DIRECTORY.] 323 ASH BY-DE-LA-ZOUCH. ASHBY-DE-LA-ZOtlCH is a market and union town, head Ichapel for Primitive rt1ethodists is now (1876) in course of of a county court district, and railway station, plea"antly erection at Moira_ . situated, and principally con~ists of one good street: it is I The Cemetery, which is sltuated at tlle west end of the 20i miles north-west from Leicester by railway, 14 south town, is well laid out_ from Derby, 9 south-east from Burton-upon-Trent, 12! The Union \Yorkhouse has room for 300 inmates: it is north-west from Tamworth, 14 north from Atherstone, 17 situated on the Nottingham roaa. The union comprises the north from Hinckley, 12 west from Lou~hborough, 21 following parishes :-Applehy, Appleby (Derby), Ashby-de­ south-west from l'iottingham, ll8 from London by railway, ! la-Zouch, H1ackfordby, Calkeor Caulk (Derby), Coleorton~ and 115i by road, in the Northern division of the county, Hartshorne (Derby), Heather, Hugglescote and Donington~ West Goscote hundred, rural deanery ot' Ackley, archdt'a- .Measham (Derby), Nether and Over Seal, Normanton-le­ conry of Leicester, and diocese of Peterborough. The Heath, Oakthorpe and Donisthorpe (Derby and Leicester), Leicester and Burton branch of the Midland railway runs Osg·athorpe, Packington, Packington (Derby), Ravenstone through: there is also a branch of the same railway to (Derby and Leicester), Smisby or Smithby (Derby), Swan­ Melbourne. The town is well paved, drained, and lightrd nington, Swepstone, Thringstone, Ticknall (Derby), Whit­ with gas, and also supplied with water from works built wick, Willesley (Derby), 'Vorthington. about 1854. The town is under the management of the This parish is the largest in the shire, and contains many Local Board of Health and Highway .Board. Ashby- coal mines. NIoira Colliery, which is very extensive, is 3! de-Ia-Zouch is a polling-place for the Northern division. miles west. Petty sessions are held here every fortnight at the Police In the town is established the Ashby-de-la-Zouch Station: the County Court is held at the Police Court once Church of England Friendly Society, under the auspices a month. The following places are in the district:- of the Rev. John Denton, M.A. (vicar); and the Young Albert Village, Appleby, Blacki"ordby, Boothorpe, lloun- .Men's 1\1utual Improvement Society; the Freemasons and dary, Calk, Coalville, Coleorton, Donington-on-the- Odd Fellows also have lodges here; the 8th Hastings Rifltr Heath, Donisthorpe, Goose Pen, Griffydam, Hartshorn, Corps are also established here. Here are also several Heather, Heath End, Hugglescote, Littleworth, Lonnt, reading rooms and institutions, and excellent parochial and Measham, Moira, lV1ushroom Lane, N ormanton-Ie-Heath, school libraries. N ether Seal, N ewbold, Newton Bnrgoland, Newton N ether- The Town Hall and Market Place, erected in 1857 by a cote, Oakthorpe, Osgathorpe, Over Seal, Packington, company of shareholders, is a noble building, and has good Pegg's Green, Ravenstone, Smisby, Snarestone, Snibstone, accommodation for butchers. In South street is the Police Staunton Harold, Stretton-en-Ie-Field, Swannin!{ton, Station, a brick building, with magistrates' room. Swepstone, Thornborou~h, Thringstone, Ticknall, Whit- Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch is frequented in the summer months wick, Willesley, Woodville, Worthington. by invalids and visitors to the Ivanhoe Baths, which are The church of St. Helen is a very ancient building, with sU'pplie~ with mineral water f~om the Moira ~a~hs, 3i chancel, nave, aisles, square tower and 8 bells, and fine- mlle~ distant: the Bat~ House IS a fine ~tone bulldmg, of toned organ: in the Hastings chapel are the tombs of the Grec13n .archltecture, m the. pur~ DorlC or~er, 200 feet Earls of Huntingdon. The register dates from the year long, bUilt of freestone. obt81~ed I~ the parlsh, and ~ur- 1.561. The living is a vicarage, yearly value about £450, mounted by a d~me,. whICh glve.s lIght to a. very spacIOus. with residence, in the gift of C. F. Abney Hastings, esq., ot pump-ro0II.I, . ,,:hlC h IS fitted up III !he Greclan style: the Doning-ton Park, and held by the Rev. John Denton, M.A., gardens adJolllmg are h~n~s?mely laid out•. of St. J olm's