29 E/CAR WG – WP/14 International Civil Aviation Organization

29 E/CAR WG – WP/14 International Civil Aviation Organization

29 E/CAR WG – WP/14 International Civil Aviation Organization 02/05/05 NORTH AMERICAN, CENTRAL AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN OFFICE Twenty-Ninth Eastern Caribbean Working Group Meeting (29 E/CAR WG) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, 9 to 13 May 2005 Agenda Item 3 Specific Air Navigation Activities and Developments 3.5 Air Traffic Management (ATM) REDUCTION OF MISSING FPLS (Presented by France) SUMMARY This WP proposes actions in order to drastically reduce the number of missing flight plans in the control rooms. Appendices: 2 Tables 1. Introduction 1.1 A significant number of flight plans are missing in the control rooms making coordination longer and less safe. 2. Discussion 2.1 The causes of missing FPLs in the control room can be either technical (network or FPL data processing problems, …) or operational (wrong address, missing addressees…) 2.2 Annexed to this WP, two tables show different sort out of the same sample of traffic. 2.3 The aim is to find out common solutions that can be use to diminish the number of missing FPL. A proposal could be a coordinated action during a reference period. During this period the technical quality could be checked by the transmission of reference messages at agreed times. The operational aspects could be dealt with through a systematic analysis of the causes of the absence of each missing Flight plan. The result of the verification period being synthesized, a common and coordinated action plan could be built for the E/CAR. 3. Proposed action 3.1 The meeting is invited to consider the proposal of • strong call to orders to the Airlines authorized to directly file their FPLs on the AFTN and to the concerned control offices to respect the addressing rules , and • adopting a common method to assess the technical and the operational causes of the missing FPLs. 29 E/CAR WG WP/14 APPENDIX A Table of some missing FPL in Martinique APP 1/3 sort out by airlines Dates callsign airlines origin Destination proposed Action 26-fév-05 ACA968 Air Canada CYYZ TLPL remind Air Canada 27-fév-05 ACA968 Air Canada CYYZ TLPL remind Air Canada 6-mar-05 ACA968 Air Canada CYYZ TLPL remind Air Canada 14-mar-05 ACA968 Air Canada CYYZ TLPL remind Air Canada 14-mar-05 FWI7855 Air Caraibes TVSD TFFF 7-avr-05 FWI510 Air Caraibes LFPO TFFF 7-avr-05 AFR652 Air France LFPO TFFF 7-avr-05 AFR656 Air France LFPO TFFF 26-fév-05 AJM093 Air Jamaica MKOS TLPL remind Air Jamaica 27-fév-05 AJM091 Air Jamaica MKJS TLPL remind Air Jamaica 7-avr-05 AAL2298 American Airlines TLPL KMIA remind American 26-fév-05 EGF056 American Eagle TJSJ TVSC remind American 26-fév-05 EGF058 American Eagle TJSJ TLPC remind American 27-fév-05 EGF056 American Eagle TJSJ TVSC remind American 27-fév-05 EGF076 American Eagle TJSJ TGPY remind American 27-fév-05 EGF077 American Eagle TGPY TJSJ remind American 27-fév-05 EGF095 American Eagle TTPP TJSJ remind American 6-mar-05 EGF056 American Eagle TJSJ TVSC remind American 6-mar-05 EGF076 American Eagle TJSJ TGPY remind American 6-mar-05 EGF095 American Eagle TTPP TJSJ remind American 14-mar-05 EGF052 American Eagle TJSJ TBPB remind American 