Title: Result of Repertoire Review for PDAM4 of ISO/IEC 10646:2003 and future amendments Date: 2007-02-16 WG2/N3211, L2/07-082 Source: Asmus Freytag (Unicode) Status: Liaison contribution Action: for review by WG2 and UTC experts Distribution: WG2 and UTC Replaces: -- Note This version of the document covers repertoire proposals for multiple amendments Status This document is intended to support the process of synchronization between the Unicode Standard and ISO/IEC 10646. It may be used by WG2 delegates interested in the results of the review of the ballot document and other pending character proposals by the Unicode Technical Committee (UTC). In this version of the document, the names and code positions are shown as currently approved by UTC for future versions of the Unicode Standard or as submitted in ballot comments and character encoding proposals. It is not a summary of WG2 decisions - that document will be released at the end of the WG2 meeting. Manner of Presentation The character names and code points shown are the same for Unicode and ISO/IEC 10646. ISO character name comments and Annex P annotation ‘*’, are suppressed in this document. Instead, the full anntoations and cross references from the Unicode names list are provided. In this document, the new characters are not shown in the context of the existing characters. The existing characters will be shown in the final ballot document or character names list. The occasional use of the word <reserved> in this draft is an artifact of the production process and should be ignored. Information about the status of a character proposal in WG2 and UTC as well as other inormation about the proposal is presented in a marginal note. Where a proposal refers to characters that are not in a single range, the information is repeated as necessary. A series of $$$$ indicates the presence of a issue that needs to be resolved as part of synchronization. The WG2 document number for all proposals has been provided for reference, as well as the UTC document number. Note to Reviewers UTC reviewers, please use this document as a summary of UTC review of pending ballots and proposals. WG2 Reviewers, please use this document as an aid during disposition of ballot comments. Despite best efforts there may be minor discrepancies in this document, particularly in terms of this summary and the status information printed in the margins. Contents This document lists 938 characters. (7 Unified CJK character additions not listed, character count for Ext C not listed) Existing characters from ISO/IEC 10646:2003, including AMD1-AMD3, for which glyph corrections have been requested are not shown in this summary document, but they will be shown in the ballot documents. The following list shows all 30 blocks to which characters are proposed to be added, or which have been affected by other changes documented here. 0400-04FF Cyrillic See document L2/07-003, N3194 0500-052F Cyrillic Supplementary See document L2/07-003, N3194 0600-06FF Arabic See documents L2/0-345, N3180, L2/0-358, N3185 0750-077F Arabic Extended See document L2/06-345, N3180 0D00-0D7F Malayalam See document N2970 N3015, L2/06-207R, N3126 0D80-0DFF Sinhala See document L2/07-002, N3192 1000-109F Myanmar See documents N3142, N3143 1A20-1AAF Lanna See document L2/06-258, N3121R, L2/07-007, N3207 1C80-1CCF Meitei Mayek See document L2/07-005, N3206 2000-206F General Punctuation See document L2/07-011R, N3198 