Southwest Digest (2009-2010)

Southwest Digest (2009-2010)

Texas rcch l'm\cr-ity South".:st Collection 1'.0 Box41Q.ll lubbocl., Texas 7~409-1 Q.ll Bozeman Elementary Students Talk 'Red Raider Power'! Stllcl• ntl "' Bo:emtJn lltmtnlttry· Schooll\1'r<' tNafn/lo tl"' WI pep rail) ern ~qtmr~r 9 c nr M• & Mr> (i B Johmoa of Poll of Sbal101>atcr Jtm Jilhn­ pltltMrlha Rmdc~/'., rl!nnr.gcomf"'tlt""ln/bJ(htTo<BT. "'Churlcotd. Th.- \fmr{ar­ ..c, <;ballol\ator c<lcbu!QI lhetr >OD ((.'bn"mc), Ju!Jc Uflg nnd '"'"'' Dil, ~uta" upporlllmtrfor tud niJ l<>ltam abo1111h lq;u•pen~nu f<mng 10 1>11 T"'u 6Sth \\cd.loog '""" <r><&ry \\1lh 3 (oiQnJ D.mford, oil of I uhbock.. ft't.·lt ~ultural l>aen11l Rc-pn·u•ntatn-e.ltllf1((c r .fiuucn 1111J J,, u.~k111g 'lU(~flOttf Q) Tt-dt tude'.nt R~nac; rctc1phc.10 .tt the M.1X81t TreJn Jc.1hn~o.un and lhe (onncr Auu.bc: naunt,•f '" the pltoru tJIIlKhl, BQ~f'"UI" ,~,,,,f ;:radt r {)'JIUJ.H' Rahl(l 'M1 \lwlw.\ lum.l• ,, Hh font rn ,, Supcr Cemer SJturd.e) St-ptcm• F rccnun mJm~d Sc:pt I,., I Q44. ma_\; nt Rauk; ReJ b<r 12th '" \1.uhn Tbey M\'C se,en fbm dlildtcn WJd ape-cui fam gr;mdch1 dm..l4 JWII pand- oly fncnd. \\:and.~ Youngoff..ub. chtldn:n and oue gr-c:~-grnt- 100 BJack Men of West Texas Receives the 2009 bod. booted the celebration grandchild .. Robert Duncan Community Champion Award" lloey on: 1he porent of :.t.• ol' Un s:-nwddy,,\u ·u~t2J 20()9 IOQ IJia<l Men of \\e>t T<.. Skills ( IAKS)cunurbltlon ACORN Announces Major Steps lh• 100 814<k Met~ of \1 t ~ I ogp.:;• the to Address hsues naised by Vidro~ Tuu In< {the IOO)re<cl\ed th:: lc-..dmgcommun ty organ t j\ccep<mg the uww for the I 00 prcstogmU> 2009 Lommurul} tn \\e$1 Texas onvohed tn cdu "-as Chapter l'rmdmt, <Jrog In 11:$poDk tu r<-< tly tc oncntcd Champl('" for E:.duc.tUlln A'AarJ C'4110n Tins \\"'~ based on the R;d-~s l"r«tdent Ru.ks ·'"" lc ued \ldC,,s: of frontho.c M.., L~is •~ t.pcctllcully or.. 1 hu~ ,lv.ur.J J:i lll1b thud year oi rcl11llon~h1p long tcrrn the IOU •. I O" ledge the: rlt;1n)' h.1n!work KORN •tall, A< OR!> CEO ~cnng the lolluwmg "•P' be ha~ mamumcd \\ llh the ( uh.. e~ 1s1cnce- and t') '"'u\Xt by lh< •ng mcmben of the I110 who llrnl"' Lcwu mudc lhe lnllo-.­ ta1cn ciTech\'c noon ~tC'm l>ft S<hool D1s Tc'"' Tcth Uno-.r>oty 'Otr.c boc:l Independent m>lc tt pos-.blo rot lhc organ• ong announcement \\ednoda) Sep~embcr I b. ~009 tnct the F rcnslup of the PrC>IIIcnt through the 0•• School u~on 10 I><' JU.:ccssful Prest mommg •'\o DCW •nukes "Ill be ac­ ,,,,on of lnslJtunDnal Dz\'CI'Sil) O.stnct and rile commumt) 11 1 '""' l!.