ppmmitmA ^ University Libr»rv •« I^ THE ANN ARBOR DEMOCRAT. VOLUME XXIX. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, JULY 23, 1897. NUMBER 5i; SHALL IT BE FREE TEXT BOOKS? The country is now breathlessly BOOTH-TUCKER COLONY. The tariff may not be a tax. but the Prosperity has been discovered in THE DEMOCRAT. It will be necessary for the people awaiting the adjournment of congress, Booth-Tucker has gone to New Mex Dingley tinkers are ''taxing" the pa-Alaska and people are going there by PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. of Ann Arbor to decide by ballot which will be the most auspicious leo and Arizona to select lands for tience of the country- the shiploads. whether they will have free text books event since the adjournment of Michi- the colonization of the homeless waifs CHAS. A. WARD, EDITOR AND PBOP in the grades of the city schools below gan's rowdy legislature. whom the Salvation .Army gathers i;i II has probably been noticed that When the Hon. Mark Hanna reads the high school or pass under the juris- the great cities. Rockefeller is sni.l everyone of President McKinley's ap- the glowing reports of gold discoveries TEEMS: $1.00 PER YKAR. diction of tihe Graham-Forsythe uni- Detroit's new school superintendent I.) be willing to furnish the money pointments carries with it a great and prosperity in Alaska, he says, "I form text book law. This question proposes to make his ten strike in the with which t(- irrigate the arid lands number of disappointments. told you so!" should be (Seetded at the annual school primary and gram-mar grades. If all upon which it is proposed to locate, (lection, which is only a little, over a reports are true, that is whew? some Here is a proposition of some merit. The powers still insist, on an accept- It is suspected that the effective v.'ork can be dour in Aui; Entered at Ann Arbor Postoffiou as Secon mouth distant. It will tee the duty -of Those lands only need the magic atrce by the sultan of their frontier tior. companies are not paying out any Ctasa Mail .Mutter. the school board to sulmiit. this ques- Arbor. touch of water to become one of tin-lme, and the sultan still insists on not hush money for the purpose of sur- tion to the qualified electors. It should choice garden spots of the country. accepting it. And so the matter pressing reports of the Klondike gold- OFFICE: TIMES BLDG., S. MAIN ST be fully discussed before the decision Detroit papers are 'wondering how The climate is warm, but clear, dry stands. discoveries. is made. The Democrat favors free the ice dealers of Ann Arbor.can each and delightful. Doctors and drug rPUe "rettfrn-lng pToaspeatty" harpis text books. Its cohumTs. however, are handle fifty tons of ice a flay. How? stores would lind mighty poor With 2S.mn Spanish troops in the The Massachusetts Sound 'Money should ISLS aside the eteinged for open to the other side and it invites We are a cool, conservative people. picking. But it requires more than hospitals and the remainder of the 1.' ague thinks that this country could wind iustimnrent. It would be mor discussion, Now, do yon understand? fertile soil io plant a successful col- army growling on short rations, the easily sell one hundred millions of in his lime. ony. In this case'money to construct Cuban patriots should be able to makt gold bonds every year for seven yea is Fatmlous stories of .'the new Alaskan The Toledo Bee has been purchased the irrigating canals and support tin life a tourden for Weyler. and thus redeem and retire the $700,- It is not a regular entertnin-:nen gold fields are wafted from the Pacific by Mr. NagJey Cochran and Mr. Frank ccionists during the season of waiting 000,000 of greenbacks and silver cer- that Mark Hanna willput on in Ohi Coast. I'lidoubTedly these stories Ohl. Both gentlemen are "onto tlieir fov the first crop must be an import- Speaker Reed has- called upon the tificates outstanding. This will be a 'this fall. It's just a rehearsal for th largely spring from the fertile brains job" and the Bee will continue :n the ant factor of success. Some knowl- ar.gust senators to slide off their perch. pleasing bit of information for those Democratic victories of 1898. OJ" enterprising newspaper reporters. future as It iias in the past to plant edge of husbandry on the part of the Will they slide? Mr. Reed has demon- who want to make safe investments But should, there •prove to be some its stinger 'where