H1808 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE April 12, 1999 RESIGNATION AS MEMBER OF into our most serious secret weapons Foreign assistance used under the COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS programs, is described as almost total. microcredit program is loaned and paid The SPEAKER laid before the House Mr. Speaker, nuclear warhead tech- back with interest and is recycled and the following resignation as a member nology might be hard for most to con- used for new loans, thus reaching an ceive, but the fact that China could of the Committee on Small Business: even greater percentage of the world's conceivably have the power to kill as poor. CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, many as seven million Americans with HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Microcredit is empowerment. It is a Washington, DC, March 25, 1999. one missile is something that I think tool which builds upon the human spir- Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, everyone can visualize. it. It is the U.S. helping others to help Speaker, House of Representatives, This Chinese espionage has gone on themselves. Microcredit is action in Washington, DC. far too long. I urge the Security Coun- support of our humanitarian instincts DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Last week I was ap- cil to release the Cox report because and objectives. pointed to the Committee on Government this administration needs to stand up I support this program, and when the Reform. As a result of this appointment, I and take responsibility for release of bill comes to the floor, H.R. 1143, I ask hereby resign as a member of the Committee this Top Secret technology, and the that my colleagues give their strong on Small Business. American people deserve to fully know Thank you for your attention to this re- support. I know that results in Miami quest. what kind of mess we are actually in. works, and it works internationally, as Sincerely, Mr. Speaker, I yield back any secrets well. we may have. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY, f Member of Congress. f The SPEAKER. Without objection, KOSOVO IS ONE BIG WAR CRIME ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE the resignation is accepted. (Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was There was no objection. given permission to address the House The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. f for 1 minute and to revise and extend STEARNS). Pursuant to clause 8 of rule his remarks.) XX, the Chair announces that he will COMMUNICATION FROM DAVID M. Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, rape, postpone further proceedings today on DELQUADRO, ASSISTANT DIREC- murder, torture. Kosovo is one big war each motion to suspend the rules on TOR, ADMINISTRATION AND IN- crime. I say it is time to indict which a recorded vote or the yeas and FORMATION DIVISION, CONGRES- Slobodan Milosevic for his war crimes. nays are ordered or on which the vote SIONAL BUDGET OFFICE I say it is time to arm the opposition is objected to under clause 6 of rule The SPEAKER laid before the House forces in Kosovo so they can defend XX. the following communication from themselves. I say it is time for Europe, Such rollcall votes, if postponed, will David M. Delquadro, Assistant Direc- yes, Europe, to send in ground troops be taken after debate has concluded on tor, Administration and Information to help. all motions to suspend the rules but Division, Congressional Budget Office: And finally, Mr. Speaker, Milosevic not before 6:30 p.m. today. U.S. CONGRESS, has lost all moral and legal authority f CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, to rule Kosovo. It is time to support Washington, DC, March 30, 19999. and recognize independence for Kosovo. OTAY MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, Members of Congress, we can pay ACT OF 1999 Speaker of the House of Representatives, now or Congress and the world can pay Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, I move Washington, DC. much, much more later. to suspend the rules and pass the bill DEAR MR. SPEAKER: This is to formally no- I yield back all of the crimes of tify you, pursuant to Rule VIII of the Rules (H.R. 15) to designate a portion of the of the House, that I received a subpoena for Slobodan Milosevic. Otay Mountain region of California as documents and testimony issued by the Su- f wilderness. perior Court of the District of Columbia. MICROCREDIT LENDING The Clerk read as follows: After consultation with the Office of Gen- H.R. 15 eral Counsel, I have determined to comply (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was with the subpoena to the extent that it is given permission to address the House Be it enacted by the Senate and House of consistent with Rule VIII. for 1 minute and to revise and extend Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Sincerely, her remarks.) DAVID