KAPPA ALPHA . At O.U Since 1905 look some of the boys who have perpet- There had to be a starting place and Kappa Al- four houses . Number two was where the Boomer To at pha was it. It was in 1905 that the fraternity sys- Theater is now on Campus Corner ; three was at uated these traditions in K. A., we find Fletcher S. tem was introduced on the University campus . Nor- the corner of Boyd and Monnett, and the present Riley, l76a, justice of the State Supreme Court; man was pretty spread out, then, and the infant location is at the corner of College and Cruee. Carl Albert, '31ba, Congressman, Third District University wasn't an elaborate thing to look at, but Bob Wagner, student from McAlester, now di- of Oklahoma ; Jack Jacobs, '38-'42, Green Bay chapter people were proud of it . rects the affairs of the fraternity as its Packers backfield star ; Dave Wallace, '43, who is The K. A. house in those early clays over 40 president. Vice-president is Herbert "Buddy" West, back in school and was place-kick specialist on last years ago was located on the plot of ground now Meridian, Mississippi, and Jim McIntosh, Durant, is year's varsity team ; Benton Ferguson, '316a, ad- house manager. occupied by the Episcopal Church on Asp. Charter secretary. Jerry Keen, Norman, is vertising agency, Oklahoma City, and George No- . members were G. B. "Deac" Parker, '08ba, edi- Among the traditions of Beta Eta chapter of K.A lan, '19, First National Bank, Norman . tor-in-chief of Scripps-Howard Newspapers, Wash- is the annual Dixie Dance. For an evening the reigns on the campus . K. A. faculty alums include Walter Campbell, ington ; Everette DeGolyer, 'llba, Dallas geologist glory of the Confederacy Alpha research professor of English; Paul Carpenter, dean who gave the commencement address this spring ; The chivalrous Dixie gentlemen of Kappa highlight of the College of Fine Arts ; J. Bruce Wiley, '35eng, Dr . Roscoe Walker, '096s, Pawhuska physician and escort their southern belles to one of the '41eng, assistant professor of electrical engineer- surgeon; Walter Ferguson, '06, now deceased, son social events of the year . sports on the ing; Col. Jerome J. Waters, commandant, Univer- of an early territorial governor, and Hugh A. Car- Some of the keenest competition in the Beta sity R.O .T .C .; Dr.L. A. Doran, associate professor of roll, '05, Selected Investments, Oklahoma City . Bill campus is between Kappa Alpha and government ; Dr . John Rohrer, associate professor of Cross, '096a, business manager of the University Theta Pi . Since 1908 they have played the annual psychology ; Ed Landreth, '476us, instructor in Athletic Association, was in the first pledge class. Beer Bowl, classic football game packed with thrill- statistics, and Bill Cross. Through the years the fraternity has occupied ing friendly rivalry. Calling the Roll of Sooner Classes -1899- -1907- _1909- 50th Class Reunion Harriet White Steels, '076a, is making her home 40th Class Reunion June 5, 1949 in Kingfisher where her husband, Clarence R. June 5, 1949 Frank Ray Briggs, '99Ph.C, is owner of the Tiny Steele is employed as a civil engineer. Tot Shop in Tehama-Willows, California . Before Ernest Sylvester Barnes, '09ba (Kingfisher), is coming to the University Mr . Briggs attended -1908- engaged in farming near Hillsdale. Oklahoma A . and M. College at Stillwater in 1896 '08ba, 09ma, was asked to ap- Frank M. Long, James C. M. Krumtum, '096a, '23ma, '36D .Ed, . program with his and 1897 pear on the Betty Crocker radio has been head of the department of foreign lan- . wife by the American Broadcasting Company guages at Southwestern Institute of Technology, Witcher, '086a (Kingfisher), has been -1903- Ollie Rose Weatherford,since 1925 . El Reno High School Mary Rice Greenfield '03ba, (Kingfisher), has an instructor of English in the been assistant professor of English at Friends Uni- for the past 35 years. Charles Lewis Kaupke,'096s,is serving as a water Burgess, '086a (Kingfisher), is versity in Wichita, Kansas, since 1920 . Ernest Watson master and engineer for theKings River Water Asso- professor and chairman of the department of sociol- ciation-a position he has held for the remarkable -1904- ogy at the University of Chicago. He has been a long time of 30 years. The firm is located in Fresno, member of the faculty since 1916 and has held the California, where Kaupke and his wife, Lydia Mar- 45th Class Reunion chairmanship since 1946 . Before going to Chicago tha Mangold Kaupke, live. They arc the parents of June 5, 1949 he was an assistant professor at the University of three children . Kansas and Ohio State University . -1906- William Christopher Mongold, '086a (Kingfish- Robert Hickman Riley, '096s, '13med, has been with the State Department of Health of Maryland