nAm I 8 I A UnIVERSITY OF SCIEnCE AnD TECHnOLOGY FACULTY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND SPATIAL SCIENCE NATURAL RESOURCES & AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE QUALIFICATION: BACHELOR OF NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 07BNTC LEVEL: 7 COURSE CODE: PTS710S COURSE NAME: PLANT STUDIES 2 DATE: 3 JUNE 2016 SESSION: 8h00 DURATION: 3 HOURS MARKS: 150 FIRST OPPORTUNITY EXAMINATION QUESTION PAPER EXAMINER($) Ms B A CURTIS MODERATOR: Dr. W. JANKOWITZ INSTRUCTIONS 1. Answer ALL the questions, in any order. 2. Write clearly and neatly. 3. Number the answers clearly. PERMISSIBLE MATERIALS 1. Pens 2. Question paper 3. Answer book THIS QUESTION PAPER CONSISTS OF 5 PAGES {Including this front page) Section A Question 1 Each species in column A belongs to a family/subfamily in column B. Write down the [10] number from column A and the corresponding letter from column B. NOTE: more than one species could belong to the same family. ColumnA Column B 1.1 Spirostachys africana A. Poaceae 1.2 Schinziophyton rautenenii B. Papillionoideae 1.3 Diospyros mespiliformis c. Caesalpiniodeae 1.4 Ozoroa crassinervia D. Buseraceae 1.5 Hyphaene petersiana E. Capparaceae 1.6 Commiphora mol/is F. Combretaceae 1.7 Pterocarpus angolensis G. Rubiaceae 1.8 Colophospermum mopane H. Asteraceae 1.9 Phragmites australis I. Aizoaceae 1.10 Vangueria infausta J. Ebenaceae K. Arecaceae L. Cyperaceae M. Anacardiaceae N. Euphorbiaceae Question 2 Each diagnostic characteristic(s) in column A belongs to a taxon in column B. Write [10] down the number from column A and the corresponding letter from column B. ColumnA Column B 2.1 Fruit a syconium A. Malvaceae 2.2 Fruit a samara B. Faidherbia albida 2.3 Leaves and fruit with stellate hairs c. Acacia erioloba 2.4 Tall tree, found near the middle of ephemeral D. Acacia erubescens rivers, with reverse phenology 2.5 Acacia with three thorns at nodes E. Acacia senegal 2.6 Acacia with thorns in the rachis F. Acacia fleckii 2.7 Endemic pachycaul that resembles and G. Acacia ataxacantha elephant's foot 2.8 A riverine plant that closes its leaves when H. Euphorbiaceae touched 2.9 A scrambler with square stems and yellow I. Combretaceae flowers 2.10 Tree with large, succulent, boat-shaped leaves J. Ficus K. Moraceae L. Adenium boehmianum M. Adenia pechuelii N. Mimosa pigra 0. Grewia flavescens P. Aloaceae Question 3 Each grass description in column A belongs to a species in column B. Write down the [10] number from column A and the corresponding letter from column B. ColumnA Column B 3.1 Thatching grass A. Fingerhuthia africana 3.2 Mat-forming grass that grows at the edges B. Vossia cuspidata of pans and rivers, with digitate inflorescence 3.3 Endemic grass c. Cymbopogon plurinodis 3.4 Highly invasive ornamental grass D. Hyparrhenia hirta 3.5 Decreaser with densely packed spike E. Setaria verticillata inference that resembles a thimble 3.6 Grass growing in the water along perennial F. Setaria fin ita rivers, with very sharp hairs and a white midrib. 3.7 Densely tufted perennial grass; spike lets on G. Setaria nigrirostris short, dark purple to black stalks, decreaser 3.8 Grass with large, open panicle, branches H. Pennisetum setaceum well-spaced, lower branches in whorls; spikelets with one floret, green to purple, conspicuous orange stamens, pink stigmas 3.9 Annual shade-loving grass, with many I. Pennisetum curved hooks on the spikelets c/andestinum 3.10 A drought-resistant climax grass with three J. Cynodon dactylon feathery awns. K. Brachiaria nigropedata L. Panicum maximum M. Stipagrostis ciliata N. Stipagrostis namaquensis 0. Digitaria eriantha Question 4 Give the diagnostic I distinguishing features of each of the following taxa. Indicate which [20] features are unique. If not unique, mention another taxon (of the same level- e.g. family, ifthe taxon was a family, genus ifthe taxon was a genus) with the same feature. 4.1 Capparaceae 4.2 Moraceae 4.3 Combretum 4.4 Anacardiaceae 4.5 Grewia 4.6 Euphorbia 4.7 Papilionoidae 4.8 Rubiaceae Total for section A [50] Section B Question 5 For each of the following species give (a) the scientific name (b) the family (c) economic [16] importance in Namibia (d) distribution in Namibia. Bonus points for common name. 5.1 Large spiny bush with no leaves, green stems, and large green, spiny, edible fruit. 5.2 Small tree with corky bark, paired thorns, opposite leaves 3- 5 veined from the base; large round fruit, yellow when ripe. 5.3 V-shaped shrub or small tree with bipinnately compound leaves, 2-3 pinnae pairs; each pinna with 1-2 leaflets pairs; leaflets 10 x 5 mm; strongly curved paired thorns at nodes; flowers in round, creamy white heads; bark with white lenticels. 5.4 Aquatic plant with large round leaves floating on the water surface; large white flowers above the water; hollow stems. Question 6 Name three important timber species in Namibia, and describe the leaves, flowers and [12] fruit of each. Question 7 Give one word I term for the following: [5] 7.1 The place responsible for storing and preserving dried plants 7.2 The father of modern taxonomy 7.3 The arrangement of organisms from most primitive to most advanced 7.4 The very first specimen described of any taxon 7.5 The ministry responsible for protecting forests in Namibia Question 8 [11] 8.1 Describe what is meant by a biodiversity hotspot (1) 8.2 Mention two hotspot in Namibia (2) 8.3 Give two important families in each of the above hotspots (4) 8.4 Mention one hotspot in South Africa (1) 8.5 Give three important families found in 8.4 (3) Question 9 Name one endemic or near-endemic species to Namibia in each of the following taxa [8] and say where each is found. 9.1 Acacia 9.2 Commiphora 9.3 Cyphostemma 9.4 Aloe Total for section B [52] Section C Essay style questions. NB- no marks will be given for random points. Question 10 [20] The family Poaceae is unique in many ways. Describe fully the ways in which it is unique, and explain how differences in these characteristics can be used to identify different grass species. Illustrate your answer with relevant examples. Question 11 Flowers are used to separate the three subfamilies of Fabaceae. This is a good [18] characteristic to use when trying to recognise two of the subfamilies, but is not very useful with the third subfamily. Discuss this statement, mentioning the subfamilies and the characteristics of the flowers of each. Describe some of the differences between flowers in each group. Use examples. Question 12 Peeling bark can be a diagnostic or distinguishing characteristic of a number of unrelated [10] taxa. Discuss this statement, using examples from at least four different genera and species. Total for section B [48] Grand total [100] .
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