M. DELQUADRO, Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Assistant Director, Administration rise to speak about a wonderful pro- This Act may be cited as the ``Otay Moun- tain Wilderness Act of 1999''. and Information Division. gram which is transforming the lives of f millions of poor families around the SEC. 2. FINDINGS. The Congress finds and declares the fol- world. I am referring to microcredit CHINESE ESPIONAGE JEOPARD- lowing: lending. (1) The public lands within the Otay Moun- IZES SECURITY OF AMERICA Microcredit involves giving small, AND ITS CITIZENS tain region of California are one of the last low-interest, start-up loans to poor but remaining pristine locations in western San (Mr. GIBBONS asked and was given hard-working, aspiring entrepreneurs Diego County, California. permission to address the House for 1 so that they can start their thriving (2) This rugged mountain adjacent to the minute and to revise and extend his re- small businesses known as microenter- United States-Mexico border is internation- marks.) prises. It is a program which has dem- ally known for its diversity of unique and Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, the secu- onstrated the potential to help the sensitive plants. rity of America and its citizens has (3) This area plays a critical role in San poorest family emerge from poverty Diego's multi-species conservation plan, a been seriously jeopardized because of and, by extension, to help create a national model made for maintaining bio- the nuclear weapons and missile trans- more inclusive global economy. Re- diversity. fer of technology to China. The Amer- sults in Miami under the leadership of (4) Due to its proximity to the inter- ican people deserve to know just how Gail Newman, Kathleen Gordon, and national border, this area is the focus of im- our Nation's goose has been cooked. many other volunteers has helped doz- portant law enforcement and border interdic- Newsweek recently reported that our ens become entrepreneurs. tion efforts necessary to curtail illegal im- top nuclear weapons expert practically Microcredit works locally and it can migration and protect the area's wilderness fainted when briefed by CIA analysts work globally, as well. It is not a hand- values. (5) The illegal immigration traffic, com- on the preliminary damage assessment out. It is an opportunity, an invest- bined with the rugged topography, also pre- from Chinese espionage. ment, an exercise in responsibility and sents unique fire management challenges for Additionally, I think the American accountability. In developing coun- protecting lives and resources. people will also feel faint when they tries, the rate of repayment to these SEC. 3. DESIGNATION. learn that the investigating officials established programs range from 95 to In furtherance of the purposes of the Wil- believe that the Chinese spying, even 99 percent. derness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), certain VerDate 06-MAY-99 13:35 May 13, 1999 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\TEMP\H12AP9.REC h12ap9 PsN: h12ap9 April 12, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H1809 public lands in the California Desert District Area and shall be managed in accordance of San Diego County. I commend the of the Bureau of Land Management, Cali- with all the provisions of this Act and other gentleman from California for his hard fornia, comprising approximately 18,500 acres laws applicable to such a wilderness. work on this important piece of legisla- as generally depicted on a map entitled SEC. 8. NO BUFFER ZONES. tion. This is good legislation that will ``Otay Mountain Wilderness'' and dated May The Congress does not intend for the des- 7, 1998, are hereby designated as wilderness protect an important area. I urge my ignation of the Wilderness Area by this Act colleagues to support H.R. 15. and therefore as a component of the National to lead to the creation of protective perim- Wilderness Preservation System, which shall eters or buffer zones around the Wilderness Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of be known as the Otay Mountain Wilderness. my time. Area. The fact that nonwilderness activities  SEC. 4. MAP AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION. or uses can be seen or heard from areas with- Mr. ROMERO-BARCELO. Mr. Speak- (a) IN GENERAL.ÐAs soon as practicable in the Wilderness Area shall not, of itself, er, I yield myself such time as I may after the date of enactment of this Act, a preclude such activities or uses up to the consume. map and a legal description for the Wilder- boundary of the Wilderness Area. (Mr. ROMERO-BARCELO asked and ness Area shall be filed by the Secretary SEC. 9. DEFINITIONS. was given permission to revise and ex- with the Committee on Energy and Natural As used in this Act: tend his remarks.) Resources of the Senate and the Committee (1) PUBLIC LANDS.ÐThe term ``public Mr.
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