Radioastronomy and SKA-related Ac2vi2es in Italy Isabella Prandoni INAF – Is2tuto di Radioastronomia [[email protected]] 3/21/18 Outline 1 - INAF and its Organizaon • Radioastronomy Secon 2 - Italy involvement in SKA • Techno/Industry • Data Centers • Science 3 – The Italian Roadmap to the SKA • Precursors and Pathfinders • Explong Synergies Харків - 06.11.2017Swiss SKA Days – June 11-12, 2018 – I. Prandoni 1 - INAF INAF Is2tuto Nazionale di Astrofisica Founded in 1999; 1000 employees and a budget of 77 M€ (2017). Develops scien2fic and technological research in the field of Astrophysics. INAF Structures in Italy: Headquarters in Rome 16 Structures (Ins2tutes/Observatories) Mixed groups with Universi2es University Personnel “associated" to INAF A number of ins2tutes carry out scien2fic research as well as technological development for ground and space instrumentaon Харків - 06.11.2017Swiss SKA Days – June 11-12, 2018 – I. Prandoni 1 - INAF Interna1onal Facili1es Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) 4-mt class telescope located in La Palma, Canary Island, Spain. Imaging and low resolu2on spectroscopy capabili2es in the Visible and Near Infrared. Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) Binocular Telescope with 8.4 mt. twin mirrors located at Mount Graham AZ (USA). Advanced Adap2ve Op2cs Network of Italian radio telescopes for VLBI and single dish observaons SRT: 64-m (Sardinia); Medicina (Bologna) and Noto (Sicily) 32-m - Acve surface in SRT and Noto. Frequency agility in SRT and Medicina Cherenkov Telescope MAGIC Stereoscopic Cherenkov Telescope located in La Palma for observaon at very high energy (gamma rays) through the Cherenkov effect. Харків - 06.11.2017Swiss SKA Days – June 11-12, 2018 – I. Prandoni 1- INAF Interna1onal Facili1es Italian par2cipaon in ESO VLT instruments; ALMA (ARC) Design and construc2on of adap2ve opcs for E-ELT (MAORY – Mul2- coniugate Adap2ve Opcs relaY) Italian par2cipaon in the Square Kilometre Array Italian par2cipaon to Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) Харків - 06.11.2017Swiss SKA Days – June 11-12, 2018 – I. Prandoni 1 - INAF Interna1onal Facili1es INAF collaborates with ASI (Italian Space Agency) in the design, development, construc2on and use of space missions with scien2fic payloads. INAF has direct collaboraons with ESA, NASA, ROSCOSMOS, JAXA and other major en22es with the same purpose. INAF has proven excellence in areas as: high energy astrophysics (i.e. Beppo-SAX, SWIFT, AGILE) Extra solar planets search and characterisaon (i.e. CHEOPS, PLATO) Solar System exploraon (i.e., SOLAR Orbiter, ROSETTA, JUNO, Bepi-Colombo, ExoMars) other field such as Cosmology (Euclid), CMB (Planck), et al. Харків - 06.11.2017Swiss SKA Days – June 11-12, 2018 – I. Prandoni 1 – New Organizaon of INAF Scientific Director INAF Scienfic Directorate F. Zerbi Section I Section II Section III Section IV Optical/IR Astronomy Radio Astronomy High-Energy Astronomy Planetology & Solar System Section V Space Projects Management Technical Offices: Section VI Project Project Industry/Innovation/ ICT & Management Management Technology Transfer Science & System & System Data Engineering Engineering Section VII Management [Space] [Ground-based] Competitive Fundings International Relations Харків - 06.11.2017Swiss SKA Days – June 11-12, 2018 – I. Prandoni 1 – INAF Sec1on II - Radio INAF Scientific Director Astronomy F. Zerbi Project Management Section II and System Engineering Radio Astronomy [Ground-based] F.Govoni D. Fierro ICT & Main Topics Science Data Management R. Smareglia E.Carretti T.Venturi G.Brunetti G.Umana A.Possenti I.Prandoni J.Brand Advisors Single-dish SKA SKA Big Data Antennas VLBI Precursors Precursors SKA ALMA Pathfinders Pathfinders Supercomputing & mm (SRT-Medicina- Archive facilities wavelengths Noto) (low frequency ) (high frequency) for Radio Astronomy INAF Staff (Scientists and Technologists) Coordinate and harmonize the efforts of the technological and scientific communities Харків - 06.11.2017Swiss SKA Days – June 11-12, 2018 – I. Prandoni 1 – INAF Sec1on II - Radio INAF Scientific Director Astronomy F. Zerbi Project Management Section II and System Engineering Radio Astronomy [Ground-based] F.Govoni D. Fierro Italian SKA Board Chair I. Prandoni Deputy-Chair D. Fierro I.Prandoni + 10 members: SKA (ex-)Chairs Science SKA WGs Coordinators SKA Design Consortia SKA-related Advisors Head of ICT Office