ENGLISH #12 blade #15 blade|#15 scalpel blade #2/4 Molt curette ‘apical clearing’ concept ‘horizontal scrub’ technique ‘monoblock’ concept 0-degree bevel angle root resection 0-degree bevel root resection 1: 5 diluted formocresol 12-blade carbide bur 12-fluted finishing bur 18-gauge needle 3-0 silk suture for traction 30-flute tungsten-carbide composite-resin finishing-bur 30-gauge ultra-short needle 34/35 Jaquette and Mini-Jaquette scalers 37% phosphoric acid solution 3-dimensional obturation 45-degree bevel 45-degree bevel incision angle 4-methacryloyloxyethy trimellitate anhydride|4-META 4-walled access cavity 90-degree incision abate abducent nerve aberrant root entities aberrations ability to bond to enamel ability to promote tissue regeneration abnormal abnormal tooth mobility abnormalities abnormalities of dentine abnormally shaped tooth abrade abrasion abrasion defects abrasion resistance|resistance to abrasion abrasion-resistant|resistant to abrasion abrasions abrasive abrasive action abrasive agent abrasive cream abrasive dentifrice abrasive disks abrasive particles abrasive slurries and pastes abrasive system abrasive tools abrasive wear abrasive-impregnated rubber rotary instruments abrasiveness abscess abscessed tooth absorbable absorbable gelatin sponge absorbent paper strips abutment abutment teeth abutment tooth acanthotic acatalasia accelerator accentuated access access bur access cavity access cavity burs access cavity design access cavity preparation access opening access opening closed with a permanent restoration access outline form|access outline |outline of the access cavity access preparation access preparations access technique access to cleaning interproximally and subgingivally access to lingual perforations accessed tooth accessory accessory canal accessory foramina accessory furcation canal accessory gutta-percha cone accessory point|accessory cone accessory root canals accumulate accurate cone fit accurate cone fit apically accurate determination of root canal length acellular afibrillar cementum acetal resin acetaminophen acetylcholine achieve a diagnosis|arrive at a diagnosis aching tooth acid dissolution acid etched acid etching acid pumice method acid-base reaction acid-etch technique acid-etched acid-etched composite resin acid-etched composite restoration acid-etched composite|acid-etch composite acid-etching acid-etching technique acidic acidic APF gels acidic cavity-cleansing products acidic primer-adhesive acidified acidity acid-pumice abrasion technique acidulated acidulated phosphate-fluoride gel acidulated phosphofluoride acoustic microstreaming acquired pellicle formation acquired superficial discoloration acrodynia|pink disease acrylate-phosphate monomer acrylic acrylic acid acrylic denture acrylic denture base acrylic denture base material acrylic denture resin acrylic denture teeth acrylic finishing bur acrylic finishing instruments acrylic free-radical polymerization acrylic liquid acrylic materials acrylic point acrylic polymer base acrylic polymers acrylic powder acrylic relief acrylic resins acrylic stent acrylic surgical stent acrylic teeth acrylic-based dental prosthesis acrylics actinomycosis actinomycotic aggregate actinomycotic colonies action activation activator activator liquid activity acute acute apical abscess acute canal curvature acute manifestations of inflammation acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis|Vincent’s infection acute pain acute periapical abscess acute periodontal abscess acute pseudomembranous candidiasis acute pulpitis acute, aching pain acutely inflamed acyclovir cream adapt adaptability adaptation add proximal contacts to a crown addition polymerization addition silicone addition silicone impression material addition silicone-polyether hybrid additional canals additional closing sutures additional investigations adenocarcinoma adenoma sebaceum of the skin adequate adhere adherence adhesion adhesion molecules adhesive adhesive bonding system adhesive capability adhesive cement adhesive dentistry adhesive materials adhesive properties adhesive resin cements adhesive resin layer adhesive resins adhesive restorations adhesive restorative materials adhesive restorative techniques adhesive root filling materials adhesive technique adhesiveness adjacent adjacent teeth adjacent to adjunctive antimicrobial therapy adjunctive treatment adjust the occlusion administer administration admixed admixed amalgam Adson tissue forceps Adson tissue pickup advanced adverse adverse toxic effects of medicaments aerobic bacteria|aerobes aesthetic improvement aesthetic problems|problems of aesthetics aesthetic sculpting surgical procedure aesthetically pleasing affect affected affected area affective afferent afferent nerves afferents afflicted tooth A-fibers agar hydrocolloid