THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 39: ISSUE l30 FRIDAY, APRIL 22.2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM ND student robbed at gunpoint Leaders said. The man showed a gun and the incident, which occurred "We checked the area down by By I-lEATHER VAN told the student to give him his while several games of the Notre Dame Avenue and alerted describe HOEGARDEN wallet. Bookstore Basketball Tour­ South Bend Police," llurley said. N~ws Writ~r "The student gave him his wal­ nament were being played at the "Nobody matched the description let, and the guy told him to walk nearby Bookstore courts. in that area." ideal ne-w A Notre Dame student was away," Hurley said. 'The student The suspect, described as a Hurley said there wa<> no one in roblwd at gunpoint Thursday turned and looked over hi<> shoul­ black male in his late 20s to early the area when the incident night outside the Eek Visitors' der and the guy ran southbound 30s, was estimated to be six feet occurred and that the student Cnnter on (:ampus, Notre Dame on Notre Dame Avenue." tall and weigh 180 pounds. He was unsure if he could identify provost Security/l'olke assistant dirnelor The student, a senior at the was wearing an unzipped black the suspect if he wa<> a<>kcd to. Chuck llurloy said. University, wa<> unharmed. leather jacket with a gray T-shirt NDSP has assigned a detective Tlw student. who was walking Hurley said the student went and a red baseball hat, Hurley to the ca<.;e, and he will meet with By EILEEN DUFFY ea"il from his dormitory on cam­ into the Hammes Bookstore, said. the student to develop a compos­ Assistanr News Editor pus. saw a man silting alone on a whieh wa<; in the process of clos­ After the student contacted ite sketch of the suspect, Hurley bench on thn north side of the ing up for the night. lie called NDSP, oiTicers attempted to find The seareh committee for the 1\ck Cnntnr about <J p.m., llurley NDSP about three minutes after the suspect. see ROBBERY/page 6 new provost, headed by Univnrsity President-elect Father John Jenkins, has bmm meeting with various constituencies to find out what qualities they arn looking for in Notrn Damn's rwxt NDSP protects Dotne frotn curious clitnbers arademir leader. "Hathcr than prejudice the issun, we want to find out what Officers fear students others think," philosophy profns­ sor and committee member will scale scaffolding Corrwlius Delaney said. Senior faculty members have a great deal to say about their By AMANDA MICHAELS hopes for the new provost - News Writ<·r rngarding both his eharadnr and his vision for the Univnrsity. In tlw latnst installment of drama surrounding tlw mgilding Character of the ColdPn Dome, tho Notre Whon li:u:ulty mmnb1ws rdloct­ I>an11• Sncurity/Policn initiatml an ed on the qualities a provost all-night guard at thn building's ought to possess, tlwy (:anw up base during tlw last wnPk in a with a variety of rosponsns. movn oflkials said was a rnsponsn Keith Bradley, chair of thn das­ sies department, pointnd imnwdi­ to n~porL"i of stmiPnt"i aUnmpling to ('limb thn srallillding stnwturn. ately to aeadnrnies wlwn lw "W('rP mncPrllNI that. with thn describod his idPal provost. warm<'r wnatlwr, pPopln will h1~ "liP or slw must be an <U:I:orn­ intrigund into trying rlimh scaf­ plished seholar who can set a folding, which is a dangnrous situ­ standard li>r llw rnst of the fa!'ul­ ation if donP during tlw night, ty, someone with intPIIIlCtual particularly il' thPy had bPPn using v'ision for the tnaching and alcohol," NDSP assistant dimctor rnsnarch ontnrprise that is tho Univnrsity," lkadlny said, adding ( :hu('k llurley said. "This is a saf(~­ ly issue. WP'rt~ trying t.o he proll!:­ that tim provost ought to I>P truly "inspirational." tivn, and kPI~P pnopln from gntting hurt." Others were more concnrrwd Jim Lyphout, Vice Pmsidnnl of with tho provost's public pres­ Busirwss Opnrations, said that his ence. Dnnnis I>oordan, chair of art, art history and dnsign, said ollkll - whkh is in charw~ or the hn hop1~s to son a rww acadmnk rngilding projnrt- had be11n CLAIRE KELLEYfThe Observer Our Lady of Notre Dame, stripped of her golden coat, watches over the University from her place see DOME/page 6 atop the Dome. The regilding process began In mid-March and Is set to be finished by fall. see PROVOST /page 8 Belles bless new Student Center Parking spots may be By JEN MALL scarce for game day News Wrirer "It's an arna south of' Edison By KATE ANTONACCI A sense of community was and it is ownnd by tho truly the aura on the Saint Associate News Editor University," assistant