Innovation takes off Special edition Noise reduction www.cleansky.eu Contents Monitoring and Measuring Progress rom Clean Sky’s outset a robust technology and impact EDITORIAL 3 Fevaluation has been an essential ingredient. The JTI represents an unprecedented approach in European aeronautics research: a OVERVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL public-private partnership with a strong programmatic approach NOISE RESEARCH AIMED and a timeframe now spanning the full FP7 and H2020 duration. The AT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS 4 level of co-investment by industry and the European Commission is unprecedented. When the case was made for Clean Sky, the goal was to bring technology to maturity that could deliver a substantial EXPERIENCE THE SOUND OF TOMORROW’S majority of the ACARE SRA1 Goals for the Environment for 2020. AIRCRAFT TODAY 5 These ACARE goals relate to aircraft technology available by 2020 for absorption into future product developments and are shown below. INTERVIEWING THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION RUDOLF STROHMEIER 6 Compared to ‘Year 2000 aircraft’ THE SME PERSPECTIVE CO2 emissions reduced by 50% SIMPLIFIED ROTORCRAFT NOISE MODELS 7 NOX emissions reduced by 80% TACKLING NOISE OF HIGHLY FUEL EFFICIENT ENGINE CONCEPTS A halving of perceived noise FOR FUTURE NARROW-BODY AIRLINERS 8 Minimized life cycle impact SMART FIXED WINGS: of aircraft on the environment SUCCESSFUL LARGE SCALE CONTRA-ROTATING OPEN ROTOR TESTS 9 From the very beginning it was recognized that successfully monitoring progress towards the ACARE goals would require a cross-cutting PROGRESS ON AVIATION NOISE RESEARCH evaluation platform in the Clean Sky Programme. The Technology IN EUROPE 10 Evaluator [TE] was born from this need, and its composition reflects the need to pool know-how and simulation / modeling capabilities THE WAY AHEAD that exist among industry, the research establishments and academia. FOR GREEN REGIONAL AIRCRAFT 12 The approach agreed centered on ‘inserting’ Clean Sky conceptual aircraft into a number of evaluation scenarios. In essence: the CLEAN SKY AT FARNBOROUGH AIR SHOW 14 technologies developed, matured and demonstrated in Clean Sky are integrated into a conceptual model of a potential future aircraft. CLEAN SKY 2: QUIETLY CLIMBING OUT These conceptual aircraft are ‘flown’ (i.e. simulation scenarios are run) BEYOND THE THRESHOLD 15 and the Clean Sky configurations are compared to the most relevant state-of-the-art of aircraft of similar size and role in the year 2000. The COMING EVENTS AND CALLS 16 comparisons are performed at a single flight level, or ‘mission’; at the level of illustrative airports; and finally across the global air transport system, or ‘ATS’. Here below some examples from the most recent TE simulation results on noise. These point unequivocally to major gains now on the horizon. And as we will see in this Skyline Special Edition, with more to look forward to. Noise area Clean Sky concept aircraft (take-off) LSBJ Business Jet (Innovative Empennage) Up to -68% TP 90 (Regional Turbo-Prop) Up to -71% 1 ACARE: Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe; SRA: Strategic Research Agenda GTF 130 (Regional Geared Turbo-Fan) Up to -76% 2 At time of print a similar comparison was not available for this aircraft concept. However, at the 2 Short-Medium Range CROR powered See footnote level of an individual aircraft noise impact (EPNdB) evaluations show that these concepts will be compliant with future regulations beyond new Chapter 14, thanks to ongoing reduction in Long Range with 3-shaft Advanced Turbo-fan Up to -81% uncertainties and innovative design solutions advanced through Clean Sky 3 Single Engine Light Up to -47% 3 For both rotorcraft concepts these figures relate to the overall full mission level noise footprint and Twin Engine Light Up to -53% not just take-off Editorial Eric Dautriat Executive Director of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking ur readers are used to finding general information In Clean Sky, our job is to perform the appropriate tech- Oabout Clean Sky’s progress in Skyline. We always nological research regarding engines, airframes, and aim to elucidate on both Joint Undertaking policy and operations in order to speed up the well-observed trend the technical content of the research performed by our of community noise reduction over the last decades in the Members and Partners. This time, we have chosen to relevant areas. Our objectives take the ICAO Committee focus entirely on one of our environmental objectives and for Aviation Environmental Protection rulemaking into the technical ways to address it: this is a special issue on account; all Clean Sky leaders and research organisations noise reduction. In the future, we will have further special have a strong activity in this