Sedimentary basins concealed by Acknowledgements volcanic rocks The map sheet was compiled by J.C. Escher (onshore) In two areas, one off East Greenland between latitudes and T.C.R. Pulvertaft (offshore), with final compilation 72° and 75°N and the other between 68° and 73°N off and legend design by J.C. Escher (see also map sheet West Greenland, there are extensive Tertiary volcanic legend). In addition to the authors’ contributions to the rocks which are known in places to overlie thick sedi- text (see Preface), drafts for parts of various sections mentary successions. It is difficult on the basis of exist- were provided by: L. Melchior Larsen (Gardar in South ing seismic data to learn much about these underlying Greenland, Tertiary volcanism of East and West Green- sediments, but extrapolation from neighbouring onshore land); G. Dam (Cretaceous–Tertiary sediments of cen- areas suggests that oil source rocks are present. tral West Greenland); M. Larsen (Cretaceous–Tertiary Seismic data acquired west of Disko in 1995 have sediments in southern East Greenland); J.C. Escher (map revealed an extensive direct hydrocarbon indicator in of dykes); S. Funder (Quaternary geology); N. Reeh the form of a ‘bright spot’ with a strong AVO (Amplitute (glaciology); B. Thomassen (mineral deposits); F.G. Versus Offset) anomaly, which occurs in the sediments Christiansen (petroleum potential). Valuable comments above the basalts in this area. If hydrocarbons are indeed and suggestions from other colleagues at the Survey are present here, they could either have been generated gratefully acknowledged. below the basalts and have migrated through the frac- Finally, the bulletin benefitted from thorough reviews tured lavas into their present position (Skaarup & by John Korstgård and Hans P. Trettin, both of whom Chalmers 1998) or, alternatively, be derived from a are gratefully acknowledged for their suggestions for source rock in the presumably upper Paleocene – lower improvements of text and illustrations. Peter R. Dawes Eocene sediments above the lavas and down-dip from improved several aspects of the bulletin, including the the bright spot (see Fig. 50). Legend explanation, Place names register and Index. References Allaart, J.H. 1976: Ketilidian mobile belt in South Greenland. In: Appel, P.W.U., Fedo, C.M., Moorbath, S. & Myers, J.S. 1998: Escher, A. & Watt, W.S. (eds): Geology of Greenland, 120–151. Archaean Isua supracrustal belt, West Greenland: pilot study Copenhagen: Geological Survey of Greenland. of the Isua Multidisciplinary Research Project. Geology of Andersen, J.C.Ø., Rasmussen, H., Nielsen, T.D.F. & Rønsbo, J.G. 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