Appendix 4 – Site Assessments by Parish: Aston Flamville to Enderby Site Assessments: Aston Flamville Summary One site has been assessed for employment development and detail of its capacity is set out below: SHELAA Site address Potential capacity Is the site Reason for site (floorspace) reasonable exclusion reference to consider from further further? assessment EAST001 Land west of 100,000sqm employment Reasonable N/A Junction 2, M69 floorspace, a motorway motorway services area and hotel TOTAL 100,000sqm (and motorways service area and hotel, unknown floorspace) Settlement Hierarchy Aston Flamville is proposed to be a hamlet. It is served by an infrequent bus service (less than 1 per hour and no Sunday service) and has no facilities except for a faith building. Whilst the site is technically in the parish of Aston Flamville it is located north-west of the hamlet, on the north-side of the M69 motorway. Settlement Constraints Heritage There is a Conservation Area that covers the hamlet. Motorway The M69 motorway runs through the parish. Biodiversity Burbage Common and Woods Site of Special Scientific Interest is located to the north west of the site option EAST001. Landscape The hamlet is surrounded by the Aston Flamville Wooded Farmland landscape character area. This has a landscape sensitivity of moderate-high sensitivity for small-scale commercial development (use classes B1 and B2) and high sensitivity for large-scale commercial warehousing (use classes B8). 19 EAST001 Blaby District Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Crown Copyright and Database rights 2020 Licence Number 100018176 1:10000 EAST001 Land west of Junction 2, M69 motorway Aston Flamville Stage 1 Initial Site Identification Criteria Comment Site reference EAST001 Site name (Parish) Land west of Junction 2, M69 motorway Proposed use Employment Size in hectares (developable 44.41 ha area and reason) Size in floorspace, square 100,000sqm employment floorspace, a motorways metres (density) service area and a hotel (based on site promoter’s information) Grid Reference E 445871 N 293411 Current use (previously Agriculture and fishing pond developed?) Stage 2 Sustainability Appraisal Summary Criteria Comment Positive Scores The site scores positively for creation of employment land (large-scale site) and access to strategic transport route (adjoins M69 motorway). Negative Scores The site scores poorly for amenity impact because it is under 100m to a Gypsy and Traveller caravan site at Aston Firs. The site scores poorly for potential harm to landscape character as it is in Aston Flamville Woodland Farmland which has high sensitivity to large-scale commercial warehousing (moderate-high sensitivity to small-scale commercial, i.e. B1 / B2 uses). The site contains a Local Wildlife Site to the south-west of the site. Stage 3 Consistency with Emerging Strategy Criteria Comment What is the site’s position in the Aston Flamville is proposed to be a hamlet. The site is emerging settlement hierarchy? located in the parish of Aston Flamville but is located away from the hamlet, alongside the M69 motorway. Areas of Protection: is the site in Yes, the site is in Countryside. Green Wedge, Area of Separation or Countryside? Flood risk: is the site affected by No. Flood Zone 2 or 3? Stage 4 Deliverability of Sites Criteria Comment Land ownership The site is in single ownership. Access to the road network LCC Highways comment that any proposals to upgrade M69 J2 and add south-facing slips is likely to have a strategic impact on the routing of traffic in the south-west 21 Aston Flamville area of the County. Highways England would need to be involved / consulted on this proposal. Key infrastructure requirements Site promoter identifies that south-facing slips onto the and capacity issues motorway are likely to be needed to facilitate development. Lead-in times, delivery rates and Site promoter estimates a start on site within 5 years; market capacity take-up would be dependent on market interest and build-out rate could vary, expected average 10 years. Barriers to delivery Highways constraints as identified above. No known legal constraints to development. Delivery approach Site under option to a promoter. Net dwelling (or floorspace) The site promoter estimates a yield of 100,000 sqm capacity within plan period employment floorspace (use class B) and a motorways service area and a hotel (source: Call for Sites submission). In response to Site Surveys: approx. yield of 115,000sqm B class employment uses on an area of the site of 28.5ha and 15ha given over to the proposed Motorways Service Area. Stage 5 Conclusions and Recommendation Criteria Comment Positive Attributes + The site has good access to the strategic road network (adjoins M69 motorway) and could deliver a large-scale employment site. + The site is in single ownership with no known legal constraints. Negative Attributes - Part of the site is affected by flooding (requires further investigation to understand full extent) - A small part of the site (south-west corner) contains an overhead power line; this could be mitigated through design. Recommendation Site is a reasonable option that requires further investigation. 