l894. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 4795 bill in the interest of fraternal society and college journals-to so-called Des Moines River land grant for the improvement of the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. the navigation of the Des Moines River, Iowa, the date of such Br. Mr. HERMANN: Memorial from the Chamber of Com­ entry, etc., a report on this work by Special Agent Robert L. ~erce of Astoria, Oregon, for lighting the entrance to Colum­ Berner. bia River, iu Oregon-to the Committee on Interstate u.nd For­ Mr. ALLISON. That is an importa.nt communication loca.lly eign Commerce. to the people of Iowa. I move that the letter of the Secretary By Mr. HARMER: Memorial to Congress adopted by the of the Interior and accompanying papers be printed and referred Preachers' Meeting of the 1\fothodistEpiscopal Churches of Phil­ to the Committee on Public Lands. adelphia, Pa., in fnvoe of the employment of clergymen to act The motion was agreed to. as chaplains r.t nll army posts whore there is no regular chap­ lain-to the Commi tteo on Appropriations. FENDERS ON DISTRICT STREET RAILWAYS. By Mr. HOOKER of New York: Remon.strance of Lutheran The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ churches at Otto and Little Valley, N.Y., against proposed tion !rom the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, in re­ amendment to preamble of the Constitution-to tho Committee sponse to a resolution of the Senate of the 11th instant, giving on the Judiciary. as their opinion that all street railway companies in the District By Mr. LINTON: Petition of the Saginaw Ministerial As30ci­ of Columbia, propelled by cable and electric power, should be ation, favoring the appointment of a chapbin at each military required to equip their cars with the best available fenders, and post of tho United States, and asking that clergymen be so em­ stating that a comprehensi-ve report on the subject of car fenders ployed at a salary not to exceed $l,GOO per annum-to the Com­ and safety a.ppliances on street cars, has been prepared by them inittee on Military Affairs. and forwarded to the chairman of the Senate Committee on the By Mr. McCALL: Resolutions of the Wholesale Grocers' As­ District of Columbia; which was road. sociation, in favor of tho passage ofthe Torreybn.nkruptcybill­ :Mr. GALLINGER. Ml'. President, it is a matter of extreme to the Committee on the Judiciary. gratification to me! as I am sure it is to the Senate, ancl will be Also, protest of the officers of the Boston Five-Cent Savings to the people of the District of Columbia, that the Commission­ Bank, against a tax of 2 per cent on the capital stock of savings ers have so promptly answered the inquiry of the Senate, and banks-to the Committee on Ways and Means. have so frankly stated that in their opinion the street-car com­ By J\fr. MEIKLEJOHN: Petition from Madison, Clarks, and p11Dies should be required to do what tho resolution intimated Hooper, Nebr., against the income tax of the Wilson bill on in­ they ought to be compelled to do. I trust that a way will be comes of mutual loan and building associations-to the Com­ found by the Senate, if these companies continue to neglect their mittee on Ways and Means. duty in t.his respect, to compel them at a very early day to per­ By Mr. MORSE: Petition of R. J. Long, editor of the Amer­ form it. ican Citizen, Boston, Mass., protestmg against increasing the I move that the communication be printed, and referred to the rate of postage on books published in serial form-to the Com­ Committee on the District of Columbia. mittee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. The motion was agreed to. Also, petition of the Boston Wholesale Grocers' AS'Sociation, asking for the passage of the Tor1•ey bankruptcy bill-to the PETITIONS AND ME:MORTALS. Committee on the Judiciary. The VICE-PRESIDENTprosentedapetitionof the Baltimore By Mr. NORTHWAY: '.i:'hree petitions: Of Curtis Koon, H. Corn and Flour Exchn.ngo, of Baltimore, Md., praying for tho Martin, and Frank Corl, and 85 others, of Mogadore, Summit enactment of legislation providing for tho retirement of offi­ County; J. W. Gould and 39 others, of Andover, Ashtabula cers of the Revenue-Cutter Service; which was referred to the County, and A. F. Spettlel' and 143 others, of Green Township, Committee on Commerce. Summit County, all of Ohio, praying for the passag-e of Han. He also preson ted the petition of George McLane Wood, of WILLIAM A. STONE'S bill, H. R. G24ti-totheCommitteo on Im­ Washing-ton, D. C., praying for the location of the new Govern­ migration and Naturalization. mont