V v Jl; For knowing how to J.fl The oldest and best. ' ? Advertise to profit Reliable and newsy. Consult the patrons of Uniformly leads. The 'I The Evening Bulletin Evening Bulletin Evening Bulletin docs I f. Vol. V. No. 955. HONOLULU, H. I., TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1898. PllIOE 5 Oents. If Not Why Not and Champion Blood Purifier ON JULY THE FOURTH loalist. THIRD EXPEDITION HERE tho Valencia. They aro both fast CAPTURED 738 TINS OPIUM Wou OB3llv bv lljvnlist in l:0fi boats and should arrive hero to Probably nil of our remleri know some. 3-- 5. IliliiR of (leorgo W. WnlUcr. of rui llmirkc morrow or next day. Ht, Surry HUH, Sidney, N.H. V. Ha glvri in Fourth rnco Purso S250. Trot Tho City of Para, Ohio, Indiana thlt unusual una most liMi.arkublo expert. How and Where Honolulu People Spent Boys from Minnesota and Wyoming Costom House Officers Home i, 1'iica : ting aud paoiug to harness; milo and Morgan City will wait horo Raid of lin-i- 'A JV fron-f- nr llnntH!, t B M nil. and Enjoyed the Day. w in- W WB .. Arrive In Honolulu, for tho Newport and Valencia. Entries: Woln ka Hao, Irish Las-si- o After coaling all tho troopships W. J. Coon. and "W. Wood. This was a will leavo for Manila together. vory long drawn out raco but The Indiana is tho flagship of tho Baseball In the Morning Races In the Afte- City of lrisu jusBsie proved uerselt tno Para and Ohio Beat Indiana and Hoot. Part Played by a Native Driver Hakes Clean In the Evening-- sunerior of thorn nil. rnoonWheel Events The men Morgan City Newport and Valencia Breast of Whole Affair was as follows: About tlio MlnnMotu IH'yn. Surveyor Other Doings. First hat Dead hpnt between Expected Soon. Tho Minnesota boys nro a fine Slratemeyer's Work. Irish Lmbsio and AVola ka Hao. set of fellows. Time; 2:17. wore from of spent The soldiers freed ifik Tho Fourth July wits Secuud heat Won by Wela ka Tho firo whistle blow fivo blasts tho City of Para ns soon as that Tho Custom House officers woro of g, rather quietly by the residents Bao in 2:17. shortly after 5 o'clock this morn-in- vessel hauled alongside the Fnci very much exoited this morning Third heut Won by Uouolulu. Everyone was bent on Irish Las announcing tho arrival off pott fie Mail wharf. over tho of W. sio in 2:10. nrivst J. Coon of u holiday and n good time, but of the tram-- p it City of Para Sea siekucBS wns prevalent about L'ou-tl- i heat Dpnd heat between the Uuiou Express Compauy on quiot was pieferred to tho old LnHt-it- which sailed from a day after departure. After that, Irish i and Woln ka Hao. San Fruucisco thochargo of uulnwful posiession weut all waB woll. " being t me boom nnd bang. Some Fifth Heat Won by Irish Las- ou the 27lh day of Juno with tho of opium. After a victim to tj pbnlil, brain nnd Tho accommodations aboard tho It was through tho rheumatic fevers In ltt, my sjMcm wa left into tho country with their lunch sie. 13th Miunesita Voluuteors uuder In a ilehllitntcil condition. Ilcsldo being City of Para aro not vtrygood excellent work of Geo. C. Strato-- very weak 1 had numerous abscesses on tlm bnsketB and a book, others took to Sixth nnd deciding heat Won command of Col. Chas. McO. lower part of my back and spluo from wblch by but nothing belter cau bo expect u.oyor, Port Surveyor, that Coon a great number of pieces of bono w ere taken. the water in yachts and still others Irish Lassie. Roevo. G:15 o'clock Ah fast as an abscess would appear and was Irish Lassie's timo of 2:lfl low- It wbb about ed wuen n is Known mat mere was rounded up. l&nced another would form. 1 was treated at remained in the city to toko in nlongsido aro over a thousand men aboard, two dlHerent hospitals without success, tho ers W. "Wood's record of 2:17. whon tho Para hauled Liny tins morning Inspectors surRCons In attendance Informing me that I tho baseball game, tho horso races tho Pnoific Mail wharf. Tho band this not counting tho officers and wan sufferlngfrom blood poisoning. The abs- Fifth race Purse S100 Run- Uhodes and Short woro pl.icetl on cesses continued to form and I was never Oyclo-mot- o. crow of tho ship. pain and the bicycle events at hud beeti dispatched to that placo duty on Emma without until six months ago I was ning raco; one milo dash; freo for Two men woro