Federal Register / Vol. 65, No. 33 / Thursday, February 17, 2000 / Rules and Regulations 8049 Regulatory Flexibility Act PART 303ÐWATCHES, WATCH Security Act for the year in which the MOVEMENTS AND JEWELRY wages were earned,'' in its place. In accordance with the Regulatory PROGRAM Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq., the Robert S. LaRussa, Chief Counsel for Regulation at the 1. The authority citation for 15 CFR Assistant Secretary for Import Administration, Department of Commerce. Department of Commerce has certified Part 303 reads as follows: to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy, Ferdinand Aranza, Small Business Administration, that the Authority: Pub. L. 97±446, 96 Stat. 2331 Director, Office of Insular Affairs, Department (19 U.S.C. 1202, note); Pub. L. 103±465, 108 of the Interior. rule will not have a significant Stat. 4991; Pub. L. 94±241, 90 Stat. 263 (48 economic impact on a substantial U.S.C. 1681, note); Pub. L. 106±36, 113 [FR Doc. 00±3846 Filed 2±16±00; 8:45 am] number of small entities. There are Stat.127,167. BILLING CODE 3510±DS±P; 4310±93±P currently five watch companies, all of which are located in the Virgin Islands. 2. Section 303.2(a)(5) is revised to Although there is a reduction of the read as follows: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 2000 Virgin Islands territorial share of duty-exemption, the reduced amount § 303.2 Definitions and forms. Coast Guard still represents more than twice the (a) Definitions. Unless the context amount of duty-exemption used in indicates otherwise: 33 CFR Parts 100 and 165 1998. The statute does not permit a * * * * * [USCG±2000±6822] lower amount in the year 2000. (5) New firm is a watch firm which Safety Zones, Security Zones, and Similarly, clarifying new entrant may not be affiliated through ownership Special Local Regulations affiliation language and updating the or control with any other watch duty- creditable wage ceiling with a refund recipient. In assessing whether AGENCY: Coast Guard, DOT. permanent annual mechanism will not persons or parties are affiliated, the ACTION: impose any cost or have any other Notice of temporary rules Secretaries will consider the following issued. adverse economic effect on the factors, among others: stock ownership; producers. corporate or family groupings; franchise SUMMARY: This document provides Paperwork Reduction Act or joint venture agreements; debt required notice of substantive rules financing; and close supplier adopted by the Coast Guard and This rulemaking involves no new relationships. The Secretaries may not temporarily effective between October 1, collection-of-information requirements find that control exists on the basis of 1999 and December 31, 1999 which subject to review and approval by the these factors unless the relationship has were not published in the Federal Office of Management and Budget the potential to affect decisions Register. This quarterly notice lists (OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction concerning production, pricing, or cost. temporary local regulations, security Act of 1995. Collection activities are Also, no watch duty-refund recipient zones, and safety zones of limited currently approved by the Office of may own or control more than one duration and for which timely Management and Budget under control jewelry duty-refund recipient. A new publication in the Federal Register was numbers 0625±0040 and 0625±0134, entrant is a new watch firm which has not possible. and the amendments do not increase the received an allocation. DATES: This notice lists temporary Coast information burden on the public or * * * * * Guard regulations that became effective change the information collection 3. The first sentence of Section and were terminated between October 1, requirements. 303.2(a)(13) is amended by removing 1999 and December 31, 1999. Notwithstanding any other provision ``Ðup to the amount per person shown ADDRESSES: The Docket Management of the law, no person is required to in § 303.14(a)(1)(i)Ð'' and adding ``, up Facility maintains the public docket for respond to, nor shall any person be to an amount equal to 65% of the this notice. Documents indicated in this subject to a penalty for failure to comply contribution and benefit base for Social notice will be available for inspection or with a collection of information unless Security as defined in the Social copying at the Docket Management it displays a currently valid OMB Security Act for the year in which the Facility, U.S. Department of Control Number. wages were earned,'' in its place. Transportation, Room PL±401, 400 4. Section 303.14(a)(1)(i) is amended Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC E.O. 12866 by removing ``, up to a maximum of 20593±0001 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., $38,650 per person,'' and adding ``, up Monday through Friday, except