area. issues about other transverse areas. For instance, business jets with shielding empennage, CO2 and noise do not raise the same kind of societal regional aircraft with new wing profiles or landing gear issues. CO2 is global, abstract, and the influence of fairings, high bypass ratio engines for large aircraft, flight man-made emissions is complex. The role of aviation management functions for noise-optimised trajectories, and is just a small part of it: the impact of any progress is rotorcraft with 3D-optimised rotor blades are activities which remote and not physically perceivable; it is a collective are currently going through the TRL (technology readiness problem requiring a collective approach. Noise is local, level) gates and reaching the final demonstration stages very easy to identify, physical, concrete, and immediate. in Clean Sky. I emphasise the achievements reached so Decision-makers’ sensitivity varies according to their far regarding the Open Rotor (which have already been proximity to airports. However, both (CO2 and noise) are reported in a previous Skyline issue), which indicate that environmental issues which would hamper air transport this concept, focused on fuel burn reduction, should not progress if not addressed. Moreover, although both can be noisier than the new turbofan generation currently be measured objectively, they are perceived subjectively entering into service. However, these results need to be by the general public; the role of aircraft in global warming confronted, later on, with regard to the perception issues I is often exaggerated, as is the actual noise of an aircraft at mentioned before, and by further, integrated tests. Gene- take-off or landing at some distance when compared to rally speaking, the Technology Evaluator now allows us to other sources, but this is of course by no means a reason determine the noise footprint reduction in the vicinity of to ignore these issues, particularly given the continued airports: an average reduction of more than 60% through growth of air transport worldwide. Clean Sky and parallel programmes, depending on the In a society which is often torn between a voluntarily noisy aircraft segment, is within reach. environment (music in some youngsters’ clothes shops Clean Sky 2 will address more noise-related challenges is close to lethal thresholds!) and an aversion to noise, for all categories of aircraft. The ultra-high bypass ratio individual perceptions are key. A lot of research is being engines, which might compete or coexist with the Open performed in order to assess these perceptions, which Rotor in the future, are part of this effort, as well as disruptive do not correspond to empirically demonstrable acoustic aircraft architectures, or adaptive wings, for regional aircraft. levels. Indeed, lower-level sources, initially hidden by higher We share, of course, the ACARE final goal of limiting the ones, appear to be at least as burdensome once the noise burden within the limits of the airport. This is quite latter have been eliminated or mitigated through technical an ambitious goal: exactly what we like. progress. Tonal characteristics of aircraft noise sources There is far more to say about Clean Sky and noise – cabin that are now emerging given the dramatic reduction of noise issues for example, which will be addressed in Clean jet engine noise are a good example. Sky 2 – than we can possibly address in this special Clean Sky is not alone in its endeavour to reduce noise Skyline. However, making hard choices and keeping it levels. It would simply not exist without national programmes concise is the beauty of such a publication. and upstream, EU-funded, collaborative research pro- grammes. The efforts in noise reduction must be addressed globally and transversally monitored. This is why we are reporting here on other projects and other approaches, such as the Open Air project of FP7. Eric Dautriat Special edition noise reduction 3 Overview of international noise research aimed at technology solutions Dominique Collin (Snecma) Technology Focal point for ICAO CAEP/WG1 and Coordinator of X-NOISE EV he task of monitoring noise technology research these initiatives offer a combination of technological and Tprogrammes has been a particular focus of the operational solutions that can be effectively associated International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) since the with the realisation of the global environmental goals. 6th meeting of its Committee on Aviation Environmental This overview of the research situation demonstrates Protection (CAEP/6) in 2004. Over the last ten years, it a significant commitment of all research stakeholders has been working to develop a broader view of worldwide (manufacturers, research establishments, and funding research activity and place
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