The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service TNH-1000 EEQQ IFACTSIFACTS Heat Detection and Teasing Systems for Mares Doyle G. Meadows, Professor, Animal Science Fred M. Hopkins, Professor, and John E. Henton, Professor, Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine The process of heat detection, which is de- Diestrus is the portion of the estrous cycle termining the sexual readiness of a mare, is when the mare is not receptive to the stallion. critical in the breeding process. Heat detec- The mare enters diestrus following ovulation tion using the mare’s response to a stallion is and the end of estrus. The purpose of teas- known as teasing. The teasing process is nec- ing is to determine the presence or absence of essary because mares do not predictably show heat. signs of heat, either alone or with a group of Teasing is practiced at virtually every mares, as do other domestic livestock. Heat breeding farm. However, there are certain fac- detection is essential for artificial as well as tors that are important in heat detection and natural breeding. subsequently contribute to a sound, success- The mare has a seasonally polyestrous ful breeding program. Factors discussed in type of estrous or reproductive cycle. This this fact sheet include management, teaser means the mare will have several reproduc- animals, teasing systems, teasing score sys- tive cycles during specific times of the year. tem and special problems to consider while The mare’s normal cycling period is from ap- teasing. proximately March through September. Dur- Management ing this period, the open and lactating mare The person in charge of teasing is impor- undergoes a series of cycles, each approxi- tant to a successful heat detection program. mately 22 days in length. The estrous cycle This person must have a thorough under- is divided into two physiological parts: estrus standing of the mare’s estrous cycle. In addi- and diestrus. tion, this individual should have knowledge Estrus, or heat, is three to seven days in in sexual or estrus behavior in horses, know length and is the time when a mare is recep- factors that affect behavior, be patient, and tive to the stallion. The estrus portion of the possess a well-developed power of observation cycle must be accurately determined because to detect subtle behavioral changes and differ- it is the period during which the mare must ences in mares. be bred in order to conceive. Ovulation (re- Teasing is a difficult, time-consuming job lease of the egg for fertilization) usually oc- that requires, in some situations, constant at- curs 24 to 48 hours before the end of estrus. tention and observation of the mares. Some Conception rates are highest when the mare horse breeding farms leave teasing to one of is bred 36 hours before and up to ovulation. the lowest-paid, least-qualified employees at 1000.1 the farm. When this occurs, conception rates occasionally helps maintain interest in the generally decline. The people in charge of mares. teasing need to be conscientious about the job A pony stallion can also be used as teaser. because they play a key role in the success of The pony stallion is obviously small, easy to the breeding season. handle and typically very sexually aggressive. The breeding manager at successful breed- However, some mares do not respond as well ing farms should be involved in heat detec- to pony stallions as they do horse stallions. tion. The breeding manager’s role in heat Geldings given testosterone every 10 to 21 detection varies from one of actually doing days have been used with some success as the teasing to one of supervising another em- teasers. Also, vasectomized stallions, fitted ployee. Either way, the breeding manager is with a marking harness, have been used for ultimately responsible for heat detection. estrus detection in free-running mares. This Observing and reporting the sexual be- method, however, has received only limited at- havior of the mares are critical to successful tention and success. The intact, active stallion heat detection. All farm employees, from train- is still the most desirable animal to use for ers to stall cleaners, should report any normal heat detection in mares. or abnormal sexual behavior that is observed Teasing Records throughout the work day to the teasing man- An accurate record keeping system to eval- ager. For example, a trainer, while riding a uate or score the mare’s response to a teasing horse beside a paddock of mares, may observe stallion is extremely important for a success- sexual receptivity toward the horse being rid- ful breeding season. For a mare to become den from one or more mares. Any signs of pregnant, breeding must occur at the proper heat should be reported to the proper person time during estrus. A scoring system should so the specific mares can receive proper atten- be utilized so sexual behavior changes can tion on the next teasing day. Everyone on the be recorded as the mare progresses through farm should be aware of the importance and the estrous cycle. One commonly used teasing should play a role in heat detection. score system to record estrus behavior is pre- Teaser Animals sented below. The animal used as the teaser may well Teasing Score Behavior be the most valuable animal on the breeding farm. The teaser should be aggressive, vocal 1 Diestrus — obvious hostility to the stallion; ears and enthusiastic. However, the teaser stallion back, striking, biting and squealing must not be so aggressive as to be out of con- 2 Indifference, passive behavior trol or unmanageable. The teaser should tease without excessive roughness such as kicking 3 Slight interest in teaser, may urinate with winking or biting the mare. 4 Obvious interest in teaser, urination and winking The breeding stallion, in addition to the breeding chores, may also double as the 5 Strong interest in teaser, frequent urination, teaser in most small breeding operations. winking and squatting Overuse of the breeding stallion as a teaser A normal, expected response of a mare should be avoided to reduce the possibility showing signs of estrus to a teaser stallion in- of injury or lack of sexual desire. If breeding cludes things such as obvious interest in the stallions are used as teasers, they should be stallion, vulval winking (frequent opening of rotated and never physically abused for their the vulva), squatting, tail raising and urina- sexual advances toward the mares. tion. Behavior associated with not being in Large breeding farms usually maintain a heat (diestrus) include kicking, biting, strik- stallion to use exclusively for teasing. These ing, laying the ear back and an overall hostile teasing stallions may develop “frustration-in- attitude toward the stallion. The mare that duced” behavior changes, such as complete winks, squats, urinates and does not kick the loss of interest in the mares. It is desirable teaser stallion is a likely breeding candidate. to have more than one teaser and alternate It is important to remember that heat be- them. Also, allowing a teaser stallion to breed havior varies considerably from mare to mare. Being aware and recording the changes that 1000.2 Figure 1. Teasing Record for Mares Mare Record Mare _____________________________________________________Color ___________ Age ______________ Farm Number __________ in 19 __________ Booked to_____________________________________________ Mare Owner __________________________________ Results of last year’s breeding___________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233 Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Tease Code 1 – resistance 4 – winks vulva, urinates 2 – indifferent 5 – profuse urination and vulvular activity 3 – interested occur in a particular mare are critical. Mares There are two broad classifications of teas- are best teased every day but can be carefully ing techniques: individual or group. There are teased every other day and still provide ad- advantages and disadvantages to both. equate information for breeding. Those mare Pasture teasing is not a widely practiced receiving a teasing score of three or more are teasing method at breeding farms today. With checked by rectal palpation or ultrasound to the pasture teasing system, a handler simply further identify their breeding status. Heat leads a teaser stallion throughout the mares detection, in combination with palpation or in a pasture. Behavior will be noted as the ultrasound, will provide important informa- stallion approaches or is approached by the tion for the breeding manager to determine mares. Labor costs are very low with pasture whether to breed the mare that day. teasing. However, injury to both handler and Mares vary widely in their response to horses can be a problem. In addition, timid the teaser. The best indicator that a mare mares may not approach and may even flee is in heat is when she acts the same as she from the stallion and handler. Generally, the did during her previous estrus cycle. To ac- teasing stallion is fitted with an apron so that curately assess the behavioral patterns of he cannot successfully breed a mare if he es- the mare, it is necessary to begin teasing one capes from the handler. month prior to breeding season. This allows Pen teasing can be accomplished in vari- adequate time for the mare to become com- ous ways. The stallion may be free to move fortable with the teaser and teasing system. along the fence line of a group of mares or a During this time, the teasing manager can handler may lead a stallion up to the fence of become familiar with the mare’s response at the mares. Pen teasing requires a safe, well various times in the estrous cycle. built pen separating the mare and stallion.
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