director Mary's campus Thursday as of Notrn Damn Soeurity/Policn Those attending Saturday's hundreds gathered to dedi­ Philip .Johnson said. cate the new Student Center Blue-Gold spring football Aceording to tlw University game may face more problems and Noble Arehitoet's ofl'ieo, tho ~~on­ F a m i I y See Also than just struetion on thn fields is part nabbing a See Also Dining II all. "Student of the eampus roads projnd, Among those good seat in "Officials wherein Edison Hoad and a t t c n d i n g Center boasts a the stadium. Finding a ·predict big Houte 2:~ will he widnned. A were stu- dozen new largo portion of' the existing dents, farul- parking spot crowds for Edison will be dnrnolislwd and offices" ty, staff, sis- may pose a realigned so a l'our-litlll' challenge, scrimmage" ters, a lu m - page 3 north-south road can bn en~­ nan, donors due to the page4 ated wlwro Edison moots Ivy and the Board of Trustees. construction Hoad. eurrently undnrway on the "The new Student Center is The fields will be rnloeatNI soccer fields on Edison Hoad KELLY HIGGINS/The Observer a wonderful addition to the for the fall football snason, Student Trustee Sarah Brown aids Father Joe Carey In the previously used for parking on blessing of the new Student Center at Saint Mary's Thursday. see CENTER/ page 9 football weekends. see PARKING/page 9 ~~- --~~- -~- ~------- -~- -~ - ~~- -- -- - -~-- -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------------------------- page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Friday, April 22, 2005 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WOULD YOU EVER WANT TO CLIMB THE DOME? I climbed the Dome I believe I am the only under­ graduate to climb the scaffolding on the Dome to the top this year. That is. the only student with per­ mission. Lindsay Till Jenn Heller Nathan Lohmeyer Annellse Succata Tom Raaf First I had to senior sophomore senior senior senior sign my life away. I especially liked off campus Lewis off campus off campus off campus the part that said, "I hereby release, "Yes! With or "Yes, I'd hate "Yes, so I could "Yes - I heard "Of course, acquit and forever discharge the without the for the security stand next to Mary is huge." because I heard University ... for scaffolding. " guards to sit Mary and be Mary is made of any and all dam­ there all night closer to sweet, sweet ages, losses or for nothing. " Heaven." chocolate. " injuries (INCLUD- Claire Kelley lNG DEATH)." Our guide was Tony Polotto, sen- Photo Editor ior project manag- er for the University Architects. Ed Cohen and Matt Cashore from The Notre Dame Magazine had requested this ascent to the top and I was lucky enough to come along with them. IN BRIEF I consider myself mildly acropho­ bic (afraid of heights) but the scaf­ Studnnt Union Board. Saint folding was very stable. With every Mary's Board of GovernancP. and few steps up the scaffolding stairs, thr class of 2007 will host a six­ the people on the ground became hour "Baltic of the Bands" at smaller and smaller until finally Legends tonight. Tlw rvent. part they looked like moving specks. I o!' tlw AnTostal !'rstivities. will clung onto the railing with one begin at 6 p.m. hand and clutched my camera with the other. The Bookstore Basketball At rooftop level we began to see Tournament will continue tonight the damage on the Main Building. ·with the Elite Eight teams bat­ Paint on the outside was flaking tling for 11rst place. The event away. As I cautiously followed the will take place tonight from 6 others along the scaffolding walk­ p.m. to 9 on the basketball way I saw a gold gleam in front of courts outside the Hammes me and picked it up. It was a flake Bookstore. of gold leaf. I suddenly felt like I understood The Film, Television and the fervent obsession with gold Theater department will sponsor that the forty-niners had. As we the play "Arcadia" tonight and got closer to the top I began to Saturday night at 7:30 p.m. in pick up as much as I could and put the Decio Theater. Tickets can it in my pocket. Polotto told us that be purchased from the DeBartolo only one bar of gold is used for all Performing Arts Center. of the gilding on the dome and this KELLY HIGGINSfThe Observer amount of gold is valued at The movie "Finding Saint Mary's students enjoy a picnic dinner on the Alumnae Green Thursday Neverland," starring Johnny $109,000. evening as part of the Student Center dedication festivities. Other SMC Tostal Once we reached Mary's base events Included inflatable games, air brush tattoos and a mechanical bull.
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