to your account That’sIt’s about <Insert 0.5 miles Field from 31> our miles Sighthill from branch our <Insert Field 1> branch *Opening hours can change and this branch may close at lunch time. Please visit tsb.co.uk/branch-locator for the latest information. AllAll distancesdistances quotedquoted areare approximate,approximate, basedbased onon thethe postcodespostcodes shown.shown. PostPost OfficeOffice®® is is aa registeredregistered trademarktrademark ofof RoyalRoyal Mail.Mail. For moreFor more informationinformation aboutabout ourour decisiondecision toto closeclose thisthis branch,branch, pleaseplease visitvisit tsb.co.uk/investors/our-branch-programmetsb.co.uk/investors/our-branch-programme TSBTSB Bank Bank plc. plc. Registered Registered Office: Office: HenryHenry DuncanDuncan House,House, 120120 GeorgeGeorge Street,Street, EdinburghEdinburgh EH2EH2 4LH.4LH. Registered in ScotlandRegistered in Scotland No.No. SC95237.SC95237. TSB11398 Sighthill (08/16) TSB11398 <Insert Field 1> (08/16) TSB11398_0816.indd 2 22/08/2016 16:46 Sighthill Branch Closure Review We talked to the local community about closing our Sighthill branch We have been speaking to the local community about the impact of the closure of TSB Sighthill, Edinburgh and how we can help customers with this transition. Who we spoke to What was said • The local Member of Parliament, Joanna Cherry MP. • TSB was asked about the impact of the closure on those customers who are most vulnerable to • The local Member of Scottish Parliament, Gordon branch closures. MacDonald MSP. • TSB was asked about the alternative banking options • Regional MSPs for the Lothian region – Alison available to customers. Johnstone, Andy Wightman, Gordon Lindhurst, Jeremy Balfour, Kezia Dugdale, Miles Briggs and • TSB was asked about the date of closure. Neil Findlay. • TSB was also asked about what the closure will mean • Representatives of the Sighthill / Gorgie ward of for TSB Partners who work at the Sighthill branch. Edinburgh Council. • Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce. • Local Federation of Small Businesses. • Local Citizens Advice Bureau. What we’ve done • We’ve written to our customers to let them know about the closure and the different ways they can bank with us. This information is available in our Sighthill branch, as well as online. • Partners from our Sighthill branch have been chatting to customers, including those who are most vulnerable to branch closures – answering questions, discussing concerns, giving advice on alternative travel arrangements and how they can get to other branches and alternative ATMs. TSB is also offering customers ‘Get Me Started’ appointments, which help customers register for and use online, mobile and telephone banking. • TSB also has an arrangement with the Post Office. Personal customers are able to use any Post Office branch which offers financial services, including the local branch on Calder Road, to check their balance, make cash withdrawals and make cash and cheque deposits. • TSB confirmed its plans to close the Sighthill branch in June 2017. • There will be no job losses as a result of this change. TSB11398 Sighthill (08/16).
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