Харків - 06.11.2017Swiss SKA Days – June 11-12, 2018 – I. Prandoni 2 - INAF Involvement in SKA: techno LMC task ✔ ✔ ✔ LMC task ✔ Receiver WP Харків - 06.11.2017Swiss SKA Days – June 11-12, 2018 – I. Prandoni 2 – INAF Involvement in SKA - Techno INAF Structures: INAF HQ (Rome) Radioastronomy Ins2tute [LFAA] Catania Observatory [DISH] External Trieste Observatory [TM] Collaborators Arcetri Observatory [CSP] UniBO IASF-Milano Teramo Observatory CNR-IEIIT POLITO CNR-IMEM FE OAA *** Харків - 06.11.2017Swiss SKA Days – June 11-12, 2018 – I. Prandoni 2 – SKA Advanced Instrumenta1on Programme – Phased Array Feeds Partners: INAF, UMAN, ASTRON, Chalmers Univ., Malta Univ. From PHAROS to PHAROS2 (C-band) INAF: Digital Backens & “Warm Sec2on” INAF Leader: A. Navarrini (Cagliari Obs.) Cagliari Observatory IRA Arcetri Observatory Catania Observatory Харків - 06.11.2017Swiss SKA Days – June 11-12, 2018 – I. Prandoni 2 – SKA Data Centers – AENEAS Lead WP5: M. Massardi (IRA) - (ARC experience) WP5: interface between a distributed ESDC and a distributed body of end users IRA, Obs. Trieste, Obs Catania Харків - 06.11.2017Swiss SKA Days – June 11-12, 2018 – I. Prandoni 2 - Par1cipaon of Italian industrial partners in the SKA Parcipaon of Italian industrial partners starts to be very acve in 2009-2010 Central Data Processing – Leonardo Finmeccanica (Airbone & Space Systems, Land and Naval defence, Electronics, Security and Informaon Systems) Telescope Management & Local monitoring control – Eletra Low Frequency Aperture Arrays (long standing tradi2on in INAF, with inhouse and more industrial partners, such as Sirio, Leonardo- Finmeccanica, Lightech, Sanitas, Campera, Optel) SKA-DISH – Società Aeronau2ca Mediterranea (SAM) & EIE (involved in the construc2on of ALMA, ASTRI, E-ELT) Italian industry strong in several other areas: ü forefront: e.g. precision mechanics and state-of-the-art electronics ü tradional: e.g. infrastructure [i.e. Astaldi-Cimolai & EIE involved in dome & main structure of E-ELT] Харків - 06.11.2017Swiss SKA Days – June 11-12, 2018 – I. Prandoni 2 – INAF Involvement in SKA: Science Updated end 2017 Харків - 06.11.2017Swiss SKA Days – June 11-12, 2018 – I. Prandoni 2 – INAF Involvement in SKA: Science SKA Science Book - 2015 Харків - 06.11.2017Swiss SKA Days – June 11-12, 2018 – I. Prandoni 2 – An Italian Roadmap to SKA 2011-2012 Kick-off SKA mee1ng in Italy & First Na1onal Workshop 2013: Join SKA Design Consora and SKA Science WG 2014: Italian SKA Book (Eds. Ferev, Prandoni et al.) 2015: Par2cipaon to Internaonal SKA Book 2015-2017: Ad hoc funding for SKA/CTA: 30 MEu 2016: Compeve call for SKA/CTA Science (3 MEu) 2017: Join AENEAS EU Project 2017: Reorganiza1on of INAF Sec1on II 2018: new funding for SKA/CTA: 185 MEu/11 years? 24 May 2018 2018: Italy inialling of IGO convenon Харків - 06.11.2017Swiss SKA Days – June 11-12, 2018 – I. Prandoni 1 – Role of SKA-related Advisors and Italian SKA Board Need to involve all key persons in INAF for SKA-related ac2vi2es à help INAF/Secon-II: to establish an Italian view to be played in the Internaonal SKA context to maximize return of Italy investment in technology, science, industry Ø Need to build a strong and compe22ve Italian SKA Community coordinang Italian (technical and scienfic) efforts in preparaon of SKA construc2on and KSP idenfying opportuni2es/cri2cal areas/ways to enlarge par2cipaon favouring involvement (incl. leading roles) in precursors/pathfinders invesng appropriate resources, building on exis2ng (scienfic/technical) exper2se and exploing synergies Харків - 06.11.2017Swiss SKA Days – June 11-12, 2018 – I. Prandoni 2 – Ac1ons towards Precursors ILT (Low-v precursors Advisor): Agreement to join through: 1) yearly share + technological involvement of INAF in LOFAR 2.0 development; 2) LOFAR 2.0 staon (from 2021) ~2.5 MEu/5 years Signed April 16, 2018 LOFAR à Science ready Instrument Харків - 06.11.2017Swiss SKA Days – June 11-12, 2018 – I. Prandoni 2 – Exploi1ng Synergies Exploitaon of synergies & commensality I. Hook @ SKA-Euclid Synergies, Oxford, 2013 important part of SKA KP defini2on (EWASS 2017) à mul2-band approach: • Survey strategy • Fields • scienfic synergies Exploit Italy-based projects/facilies: e.g. WEAVE/LBT for LOFAR; Euclid; CTA, ELT, Athena, LSST, etc. è INAF Workshop December 2018 Харків - 06.11.2017Swiss SKA Days – June 11-12, 2018 – I. Prandoni Thanks! .
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