Suz ki From W kipedia, the free encycl pedia Jump to: navigation,, search For othe uses, see S zuki (disa biguation).. Suzuki otor Cor oration Type Publi ( (TYO ::72697269 Industry Auto obile Founded 1909 (as Suzuki Loom Works) Founder(s) Michio Suzuki Headqua ters Hamamatsu,,ShizuShizu ka, Japan Osamu Suzuki, Ch irman of the Board, Key peoplele Presi ent, CEO,,CC O and Repre sentative Direc or or [1] •• Automobiles •• Engines •• Motorcycl s Products •• ATVs •• Outboard otors Revenue $33.46 billion (2008)[2] Operatin [3] [4] income ¥137.6 billion $1.48b) 20 20 1010 [5] Net inco e ¥61.2 billion ( ( 010) Employe s 14,266 (2009)[6] •• Magyar Suzuki •• Maruti Suzuki Subsidiaries •• Pak Suzuk Motor Website GlobalSuzuki.com Suzuki otor Corporation ( ( Suzuki abushiki-K isha?) is a apanese multinational corpor tion headq artered in amamatsu, Japan that s ecializes i manufac uring compact automobiles and 4x vehicles, a full range offmotorcyclmotorcycl s,,all-terraiall-terrai vehicles (ATVs),,ouou board mari e engines,, heelchairs and a variet of other s allall internal combust on engines. Suzuki is t e 9th large t automobile manufacturer in the world by producti n volume,[7] employs o er 45,000 eople, has 35 main pro uction facilities in 23 countrie and 133 di tributors in 192 countries.es.[[citation need d ]] Accordin g to statistics from the Japan A tomobile anufacturer s Association (JAMA), uzuki is Ja an's secon -largest manufac urer of small cars and t ucks. "Suzuki" is pronoun eded [suzuki] in Japanese, with a hig tone on th [ki]. It is p onounced /sə zu ki/ sə- Z OO- ee in Engli h, with a st essed zu. T T is pronunciation is use by the Suzuki company in arketing campaigns di ected towar ds English-s peakers. Cont nts [[hidehide]] •• 1 History oo 1.1 Historical timeline •• 2 Maruti Suz ki •• 3 American uzuki Motor Corp. hist ry •• 4 Pakistani S zuki Moto Company imited •• 5 Suzuki Canada Inc. his ory •• 6 OEM deals •• 7 Automobil s •• 8 Motorcycles oo 8.1 Models •• 9 All-terrain ehicles (A Vs) •• 10 Event spo sorship •• 11 See also •• 12 References •• 13 External links [[editedit]] Histor TT is section i cludes a list of referen es, but its s urces rem in unclear because it hh s insufficientnt inline citations.. PlPlease help to i prove this arti cle by introducing more pre ise citations here appropri te.. (July 2009 In 1909, Michio Suz ki (1887–1982) found d the Suzuk i Loom Wo ks in the s all seacoas village offHamamatsHamamatsu,,JapanJapan. B. B siness boo ed as Suzu i built wea ing looms ororJapan's giant sil industry. [8] In 1929, M chio Suzuk i invented a new type of weaving m chine, whi hh was exp rted overse s. Suzuki filed as many as 120 patents and utility model ri hts.[[citation needed ]] Th Th e company's first 30 yea rs focused n the devel pment and roduction f these exceptio ally compl x machines..[[citation needed ]] Despite he success f his looms,, Suzuki rea ized his co pany had t diversify and he bega to look at other prod cts. Based nnconsumeconsume demand, h decided th at building small car would b the most p actical new venture. The project be an in 1937, and within two years Suzuki had completed several compact prot type cars. T hese first S zuki motor vehicles were po ered by a t en-innovative, liquid-c oled, four- troke, four-cylinder en ine. It featured a cast aluminum crankcase and gea box and ge erated 13 h rsepower ( .7 kW) fro a displacement of less than 800800cc .. With the onset of W rld War II, production lans for Su uki's new vehicles wer halted wh nn the gove nment decl red civilian passenger ars a "non- ssential co modity." t the conclusi n of the war, Suzuki w nt back to roducing lo oms..LoomLoom production as given a boost w en the U.S. government approved t e shipping f cotton to Japan. Suzuki's fortune brighten d as orders began to in rease from domestic te tile manufacturers. But the joy was short-liv d as the cotton market ollapsed in 1951. Faced w th this colo sal challen e, Suzuki's houghts went back to otor vehicl s. After the war, the apanese ha a great ne d for affordable, reliable personal t ansportatio . A numbe of firms egan offering "clip-on" gas-power d engines t at could be attached to the typical bicycle.. uzuki's first two-wheel ingenuity c ame in the f orm of a motorized bicy cle called, the "Po er Free." D signed to b inexpensiv e and simple to build a d maintain, the 1952 Power F ee featured a 36 cc, one horsepowe ,,two-strok two-strok engine. [9] n unprecedented featur ee was the ouble-spro ket gear sy tem, enabli g the rider o either pe al with the ngine assisting, pedal with ut engine assist, or sim ly disconn ct the pedals and run o engine power alone. The sy tem was so ingenious t at the paten t office of t e new dem cratic government granted Suzuki a financial subsidy to contin e research inin motorcycle engineer ing, and so as born Su uki Motor Corporation.. In 1953, Suzuki scor ed the first f many racing victories when the ti y 60 cc "D amond Fre "" won its class in the ount Fuji ill Climb.