>ek< at o • 'J'I'CSS<:d A$ ll rc>ult oftltc oodcfcmt· ~-pred uno ACORN • olfoces for Equuy M<ll"ommurut) Ellg;lg<­ "bole 11 hereby the lOG l.a• ~ralltu<IO 10 reus Tech and to blc naton ol • h•mllul ul our Sctvl"' rrogr.m1s tll\.'CU\C trn .. mcn1 ~cd b menton anJ role mu..t · Scna.tor Duncan for bc~to~ m~ Cnl!"IO)'C:~. l.lm. In (\IR Ull.tUC"R cb h.-. thllUS.:mds of 1-tuJcms rhl!') a"'~'tl tc=r~muny \lo.h J. l lc honor ttpon lhC' I 0(1 Jlrcs~ \\ nh \CORN's E"t"'lih\C Cum· •An tmmedtace tn ~crv1ct part ol the ··sad to s.hool h­ ~l•ny ofthese &rodents h.>d bc.:n 1Jcnt Ru.ks bJ,l th.: members of m11tec , rrnmcdtately 1 tr.am1ng for aU liontltnc .uff bas cstl' on the campus of k<>s labeled • •t-n k )<>Utb. Also L'>e I 00 to Jom bun on ·~e and h.llt 10 an) new mt.lkc• mlo been ordered "' odun 48 boon; fcth Unl\cf>ll} The Rob<:n tk 100 W.l• re<o;;nl7ed for "' ootcd tlut the men .undm& "•th ACOR'I: '• sci\ oce progranu • \CORN's mdcpcndcnt Ad­ long 11nd10g scbolarshtp pro­ Commumt) Chami>JOn tum e.cmrhfy lhc s.uonJI N· •nt•l complo:tton ol an onckpcnd­ '''"1) Coun;;1l \lOll heir :select aWlJtd \\a\ t"ucd 10 lhc tOO b) ttram und ~pcc131ly tur •h cur g.anll.Uton's \1olto whtdt ts C'nt m:rcw 1 han: 1ilso.:l11Umu­ -'" m~tef'C'-ndentauduor rr' tC'\\'tr Tu.. l , ~li.tle ScnatOJ, the I h1nor· rc:nt •·c(umncru.t,,ble l"m!Cf.HI' "R<al Men (ol\ln~ Rtal Ttme III>C.itct.l \uth Al'OR~·,. nu l.ucr lhdn Septemhcr I ~lh to •hie Robert OunL.In Commcnc­ .11 the I ubbo< ~ lndcpCIIdcnt Abo presc:m on St3g4 "''~•~ung andc.jlcudc•'' \Jvr~''Y te\ICW all of lhc sy,tcms ood n:ganhng the ........d ilfld resard­ ~clwol U1$tnct llunl.s to a 11 the award prc-1-ent.aunn ~a'S and they "dl out I ACOR" n proc"""s called mto QUC$1lO<o by mg the rcc:tpO<nt "~« pro\lded :;nmt from the ctl Found.tuon. Tex.. Tccb Prt> d<DI. Dr touy nJmong an llldcpco<knt llll•h:or lhc•deos. by Dr Juan <;aochc:z Munoz the 100'• t.ommcnd.tblc Pro­ lu•l<v and the Jlooor;able Al­ and cn\t"'lq;atm to c:onducl a lnntl)2009 ACORN setup 10 \\bu u the anqttotaon·, Vrcc gram pro\uk.s a:-.h av.ud b:no Uonules fonnc:r t:nucd ~horot~gh revrc" of all of the or~ 1m zndcpcndcnt Ad\ IS( If)' i.. oun~ P~1uJcnt ollnstttu110n.Jf Dl\cr· "hJd~:nts "hu 110 hte\ c the m..r~ Sl.ate:- Athti"UC')' c.enr:ral and CUI • mlhlllon~ rclc:\.mt ~~rctns .md Cll to hclpt.a..:lhtatc 1 rJ.IR.,JIIon "'l)' l:~utty and Community 1 n· of "commend lhle.. nn the k~Jt; rent fa~:ulty m~:rnbtl at T~us rroc~'e'S 1 h.11 re't' 1!