calls carded February 9 1965 White House Tuesday Awake Secretary Freeman William Driver Secretary McNamara Gardner Ackley Secy McNamara To the office Bill Moyers Geo Reedy Bill Moyers House an d Senate Leadership the Vice President Speaker McCormac k Senator Mansfield Cone. Car l Albert Senator SmatherSmather s Cong. Hal e Bogg s Senator RusselRussell l LongLon g Larry O'Brien Marvin Watson Jack Valenti Bill Moyers ushers ofc calls checked February 9 , 196 5 White House Tuesday Secret appt requested by German Ambassador Bundy Feb memo 9 MxxHx H. E . Heinric h Knappstein t Th e Ambassado r delivere d a letter fro m Ambassador o f the Federal Republi c o f Germany Chancello r Erhard t t o the Presiden t and Berndt Vo n Staden of the German Embass y writte n after th e Chancellor' s visi t t o Rambouillet after hi s mt g w/ Genera l DeGaulle . See page 6 Hon Roberto Sanchez Viletta Governor of Commonwealth of Puerto Rico press and photogs in Senator George Smathers McGeorge Bundy Senator J W Fulbright President began the conversatio n by saying "I understand you'v e been snubbed" referrin g to news storie s commentin g on Fulbright no t attending the VietNam meeting s thi s -weekend . Th e Senator laughed and replied tha t he knew better tha n that, an d the President invite d him t o com e dow n t o th e Whit e House t o se e hi m i n the nex t hour. Geo Reedy Hon Lewis Douglas Gardner Ackley returning Presidents call Senator J W Fulbright of Arkansas Walter Reuther (note- -Secy Wirt z met with Mr. Reuthe r yesterday an d submittesubmitted d aa memomemo tot o theth e PresidentPresiden t detailedetaile d d itemitem s s discussediscusse d d --- - memmem o o tt o o DTDT) ) William Driver Larry O'Brien Secretary Orville mGeorge Reedyan Feb 9 1965 White House Tuesday Congressman Carl Albert Abe Fortas To mansion w/ Abe Fortas Cong Carl Albert Lunch w/ Abe Fortas Jack Valenti Prime Minister of Canada Lester B Pearson Cong Obin Tiger Teague of Texas To Cabinet Room for BI- PARTISAN MEETING on BALANCE OF PAYMENTS: Secretary of Treasury Douglas Dillon Secretar y of Commerce, Joh n T. Connor Gardner Ackle y Congressman Gerald Ford of Mich. Senator John William s of Delaware Congressman Wilbu r Mills of Arkansas GER defined thi s meeting in his press Senator Wm Fulbright of Arkansas briefin g as an exchange of views which Cong. Thoma s "Doc" Morgan of Pa. wil l not be concluded tonight. Congwm Frances Bolton of O hio Senator Russell Long of La. Sen. Philip HartHart ofo f MichiganMichigan at 5:0 5 p m when mjdr too k i n th e followin g note, "W e won on Gold cove r 289/23 " fro m Larr y O'Brien, th e President was pleased - - evidence d by a smile. February 9 , 196 5 White house Tuesday To Office w/ Secretary Douglas Villon John T Connor George Reedy To Cabinet Room for meeting w/ To Fish Room where the President greeted Dr Martin Luther King and escorted him to his office for meeting Lee White joined re Voter Registration legislation needed as evidenced in Selma ala events of past week Returned to Cabinet Room To Mansion for Congressional Reception Under Secretary George Bal l Secretary Cyru s B t Vance General Earle Wheeler Mr. Richar d Helm s o f CIA Myer Feldma n Robert Kome r McGeorge Bund y John Jernega n o f the State Departmen t RE : Jorda n Because th e Presiden t was a few minutes lat e fo r th e Congressiona l Reception, Mrs _ Johnson ha d begu n th e receivin g lin e i n the blu e room , bu t o n hi s arriva l at. 6:38, the receivin g lin e wa s move d int o th e Re d Roo m where picture s wer e take n o f kisx each Congressional coupl e as the y greeted^ th e ooa^pie x President an d Mr s Johnson . Whe n th e receiving lin e brok e up , th e Presiden t mingled wit h th e guests i n th e Blu e Room , and then too k th e men t o the East Roo m for a briefing, whil e Mrs . Johnso n too k the ladies withwith her t o o ththe e theatetheater r fofo r r aa filfilm m showinshowin g g February 9 , 196 5 White House Tuesday 131 Guests Gate List to DT • To East Roo m for Briefing . Presiden t made openin g REMARKS telling hi s guest s how pleased he wa s t o se e them , an d the n introduced Kermit Gordon , wh o spok e t > The President very thoughtfull y the guests 5-1 0 minute s o n the overall budget. A short question an d answer perio d introduced his staf f member s followed. Th e five minut e presentatio n an d short questio n answer perio d applie d present to his guests: to each of tWhite HouseFridayJanuary 8, 1965Myer FeldmanBill MoyersLeonard MarksLeonard MarksClark CliffordSenator Mike MonroneyPresident Harry Truman, Independence, MissouriDirector John McCone, CIAMcGeorge BundyGeorge ReedyDirector Kermit GordonBill MoyersMcGeorge BundyTo the office w/ JV -- Warren Woodward was in mjdr's office and the President greeted himIn the oval office w/ JV and Warren Woodward(Alex Rose)(David Dubinsky)Off RecordNavy Mess 1.23he followin g after the y were introduced by the President : Larry O'Brie n Secretary McNamar a - r e Defens e Budget Mike ManatoS Secretary Bal l (introduce d by the President as Rusk' s replacemen t - - sinc e Rus k was G. Reed y celebrating hi s birthda y toda y in Florida with the flue ) --re situatio n i n Vietnam Claude Desautel McGeorge Bund y --re his trip to Saigon Marvin Watso n The Vic e President (wh o arrived late - - durin g Bundy's presentation) Jack Valenti President then mad e closin g REMARK S and the group joined th e ladies i n the Horace Busb y State Dinin g Room for cocktail s a t 8:00 p Douglass Cate r To second floor apartment s wit h Speaker McCormack , Cong . Car l Albert, Rep . C erald Ford, Th e Vice President, an d Larry O'Brien - fo r privat e meetin g r e the supplemental appropriations Vice Presiden t an d Mrs. Humphre y and Mr. an d Mrs. Larr y O'Brien wen t to the second floor Abe Fortas McGeorge Bund y DINNER w/ Mrs . Johnson , Vic e President and Mrs. Humphrey , Mr . an d Mrs. Larr y O'Brien Lt. Wis e (Sen . Russell' s nurse a t Walte r Ree d Hospital) Francis Bato r Francis Bato r All guests departe d Retired February 9 , 196 5 White House Tuesday In the German'Ambassador's Pres s briefing , h e reveale d t o the press tha t he and the Presiden t discusse d mainly Germa n reunification. (Se e News Conferenc e #5 (>3, 12:05pm, CST , Februar y 9 , 1965 ) The Presiden t release d a statement following th e meeting with th e general ton e of a goo d meeting, deliveranc e o f the lt r an d United States hope s for Germa n reunification..
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