[9 1955 Su ulight By 1954, Suzuki wa producing 6,000 moto cycles per onth and h d officially changed its name to Suzuki Mot r Co., Ltd. ollowing t e success of its first m torcycles, Suzuki creat dd an even ore successful automo ile: the 19 55SuzukiSuzuki S zulight. Su uki showcased its penchan for innovat ion from th beginning. The Suzuli ht included front-wheel drive, four wheel in ependent s spension a ddrack-andrack-and pinion steer ing—featur s common on cars half aa century later. [[editedit]] istorical t meline •• 1909 – Suzuki Loom Works founded in Hamamatsu,,ShizuokaShizuoka Prefecture, by Mr. Michio Suzuki. •• 1920 – Reorganized, incorporated, and capitalized at 500,000 yen as Suzuki Loom Manufacturing Co. with Michio Suzuki asas president president.. [9] •• 1952 – 'Power Free' motorized bicycle marketed. •• 1954 – Company name changed to Suzuki Motor Co.,Ltd. •• 1955 – Lightweight car Suzuki Suzulight (360 cc, 2-stroke) front wheel drive, marketed helping to usher in Japan's light-weight car age. •• 1961 – Suzuki Loom Manufacturing Co. established by separating the loom machine division from the motor works and lightweight truck 'Suzulight Carry' marketed. •• 1962 – Suzuki won the 50 cc class championship at the Isle of Man TT •• 1963 – U.S. Suzuki Motor Corp., a direct sales subssubsidiary,idiary, opened in Los Angeles.. •• 1965 – 'D55'(5.5 hp, 2-stroke))outboardoutboard motor marketed and makes early inroads and Fronte 800 marketed. •• 1967 – Thai Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd. established as a local assembly plant. •• 1968 – Carry full-cab van marketed. •• 1970 – LJ-Series (Jimny) 4X4 marketed. •• 1971 – Ts185 Enduro marketed. •• 1971 – GT750 motorcycle marketed. •• 1973 – Suzuki Canada Ltd., opened in Ontario,,CanadaCanada.. •• 1974 – P.T. Suzuki Indonesia Manufacturing established in Jakarta , Indonesia, entry wheelchair into medical, expansion equipment into field the by housing marketing field the initinitiated SuzukSuzukiiated iwith Motor SSuzukiuzuki Chair Home Z600 marketingmotorized two models ofof prefab prefab 'Mini-House' and three types of storage sheds. •• 1975 – Antonio Suzuki Corp., aa joint joint venture for knockdown production and sales, established in Manila , the Philippines. •• 1976 – GS-Series motorcycles marketed. •• 1977 – LJ80 4x44x4 vehicle marketed and exports of of GS1000H motorcyclemotorcycle began. •• 1979 – Alto marketed. •• 1979 – SC100 marketed in the UK. •• 1980 – Suzuki Australia Pty. Ltd. established in Sydney Sydney, Australia and entry into general purpose engine field by marketing three electric power generator models. •• 1981 – Business ties with General Motors (U.S.) and Isuzu Motors, Ltd.(Japan) signed. •• 1982 – 4X4 production began at PAK SSuzukiuzuki Motor Co., Ltd. in Karachi, Pakistan and won maker championship for 7th consecutive year at the World Road Race Grand Prix 500.. •• 1982 – SC100 Discontinued in favour of Alto.. •• 1983 – Enters into a partnership with Maruti Udyog LLtd.td. to produce cars in India. •• 1983 – Cultus //SwiftSwift 1.0-liter passenger car marketed and 4X4 production started at Maruti Udyog Ltd. in in Gurgaon, Haryana, India. •• 1984 – SuzukiSuzuki New New Zealand Ltd. established in Wanganui,, New New Zealand and began export of Chevrolet Sprint to the United States. Car production technical assistance contract signed with China National Aerotechnology Import & Export Beijing Corporation. Operation of Suzuki Motor GmbH Deutschland began in Heppenheim ,, Germany. •• 1985 – SUZUKI of AMERICA AUTOMOTIVE CORP. established with the introduction of the Samurai, and the GSX-R750 motorcyclemotorcycle with an oil-cooled engine Santanamarketed Motors and scooter to produce production Suzuki started cars in at their Avello Linares S.A. factoryof Spain. in Agreem Andalusiaent, withSpain. •• 11986 – Amer ican Suzuki Motor Corp. is formed erging U. Suzuki Motor Corp a dd SSuzuki of A erica Auto otive Corp.. •• 11987 – Cultu //SwiftSwift prod uction bega in Colombia and total aggregate c c ar exports r r ached 2 million units. •• 11988 – Escu o//VitaraVitara 4x 4x marketed nd total ag regate car p roduction r ached 10 illion units... •• 11989 – CAMI Automotive Inc. estab lished and began operation in Ontar io, Canada. Swift GT/GLX and Side ick sales be gin in the United States.. •• 11990 – Corp rate name changed to Suzuki Moto Corporatio n.n.
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