\'ftT, hl be 10 ~ new man.sgtrncnl ~ogcmcnt. ond a mcmhn bl the ''"'"mcnl <>I Knowledge md T:ch Uno\'n>oty named Wllbm 4S houri \\111 undor the lc.Wcrshlr of ('EO mike r.'Cornmmd.tll ru: di=th 8cnb2 U..'JS l.twt> v.~s ap­ 10 me lind to lhc fu I 1\t.ORN pomtcd to the: JOb In the f•ll of Madonna, Janet Pay Tribute to Bo>rd \\c ter tbo$ procns ZUUX after de dosure ofo Kl of wnh .1 c;ommumc:nt that all reQ­ •mrropc:r nun.agcmtnt tl<~l,ton\ ommcndauon' ""111 bt unplc· hy the h>under of the ~~rganiJ.a­ Michael Jackson at VMAs llol11 who h•d led ,\(OR" for llu•lh•'• .. • rccteare the I1JO'\ cs frt'lm thc:rr l )Un ACORN'' 1\d\lsOl) --~~,, ........., 'I\\ VORl.: 1 \PI - ""'Y \Ideo to cthtt as the Cow tl.ncludcs 10 •ppnr I• 11m popT, Mtchad not Joclwn. "ho ,.., uow<l 1ncludong Dcyonce •lobn Pode.u, ~o.Jcnt and •~ n~ lk,.. "•J• ,., onl} one of the mosltnOucnual checrcJ her on A tlerw:ord 'he ... lft~U:I'&.i!Mlutt• ( lO (\:nteor h'r r\merh;:...n hJITCS m M TV's h1story hut .tiSH 1< hea\rnw uU. 1ruJ l->••\\ed ProgrC'S:'i rro\·adcd 1L' Vtdco Mu5tl It dodn't L<kc lang though l<•r •J..:llthlc.'l:n Mnncd' ro\\n)('nd, 'uudtwll"••lllll:f"'• .Awanh Y.lth !'rune uf Its moM n~ the mood to dung< from btncr· Bo;ud Member Rf r..: Foun.U. C .........,td!J \l.o.tlba­ rC\'tlnll ruomcnU,. got rt"\c:n:n-- t-.cct 10 J""' pwn btllet \\est 11011. fonntr MD lt (io,crnor M: I --" l.Mb ~''"" 1131 ueatmtnl Sund.>y "' "bo has fi•I'JICd out aftet losmg • ..-~.. ..........u ... \bdonnJ and h1s \Uter Janet at the \ \tJ\s the Or•mmy>, the (11Ml_6l_,.U rro\Jd(d emotional tnhutn J\mer~c."1!n Mu '"' ''"' lrdi •nd Cit) of Lubbock one thruu~h \\otJr\b, (IUC' lhtou~h rn('~ cotnrlo\IIU:d QI\CC J3.llh flcalth Department SOD!; thJl the wr..•ns ~non hld been It "Ut a tcodcr. 'PC ' mo­ •""'nltd. ltuphy but thi< lime. Warns ofHI;'\1 '"" ........ ment a rant) lor lhc \ t.JCO II ,.3i on bdulf of 9e)On<:C ... diCf"'l••hc~Art Mu"< \\\:ord; Bul the mood BC)oncc nom n led for best ThcC'otyol Lut>bo<l.lle'.UIII tM~If ~ahtJO. ...UID d•dn tlast (or loos.thiut'"' •• pall rcm:Uc \1deo for 'Smgk Dcr;anmtnl Sunctll;atJct Utva~ )lvn \\uuiJ 1(1 CllJ .. to onothtr unstagc outbunt lrum I adr~~'" \\1,'1, hc!.h:d by cm.IOU) hl:C' H:rmnd 1 74!11\ .ntl hcahh .;.1tC' Ph" rdcrs \\ft••'• {rnld.. t!.rllf~ K:m)'cW.:\t 1.111d P'>P ~o.eno;aunn I1ylor S\\ 1ft th>l \\htle lll~l lnnuenu ho.> fiDIIMm i '* r.,.. l \1J..IounJ l1dced nffthc ho~ l'hc 19·)Cat-<'ld" Sl•ldy when (..,,,_,,1111 ··-l at Radoo C ty ~lustc I btl wttb a she "wn for her cltp You Be· been n:port<d IO liSt u= \omltmg on some per­ c btln:b ~.

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