ATH«g« Daily N et' 1 Ron The Weather > tks .WMk IM Fair, cooler tonight with coo- Ool0k«»S,U« side rable fog developing, tx/w iS to 00. Tomorrow fair. High 15,229 80 to 70. !Hloncheiter-—A City of Village Charm «■ n « e 171 PRICE TEN CENTS VOL. LXXXVm, N O . 6 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) BIANCHESTER, (X)NN., BIONDAT, OCTOBER 7, 1968 Soviets Win First Place Political Scene Footholds in Finish Seen France Blasts Soviets By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS New York ’Times survey show­ Republican candidate Richard ing him leading In states with Arab Nations M. Nixon—showing a command­ more than enough electoral B y Wallace BB3IRUT, Lebanon (AP)—The ing lead in the three-way presi­ votes for election—and diowlng WASHINGTON (A P ) — Soviet Union hae won Important dential race In two new surveys Democratic candidate Hubert George C. Wallace says a poll ' new footholds in Arab oountrlea —says people* and not vast new H. Humphrey trailing In third diowing that he could finish sec- On Czech Intervention In the 18 months since the 1M7 government programs are the {dace behind third party candi­ <Mid to Richard M. Nixon for Middle East war. pmsidfsit is wrong-he is'going answer to city and poverty ills. date George C. Wallace. Tlte Russlane have rearmed to finish first. UNITED NATIONS, t ig y ii, S yria and Ira q and its- Massive new programs, Nixon A Washington Post 60-state Wallace, in Washington for N. Y. (AP)—France as­ creased the Soviet presence said In a Sunday night telecast survey also rfiowed a command­ speeches today at a meeting of serted today there can be there.. They are active lit seven in New York, would only "drain ing lead for Nixon, and a toss up United Pceee Intometiansl edi­ no East-West detente as out of the Arab League’s 14 the federal treasury to soothe between Hunqdu*ey and Wallace tors and the National Press the public conscience" and long as Soviet troops re­ Staten—Egypt, Syria, Iraq, at this point for third place. Club, dlsputod a New York main in Czechorfovakia. Yemen, South Yemen, Algeria would fall. But Wallace, In Washington to Times survey that said Wallace In a aharp condenmafiOB of and Sudan. Nixon said the reliance rtiould address United Press Interna­ was rumlng a distant second to the Soviet Union, Freooii For­ The Kremlin has increased its be on private enterprise, and on tional editors and the National Nixon but ahead of Democrat eign MlMater Mtohel Debt* told naval presence in the eastern millions of Americans he said Press Club, disputed the Times Hubert H.Humphrey. stand reaxly to help if they knew survey and said he Is going to "I don’t think the New York the 126-nafion Genenl Asaem- Mediterranean to a record 44 My the Soviet mUtory interven- aUpa, iitchidlng the aircraft car­ what to do. fliUah fir s t Times , knows anything more "As government has strained "I don’t thlnh the New York about pubUe opinion than this tian in Csenhoalovalda MM Au­ rier Mosova which Is. capable of gust "marlced another dark day to do more,’’ he said, "our peo­ ’Times knows an3rthlng more mlcropiMne,” Wallace told landing Russian marines by hel­ In poetwar htetoiy.’’ icop ter. ple have felt constrained to do about public opinion than this newsmen Sunday. He said cooperafion be(w*«n Unconfirmed reports say the le s s.’ ’ microphone,’* Wallace said at Ttw Times survey showed Weetein and Eastern Europe is RusMans are surveying the Syr­ Nixon spoke on the heels of a an airport news conference. Nixon leading in 34 states with vital to peace "and Him * is n o ian port of Tartus to establirii 380 e le cto ra l votes, W allaoe detente that ocui acconunodiats facilities there. Soviet ships are ahead in 7 with 66 eleotoral votes and Humphrey winning in Itself to the oooupatkxi troeps said to have already established tour states and the District of stationed by force.’’ a permanent presence in Alex­ Oolumbla with a total 28 electar- andria and Port Said. "Only the departure of these, a l votes. Newly Involved with the So­ troops," he said, "and the rejec­ Warren Convenes Election requires 270 electoral tion of all measures Inspired by viet Union are Yemen, Sudah votes. the taital policy of Moos—what­ and the former British colony of Wallace’s oampeign mensg- ever name one may give it—can Aden, now called the South ers say ■ the former Alabama prevent, for Europe first, then Yemen People’s Republic. Supreme Court governor’s populaiity has taken tor the world, the aggra'vattoa Last December, when the pull­ a sharp rise partiy because of of the current tension oreatsd out of Egyptian troops from WABHINQTON (AP) — H»e bench to be wwicomied by War­ what