22 Site Assessments: Blaby Introduction Seven sites have been assessed for housing development in Blaby and details of their capacity are set out below: SHELAA Site address Potential Is the site Reason for site capacity reasonable exclusion reference (dwellings) to consider from further further? assessment BLA007 Land north of Grove Road 20 Reasonable N/A Site has Land south of Church Street BLA025 7 N/A planning and rear of Blaby Hall permission BLA030 Land off Lutterworth Road 51 Reasonable N/A BLA031 Land north of Hospital Lane 150 Reasonable N/A BLA032 Land at Glebe Farm 306 Reasonable N/A BLA033 Land at Keepers Farm 300 Reasonable N/A BLA034 Land at Hospital Lane 1,018 Reasonable N/A TOTAL 1,852 One site has been assessed for employment development in Blaby and detail of its capacity is set out below: SHELAA Site address Potential Is the site Reason for site capacity reasonable exclusion reference (floorspace) to consider from further further? assessment EBLA002 Land off Lutterworth Road 13,200sqm Reasonable N/A TOTAL 13,200sqm Settlement Hierarchy Blaby is proposed to be part of the Extended Principal Urban Area (PUA). The village scores well for access to all services, however there is no secondary school in the parish. Blaby has a bus service to higher order centres with a frequency of 20 minutes or better and a Sunday service. The village has good access to employment opportunities with both a retail centre and business sites on the fringes of the village. Development Constraints Green Wedge The built-up area of Blaby is bound by Green Wedge to the north, south and west. Land to the east is in Countryside. Five sites are in areas currently identified as Green Wedge: EBLA002, BLA007, BLA030, BLA032 and BLA033. 23 Landscape The land around Blaby sits within two different landscape character areas. The land to the north and east is identified as Sence and Soar Floodplain landscape character area where landscape sensitivity to residential development is identified as having moderate sensitivity. The land to the east, south and west is identified as Blaby, Countesthorpe and Whetstone Fringe where landscape sensitivity for residential development is low-moderate and affects site option BLA007, BLA030, BLA031, BLA032 and BLA033. The landscape sensitivity for site options involving employment use: small-scale commercial is moderate sensitivity and for large-scale commercial (B8 warehousing) is moderate-high sensitivity (site EBLA002 applies). Flooding Land to the north of Blaby is affected by flood risk associated with the River Sence. Site BLA034 is affected by this area of flood risk. Local Green Space The Blaby Neighbourhood Plan identifies an area of land to the east of the village as a Local Green Space. One site directly affects this designation, Land North of Hospital Lane (site reference BLA031) and the site promoter has indicated that they are not seeking to build on the area designated as Local Green Space. Biodiversity Sites BLA007, BLA032 and BLA034 have the potential to affect Local Wildlife Sites. Minerals Safeguarding Area Sites BLA031 and BLA034 are in a minerals safeguarding area for sand and gravel. Site Summaries Site BLA025 land south of Church Street and rear of Blaby Hall gained planning permission for 7 dwellings in March 2020 (planning application reference: 16/0238/FUL). The site promoter of land at Glebe Farm (BLA032) has indicated that they are promoting the site for housing development and some community facilities. Further investigation is required. The site promoter of land at Keepers Farm (BLA033) has indicated that they are promoting the site for approximately 300 homes and the provision of a new country park to the east of the site of approximately 11 hectares in size. The site promoter of land at Hospital Lane (BLA034) has indicated that they are promoting the site for a new settlement of 1,500 to 2,000 dwellings, 10,000sqm employment floorspace and 5,000sqm retail facilities. In their site survey response, the site promoter indicated that the site could yield approximately 3,000 dwellings. The Council has significant concerns that a development at this density with associated facilities is not achievable on a site of this size. Consequently, the site’s yield was calculated using the SHELAA (2019) methodology for 100% residential development. Further investigation is required.
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