1955 CONGRESSIONAL 'RECORD - HOUSE 7889 Powell, Royce M., Jr., 01882612. Griffen, Charles F. Murphy, Walter H. thority of the Administrator of Veterans' Shareck, Everett P., 01924705. Gudger, Robert M, Murray, Roland N., Jr;· Affairs to make direct loans, and to author­ Sullivan, John P., Jr., 01876446. Hall, Harry T. Parson, Joe W. ize the Administrator- to make additional Tinker, Martin, Jr., 01881,624. Hamel, John F., Jr. Pfeil, Kenneth A. types of direct loans thereunder, and for Traylor, Robert J., 01886559. · Hammond, Rudolph Pillitteri, Salvatore J. other purposes. Waldron, Garald L., 02030466. E., 04041563. Polak, Alexander P. Weston, Robert A., 0973~59. Hannum, Alden 0.- Powers, Donald L. The m~ssage also announced that the Haught, V. Ronnald Priore, Fortunato R. :Senate agrees to the amendments of the To be second lieutenants Henry, John D. Reed, Paul R., House to a bill of the Senate of the fol­ Allen, Stanley C.,: 01932302. Hess, John P. 04041570. lowing title: Andrews, Wilson P., 01886686. Hoffman, Glenn F. Richardson, George A .• Basic, Nick J., 01933679. Huff, Roy P., Jr. Jr. S. 2061. An act to increase the rates of Blalock, Charlie L., 01937674. Jacobs, Talmadge J. Rinedollar, John D. basic compensation of officers and employees Boggs, Joseph C., 04011681. Janek, Floyd R. Roddy, Patrick M. in t~e field service of the Post Offiqe Depart­ Butler, Don A., 01888126. Janning, Thomas B., Rosie, Gerald J. me,nt. Butler, Frank C., Jr. 04004813. Roth, Robert H . Dunn, Charles H ., 01890402. Janson, Paul J. Royal, Charles M ., Evans, Ira K., Jr., 01933661. Lascola, Harry R. 04025575. DEPARTMENT OF THE ~TERIOR Frenier, Julius A., 01925794. Lauthers, David E. Schelhorn, Carlton L. AND RELATED AGENCIES APPRO­ Heath, Bobby R., 04009037. Lilje, Donald H. Schukar, Harry T. PRIATION BILLi 1956 Hendricks, Arthur D., 01889346. 1. Lillich, Edward R. Settle, Thomas A. Hoyle, Frank E., 01931301. Luetge, Arnold E. Shepardson, John A. Mr. KIRWAN. Mr. Speaker, I call up Jobert, A. Philip R., 04030594. Macedonia, Raymond Simoni, Richard J. .the conference report on the bill (H. R. Logan, Francis S., 01936241. M. Spinelli, Angelo R., Jr. 5085) making appropriations for the De­ Lynch, Gordon P., 01936684. Mahaffey, Fred K. Stout, Anthony N. partment of the Interior and related Marcy, Edwin J., Jr., 04026393. Maney, John D. Strimbu, George agencies for the fiscal year ending June McIntosh, John H., 01883468. Marino, Andrew S. Sutton, James L. McIntosh, Theodore W. Maynes, George E. Svirsky, William R. 30, 1956, and for othei: purposes, and ask McKenzie, Colin W., Jr., 01935197. McCormick, John J. Trigg, Jasper A. unanimous consent that the statement Meadows, Benjamin T., 01880696. McKay, Gerald E. Wallace, James W. of the m~nagers on the part of the House O'Connor, Edward C., 01893054. McKinley, John R. Ward, Thomas J. be read in lieu of the report. O'Donohue, John D., 01926777. McMichael, Donald E. Watson, Robinson R. The Clerk read the title of the bill. Olin, Ir.win D. Merchant, Frederic L., Waterman, Stephen, The SPEAKER. · Is there objection to P_orter, Clair .E., A1935804. Jr. III Pulver, Elmer W., 01937642. Miller, Charles G. Wegley, Frederick L., the request of the gentleman from Ohio? Riggs, Harold B., 01935393. Mitchell, Glenn W. - Jr. · There was no objection. Riley, Clemens A., · 01936158. Mourer, Dennis J. Wescott, Charles E. The Clerk read the statement. Robinson, Fdgar B., Jr., 04009111. Muckenhirn, Charles Winne, Ross W., Jr. The conference report and statement Schnarr, Charles A., 01931099. F., 04041538. Woolworth, Wesley B. are as follows: Solomon, Robert B., 01937873. Murdock, Norman A. Yuhas, Robert J. Stewart, David T., 01935188. CONFERENCE REPORT (H. REPr. No. 731) Ward, Edward W., 04007016. •• .... •• Whipple, Richard G.,. Jr., 02103511. · The committee of conference on the dis- Zoeckler, William R., 01932484. agreeing v,otes of the two Houses on the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. The following-named distinguished. mili- 5085) "making appropriations for the De­ tary student for appointment in the Regular WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1955 partment of th,e Interior. and Felated agencies Army of the United States, in the grade of for the fl.seal year ending June ~o. 19,56, and second lieutenant, Under the provisions of The House met. at 12 o'clock noon. for -other purposes," having met, after full section 506 of the Officer Personnel Act of The Reverend Charles Edward Berger, and free conference, have agreed to recom­ 1947 (Public Law 381, 80th Cong.) : St. Anne's Episcopal Church, Annapolis, mend and do recommend to their respective Larson, Richard H. Md:, offered the,following prayer: Houses as follows: That the Senate recede from its amend­ The following-named distinguished mili­ Almiglity God, the fountain of wisdom, ments numbered 27 and 37. tary ,.students for appointment in the Medi­ whose statutes are good and gracious, That the House recede from its disagree.