Modern Folk Dones Tonìght FRESNO C I TY COLLEGE Quartet Sing FeqtureDqncê, Here April 24 Acrobcltics ø, By BARBARA EHRENBIIRGI PUBTISHED BY THE ASSOCIAÎED STUDENTS Rampage Staff Writer Members of the Danlsh Gym- nastics Team wlll demonstrate a variety of acrobatics, dancing and FRESNO, CAUFORNIA, THURSDAY, 2, 1964 NUMBER 20 Ttr" Mod""o-rlti Quartet, Part balancing tonight at 8 PM in the of the "LivelY Ones" which will ^PRIL gymnasium. present its show at Fresno CitY The team. which has won in- College later this month, did not Folk, Jszz ternational acclaim, consists of 12 start singlng tog€ther until theY boys and 12 girls selected froDl could buy matching spo¡t shirts. the most talented gymnasts in 'With booming voices, the Show Brings Denmark. MF Q is not a group of "four Native Costumes young men who met at a college The team will demonstrate Dan- party." Rather, they come from ish gymnastics and Dative folk four Falks of life, each with his Top Tolent dances in native costunes. The own background. After winding lts way through group works toward "motion in 'I'm From EverYwhere' such places as Carnegie l{all, the poetry", accordint to Dr. Ann those Caravan of Music will bring a Patterson, in charge of women's Cyrus Faryar is one of 'Whing "I'm from everywhere" 8uys. "tr'olk and Jazz Ditr8" to physical education at San Fran- Born in Teheran, Iran, he left' the Fresno City College campus cisco State College. She Points learning to Blay the guitar out of Ap¡. 24. out that certain body movements "sheer boredom" while navigating The concert, slated to be8lin at and motfons flow in a rhythm a yacht down the Persian Gulf. 8 PM, will feature Cal Tjatler, the similar to a poem. Hen- He finally disembarked in Hono- Modern Folk Quartet, Judy Accompa,niment lulu in 1959, where he became ske and Steve DePass. The program is accompanled vibra- the proprietor and sole Performer Cal Tjatler, a well-known by music, part of which has been phonist, appear- of the city's Greensleeves Coffee- first made his taken from such compos€rs as house. ance with the Dave Brubeck Trio Scarlatti, Schubert and Brahms. won the T,eaving the Islands in 1961' in 1948. In 1952 Tjatler The folk dances will be performed he joined Dave çuard, formerlY New Star .A.ward tiven by a Jazz tunes and the polls. to Danish folk of the Kingston Trio, in forming m.agazine after a critics music for the boys' exercises has the Whiskeyhill Singers. Refreshing Approach been composed by Ernst Rasmus- lVell Traveled The Modern tr'olk Quartet have sen, pianist of the team. Tatl Diltz is another well trav- been launded for their "polished Tonight's appearance of the eled adventurer. He lends to . refreshing approach to folk team is sponsored by the Associ- 'Women MF Q a diversity of musical ex- music." Originally from the West ated Men and Associated perlences gleaned from a decade Coast and Honolulu, the quartet Students. Doris Deakíns, dean of spent in Japat, Thailantl, Europe consists of Cyrus Faryar, Tad 'women and sponsor of .AWS, and the West Point Choir. Diltz, Jerry Yester and ChÍp stated that the school has been Diltz plays banjo and sings Douglas. The MFQ have one al- worlþg for almost two years to tenor of the MFQ. BesPectacled bum to their credit and anothei bring the gymnasts to F CC. soon to be released; numerous and bearing the Hawailan Islands' member demonst¡crtes one of the Free Studont Tickets gul- appearances on televislon's Hoot- A DANISH GYM TEAM first long-necked, flve string Fresno stu- "It has been almost a year slnce enanny Show and a guest sl¡ot in octs which will be shown to the City College tar, Diltz eûtered FarYar's Green- dents in the gymnasium tonight ot 8. Tickets for the per- we first scheduled the perform- sleeves only to stay on as a sololst the motlon picture "Palm Springs ance," she atltled. "We are pay- Weekend." formqnce of the 24 member teqm cre ovoilqlcle from the and Berformer with manY Hawaii- bookstore, the Mid-Vc¡lley Sports Center or the gym- iDg the team $1,000 for the free groups. ct profit an folk Ilninhibited Hr¡mor nqsium box office during the show. Student tickets sell student tlckets and. the will and roamlng the Is- Henske imposing be split between the team and the Singfng Judy is an fo¡ ond odult tickets cre going for $1.50. lands while crewing on a barken- entertalner with slightly unin- $l AMS-AWS fund;" The money wlll tine for two years, Diltz finallY hibitetl humor, foot stÖmping and be used for the sprlng formal to returned to Honolulu and the a deep blues voice. She has be held ln