ail owan Senate Defe ts Serville the University of Iou:a and the People of Iowa City Move To Rescind Eltablisbed in 1868 10 cents a cop v Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa 5220-Wednesday, October 11, 1967 News Blackout HSP Amendment See Related Stories Pages 3 and' . student·faculty coalition, or community By BETSY BECKER senate, to be chaired by the administra· Jail Matro n Testifies Shrouds Talks The Student Senate Tuesday nigbt de· tion. The SRA coalltion would be similar feated an attempt by backers of tbe "in· to - but stronger than - tbe present dependence" amendment to re clnd the Committee on Student Life. In Auto Strike amendment. Sen. Ken Wessel (HSPl questioned the Conspiracy Trial And it appears that students voting in revelance of the resolution to the refer· DETROIT Lfl.-The United Auto Workers the referendum later this month will be endum. lInion and the strikebound Ford Motor able to choo e between the independence Co. Tuesday night declared a 24·hour amendment, a plan for a faculty·student Student Body Vice Pres. Eric Morris In Mississippi news blackout on their contract talks, a committee proposed by the Students for ruled that the resolution was revelan!. move that trarlitionally heralJs a break Responsible Action (SRA), or neither. The ruling was immediately challenged in deadlocked bargaining. The attempt by some of the supporters and lhe question was opened to debate. Enters 2nd Day The blackout, announced In a joint of the amendment to have the senate's Third Choice Requested stalement on the 34th dav of the slrike vote last week approving it rescinded came Sen. Carl Stuart, who had voted fOI MF.RIDIA~, Miss. (AI! - Deputy Sherif( by 160.000 Ford workers, means each side afeer the nate voted 17 to 14 to put the the amendment, asked that a third choice CecU Price warned three young civil h ~s agreed to make no pllhlic statements SRA proposal on the ballot. The amend. b ~ added to the referendum ballot. He righIs workers, "You all see how quick about the talks until 9 p.m today. e,1 ballot will also allow students to vote proposed to give the student body t h ( you all can get out of Neshoba County," for neither of the student government reo choice of no change of the present sys· Usually a news embargo during con· I iail matron testified Tuesday at the organizational plans. tem . trial of 18 men charged with conspiracy tract talks means either that the com· pony is making a new offer. or the union After the vote on the ballot alteration, After a discussion of the meaning 01 ill the trio's deaths. a Lorge group of senators who had orig· is altering its demands. But in the wake "referendum," the senate voted to up. '!'be deputy is among those charged inally supported the amendment, left the hold 1I10rris' ruling that the resolution was 1rith violating the civil rights of Michael of the bl l"· :' ~ut. npither sirle would ex· meeting room (or a short while. After pl'lin what. if anything, was developing relevant by a vote of 19 to 4. Schwerner, 24, Andrew Goodman, 20, both they returned, Sen. Chuck Derd en, Hawk­ white New Yorkers. and James Chaney, in nogollations. eye Student Party <HSP ), called for the A motion to include the SRA resolu· 21, a Meridian Negro. The two sides were meeting separately, senate to rescind its action last week ap­ tion on the referendum was made by Varner. He said it would give the stu Deaths of the three near PhilA~elpl}ia. at the vas' Ford headlluarters in sub· proving the amendment. d ~ nts a choice. Miss., during the racially troubled sum· urban Dearborn, but a union spokesman Approval Expected said the barl(aining leams, including UAW Varner supported the re olution saying mer of 1964 atlracte1 worldwide atten· Derden said that many of the backers it would make communication lines form· tion. The White House took a hand in President Walter P. Reuther , had been of the amendment, which calls for an end in communication "by various means." al and get the faculty behind the sen· !he fast-pac2d investigation. to administration interference in student ale. Jus'ice Department attorneys claimed The joint declaration said the blackout ··non·academic" livl's, had a~reed to the Addressing himself to the supporters 01 Illhe outset of the trial the" woul~ prove was set "In thl' hODe that this mi ght referendum on it 0 that there would be thp amendment, Varner said he didn't that Price arrested the youths, then reo facilitate serious and mean ingful collec­ a definitive answer from the students to think the students could seize control 01 leased them from jail and later in the tive bargaining." thp administration upon the question of their personal lives