taken down with street, the former Induced to try tho urrival of tho troop all. Entrio?: Sympathetio's Last. and, upon appondicitis whilp tho Para was near Vinoyard and tho Intter on Tho city was decorated in nn Royalist nnd Vonus. Won by woro playod to steamer, livoly airs on way to port, iiauu-mast- er the hill. This was for the Dtir- - a wore all Vhuiis 1:40. her tins appropriate manner in wIcouiH the boys ou Hawaiian WaUou is a victim of ty- pose of keepioc a strict watch on the ships in port. Stores wore Sixih race Purse S100 Run- soil. Tho Para is a very fast boat phoid fover. All threo mon were the Lack promisos whoio Coon closed. The bund played at the ning rnce; ono milo dneh; for Ha-uniit- m as will bo seen by tho trip mado taken to tho Rod Cross hospital resides. Short was called to tho Exi-eutiv- building in the morn- bred horeo. Entries: An- from Sail Ftnucisco. upon arrival of tho Parn. Clrtiidini by tho Port Survovor Sarssporiua ing and tho guns of tho war tidote nnd Amnrino. Won by Rogimont is Tho Tnirtoeuth Tho Minnesota boys do not nud Rn los n'one was on duty. in port aud the shore buttery A narino in 1:10 3 5. made of twelve .com pauios of TVhcn I had taken tho first bottlo I found an up speak very well of tho Astor bat J.I was noticing before ndray Improvement and after finishing twelve bot- boomed out salutes of 21 utius at Seventh race Purse S100 Run 1030 olliuers aud meu. Tuey are with a native tles I now feel as w ns I my uoro driver went nn tho ell ever did In life. noon hour, Rolow is given a niug ono mile dash; free foi d tery, wuicli will arrive on tne The old abscesses have all healed, new ones jtho iao; from Minneapolis ni St. Paul. olucerH Btioet to Coon's place. Tnis was have ceased to como and my health Is splcn-n- Newport. The hold their resume of tho day h doings: all. Entries: Fashion and Venus. Followiug is complote rostor Cora-piu- y. Hcfore using the Harsaparllln f weighed the hoads too high. Upon being iuvit from tho Union Express 154 lbs., and now after using n dozen bottles Won ensily by Vnnus" in 1:10 flat. of ollicors in the tegimont: let ny weight Is 200 lbs. Is not a sign Hnfteball. ed by tho Red Cross Socint" of Rhodes the diay go by 'his stiro race Purse S100 MnO R.'-ev- Ool that I have been inking tho champion blood Eiuhlh Trot Col Obns Lieut to partake of thoir uim and have the satisfaction of purifier of tho woildy" The Honolulus nnd Regiments tins aud ptcing to harness; mile Maj Beau, Maj San Frauoiscn FWAmos, E S eatables, they refused with th an seoiug th nntivo driver turn into crossed bats at the Mukiki grounds boats; bsst 2 in 3; 2:30 class. A M Dig-ult-- 8, En Johu H Friedrioh, Maj tlid not to Coon's yard. Co., Ltd., a. m. was, Pur- I swor that they happen Hollister Drug at W rue (jame trios: Directress, Watermolon Lieut E G Falk, Adjt; Liout wa. httoou ring a fow plays, vory satisfactory. b paupeis. It minutes later that Solo Agonts for tlm ltopublio of Hawaii. Joe and Gorster. W II Hart, Quar enunster; Liout the dray came out agaiu. addi- succeeded in wiu-nin- The Ali'inoiota boys aro grat Iu Tlie Regiments First hea- t- Won by Gerstor in E M Conrail, Ordnance Otlicer; tion to two by score of 11 to 6. Oul) at fancy drilling. They gave sev- the boxes taken up, a M Mead, Bat Lieut Vine-ya- 2:25i. Lioot S Adj'; eral exhibitions while in Sin there wero six others. At id H.LQEAR, Q. J). GEAR, seven innings wore played so as to Second heat Won by Direc- M Bat Maj D Garcolon, Adjt; R J FrnnoHco and'wero praised by all streoi, Rhodes jumped on tho allow the boys to take in the horse tress in 2:27. Surgeon; Capt A A 211 Sansoine St., S. F. StO King St., II. I. Fitzgor.dd, tho papers. Duck ot (lie dray ami instructed races. Third heat Won by Directress Low, Asht Surgeon; Lieut H P tho drivor to proceed to ns pitcher for the Ho 13th wa tho only Regiment tho Cas Jackson, in 2:29. Ritchie, Asst Surgeon; Chaplain, The torn Houso. At Survey- did poor work. Ho nt Snn nl tho Port GEAR uolulus, verv Niuth race Purso 100 Run O A Uressy. in qnnrtors Francisco, office, tho &,GEAR fi ne (Jpt or's dray halted uud tho was roplaeed in the fill inning by uin race;-o- lowed t go to and from camp at ai.d ono fourth .
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