­ cal Service . Cqrps, Regular Army of the and whose law is trtith:·we beseech Thee men~ to t)le amendments of. the Senate United,States, effective June 15, 1955, in the to guide and bless the House of Repre­ numbered-· 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 16, 20, 28, 28, 29, grade of second lieutenant, under the provi­ sentatives of the United States of 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 41, 42, 44, 45, 49, and 50, sions of section 506 of the Officer Personnel America, that it may ordain for our gov­ and agree to the same. Act of 1947 (Public Law 381,· 80th Cong.): ernance only such things as please Thee, Amendment numbered 2:. That .the House Dancer, Eari_W., Jr, to the glory of Thy name and the wel­ recede from its disagreement to the amend­ Lange, John H. ment of the Senate numbered 2, and agree fare of the people. Through Jesus Christ to the same with an amendment, as follows: The f0llow1ng-named distinguished innt­ our Lord. Amen. · ,In lieu of tb,e sum proposed ·, by said amend­ tary students for appointment 1in the Regu­ The Journal of the proceedings of y-es- ment insert "$13,450,000"; and the Senate lar Army of the United States: effective terday was reaq and approved. ' agree to the same. June 15, 1955, in the grade of- second lieu­ Amendment numbered 3: That the House tenant, under the provisions of section 506 · recede from its disagreement to the amend­ ment of the Senate numbered 3, and agree of the Ofl\cer Personnel Act of 1947 (Public MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Law 381,' 80th Cong.) : to the same with an amendment, as follows: A message from the Senate, by Mr. In lieu of the sum proposed by said amend­ Akin, Havls D. Collier, Gary D. ment insert "$41,764,995"; and the Senate Ameel, Joseph B. Costello, Charles J. Carrell, one of its clerks, announced that Anderson, Karl R., Jr, Count, Elmer E. the Senate had passed a bill of the fol­ agree to the same. Anderson, Valjean C. Daves, Phillip E. lowing title, in which the concurrence cif Amendment numbered 12: That the House Ashe, Oliver R. Delahunty, Thomas C. ·recede from its disagreement to the amend­ tl).e H<;mse is r~quest~d : ment of the Senate numbered 12, and agree Barrett, Gilbert J. Delifus, Edward 2126. An act to extend and clarify laws -Beach, Edmund J. Diamond, George B. s. to the same ,with an amendment, as follows: relating to the provision and improvement -In lieu of the sum proposed by said amend­ Bihler, John 0., Jr. Dodd, Calvin G. of housing, the elimination and prevention Bookout, Jerry P. Draper, Edwin L. ment insert "$26,635,000"; and the Senate of slums, the conservation and develop­ Bradshaw, Don L. Edmunds, William R, -agree to the same. Brown, Arnold K., Jr. Fair, Cecil G., Jr., ment of urban communities, the financing Amendment numbered 13: That the House Browning, William W., 02266383. of vitally needed public works, and for other recede from its disagreement to the amend­ Jr. · Farrell, Robert D. purposes. ment of the Senate numbered 13, and agree Buice, Randall A. , Feeley, Robert F. The message also announced that the to the same with an amendment, as follows: Burnette, Charles D. Fox, Frederick W. Senate agrees to the amendment of the In lieu of the sum proposed by said amend­ Cabral, Walter K. Foy, Robert A. ment insert "$4,350,000"; and the Senate Case, Franklin D. Fucella, Edward D. House with amendments to a bill of the agree to the same. ' Chouinard, Richard J. Gange, William B. Senate of the following title: Amendment numbered 17: That the House Cochran, Glen V. Goodger, Charles J. S. 654. An act to amend the Servicemen's recede from its disagreement to the amenq.­ Cohen, Sydney G. Greene, Donald J. Readjustment Act of 1944 to extend the au- ment of the Senate numbered 17, and agree 7890 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE June 8 to the same With an amendment, as follows: The committee of conference report in Amendment No. 11: Reported in disagree­ In lieu of the sum p;roposed )>y said amend­ q.Isagreement amendments numbered 6, 8, 11, ment. ment insert "$5,425,000"; and the Senate 14, 15, 18, 21, 24, 34, 36, 38, 46, and 47. Geologtcal Survey agree to the· same. MICHAl'!L J. KIRWAN, Surveys, Investigations, and Research w. F. NORRELL, Amendment numbered 19; That the House Amendment No. 12: Appropriates $26,- ALFRED D. SIEMINSKI, recede from its disagreement to the amend­ 635,000 inst·ead of $2£!,285,000 as proposed by ment of the Senate numbered 19, and agree DON MAGNUSON, the House and $26,985,000 as proposed by the to the same with an amendment, as follows: CLARENCE CANNON, Senate.
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