14-mar-05 EGF076 American Eagle TJSJ TGPY remind American 14-mar-05 EGF094 American Eagle TJSJ TTPP remind American 14-mar-05 EGF095 American Eagle TTPP TJSJ remind American 7-avr-05 EGF020 American Eagle TJSJ TVSC remind American 7-avr-05 EGF056 American Eagle TJSJ TVSC remind American 7-avr-05 EGF058 American Eagle TJSJ TLPC remind American 7-avr-05 EGF123 American Eagle TLPC TJSJ remind American 7-avr-05 EGF185 American Eagle TLPC TJSJ remind American 14-mar-05 AMF6905 Ameriflight TJSJ TBPB 7-avr-05 AMF6905 Ameriflight TJSJ TBPB 8-mar-05 AJT827 Amerijet International TNCM TBPB 14-mar-05 DHL403 Astar Air Cargo TDPD TFFF 7-avr-05 DHL402 Astar Air Cargo TBPB TDPD 26-fév-05 ROI1215 Aviones de Oriente SVMI TFFF 27-fév-05 BAL154A Britannia Airways EGKK TLPL 6-mar-05 BAL154A Britannia Airways EGCC TLPL 14-mar-05 BMA719 British Midland EGCC TLPL 14-mar-05 BMA720 British Midland TLPL EGCC 27-fév-05 BAW2157 British West Indies TAPA TLPL 14-mar-05 BAW2156 British West Indies TLPL TAPA 26-fév-05 GFI796 Carribean Airline TBPB TDPD remind Caribbean airline 27-fév-05 GFI722 Carribean Airline TBPB TDPD remind Caribbean airline 27-fév-05 GFI730 Carribean Airline TBPB TLPC remind Caribbean airline 29 E/CAR WG - WP/14 - A2 - Table of some missing FPL in Martinique APP 2/3 sort out by airlines 27-fév-05 GFI765 Carribean Airline TDPD TLPC remind Caribbean airline 27-fév-05 GFI767 Carribean Airline TBPB TLPC remind Caribbean airline 27-fév-05 GFI786 Carribean Airline TBPB TDPD remind Caribbean airline 6-mar-05 GFI733 Carribean Airline TLPC TBPB remind Caribbean airline 14-mar-05 GFI721 Carribean Airline TAPA TLPC remind Caribbean airline 14-mar-05 GFI760 Carribean Airline TLPC TAPA remind Caribbean airline 14-mar-05 GFI762 Carribean Airline TLPC TBPB remind Caribbean airline 14-mar-05 GFI762 Carribean Airline TTPP TLPC remind Caribbean airline 14-mar-05 GFI766 Carribean Airline TVSV TAPA remind Caribbean airline 7-avr-05 GFI735 Carribean Airline TBPB TLPC remind Caribbean airline 7-avr-05 GFI796 Carribean Airline TBPB TDPD 7-avr-05 CXT441 Coastal Airtransport ??ST TLPC 14-mar-05 CFG110 Condor Flugdienst EDDF TLPL 8-mar-05 CPT806 Corporate Air TJSJ TBPB remind Corporate 8-mar-05 CPT8110 Corporate Air TJSJ TLPC remind Corporate 14-mar-05 CPT806 Corporate Air TJSJ TBPB remind Corporate 14-mar-05 CPT810 Corporate Air TJSJ TLPC remind Corporate 7-avr-05 CPT706 Corporate Air TBPB TJSJ remind Corporate 7-avr-05 CPT710 Corporate Air TLPC TJSJ remind Corporate 27-fév-05 CRL868 CORSAIR TNCM TFFF 27-fév-05 CRL946 CORSAIR LFPO TFFF 6-mar-05 CRL2867 CORSAIR LFLL TFFF 6-mar-05 CRL946 CORSAIR LFPO TFFF 14-mar-05 CRL924 CORSAIR LFPO TFFF 27-fév-05 DAL451 Delta Air Lines KATL TLPL remind Delta 6-mar-05 DAL451 Delta Air Lines KATL TLPL remind Delta 14-mar-05 DAL451 Delta Air Lines KATL TLPL remind Delta 14-mar-05 DAL451 Delta Air Lines KATL TLPL remind Delta 26-fév-05 EAF924 Europen Aviation LFPO TFFF Air Charter 26-fév-05 LIA374 LIAT TBPB TLPC Remind LIAT 26-fév-05 LIA376 LIAT TBPB TLPC Remind LIAT 27-fév-05 LIA121V LIAT TDCF TLPC Remind LIAT 27-fév-05 LIA362 LIAT TBPB TDPD Remind LIAT 27-fév-05 LIA364 LIAT TBPB TLPC Remind LIAT 27-fév-05 LIA374 LIAT TBPB TLPC Remind LIAT 6-mar-05 LIA120 LIAT TLPL TDCF Remind LIAT 6-mar-05 LIA361 LIAT TLPC TBPB Remind