ORDER f'he Governor of Haryana is pleased to make postings/transfers of the fbllowing IAS officers with imrnediate etfect:- Sr. Name and Designation Transferred/Posted as Remarks No. S/Sh./Smt. I Sunil Kumar Gulati. IAS. (i) Chief Resident (i) Relieving (HY:1984), Chainnan. Harvana Cornrnissioner" Haryana Sh. Rajeev Arora, Minerals Ltd.. New Delhi and Bhawan. New Delhi. IAS (1987) of the Additional Chief Secretary to said charge. Governrnent. Haryana. Printing & (ii) -- Stati oner,v" Dep artm ent. (ii) Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Haryana. Printing & Stationery Department ) Dheera Khandelwal, IAS. (i) Additional Chief Secretary to (i) Relieving Sh. (HY:1986). Additional Chief (iovernment. Haryana, Rajesh Khullar, Secretary to Government. Infbnnation. Public Relations IAS (HY:1988) of llaryana. An & Cultural AfTairs and Languages Departrnent the said charge. Department and Additional Chief (ii) Additional Chief Secretary to (ii) -- Secretary to Government" Government. Haryana. Haryana" Environment & Climate Environment & Climate Change Change Department. Departrnent. 3. Mahavir Singh, IAS" (HY:1989). Additional Chief Secretary to Relieving Sh. Additional Chief Secretar,v to Government. Harvana. Labour Vineet Garg, IAS. Government. Haryana. School Department (HY:1991) of the Education Department. said charge. 4. Anurag Rastogi. IAS. (HY:1990), (i) Principal Secretary to (i) Principal Secretary to Government Haryana. Excise & Government Haryana. Excise &. Taxation Department Taxation Department and (ii) Principal Secretary to (ii) Relieving Sh. Principal Secretary to Government" Haryana" Irrigation Devender Singh, Government Haryana. Transport & Water Resource Departrnent IAS (1987) of the Departrnent. said charge. 5. Vineet Garg. IAS. (HY:1991). Principal Secretary to Vice Shri Principal Secretary to Government. Har1,ana, School Mahavir Singh, Government. Har,vana" Labour Education Departrnent. IAS. (HY:1989) Departrnent and Commissioner. Karnal Division. Karnal. 6. G. Anupama. lAS. (HY: I 991 ). Principal Secretary to Relieving Shri Secretary to Governor. Haryana (iovernment. I'laryana, Medical Alok Nigarn" IAS and Chief Adrninistrator" Trade E,ducation &. Research (HY:1986) of the Fair Authority of Haryana, Nerv Deparlrnent. in addition to her said charge. Delhi. present duties 1 V.Umashankar. IAS (HY:1993). (i) Principal Secretary to Chief (i) Relieving Sh. Additional Principal Secretar,v to Minister" Haryana Rajesh Khullar. Chief Minister. Haryana. Chief IAS (HY:1988) of Executive OIficer, Haryana Kisan the said charge. Kalyan Pradhikaran. Principal (ii) Principal Secretary to (ii) -- Secretary to Government Governrnent Haryana. Citizen Haryana. Crtrzen Resources Resources Infbrmation Information Departrnent and Department (iii) -- Information Technology" (iii) Principal Secretary to Electronics & Cornrnunication Government Haryana. Departments. lnfbrmation Technology" Electronics & Comtnunication Dcparlmcnt. 8. D. Suresh. (Hy:1995), IAS. Principal Secretary to Relieving Srnt. Comrnissioner. Rohtak Division. Government. Haryana" Art &. Dheera Rohtak. Cultural Affairs Department Khandelual. IAS. (HY:1986) of the said charge. 9. Rajeev Ranian, IAS. (HY:1998). Cornmissioner. Gurugram Vice Shri Ashok Director General. Tourism. Division" Gurugrarn Sangrvan" IAS Haryana and Secretary to (HY:2003). Government. Haryana. Tourisrn Department. 10 Nitin Kumar Yadav. IAS. (i) Managing Director. Haryana (i) i (HY:2000). Relieving Sh. Secrerary ro Vidyut Prasaran Nigarn t,td. Mohd. Shayin, Government. Haryana, Personnel. IAS (HY:2002) of Training" Vigilance and the said charge. Parliarnentary Affairs (ii) Director General" Supplies & (ii) -- Departments. Director Training Disposals. Haryana. (Ex-ofticio)" Inquirl, Officer. Vigilance. Haryana. Director General. Supplies & Disposals, Haryana and Mission Director. fbr looking after the rvork of e-of1lce (paperless office) of CM and CS. 11. Pankaj Yadav" IAS. (HY:2001). Secretary to Governrnent. I n.tiwing Sfr. f:- Chief Adrninistrator" Haryana Haryana"Horne-l.Departrnent. Satyaprakash, I Shaheri Vikas Pradhikaran and irAS. (Hy:2002) OSD O/o Cornmissioner" Rohtak I of the said charge. Division. Rohtak. 12. Amneet P.Kumar. IAS (HY:2001) Chief Executive Officer" Vice Sh. Ashok Director General. Medical Ayushman Bharat Llaryana Kumar Meena. Education and Research. Haryana Health Protection Authority. in IAS (HY:2006). and Secretary to Government. addition to her present duties. Haryana" Medical Education and Research Departrnent 13. T.L. Satyaprakash" IAS, Director General. Developrnent Vice Sh. Sushil (HY:2002). Secretary to & Panchayat Haryana and Sarwan. IAS Government. Haryana" Horne-I. Secretary to Government. (HY:2012). Department and Chief Operating Haryana. Developrnent and Otficer. India International Panchayat Deparlrnent. Haryana. Horticulture Market. Ganaur. 