Federal It has been determined that the to an amount equal to 65% of the Holidays. You may electronically access rulemaking is not significant for contribution and benefit base for Social the public docket for this notice on the purposes of Executive Order 12866. Security as defined in the Social Internet at http://dms.dot.gov. List of Subjects in 15 CFR Part 303 Security Act for the year in which the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For wages were earned,'' in its place. questions on this notice, contact Administrative practice and 5. Section 303.14(e) is amended by Lieutenant Junior Grade Bruce Walker, procedure, American Samoa, Customs removing ``2,240,000'' and adding Office of Regulations and duties and inspection, Guam, Imports, ``1,866,000'' in its place. Administrative Law, telephone (202) Marketing quotas, Northern Mariana 6. The first sentence of Section 267±6233. For questions on viewing, or Islands, Reporting and recordkeeping 303.16(a)(9) is amended by removing on submitting material to the docket, requirements, Virgin Islands, Watches ``Ðup to the amount per person of contact Dorothy Walker, Chief, Dockets, and jewelry. $38,650Ð`` and adding ``, up to an Department of Transportation (202) For reasons set forth above, the amount equal to 65% of the 866±9329. Departments amend 15 CFR Part 303 as contribution and benefit base for Social SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: District follows: Security as defined in the Social Commanders and Captains of the Port VerDate 27<JAN>2000 18:32 Feb 16, 2000 Jkt 190000 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\17FER1.SGM pfrm02 PsN: 17FER1 8050 Federal Register / Vol. 65, No. 33 / Thursday, February 17, 2000 / Rules and Regulations (COTP) must be immediately responsive notice. However, the affected public is Permanent regulations are not included to the safety needs of the waters within informed of these regulations through in this list because they are published their jurisdiction; therefore, District Local Notices to Mariners, press in their entirety in the Federal Register. Commanders and COTPs have been releases, and other means. Moreover, Temporary regulations may also be delegated the authority to issue certain actual notification is provided by Coast published in their entirety if sufficient local regulations. Safety zones may be Guard patrol vessels enforcing the time is available to do so before they are established for safety or environmental restrictions imposed by the regulation. placed in effect or terminated. The purposes. A safety zone may be Because mariners are notified by Coast safety zones, special local regulations stationary and described by fixed limits Guard officials on-scene prior to and security zones listed in this notice or it may be described as a zone around enforcement action, Federal Register have been exempted from review under a vessel in motion. Security zones limit notice is not required to place the Executive Order 12866 because of their access to vessels, ports, or waterfront special local regulation, security zone, emergency nature, or limited scope and facilities to prevent injury or damage. or safety zone in effect. However, the temporary effectiveness. Special local regulations are issued to Coast Guard, by law, must publish in The following regulations were placed enhance the safety of participants and the Federal Register notice of in effect temporarily during the period spectators at regattas or other marine substantive rules adopted. To meet this October 1, 1999 and December 31, 1999, events. Timely publication of these obligation without imposing undue unless otherwise indicated. regulations in the Federal Register is expense on the public, the Coast Guard Dated: February 11, 2000. often precluded when a regulation periodically publishes a list of these Pamela M. Pelcovits, responds to an emergency, or when an temporary special local regulations, Chief, Office of Regulations and event occurs without sufficient advance security zones, and safety zones. Administrative Law. DISTRICT QUARTERLY REPORT District Docket Location Type Effective Date 01±99±169 ................. LARCHMONT HARBOR, NEW YORK ................................................................... SAFETY ZONE ...... 10/17/1999 01±99±170 ................. SALEM HARBOR, SALEM, MA ............................................................................. SAFETY ZONE ...... 10/16/1999 01±99±172 ................. FIREWORKS DISPLAY, WASTON PT, MIDDLETOWN, RI ................................. SAFETY ZONE ...... 10/15/1999 01±99±177 ................. HUDSON RIVER, JERSEY CITY, NJ .................................................................... SAFETY ZONE ...... 10/21/1999 01±99±179 ................. HUDSON RIVER, MANHATTAN, NY ...................................................................
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