20D0-20FF Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols See document: L2/07-011R, N3198 2100-214F Letterlike Symbols See document L2/06-245 2150-218F Number Forms See document L2/06-269 2600-26FF Miscellaneous Symbols See document N3170 27C0-27EF Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A See document L2/07-011R, N3198 2B00-2BFF Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows See document L2/07-011R, N3198 2DE0-2DFF Cyrillic Extended-A See documents L2/06-172, N3097, L2/07-003, N3194 2E00-2E7F Supplemental Punctuation See documents L2/0-269, L2/07-004, N3193, L2/07-003, N3194 3100-312F Bopomofo See document L2/06-338, N3179 A640-A67F Cyrillic Extended-B See document L2/07-003, N3194 A680-A6DF Bamum See document L2/07-024, N3209 A720-A7FF Latin Extended-D See documents L2/06-259R, L2/06-269 A8E0-A8FF Cyrillic Extended-C See document L2/07-003, N3194 AA00-AA5F Cham See document L2/06-257, N3120 EE00-EE5F Tay Viet See document L2/07-039R 10190-101CF Ancient Symbols See documents L2/06-234, N3138, L2/06-269 10B00-10B3F Avestan See document L2/07-006 1F000-1F02F Mahjong Tiles See document N3170 1F030-1F09F Domino Tiles See document N3170 2A700-2B77A CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C See document N3134 (Extension C is not listed here) 0400 Cyrillic 04FF 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 04A 04B 04C 04D 04E 04F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $҇ 0487 8 9 A B C D E F 4 N3211- Repertoire Review (UTC) Date: 21-Feb-2007 PDAM4 / future 0487 Cyrillic 0487 AI erratum for OMEGA 0487 $҇ WIHT TITLO, documenting COMBINING CYRILLIC POKRYTIE that it is a misnomer for "beautiful omega", with revised glyph to match Unicode 1.0 UTC: 2007-02-06 (sc - approved) WG2: $$$$ document: L2/07-003, N3194 contact: Everson font: (Everson) target: AMD4 N3211- Repertoire Review (UTC) Date: 21-Feb-2007 PDAM4 / future 5 0500 Cyrillic Supplement 052F 0514 Ԕ UTC: 2007-02-06 050 051 052 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER LHA (utc - approved) 0515 ԕ WG2: $$$$ CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER LHA document: L2/07- 0516 Ԗ 003, N3194 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER RHA contact: Everson Ԡ 0517 ԗ font: (Everson) 0 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER RHA target: AMD4 0518 Ԙ 0520 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YAE 0519 ԙ CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YAE 051A Ԛ CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER QA 1 ԡ 051B ԛ CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER QA 0521 051C Ԝ CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER WE 051D ԝ CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER WE Ԟ 2 Ԣ 051E CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ALEUT KA 051F ԟ CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ALEUT KA 0522 0520 Ԡ CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EL WITH MIDDLE HOOK 3 ԣ 0521 ԡ CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EL WITH MIDDLE HOOK 0523 0522 Ԣ CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EN WITH MIDDLE HOOK 4 Ԕ 0523 ԣ CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN WITH MIDDLE HOOK 0514 5 ԕ 0515 6 Ԗ 0516 7 ԗ 0517 8 Ԙ 0518 9 ԙ 0519 A Ԛ 051A B ԛ 051B C Ԝ 051C D ԝ 051D E Ԟ 051E F ԟ 051F 6 N3211- Repertoire Review (UTC) Date: 21-Feb-2007 PDAM4 / future 0600 Arabic 06FF 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 