impression materials agar impression material agar impressions agar materials age changes agent aggregate aggregates aggressive periodontitis agranulocytosis air abrasion air blast air motor air spray air syringe air-abrasion unit air-water spray alcohol torch aldehydes algesic cytokines alginate alginate binder alginate gel alginate hydrocolloid alginate hydrocolloid impression materials alginate impression alginate impression material alginate powder alginate substitute impression materials|alginate substitutes align alignment alkaline hypochlorites alkaline perborates alkaline phosphatase alkyl silicate all-alloy crown all-alloy restorations all-ceramic all-ceramic bridge all-ceramic crown all-ceramic material all-ceramic restoration allergenic allergenicity alleviate alleviation Allis forcep allodynia alloy alloy composites alloy crowns and bridges alloy crystal structure alloy end product alloy implants alloy substrate alloy substructure alloy-acrylic restoration alloy-ceramic combinations alloy-ceramic restoration all-purpose composites along the long axis alpha-phase gutta percha altered sensation of taste alternating pressure alternating quarter-turn movement of the file alumina alumina ceramic aluminosilicate glass aluminum hydroxide aluminum oxide alveolar abscess alveolar arch length alveolar arteries alveolar atrophy alveolar bone alveolar bone crest alveolar bone destruction alveolar bone height alveolar bone proper alveolar bone resorption alveolar bony crest alveolar contouring alveolar crest|crest of the alveolar ridge alveolar damage alveolar destruction alveolar expansion alveolar fracture|alveolar process fracture alveolar growth alveolar height alveolar mucosa alveolar osteitis alveolar plate alveolar process alveolar ridge alveolar ridge changes alveolar socket alveolar swelling alveologingival alveolus alveoplasty amalgam amalgam alloy amalgam bonding amalgam carrier amalgam core|amalcore|amalcore onlay amalgam intraradicular core for the coronal restoration amalgam margins amalgam overhangs amalgam plugger amalgam restoration amalgam retrograde amalgam retrograde filling amalgam root end filling amalgam scrap amalgam surface amalgam tattoo amalgam well amalgamation amalgamation reaction amalgamator|mixer for amalgam amalgam-generated mercury vapor amalgam-tooth bonding ameloblastic carcinoma ameloblastic secretory phase ameloblastoma ameloblasts amelogenesis imperfecta amenable American Dental Association|ADA amine accelerator amine-accelerated aminopeptidase activity ammonium bifluoride ammonium compounds amorphous amorphous calcium phosphate amorphous ceramic phases amorphous phase amorphous silica glass amount amoxicillin amphipathic drugs amplify amputated anachoresis anaerobes anaerobic anaerobic bacteria anaerobic culturing of root canals anaerobically anaesthesia anaesthetic agent anaesthetic capsule anaesthetic solution anaesthetic technique anaesthetic|anesthetic anaesthetic-vasoconstrictor combination anaesthetic-vasoconstrictor solution anaesthetize analgesia analgesic medications analgesics anaphylactic reaction anastomoses anatase anatomic anatomical apex anatomical apex of the tooth anatomical deviations anatomical factors anatomical redesigning anatomy anatomy of interproximal form anatomy of occlusal form anchor anchorage anchored anchoring sutures ancillary procedure anesthesia anesthetic agent anesthetic armamentarium anesthetic cartridge dispenser system anesthetic delivery system anesthetic gel anesthetic solution anesthetics anesthetize angle angle handpiece angle of curvature|angle of root curvature angle of exit angle of impaction angle of incision|angle of the incision angle of the bevel angle of the resection angle of the roots angled angled bone curette|angled surgical bone curette angled film angled periotome angled projection angled radiograph angled releasing incisions angled resection angular angular bone loss angular changes in the tubules angular cheilitis angulated radiograph angulation angulation of probing angulation of the blade angulation of the film anhydrous dibasic calcium phosphate ankyloglossia ankylosed tooth ankylosis ankylosis-related resorption anodontia anolyte anomalies anomalous root defect anomalous roots antegonial notching anterior anterior area anterior crowns anterior esthetics anterior facial vein anterior gingival tissues anterior implants anterior labial flange of the tray anterior mandible anterior mandibular area anterior middle superior alveolar nerve block|AMSA nerve block anterior nasal spine anterior open bite anterior portion of the mouth anterior ramus anterior release anterior restorations anterior sulcular extent of the incision anterior surgery anterior teeth anterior to anteriorly anterior-strip crowns
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