it vill do the most colonists will also be essential. But strated his ability to run the house, in government bouds, but how does it The glad hand that goes out froi small modicum of truth in these tales good—for the Dtmocracv. above all other requirements will be lie should be able to round up thestrike the tax-ridden farmer? the Republican wigwam to every goi cf untold wealih the country will be the determination upon the part of senate. Democratic, gathering is evidence o created to a practical demonstration According to .the dispatchc-s the these who embark in the enterprise to The ruling price oi' the best grade of tli*' esteem in which the assistant bod. of a, principle that th? silverite stren- "quickened .spirit"' that came to some take what comes and rough it out un- And now the word comes from soft coal at present is $2.50 and ^2.7"5. is hel'd by the parent organization. uously insisted upon and the goldltes of the Christian Endeavorers in Santil the success which is bound to fol-Cleveland that a tinplate miU Ins This is called the best grade, but it is- Vigorously denied in the campaign last Francisco was of so ardent a nature low continued perseverance in a wjrk closed down, on account of a strike of what is known as mine run, or the- Now that the Dingley tariff ha fsII—that the price of gold is regulated that the .buwien was too great to carry of that kind is reached. Neither the employees, right in the face of the coal just as it comes out—an unscreen- reached its full growth the Democra by the supply of and the demand for and the burdened ones landed in themoney, nor experience, nor the co-new tariff. Mr. Dingley shouia call ed mixture of lump 'ind slack.- The* that metal. police court to the great scandal of would inquire of the assistant Rop operation' of a colony :-s absolutely nec- for a revision. price before the beginning of the the great gathering. lican Clulb how it likes the plaut 1 If it shall prove to be true that goM essary for the success of the man who strike was S2.10. It is the opinion lias so carefully watered and 'ioui is found in such quantities in Alaska wants to secure a free hold in the Should the half that is published of generally that hereafter the present Is hod. that a man call wash out §5,000 per The man who want* the cauine Lribe west and is content to follow the sim- rate will rule, and, of course, the deal- the new Alaskan mines provj true, ' day. it does not require very acute wiped from the face of the earth, a,id ple routine of rural life. It is safe to there will be such a slump in the ers wili make something while they OUT Republican friends should no perceptive faculties to perceive that it the man who don't want any sucii assert that the great majority of home- price of gold that the "honest money" have a chance. They claim there was •overlook the fact that the "silve 'in only a question of a very shout thing, the lady who wants somebody owners west of the Missouri river to- inn will be as anxious to demonetize little or no opportunity before the «r,ize" which they put to sleep las time when the purchasing power of to row her up and down the placid day .have faced the serious problem of it as they were in 1S57. strike, so low was the price. The coal fall is gathering strength while 1 tr>oney made of that metal will de- bosom of the Huron, and the urchin building a home in the wilderness wii.i dealers and the miners ought to join. *}eeps. cline, or in other words the puces of who wishes to disport his limbs in its less capital than is possessed by the If Japan and Spain have combined hands, if this be true. commodities computed in gold dollars classic waters, the fellow who poisons average day laborer in Ann Arbor to- to take a hand in our little American •will rise. sparrows .and .the old maid who is An occasional glance at the editovi.i day. Grit and perseverance is the game, they should understand that Tl'.e Chicago Times-Herald intimate concerned albout the safety of her cat. columns of the Detroit Free Pres The same phenomena was observed best capital the pioneer and the colon- Uncle Sam has no limit when he plays tl'.at Tannerism is worse than ever lends us to think that the proprietor, after the gold discoveries of Australia and divers and sundry other persons ist can have. But right here is where and they had better buy red chips a-id Altgeldasm was in its worst form.
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