they call a perfectly timed by the event in AuguM.. Yemen was Imminent, the Rus­ Su|«eme Oxat opened a new ren and then be sworn In by announcement that former Air Debre eaid it had been wg- sians agreed to aiq>ply the re­ term today, 20 minutes late, but court desk John Davta. Faroe CMef of Staff Curtis E. gMked that the Soviet decision publican government with a unrufSed. The iBunquU ceremeny was In LOMiay w ould b e M s running to intervene in Caeohodovakla squadron eeich of fighters and At 10:20 a.m. EQDT, Chief Jus- contrast to the storm stirred up m ate. was due to fear* of a new mill- bom bers. tloe Eait Watren led the other by the Fortas oontraversy and The announcement came last tartat resurgence in WeM Qer- In A pril, a Shipment o f 22 eight black-robed justlcee to to the e^qdosive casee on the Thumday at a time when Wal­ memy. He minimised this dan­ tanks plus rocket-equipped ar­ their idaoes behind the long ma­ justtoes* docket lace was receiving wideepreed ger, however, and expressed mored vehicles, self-proi>eUed national attention on bis cam­ hogany bench, a clerk in morn­ ’Ihe court faces a seeslon ac­ Frainoe’s continued conAdenoe guns and ammunition arrived In ing coat called the pecked paign swing through the NOtih In the Bonn gcvemnMnt. Yenven. Forty Yemeni officers cepted by pleu of demonstra­ Bffidwest. courtroom to attention and War­ Noting France’s dose cooper­ went to Russia last month for tors and dkasentans, end an op- ren announced briskly: “The The news coips accompany­ ation with West Oeiroany In the weapons training. portixilty to extend its activism 1968 term o f th e Ckjpresne Court Into the pUgbt of the poor. ing the candidate bad suddmly postwar years, be said: Now the Yemen premier and is now connrened.’’ tripled in else before the an­ The poUhoal campaign dso "France, as aware as anyone’of stroqgman, Lt. Qen. Hassan el Far to the chief justice’s right nouncement and be had to char­ has been thrust at the court ex­ the demands of her security, is Aonrl, Is In Moscow to work out at the end of the bench set Jus­ ter two additkxial prop-jet alr- emplified by third-party presl- certain of having chosen the a new arms agreement. He has tice Abe Fbrtas, whose lunnina- Unera to ftooonunodate them. denttal oandidaite George C. true path, the only path that can sakt a new offensive by his roy­ tion to succeed Warren was Aides say letters from sup­ Wallace’s statement that War­ bring peace and oalm. The at­ alist opponents, backed by beaten down in the Senate dur­ porters, many encloeing contri­ tacks, the threats jeopardise ren "hasn’t got enough legfal neighboring pro-Westem Saudi ing the court’e eummer receee. butions and prairdng Ms (dioioe sense to try a chloken thief In that evolution.’’ Arabia, is Imminent. He end the other justloee quietly of LelMay, have inoreased to about 16,000 daily at this Mont­ "Europe needs detente, a pro­ Sudan, in Africa, has signed a watched lawyers troop to the (See Page Ten) gomery, Ala., headquarters. found and lasting detente, the tB8-mlUlon arms e^^ement narrow and necessary gate to with Russia, Including MIO jets, The aiaiouncememt of a nx>- nlng mate added a new nattenal (AP Photofax) cooperation and entente,” he antiaircraft weapons and tanks. tone and leglUmacy to Wal­ said. Sudapese officers are In the So­ A native woman carries her child as she passes a lace’s campaign. Me managen Thieu Claims He added this did not "involve viet Union for training. , c> Half of Senate Seen eay, and LdMay has brought truckload of South Vietnamese soldierB on a road modifying social structures and me Following the approval of the principles of economic organisa­ arms deal In July, a new Soviet (See Page Ten) Foe Has Lost near Tay Ninh. This was part of a Vietnamese tion, -whi(tx each cotmtry must am ba ssador w as appointed In For Halt to Bom bing army convoy moving airborne troops out on an give Itself.” He said, however, Khartoum because. In the words that It does fai'vMve "respect for of Pravda, "the atmosphere la Militarily operation around Tay Ninh, northwest of Saigon. D e. WAasmOTON (AP) — At ’Ihe senatona who said International law justly defined IB- becoming ever more favoraUe least half the Senate favors ooe want ihe bombing baited uneon- and decreed.’’ ’M SAIGON (AP) — President plan or another to halt U.6. (hUonaUy—at least on an experi­ (See Page ’Ten) LBJ Giving TV Talk Nguyen Van ’Thieu said today Debre de^t briefly with Viet­ tial bombing of North Vletafim, al­ mental beefs—maintained it ina the enemy has lost the military Stockpiles Found nam, declaring that the "prolon­ oo.
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