14. Moharnmed Shayin" IAS (i) Managing Director" lJaryana (i) (HY:2002)" Managing Direcror, Power Generation Corporation. Haryana Porver Generation (ii) Managing Director. Dakshin (ii) Relieving Sh. Corporation. Managing Director. Harvana Biili Vitran Nigam Ltd. Shatru.ieet Kapur" Haryana Vidy'ut Prasaran Nigarn (DHBVN) IPS (HY:90) of Ltd. and Secretary to Government. the said charge. Haryana. Power Department. 15. Arnit Kumar Agrau,al. IAS Deputl' Principal Secretary to Against a newll (HY:2003) Chief Minister. Harvana created post. Director General" Urban Local (DPSCM-r) Bodies Department and Sccretary to Government Haryana Urban Local Bodies Department and Mission Director. State Urban Livelihood Mission and State Urban Development Authority. Haryana 16. Wazeer Singh Goyat" IAS" Secretary, Haryana Human Vice Sh. Chander (HY:2003). Secretarv to Rights Cornrnission. Shekhar. IAS. Government. Haryana. Irrigation (HY:2003), & Water Resources Deparlrnent and Managing Director. HSMITC & Adrninistrator. CADA. 17. Ashok Sangwan" IAS, (Hy:2003). Chief Adrninistrator. Haryan- Relieving Sh. Commissioner, Gurugram Shaheri Vikas Pradhikaran. Panka.j Yadav" Division. Gurugram. Panchkula. IAS, (HY:2001 ) l8 of the said charge. Vinay Singh. IAS. (Hy:2003)" (r) Secretary to Government. Secretary (i) Relieving Sh. to Governrnent. Haryana. Personnel. Trainin-e. Nitin Kumar Haryana. Forests & Wildlif-e Vigilance and Parliamentarv Yadav. IAS. Departrnent and Commissioner. Affairs Departments. Director (HY:2000) of the Hisar Division. Hisar Training (Ex-ofiicio). said charges. (ii) Inquiry Ofl-icer. Vigilance, Haryana (ii) -do- (iii) Mission Director. for looking after the work of e-off'rce (iii) do- (paperless offlce) of CM and CS. 19. Chander Shekhar. iAS" Commissioner. Hisar Division. Relieving Sh. (HY:2003). Secrerary. Haryana Hisar Vinay Singh, IAS" Human Rights Commission. (HY:2003) of the said charge 20. Sanjeev Venna. IAS, (HY:2004). Commissioner. Karnal Division. Relieving Sh. Managing Director. Haryana Karnal. Vineet Garg. IAS. Seeds Developrnent Corporation. (HY: 1991) of the said charge. 2t Anita Yadav" IAS. (Hy:2004). Cornrnissioner. Rohtak Division. Vice Sh. D. Additional Director" HIPA. Rohtak. Suresh. IAS. Gurugram. (HY: 1 99s )", ). Balkar Singh" IAS (HY:2004) Director General. Elernentary Vice Sh. Pradeep (Awaiting posting) Education, Haryana and Kurnar. IAS. Secretary to Government" (HY:201 I ) Haryana" School Education Deparlment 23. Ramesh Chander Bidhan. IAS. Director, Social Justice & Relieving Sh. (HY:2005). Deputy Empowerment. Harl,ana and Bhupinder Singh, Comrnissioner. Sirsa. Special Secretary to Government IAS (HY:2005) of Haryana. Social Justice &. the said charge. Emporverment Department. 24. Bhupinder Singh. IAS (HY:2005). Secretary, Haryana Public Vice Sh. Director. Social Justice &. Service Commission. Rajnarayan Empowerment. Haryana and Kaushik. IAS, Special Secretarl, to Government (HY:2010) Har,vana" Social Justice & Emporverment Departn-rent and Special Secretary to Government. Haryana. Finance Department. 25. Ashok Kumar Meena. IAS Director, Urban Local Bodies Vice Sh. Arnit (HY:2006)" Chief Execurive Department and Special Kumar Agrawal" Officer" Ayushrnan Bharat Secretary to Government IAS (HY:2003) Haryana t{ealth Protection Haryana Urban [.ocal Bodies Authority. Departrnent and Mission Director" State Urban Livelihood Mission and State Urban Developrnent Authority, Haryana 26. Atul Kumar, IAS (Hy:2007), Special Secretary to Against a vacanl Director. AYUSH. Haryana and Government" Haryana. Horne-ll post. Special Secretary to Government, Departrnent" in addition to his Haryana. Health Departrnent. present duties. )'7 Pankaj. IAS (Hy:2009), (r) CEO. Micro Irrigation (i) -- Managing Direcror. HARTRON Authority and CEO. Micro Irrigation (ii) Special Secrerary to (ii) Vice Sh. Authority. Governrnent" Haryana. Irrigation Wazeer Singh & Water Resources Department Goyat, IAS, and Managing Director, (HY:2003) HSMITC. (iii) -do- (iii) Administrator. CADA 28 Ram Sarup Verma. IAS | (i) Managing Director. Haryana (i) Vice Sh. (HY:2009). Special Secretary to Tourism Corporation. Raieev Ranjan, Government. Haryana, Fisheries IAS, (HY:1998). Department. Registrar. (ii) Director. Tourism" Haryana (ii) -do- Cooperative Societies. Flaryana and Special Secretary to and Special Secretary to Government. Haryana. Tourism Government. Haryana" Department. Cooperation Departrnent. (in addition to his present duties.) ,o Rajnarayan Kaushik" IAS. Managing Director. HARTRON. Reliving Sh. (HY:2010)" Secretary" Haryana Pankaj. IAS Public Service Cornrnission. (HY:2009) of the said charge. 30. Vinay Partap Singh. IAS
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