The Notre Dame Scholastic Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing"! C at special rate of postage. Section 1103. Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized June 25, 1918.J VOLUME LXVIII MARCH 1, 1934 No. 18 VARIED PROGRAMS ARE NOTRE DAME DEBATING SCHEDULE BROADCASTED ON WSBT LISTS INTERSECTIONAL MEETS Continuing its series of radio broadcasts from the studio in the John F. Gushing Hall of Engineering, Rev. E. P. Burke, C.S.C, Station WSBT presented to its audi­ Calls for Dramatic Skits TO ENTER TOURNAMENT ence several outstanding programs To Be Used for Radio during the past week. Following a successful launching, "Is Philosophj'^ practical?" was the with a victory over Leiand-Stanford topic for the dialogue broadcast by A meeting of those interested in and the highest percentage of wins the Rev. Charles C. Miltner, C.S.C, script wi'iting for the radio station in the North Manchester "B" tourna­ and Dr. Daniel O'Grafly, on Monday was held last Monday night, Febru­ ment, the Notre Dame Varsity debate afternoon at 4:30 from the cam­ ary 25, at eight o'clock in the studio pus radio station in the Engineering building. in the Engineering building. Rev. Eugene Burke, C.S.C, in charge of the student radio produc­ tions, and Ned Reglien, WSBT an­ nouncer, presided at the meeting. Father Burke urged those present to make an effort to write material, primarily dramatic skits, to be used in future broadcasts. He expressed himself as pleased with the represen­ tative group of freshmen who at­ DR. DANIEL C. O'GRADY tended the meeting and hoped to see He took part in a dialogue. a better turnout of upperclassmen for the next meeting, which will take RICHARD MEIER "Philosophy is the most practical place this Monday night, at 8 o'clock He will make a trip. of all subjects because it solves the on the third floor of the Engineering season will continue on a busy sched­ problems that come up in every day building. ule for the next month and a half. life and it teaches us how we should live," stated the speakers. They All those who are interested in The debate team this year has one continued in part: writing should attempt to contribute of the most active programs since something of a dramatic nature to 1930. The following is the schedule "Everyone has a philosophy of life, for the coming weeks. but since he does not understand it, future programs. The success of the he fails to solve his problems well. campus radio station depends almost March 1 and 2—Delta Sigma Rho If men do not really know with cer­ entirely on the response of the stu­ tournament at Iowa City. tainty what life is finally for, it is dent body. March 5—^lowa State at Ames, la. hard to see how they can convince All manuscripts shoidd be handed (N.D. negative, no decision.) themselves that one course of action in to Father Burke, either in his March 5—^William and Mary, here is better than another. room at 244 Dillon or at one of the (N.D. negative, no decision). "Pragmatism — whatever works is radio meetings which are held eveiy March 6—Michigan State at Lan­ true — seems to be the dominant phi­ Monday night. sing (N.D. negative). losophy, but its main defect lies in Anyone with talent who desires March 8—^Alabama, here (N.D. af­ its lack of confidence in man himself to try his announcing abilities may firmative, no decision). and in liis ability to know reality as do so by applying at the regular Mon­ March 13 — Michigan State, here it is; therefore, it is partially skepti­ day evening meetings of the group at (N.D. affirmative). cal. The pragmatist as a philosopher 8:00 o'clock in the Engineering build­ spends much of his time attempting March 28—^New York University, ing. Head of the group is James here (N.D. negative). to prove that it is impossible to phi­ Boyle; technicians in charge of con­ losophize. Pragmatism is contrasted trols are two engineering students; April 11—Western Reserve at with scholastic philosophy which is available for trial announcing is a Cleveljind (side not determined) . the optimistic philosophy." practicing microphone in the Engin­ April 12—Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh On Wednesday evening, Feb. 27, eering building. Much of the announc- (N.D. negative). the half hour broadcast from 8:00 to iing to date has been done by Joe Debating on the affirmative for (Continued on Page 13) Mansfield and James Boyle. (Continued on Page 20) 34arch 1, 1935 One Juniors and Guests Dance Tonight DEBATERS WIN EIGHT To Music of Bestor's Orchestra CONTESTS IN TOORNEY MICKEY ISLEY TOMORROW 'The Setonian" Praises The Notre Dame debate squad re­ ceived the highest percentage of wins Material and Make-up in the "B" section of the Fifth An­ By Mitchell C. Tackley of THE SCHOLASTIC nual Invitational