06A 06B 06C 06D 06E 06F 0 1 2 3 4 5 ؖ$ 6 0616 ؗ$ 7 0617 ؘ$ 8 0618 ؙ$ 9 0619 A $ؚ 061A B ػ 063B C ؼ 063C D ؽ 063D E ؾ 063E F ؿ 063F N3211- Repertoire Review (UTC) Date: 21-Feb-2007 PDAM4 / future 7 0616 Arabic 063F Koranic annotation signs UTC: 2006-11-06 (name0616 $ؖ revised from proposal) ARABIC SMALL HIGH LIGATURE ALEF WG2: $$$$ WITH LAM WITH YEH contact: Everson/Pournader • early Persian document: L2/0-345, N3180 font: ???? target: AMD4 UTC: 2006-11-06 0617 $ؗ WG2: $$$$ ARABIC SMALL HIGH ZAIN contact: 0618 $ؘ Everson/Pournader ARABIC SMALL FATHA document: L2/0-358, N3185 • should not be confused with 064E Ŧ FATHA font: ???? target: AMD4 0619 $ؙ ARABIC SMALL DAMMA • should not be confused with 064F ŧ DAMMA 061A $ؚ ARABIC SMALL KASRA • should not be confused with 0650 Ũ KASRA Additions for early Persian and Azerbeijani UTC: 2006-11-06 063B ػ (codes revised from ARABIC LETTER KEHEH WITH TWO DOTS proposal) ABOVE WG2: $$$$ contact: • early Persian Everson/Pournader document: L2/0-345, 063C ؼ ARABIC LETTER KEHEH WITH THREE N3180 font: ???? DOTS BELOW target: AMD4 • early Persian 063D ؽ ARABIC LETTER FARSI YEH WITH INVERTED V • Azerbaijani 063E ؾ ARABIC LETTER FARSI YEH WITH TWO DOTS ABOVE • early Persian 063F ؿ ARABIC LETTER FARSI YEH WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE • early Persian 8 N3211- Repertoire Review (UTC) Date: 21-Feb-2007 PDAM4 / future 0750 Arabic Supplement 077F UTC: 2006-11-06 075 076 077 script (codes Additions for early Persian revised from proposal) $$$$ :077E ݾ ARABIC LETTER SEEN WITH INVERTED V WG2 contact: • early Persian Everson/Pournader 0 document: L2/0- 077F ݿ ARABIC LETTER KAF WITH TWO DOTS 345, N3180 font: ???? ABOVE target: AMD4 • early Persian 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E ݾ 077E F ݿ 077F N3211- Repertoire Review (UTC) Date: 21-Feb-2007 PDAM4 / future 9 0D00 Malayalam 0D7F 0D0 0D1 0D2 0D3 0D4 0D5 0D6 0D7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A ˙ 0D7A B ˚ 0D7B C ¸ 0D7C D ˝ 0D7D E ˛ 0D7E F ˇ 0D7F 10N3211- Repertoire Review (UTC) Date: 21-Feb-2007 PDAM4 / future 0D7A Malayalam 0D7F Chillu letters UTC: 2006-05-19; 2006- 0D7A ˙ 08-11 names, 2006-11-06 MALAYALAM LETTER CHILLU NN reconfirmed names 0D7B ˚ WG2: 2006-09-27 MALAYALAM LETTER CHILLU N font: chillus 0D7C ¸ document: L2/06-207R, MALAYALAM LETTER CHILLU RR N3126 0D7D ˝ contact: Eric Muller MALAYALAM LETTER CHILLU L target: AMD4 0D7E ˛ MALAYALAM LETTER CHILLU LL 0D7F ˇ MALAYALAM LETTER CHILLU K N3211- Repertoire Review (UTC) Date: 21-Feb-2007 PDAM4 / future11 0D80 Sinhala 0DFF 0D8 0D9 0DA 0DB 0DC 0DD 0DE 0DF 0 1 2 3 4 5 0DF5 6 0DF6 7 ෧ 0DE7 0DF7 8 ෨ 0DE8 0DF8 9 ෩ 0DE9 0DF9 A ෪ 0DEA 0DFA B ෫ 0DEB 0DFB C ෬ 0DEC 0DFC D ෭ 0DED 0DFD E ෮ 0DEE 0DFE F ෯ 0DEF 0DFF 12N3211- Repertoire Review (UTC) Date: 21-Feb-2007 PDAM4 / future 0DE7 Sinhala 0DFF UTC: 2007-02-09 WG2: $$$$ document: L2/07-002, Historical digits N3192 contact: Everson These digits are not used with a zero font: Uni0D8 target: 0DE7 ෧ SINHALA DIGIT ONE 0DE8 ෨ SINHALA DIGIT TWO 0DE9 ෩ SINHALA DIGIT THREE 0DEA ෪ SINHALA DIGIT FOUR 0DEB ෫ SINHALA DIGIT FIVE 0DEC ෬ SINHALA DIGIT SIX 0DED ෭ SINHALA DIGIT SEVEN 0DEE ෮ SINHALA DIGIT EIGHT 0DEF ෯ SINHALA DIGIT NINE Historical numbers 0DF5 SINHALA NUMBER TEN 0DF6 SINHALA NUMBER TWENTY 0DF7 SINHALA NUMBER THIRTY 0DF8 SINHALA NUMBER FORTY 0DF9 SINHALA NUMBER FIFTY 0DFA SINHALA NUMBER SIXTY 0DFB
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