College, Cambridge. ,!h~ Ro:y:al h?tel~ adJommg. the baths, IS a ha~dsome Holy Trinity is an ecclesiastical parish: the church, at bUlldmg,. hkewlse III the D?l"1c sty.1e,. ~nd was b.u~lt ex­ the we~t end of the town, was built in 1838, at a cost of pres",ly for the accommodatIOn of familIes and VISitOrs to £4,000: it is in the Early English style, with spire and 1 the baths.. bell, and lofty nave: a handsome ciJancel was added in ~he market day IS Saturda~, prmclpally. for gram and 1866: the sittings are all free_ The register dates from the agncultu;:al produce. The faIrs are held m ~he Market year 1859. The living is a vicarage, yearly value about place_on, ;:;hro,e Mo~day, E.aster Tuesday, W~lt Tue~d~y, £200, in the gift of the vicar, and held by the Rev. George and No\ember l~th. there IS o.1so a 8t~tute falf for hmng Arthur Smallwood servants on the first Tuesday after the 21st of September. • '.. The charitie8 for distribution amount to £150 yearly, of ~he Free Grammar scnool ~s endowed wlth £1,20~ yearly, wllich the principal is Wright's, of £90 yearly, derived. derived from land, and has five masters, two classlcal, two from invested funds for clothino- Euglish, and one French, and is attended by about 195 boys: On the south side 'of the townO~tand the ruins of a maO"­ it has .two exhibitions of £40 each to Emmanuel College, nificent and stately castle, in which Mary, Queen of Scots" C~m brIdge, and one of £40 to the same college alternately was imprisoned. WIth !?erby Grammar sc~ool: the Rev. Thomas Masheder, C. F. Abney Hastings, esq., is lord of the manor and ~r.A., IS he.ad master. 'I here are also Blue and .Gree~ Coat chief landowner. i:lchools, WIth en?owments, at th~ latter of which ~u boys The soil in the parish is partly sand, gravel and loamr are clothed once III t~o !ea~s, NatIOnal,. Inf~nt, and :Sunday but there is very much clay, from which earthenware and ~chools, and ~angley s Charlty scho,al? for g"lr}s only. Here fire-bricks are made. ~s a lect.ureshlp. held by the Rev. Wllham Hames, M.A., who. The entire area of the parish is 8,097, of the township IS appolllted by the Vicar, ~hurch'."ardens1 a~d trustees of 6,980; rateable value, £24,355; the population in 1871 the free Grammar school, With a stlpend ot £:..0, pa) able by I was 8028 in the parH) and 7 302 in the township' the the Master and Fellows of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. popul~tion in Hol ... T:inity eccle'siastical parish in 187i was Here are clJ8pels for Independents, Wesleyans and :l,149. • P"imitive Methodists. The Baptists have a commodious BLACKFORDBY is a township and chapelry, and will be chapel, erected in 1862, at a cost of £1,500: it stands in I found under a separate heading. Erook street. The Independent chapel was founded in Parish Clerks (Parish church), Edwin Canner; (Holy 1675, and rebuilt in I8:!5, at a cost of £1,700. A large Trinity), William Louch. Official Establishments, Local Institutions, &c. POST & MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Henry E. Smith, esq Savings Bank & Government Insurance & Annuity The Right Hon. the Earl Ferrers Office. Clerk to the Magistrates, William Edward Smith, esq. Postmistress-Mrs. Catherine '''ayte. Church street The mails from the North arrive at 4.55 a.m. & are dis­ The following places are within the petty sessional divi­ patched at 8.0 p.m. The London mails arrive at 4.55 sion, viz. :-Appleby, Eardon Park, Blackfordby, Bree­ a.m. & are di;;patched at 8.0 p.m. There is also a day don-on-the-HiIl, Coleorton, Donisthorpe, Grace Dieu, mail to London, dispatched at 1l.1O a.m. week days, & Heather, Hugglescote, Normanton-le-Heath,Ogasthorpe, to the North at 12.40 p.m., from London at 1.I.5 p.m. Packington, Ravenstone, Seals (Over & Nether), Swan­ The box closes at 7.40 p.m. on week days & 7.15 p.m. nington, :5wepstone, Snarestone, Staunton Harold, Thring­ on sundays stone, Whitwick & W orthington COUNTY MAGISTRATES. INSURANCE AGENTS. George John l\f oore, esq Atlas Fire ~ Life, J. Kidg-er, Kilwardby street Rev. John Manuel Echalaz, M.A British Equitable Life, C. J. Belton, ::\1arket street Major George Thomas NIowbray County Fire, Smith &. Mammatt, Church street .
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