Pearl Shaw Moore, '06ba (Kingfisher), and her er), is a professor of education and clean of the Up- held the position of director husband, William O. Moore, are now living in per Iowa University at Fayette, Iowa . lie has held for 34 years. Riley has he served as Rushville, Indiana. the position for 32 years. of health now for 20 years. Formerly 21 AUGUST, 1948 Washita County. She is the mother of three chil- dren. -1921- Orel Busby, '14Law, is at present a member in the Dr . S. H. Pogoloff, '216s, '23med, Manville, New law firm of Busby, Harrell and Trice located in Jersey, accompanied by his wife and two younger Ada, Oklahoma . While enrolled in the University, sons, visited on the University campus late in July . Busby was a member of Phi Delta Phi, honorary Arch M. Wallace, '21eng, '31m .ed, has been em- law fraternity, and Sigma Delta Chi, professional ployed for the past two years as an airport engi- journalism fraternity . He served as editor of the neer with the Civil Aeronautics Association in Fort Oklahoma Daily and was a member of the social Worth, Texas. fraternity of Sigma Nu . A. M. Lloyd, '21geol, is now manager of the Mrs. Helen Louise Holtzschue Vardaman, '146a, Nelson and Edwards Morris, Ltd., in Dallas, Texas. former instructor at the University, lives near Nor- Jessie Bullock Claypool, '216a, is making her home in man. She is married to John Vardaman and the Fort Worth, where her husband, Daniel E. couple has one child, John E. Vardaman, 19 . Claypool, Jr., is owner and manager of a machine Ethel Catharine Sherman Hogan, '146a, was the shop . first president of the girls athletic association and -1922- also a "O" wearer on the Oklahoma University Pearl Fisch Henry, '22, is making her home in Girls Basketball team . She is married and a mem- Hollywood, California, where her husband, Roy H. ber of the real estate brokerage firm of Parker and Henry, is employed as a certified public accountant . Hogan. Lco S. Cade, '226a, has been in the farming and Leonard Marion Logan, Jr., '14ba, is a professor investments business in Oklahoma City for the past of sociology and director of the Institute of Com- 12 years. He is a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon munity Development at the University-a position Fraternity . he has held 25 years. L. E. "Jap" Haskell, '22geo1, and Mrs. Thyra M. Jetta Fausel Henderson, '146a (Kingfisher), Haskell, '23, formerly of Norman, left June 28 for . DR . R. H. RILEY, '09Bs, '13MED Huntington Park, California, has been an instruc- Tulsa, where they will make their home . Mr . Has- tor in the Los Angeles City Schools since 1927 . kell, former University director of athletics, will be chief of the bureau of communicable diseases and the eastern district agent for the Aetna Life In- assistant director of health for 8 years. -1917- surance Company. William L. Hetherington, cashier and a director of the City National Bank in Norman since 1946, -1923- died recently at his home . He is survived by his Mildred Whiteman Moseley, '22-'23, and her Gladys Scroggs Hawthorne, '10ba, is employed wife, Mrs. Helen Hudgens Hetherington, '176a, husband, M. T. Moseley, arc making their home in as librarian San Francisco. Mrs. a with the U. S. Geological Survey in and two sons, Dr. Charles Hetherington, '40eng, Moseley is a member of Gam- ma Phi Denver. '41m .eng, Bronxville, New York, and Clark Heth- Beta Sorority . MONTGOMERY-CLARKE: Mrs. O. P. Mont- erington, '42bus, Norman. Sibyl T. Hall, '236a, '27ms, is making her home gomery, '10ba, '16ma, Norman, and W. R. Clarke, Dr. Walter H. Dersch, '17med, has been prac- in Alva where her husband, John A. Hall, is prac- ticing dentistry. Frederick, were married June 23 in Lawton . The ticing medicine in Oklahoma City for the past 31 Mrs. Hall is a member of Alpha Phi Sorority . couple is at home in Frederick. years. Mrs. Dersch is the former Sallie Stephens, '16nurse, who graduated with the first class of Helen Elizabeth Warn Annen, '23fa, '246a, has nurses at the University. been a professor of art education at the University ~1912 of Wisconsin, Josh Lee, '176a, member of the Civil Aeronautics Madison, for the past 22 years. Pre- Charles viously H. Herndon, '12Law, died recently at Board, Washington, D. C., Mrs. Lee and their she had taught at East Central State Col- his home in Mount Ida, Arkansas, following an daughter, Mary Louise, have returned to Norman lege, Ada, Colorado Teachers College, Evansville, illness of several months . Mr. Herndon was a mem- to spend the summer months . Mrs. Lee is the for- Indiana, and Tuscon, Arizona. Mrs. Annen is a ber of the first graduating class of the O.U . School mer Louise Gerlach, '23 . member of Gamma Phi Beta Sorority and was of Law.
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