In Memoriam Distinguished Masonic Career Comes to End The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania lost a dedicated Mason in the death of Bro. Sanford M. Chilcote, Right Wor­ shipful Past Grand Master. He was Grand Master in 1958 and 1959. Bro. Chilcote, an outstanding attor­ AN OFFICIAl PUBliCATION OF THE RIG HT WORSHIPFUl GRAND LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF PEN NSYLVANIA ney and Masonic leader, died January FEBRUARY • 1974 NUMBER 1 11, 1974. He lived in Oakmont, a Pitts­ VOLUME XXI burgh suburban community. He was born in Nanty Glo, Cambria Bro. W. Orville Kimmel, R. W. Past Grand County, the son· of the Rev. Philip J. Master, passes the "Grand Master's Ring" to Bro. R. B. Woodall Installed As Bro. Rochester B. Woodall, the new R. W. Chilcote, a Methodist minister, and An­ Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania. nie Peters Chilcote. R. W. Grand Master of Masons He was educated at Aspinwall High Bro. Sanford M. Chilcote School, Allegheny College and the Uni­ R. W. Past Grand Master Bro. Rochester B. Woodall, a retired chairman of the membership committee, Grand Master Appoints versity of Pittsburgh Law School. He Philadelphia business executive, has trustee and a member of the finance Committee On Finance was a senior partner in the law firm of He served as an Active Member of the been installed as R. W. Grand Master committee. Dickie, McCamey, Chilcote and Robi n­ Supreme Council for many years. of Masons in Pennsylvania. Bro. Woodall is a member of Lu Lu son, of Pittsburgh. The Committee on Finance, charged He was also a member of The Royal The ancient installation ceremony took Temple; Masonic Veterans Association; with overseeing "all matters relating to He was a member of Verona Lodge Order of Scotland, Syria Shrine, Temple place on December 27, 1973, at the Royal Order of Scotland; High Twelve the finances of the Grand Lodge ..." F. & A. M. No. 548, and served as of Pittsburgh and Royal Order of Jes­ Annual Grand Communication of the Club of Philadelphia; Benjamin Frank­ will include the following: Worshipful Master in 1945. ters, Pittsburgh Court No. 2. Grand Lodge held in the Masonic Tem­ lin Chapter No. 16, National Sojourners, The six Grand Lodge elected officers. In York Rite Masonry, he was a ple Philadelphia. honorary; and Legion of Honor, The In­ Bro. Chilcote served Grand Lodge as Bro. Paul R. Swab, Past Master of member of the Homewood Royal Arch ternational Supreme Council of the Or­ the District Deputy Grand Master for Euclid Lodge No. 698, Harrisburg. Chapter, No. 297, Liberty Valley Coun­ Bro. Woodall succeeded Bro. W. Or­ der of DeMolay, honorary. cil No. 5, Pittsburgh Commandery No. the 54th Masonic District from 1948 ville Kimmel. a Harrisburg funeral d i­ A resident of Philadelphia for the Bro. Ellis E. Stern, Past Master of I , United States Premier Conclave No. until he was elected R. W . Junior Grand rector, in being elected to the highest Coatesville Lodge No. 564, Coatesville, Warden in 195 1. He was installed as office in Freemasonry in Pennsylvania. past 50 years, Bro. Woodall was for­ 1, of the Red Cross of Constantine, ~nd merly secretary-treasurer of Kahns, Tnc., and a Past District Deputy Grand Mas­ Risicruciana Society of the Umted Right Worshipful Grand Master of Ma­ ter. sons in Pennsylvania on December 27, As Grand Master, Bro. Woodall heacls Philadelphia; treasurer of Sherrill Cor­ States . approximately 236.000 Masons in 604 poration, Philadelphia; treasurer of Bro. Arthur A. Krudener, a Past Mas­ 1957. Masonic Lodges throughout the state. Jonns Furniture, Montgomeryville, and ter of Milnor Lodge No. 287, Pitts­ In Scottish Rite Masonry, he was a Bro. Chilcote inaugurated the "Penn­ a business consultant. burgh. member of the Gourgas Lodge of Per­ sylvania Plan" to help fi nance the Bro. Woodall served as Worshioful fection, Pittsburgh Council of Princes George Washington National Memorial Master of Fernwood Lodge No. 543, Bro. Woodall was a former trustee of Bro. James W. Fry, Past Master of of Jerusalem, Pittsburgh Chapter of at Alexandria, Virginia, when he was Philadelphia, in 1950; eleven years as Dales Memorial United Presbyterian University Lodge No. 6 10, Philadelphia, Rose Croix and Pennsylvania Consis­ Grand Master. He served the Memorial a trustee of Patton Masonic School; and Church of Philadelphia, and is now a and a Past District Deputy Grand tory, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Association as a Trustee from 1960 un­ ten years as District Deputy Grand Mas­ member of Olivet-Ashbourne United Master. Valley of Pittsburgh. He served the Con­ til his death. ter of Masonic District "B." Presbyterian Church, Elkins Park. He is sistory as Commander-in-Chief. Bro. Rochester B. Woodall Bro. Clifford J. Manns, Past Master In addition to his Masonic activities, Right Wotshipful Grand Master He was elected Junior Grand Warden also a member of the Presbyterian So­ of Waverly Lodge No. 301, Clarks Sum­ For his dedicated work in Freemason­ Bro. Chilcote was a member of the of the Grand Lodge on December 27, cial Union and the Union r,eague of mit, and a Past District Deputy Grand ry, Bro. Chilcote was coroneted a Sov­ Allegheny County Bar Association ; 1967, and served as Senior Grand War­ Philadelphia. ,.,. '· Master. ereign Grand Inspector General, 33 °. Pennsylvania Bar Association; American Officers Insta lied den, and Deputy Grand Master, pre­ Bar Association; Fellow of the Ameri­ By Grand Lodge vious to being elected Grand Master. THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON Second Class can College of Trial Lawyers; American ' Judicature Society and International As­ In York Rite Masonry, he is a mem- Activities Planned Distribution Office POSTAGE Grand Lodge Officers installed with ber of University Royal Arch Cl'lapter MASONIC HOMES PAID AT sociation of Insurance Council. the Grand Master at the Annual Grand Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022 No. 256; Girard Mark Lodge No. 214; For March Quarterly Elizabethtown Communication on December 27 in­ (Se nd FORM 3579 t o Above Address) He also was a member of the Univer­ Joppa Council No. 46; Mary Comman­ Pennsylvania cluded: The March Quarterly Communica­ sity Club of Pittsburgh, Oakmont Coun­ dery No. 36; Philadelphia Conclave, tion of Grand Lodge will be held March try Club, Sea View Country Club and Bro. John L. McCain, personal invest­ Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine ments, Pittsburgh; R. W . Deputy Grand 6 in the Masonic Temple, One North Duquesne Club. and Appendant Orders, Empire of the Broad Street, Philadelphia. Master. East, all of Philadelphia. Bro. Chilcote leaves his wife, Mi ldred Grand Lodge will convene at 7 p.m. Gilmore Chilcote; a son, Bro. Sanford Bro. Walter P. Wells, President Judge In Scottish Rite Masonry, Bro. Wood­ of the 55th Judicial District in Penn­ in Corinthian Hall. Following Grand M. Chilcote, Jr.; and two grandch ildren. all was honored in 1962 for his years Lodge, refreshments will be served in sylvania, Coudersport; R. W. Senior of Masonic work when he was cor­ Grand Warden. the Grand Banquet Hall. oneted an honorary Thirty-third De­ All Master Masons are invited to at­ Bro. Joseph E. Trate, a Bell Tele­ gree Scottish Rite Mason. Your Correct Address phone Company executive, Philadel­ tend. Is Always Needed! phia; R. W. Junior Grand Warden. A member of the Scottish Rite Bodies, When you ch ange your mailing address, please Valley of Philadelphia, Bro. Woodall Bro. Arthur R. Diamond, a Philadel­ served as Most Wise Master of the - ATTEND YOUR LODGE - ta ke the time to notify your Lodge Secretary. phia engineer; R. W. Grand Treasurer. He will then b e able to notify u s so we can Kilwinning Chapter of Rose Croix in "How can you be a Brother to keep your name and addre ss in o ur general Bro. William A. Carpenter, former 1965 and 1966. In the Benjamin Frank­ someone you don't even know?" mailing li st for mailing you r copies of " The (Continued on Page 2) Pen nsylvania Freemason." THANK YOU. lin Consistory, he served as a registrar, POSTMASTER: Please Include Complete Imprint of Address on Your Postal Return Clipping . THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON .. Know Your Brother" Issued Quarterly February, May, August and November at Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, by Grand Master Addresses Pennsylvania Masons The Right Worshi pful Grand Lodge of The Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Ac­ The following are excerpts from the influence more members to come to "In order to make Freemasonry a cepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Juris· diction Thereunto Belonging. address of Bro. Rochester B. Woodall, Lodge Meetings. dynamic and lasting force among our R. W. Grand Master, delivered on "It is my intention to expand and members, we should encourage the Approved and Authorized To Be Printed By develop a continuing program which greatest possible cooperation between The Grand Master December 27, 1973, following the in­ stallation of Grand Lodge Officers: wil include a stronger effort to increase all organizations basing their member­ Grand Lodge Officers attendance." ship upon Masonic Affiliation ..." Rochester B. Woodall, R. W. Grand Master "Masonic knowledge is essential if John L, McCain, R. W. Deputy Grand Mast er we, as Masons, are to understand the * * * * * * Walter P. Wells, R. W. Senior Grand Warden fundamental principles of Freemasonry "Each of us took upon ourselves an " The Grand Lodge Officers and Dis­ Joseph E. Trate, R. W. Junior Grand Warden and practice them in our daily lives . obligation to keep, support, maintain trict Deputy Grand Masters must be­ Arthur R. Diamond, R. W. Grand Treasurer and abide by the ancient usages, cus­ William A. Carpenter, R. W. Grand Secretary "One of the basic lessons of Free­ come a rallying point for greater 'Blue masonry is the simple philosophy of toms and Landmarks of the Fraternity.
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