Printing Office on the old Armory site, COl'ner Sixth and B By Mr. SIPE: P etition of 100 citizens of West Elizabeth and streets southwest; which wa-s referred to the Committee on vicinity, Allegheny County,Pa., praying for the passage of the Public Buildings and Grounds. bills known as the Coxoy bills, relating to the construction oi Mr. BUTLER presented a petition of 15 citizens of Richland roads throughout the United States and the issuing of nonintar­ County, South Carolina, praying that building and loan associa­ est-bearing United Statos notes-to the Committee on the Re­ tions, national and local, be exempted from the proposed income­ vision of the Laws. tax provision of the pending tariff bill; which was Ol'dered to lie By Mr. WISE: Two petitions of citizens of Virginia, to au­ on the table. thorize the reception in the mails as second-class matter of peri­ Mr. VOORHEES :presented a memorial of tho Eagle Cotton odical publications issued by benevolent or fl:aternal societies- Mills, of Madi 'on, Ind., remonstrating agn.inst the passage of to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. - the Wilson ta.riff bill; which W:lS ordered to lie on the table. He also presented petitions of Fulton L'Jdge, No. 30, Ancient Order of United Workmen, of Shelbyville; of Schiller Lodge, No.4, Ancient Order of United Workmen, of Terre Hn.uto; of SENATE. Lodge No. 48, Ancient Order of United Workmen, of Stewart­ WEDNESDAY, lllay 1G, 1891:. ville, and of sundl'Y citizens of Huntington, Shelbyville, and Terre Hauto, nil in the State of Indiana, praying that fraternal The Senate met at 11 o'clock a.m. society and college journ..1ls be admittad to the mails as second­ Prayer by the Chaplain, H.ev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. class matte.r; which wet·e roferreu to the Committee on Post­ The Secretary proceeded to read tho Journal of yesterday's Offices and Post-Roads. proceedings, when, on motion of 1\lr. TELLER, and by unanimous Mr. HUNTON presented a petition of sundry citizens of Din­ consent, the further rea.ding was dispensed with. widdie County, Va.., praying that builuing und loan associations, HEIRS OF ELIZABETH TOWNSEND. national and local, b3 exempted from the proposed income-tax The bill (II. R G975) for the relief of tho heirs of Elizabeth pl.'ovision of the 11ending tat•ill bill: which was ordered to lie on Townsend was road twice by its title. the table. Mr. TELLER. That is an exact duplicate of a bill which Mr. QUAY presented a joint petition of the Board of Trade, passed the Senate a few days ago. It is a Hou3e bill, and I ask tho Commercial Exchange! the M!l.I'itime Excha.ngo, the Drug the unanimous consent that it ma.y be considered. Exchange, tho Grocers und Importers Excha.nge, the Vessel · By unanimous consent, tho Sens.te, as in Committee of the Owners and Captains' Association, the Wn.rdens of the Port, the Whole, proceeded to consider the bill. - Traders' League, and the Manufacturers' Club, all of Philadel­ 'l'he bill wn.s rep·orted to the •'enate without amendment, or­ phia, Pa., praying that nn appropriation of $500,000 be made for continuing the improvement of the Delaware River; which Wai der2d to a thied re~ding, re'ld tho third time, and passed. Mr. TELLER. I move that tho House of Hepresentatives be refer1·ed to tho Committee on Commerce. requestet1 to return to the Senate the bill (S. 1£!83) for the relief He also presented t-he petttion of \V. ~L Stephens and 21 other of the heirs of Elizabeth Townsend, deceased. citizens of Williamsport, Pa., prn.ying tllat building and loan The motion was agreed to. associations, nationa.l and locn.l, be exempted from the proposed income-tax provision of the pending t1riti bill; w hioh was ordered DES 1\i.OI!ffiS RIVER LA.:rDS. to lie on the ta.ble . The VICE-PRESIDENT laid befol'O the Senate a communica­ Mr. QUAY. While I am upon the floor I ask the unanimous tion fr~m the Secretary of the Interior, t1·ansmitting, in accord­ consent of the Senate to call up and put upon its passage the ance Wlth the provisions of the sundry civil appropriation act bill (S.88G) for the relief of the legal representatives of John of .March 3, 18U3, to enable the Secretary of the Interior to :1SCer­ Wightman. deceased. taln wha,t persons made entry of lands within the limits of the Mr. MANDERSON. Lat the morning business be concluded. 4796 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· SENATE. MAY 16, Mr. BATE. We are not yet through with the morning busi­ tion to the preservation of the fur seal, reported it with an ness? amendment.
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