LIAT 6-mar-05 LIA361 LIAT TBPB TVSV Remind LIAT 14-mar-05 LIA120 LIAT TLPC TDCF Remind LIAT 14-mar-05 LIA121 LIAT TDCF TLPC Remind LIAT 14-mar-05 LIA310 LIAT TVSV TAPA Remind LIAT 7-avr-05 LIA1368 LIAT TBPB TAPA Remind LIAT 7-avr-05 LIA1376 LIAT TBPB TLPC Remind LIAT 7-avr-05 LIA370 LIAT TLPC TFFF Remind LIAT 29 E/CAR WG - WP/14 - A3 - Table of some missing FPL in Martinique APP 3/3 sort out by airlines 7-avr-05 LIA376 LIAT TBPB TLPC Remind LIAT 14-mar-05 LAU346 Lineas Aereas TNCC TFFF Suramericanas 14-mar-05 MEI7113 Merlin Express TVSV TJSJ 14-mar-05 MTN8110 Mountain Air Cargo TLPC TFFF 7-avr-05 MTN8116 Mountain Air Cargo TLPC TFFF 6-mar-05 MAW391 Mustique Airways TVSV TFFJ 14-mar-05 MAW400 Mustique Airways TVSV TFFF 14-mar-05 MAW400 Mustique Airways TFFF TVSV 14-mar-05 RYN3050 Ryan Aviation Corp, KDTW TLPL 26-fév-05 PSV872 Servicios Aereos MDPC TBPB Profesionales 26-fév-05 PSV873 Servicios Aereos TBPB MDHE Profesionales 14-mar-05 SSV574 Skyservice CYYZ TLPL 26-fév-05 USA241 US Airways KCLT TLPL 6-mar-05 USA1078 US Airways TLPL KHPL 27-fév-05 GWY557 USA3000 KORD TLPL 6-mar-05 GWY557 USA3000 KORD TLPL 27-fév-05 BWA900 West Indies Airways TTPP TLPL 6-mar-05 BWA901 West Indies Airways EGLL TLPL 26-fév-05 HI772CT MDPC TBPB 26-fév-05 J8VBG TVSU TFFF 26-fév-05 N298QS TNCM TLPL 26-fév-05 N525EZ TXKF TVSC 26-fév-05 N6043T TNCM TFFF 26-fév-05 VPBJD KPBI TLPL 27-fév-05 N789ME KOMA TLPL 6-mar-05 J8VAU TLPC TFFF 6-mar-05 J8VBG TNCM TVSU 6-mar-05 N1XL TISX TLPC 8-mar-05 J8VBL TQPF TBPB 8-mar-05 N465PC TLPC TTCP 14-mar-05 8PJOY TBPB TLPL 14-mar-05 8PJOY TBPB TDPD 14-mar-05 FGIEI TFFS TFFF 14-mar-05 N344CC TVSB TFFF 14-mar-05 N601CV KYAH TLPL 7-avr-05 N123SZ TLPC TFFF 7-avr-05 N377AR TDPD TVSV 7-avr-05 N528QS EGWU TLPL 7-avr-05 N639AT KPAD TLPC 7-avr-05 SFG288 TJSJ TVSV 29 E/CAR WG WP/14 APPENDIX B Table of missing FPL A/C sort out by origin Dates Indicatif Compagnie Provenance Destination Action 7-avr-05 CXT441 Coastal Airtransport ??ST TLPC 26-fév-05 ACA968 Air Canada CYYZ TLPL 27-fév-05 ACA968 Air Canada CYYZ TLPL 6-mar-05 ACA968 Air Canada CYYZ TLPL 14-mar-05 ACA968 Air Canada CYYZ TLPL 14-mar-05 SSV574 Skyservice CYYZ TLPL 14-mar-05 CFG110 Condor Flugdienst EDDF TLPL 6-mar-05 BAL154A Britannia Airways EGCC TLPL 14-mar-05 BMA719 British Midland EGCC TLPL 27-fév-05 BAL154A Britannia Airways EGKK TLPL 6-mar-05 BWA901 West Indies Airways EGLL TLPL 7-avr-05 N528QS EGWU TLPL 27-fév-05 DAL451 Delta Air Lines KATL TLPL 6-mar-05 DAL451 Delta Air Lines KATL TLPL 14-mar-05 DAL451 Delta Air Lines KATL TLPL 14-mar-05 DAL451 Delta Air Lines KATL TLPL 26-fév-05 USA241 US Airways KCLT TLPL 14-mar-05 RYN3050 Ryan Aviation Corp, KDTW TLPL 27-fév-05 N789ME KOMA TLPL 27-fév-05 GWY557 USA3000 KORD TLPL 6-mar-05 GWY557 USA3000 KORD TLPL 7-avr-05 N639AT KPAD TLPC 26-fév-05 VPBJD KPBI TLPL 14-mar-05 N601CV KYAH TLPL 6-mar-05 CRL2867 CORSAIR LFLL TFFF 26-fév-05 EAF924 Europen Aviation LFPO TFFF Air Charter 27-fév-05 CRL946 CORSAIR LFPO TFFF 6-mar-05 CRL946 CORSAIR LFPO TFFF 14-mar-05 CRL924 CORSAIR LFPO TFFF 7-avr-05 AFR652 Air France LFPO TFFF 7-avr-05 AFR656 Air France LFPO TFFF 7-avr-05 FWI510 Air Caraibes LFPO TFFF 26-fév-05 HI772CT MDPC TBPB 26-fév-05 PSV872 Servicios Aereos MDPC TBPB Profesionales

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