May. present reunlon of old friencls and moved Robert Sheltlton, critic for NAVAL VAN WILL MAKE Timothy Welch, Rampage ad- new music. the New York Times, to saying vlsor and. public informatión of- Sugar Pla,ntation "her song stylings have the in- CAMPUS VISIT MONDAY flcer, notes that -the gymnastlcs ls third. mem- candescence of a fresh inter- to be demonstrated are lmbedtletl Chip Douglas the tr'resno Clty College students are commlssioned upon comple- Mtr'Q the Islands preter." deep ln Danish history. "The ber of the with with an eye on the wllcl blue yon- he was ralsed Stêve DePass combines llght- tion of. navigator school. The in- Danes were predominant ln leatl- in his background: der are invited. to visit the Naval nlng-qulck humor and an ency- structlon lasts about 70-Lz ing the trend toward on a Hawailan sugar l¡Iantatlon. Äviation Information Van which Eiymnastlcs plays that looks like clopedian vocabulary with a clear months. as a means of helplng a cltlzen He anything is making lts semi-annual visit to muslcal instrument and some tenor voice. I{e has appeared in The AOC and NAO programs toward good health and hlgh a the campus .q,p¡il 6, things that don't: bass, banjo, clubs from New York to Los ¡- are open to graduates with Bache- spirlts through ¡igorous e:rerclse guitar, ukelele, mandolin, lathe, geles and has been met wlth un- Navy Lt, Cdr. Dtck Hansen will lor's degrees. Trainees are com- almed at developing the whole drlll press and bells. precedented. enthuslasm. be interviewlng students inter- mlssioned. after four 4onths pre- persons," he remarked. Douglas also sln8is barltone, as Tlckets for the show wlll be ested in flytng with the Navy in fllght tralning. AOC's must have Súill Avatlable well as lending the troup à great available in the bookstore a¡il at any of the. several avlatlon pro- 20/20 vlslot but the requÍrements Tlckets for the performanee grams open at the presePt tlme. (Continued on Paee 2) the gymnasium box office. for the Naval Alr Obse-rver pro- are still available in the book Stutlents taklng the Naval Àvl- gràm have been reduced. to 20/ store. They may also be pur- ation Officer Selection test will 200 corrected. to 20/20. (Continud on Pagc 3) be offered the chance to fly for 30 mlnutes in a T-34, a prinary flight trainer whfch will be in the area all week. Summor Sossions .A.pplications are being ac- cepted from college undergradu- ates for tv¡o eight week summer sessions between their sophomore and junior years and between their junior and senior years. In- struction wlll be helal at the Navy's School of Pre-Flight at Pensacola, tr'lorida. Successful completion -of the program leads to a commission as Ensign iD the Navy and fur- ther training as a Naval aviator or aviation observer, depending upon physical qualifications and indivitlual desires. MEANS THERE'S FOUR OF THzu. The modern Other Þogra,ms QUARTET protrams Folk Qucrtet will oppecn crt FCC on Äpril 24 with the lively Other being offered Ones. They-crre (from left) Chip Douglos, Cyrus Farycr, by the Navy at the pr€sent time BACK ÃGAIN-The rib structure is no longer visible but Tcd Diltz crrd ierry Yester. In thei¡ own words, lhey "give are NÀVCAD, OCAN, OAC, and the walls cr¡d roof cne tcrking its ploce in the rcrpid upshoot crwcry none of the guts, drive crrd excitement inherent in NÀO officer training schools. of the new FCC ccrfeteria. The building, which will include folk music." Folk meqns thcrt's whcrt the songs cre qbout. The OC.AN prot¡am Is for stu- cr new coffee shop, is scheduled for completion in time for Ã,ny song f¡om Pitheærrthropus on up is li\ely to be found alents wlth over 60 semester unlts the foll semester." The present crrfeteriq will be ¡emqdeled quallfled in their repetoire, providing the song swirþrs, drives, scrys who are not vlsually fo¡ into c student lounge crrd c¡ssocicrted student body offices. something or just mqkes you feel good. the NAVCAD program. OCÂN'g (Clcrk Photo) Poge Two RAÍVIPAGE April 2, 1964 FSC Reps W¡ll Discuss Transfer With FCC Studenfs Publlshed weekly by the journallsm students of Fresnu Clty College, According 1101 Unlverslty, Fresno, Callfornia, Composed by the Central Call- to Dean of Students lornla Typographlc Servlce. Unslgned edltorfals are the expressloú Merle Martin, representatives of the edltors, from tr'resno State College will t*oo "@Þ' be here at 11 AM next Thursday for a meeting with Fresno City JL" t 'WRIGITT College students interested CII.A,RLES in -9, I transferrint to tr'SC.
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