by themselves. He night was in one of three cars that cor­ LOOKING RELAXED AND CONFIDENT, Sam H. Bowers Jr. (left), Imperial wlrard student rights. He taid had expected of the White Knighh of the Ku Ktu)( Klan, and his attorney, Travis Buckley. leave the The blackout came on the eve of the said the tudents would support the ad· Dered them in a station wagon on a back regular meeting of Ford's board of di· 0\ erwhelming approval from the student Federal Building In Meridian, Miss., Tue.day for a lunch break. Bower. is one of ministration rather than th e senate be· road where they were shot. rectors Wednesday. Their bJsiness, which body. cause the power lies in the adminlstra. Witnesstl Under Wraps 18 white men being tried on con.plracy cherges In the 1964 slaying of thrH civil right. could include consideration of a contract But, said Derden, wilh the three choices tion . workers near Philadelphia, Min. - AP Wirephoto on the referendum ballot, there would As.«. U.S. Atty . Gen. John Doar told package, is expected to be concluded be­ Varner said the members of the SRA· the a11·white jury of seven women and fore the embargo eXpires . be no showing of a single united force. The outcome would benefit no student proposed community senate would be ap· five men at the trial's opening Monday Even before the announcemenl of a pointed by the re pective student and fac· the government's case would include tes­ group, he said. news blackout, there had been specula· There were charges from SRA senat­ ulty senates. timony from paid informers. These wit­ tion that changes were being made in the nesses remained under wraps. Bolivians Display Body orE that the amendment backers w ere Michael Lally, HSP, said the commun· bargaining position of one, or both , sides. Mildred Herring , who teams with her afraid of defeat by the student body, and ity senate would not be democratic be· busband to run the Neshoba County jail, The two sides had been scheduled to were asking that the amendment vote be cause the students would be represented recalled the Sunday afternoon, June 21, meet at 2: 30 p.m. Tuesday, but postponed rescinded tor that reason. by people Uley had not elected. 1964, when Price and Rainey brought the They Claim Is Guevara their session and instead announced they Derden denied lhe charges, saying Wants To Be Independent men to jail. would meet for the first time at night "the results of the referendum approved "I want to be an independent individ· "No one talked to them in jail," Mrs. VALLEGRANDE, Bolivia (AI! - Bolivian Guevara led the guerrilla forces in the since the strike started Sept. 6. by the senale would say nothing to any· ual as soon as possible," Sen . Carl Stuart Herring testified, adding that they "caused army officers displayed a body to news· Sierra Maeslra mountains of eastern Cuba Word followed in early evening that the one." said. "At first the HSP resolution seem· no troubl e." men Tuesday and claimed it was fully in the Castro uprising that led to the two sides against had postponed a confron· Not all the original backers of the ed the quickest way possible. Now I'm in She said Price came back to the jail identified as that of Ernesto Che Guevara, overthrow of President Fugencio Batista tation, but that they would continue sep· amendment wel'e for rescinding the vote. a quandry - which procedure is qulck. !hortly after 10 p.m., some four hours reputed architect of Lalln·American rev· in January 1959. arate sessions at the Ford headquarters, Sen. Phil Hubbard, HSP, said he would est?" not back down. alter the arrest of the three men, and olution. Guevara's whereabouts had been a ques· known 8S the Glass House. Myron Yorra, G, Boston, a spokesman said Chaney wanted to payoff the fine. The writer of th resolution calling for The orricers said Guevara, former top tion since he disappeared from Cuba in On Aug. 29, Ford made its only offer the amendment, Ken Murphy, AI , Iowa for SHA, said, "The quickest way is the Chaney, she said, borrowed $20 from aide of Cuban Premier Fidel Castro, April of 1965, to lead revolutions else· to date, and the union rejected it as in· most direc t, the most direct is through Schwerner and gave it to Price. City, also called for continued support of whose whereabouts has been a mystery where by Castro's account. adequate. it. He said be was disappointed with HSP. wh at ha been established." He advocat· Trio Left Jail since he vanished from Cuba in 1965, was ed an open forum of students and facul· As they picked up their belongings, who e members had given the amend­ mortally wounded in a clash between ment much of it support.
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