College Debate tour­ All tills week paths were made nament at Manchester College on Feb. 22 and 23. from the three junior halls to the dry The "exchange" column of the cleaning department by students overladen with dress coats, scarfs, January, 1935 issue of The Setonian, An affirmative and negative team and white vests. The toppers were oflicial organ of Seton Hill College, with two alternate debaters from taken down from the high shelves Greensburg, Pennsylvania, contains Notre Dame went to North Manches­ U for a brisk brushing, the studs were ter, Indiana with Professors Coyne the following comment on THE SCHO­ and Apodaca last week and returned LASTIC: with the laudable average of eight victories out of ten debates. "The Notre Dame SCHOLAS­ TIC shows excellent make-up. The The affirmative team composed of front page leads are interesting John AVeppner, Franklyn Hochreiter, enough to make one pursue the ar­ George Krug and Richard Meier beat teams from Manchester, Wayne and ticle to its completion. The editorial Albion and lost to Toledo and West­ upon club finances is peculiarly ap­ ern State. The Notre Dame nega­ propriate for the beginning of the tive team of John Heywood, Thomas second semester. The essay on the Proctor, James Burke and Eugene Malloy defeated Northwestern, Man­ origin of "The Victory March", chester, Western State, Quincy and "Hike, Hike", and other famous Bowling Green. Notre Dame songs, captivates and in­ terests. It gives, unwittingly, a min­ In the tournament were entered 34 colleges and 96 teams. Two questions iature epic of Notre Dame football. were debated: "Resolved, that all na­ We would have enjoyed a resume of tions should agree to prevent the in­ Will Rogers' speech at the Aeronau­ ternational shipment of arms and tics Conference better than the notice munitions," and "Resolved, that all that he spoke. "The Week" written collective bargaining be negotiated by non-company unions." The Notre in mock-serious style is indisputably Dame teams debated the former of clever, and the gem about fatalism the tu'o questions. THOM-AS J. MURPHY and semester examinations is choice; Debating each question were two He waltzes tonight. I quote: 'As we approach the semi­ divisions, an "A" and a "B." Only in annual accounting of our stewax'd- the "A" group were definite places as­ shined up, and a last look was given ship, or something, — why worry? signed in the tournament victories, to the two precious tickets tucked Laugh and be gay, and smile while hence recognition was given in the away in a drawer, all in readiness you get your throat cut!' " "B" section on percentage of wins for the Junior Prom festi^'ities which and not on placing in the tournament. * begin tonight at the Palais Royale. More than three hundred couples compi-ising members of the junior, night. The program is a copy of the senior, and law classes, will attend 1934 Commencement program. It Display Rack Presented the affair. has a cover of rich blue leather and To Chemical Department Don Bestor and his orchestra will is embossed with a golden dome and play tonight for the prom proper and letters, Notre Dame, across the front. Mickey Islej'^ and Ms Gary orchestra A display rack showing a typical will furnish music for the dinner There are no favors for the prom and refining process for Pennsylvania dance tomorrow evening. Isley's the program was selected to serve grade crude oil was received recently band has been a favorite on the cam­ the dual purpose. by the Department of Chemical En­ pus since last year when it played gineering and will be used for in­ for three of the dances. The dinner The junior prom and dinner dance struction in Industrial Chemistry. iD dance will begin at 7:30 tomorrow marks the last dance until May and The exhibit, which was furnished by evening, and the affair will be formal. should be attended by the largest the Pennsylvania Grade Crude Oil number of students of any dance of Association of Oil City, Pennsylvania, Miss Phyllis Grant, of the Univer­ the' year. Students attending the will become a permanent part of the sity of Illinois, is Queen of the 1935 dance have permission to use auto­ department's display depicting va­ Prom. She is the guest of General mobiles over the weekend and to re­ rious industrial processes. Chairman Thomas M. Reardon. Miss main out until 2:30 o'clock tonight Mary Ann Reardon, of St. Mary's-of- and until midnight tomorrow. The Included in the exhibit are small the-Woods, Indiana, is the guest of hours of the prom are from 9:30 to bottles containing samples of petrol­ honor of the prom and is the guest 1:30, and the dinner dance from 7:30 eum products from the raw crude to of junior class President Thomas J.
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