,»*v*****w****9%ev*e**e*e%»^ The ONLY Newspaper Printed Ije f inDcn In Linden , The Lir.OEN NEWS, established 192/. combined with The LINDEN OBSERVER, established 1920. Vol VII — No. 1 Entered as second class mail nrauer ai 8 PAGES LINDEN, N. J„ THURSDAY, JULY 7, I960 t>i*> ivtst Offira flt fsinden, N, J PRICE; FIVE CENTS Tompkins Presents $2,500 Hubeny Elected To Lead JCC Dunn Announces To Hospital for Cyanamid The Linden Chapter of the Jun- ; ior Chambt*r of Commerce electexl ' R ichard H ubeny to succo-'d R<>bcrt His Support for The Warriors Plant of American Crouchor as president. Cyanamic! Company, located here, Karl Asch and John I>amson recently contributed $2,500 to were t lecled vice presidenks; Jo­ Aloxian B rothers H ospital. Eliyja- seph Pickney, secretary: Fred Bab­ Senator Kennedy beth. to help pay the co.st of a bitt, treasurer; and Dereck new wing. erill and Philip f’>oKstein, directors. .T;ick B, Dunn, Domcra,tic Cnndi-' Committcp tor Konnixly for Paul M. Tompkins, Plant Man­ () ager, turned over a cheek for that date for Congr.>.ss from the Sixth presia'ont i.'i opening the head- District, has nnnminccd the open-1 sanction of amount to Brother Constantine, Kiwanis Honors C.F.A., Hospital Administrator. ing of the TTnion County Kennedy j Kinneally, Chairman of for Presidtmt Headquartc'rs, the In presenting the Oj'anamid con­ the T^ninu County Democratic Com­ ’ first of its kind in New Jer.soy and tribution. Mr. Tompkins said that mittee and a delegate to the Na­ PAL Board Head among the first in the nation. induistry in the Elizabeth-Linden tional Democratic Convention in The headquarters is locAtixi at area "fully realizes its obligation Los Angelos next wo<‘k. 1139 E. Jersey Street. Elizabeth and and respon.sibilty to lend support l*.\L KE,< I'.I\KS Mrs. Uiihur « itteman of IIU >lid- Kinmxally said that after the con­ will function there until it moves to expansion plans of the hospital”.' (llesex SI. is shown |>r<>seMtiiig to Dil. E’dward I'lanaguil, PAI. vention. sunilar lieadquartors will to its larger headquarters in the Pointing to the critical bed short­ Director, a eheeli for SIIKI from the I.INDEN NE\t S-OB.SKKVF.K be opene<l in every munieipality for Elizabeth Cartend Hotel. age in area ho.spitals. the American \^liile fl<‘rnian F. Mopsiek, publisher, looks on Mrs. tt'itleniaii Fri'cholder candidates and the na­ Cyanamid Company executive has heen solieiting newspaper silhsoriplioMs for the NFW.S-OM- Latc'r this month the office will tional slate of Kennedy. Lord and urged indivuluals, as well as busi­ in eonjunetion with a fund raising project for the I'oliee be recogniz('<i as the XTaion County Dunn. ■Mhletie l.eague. ness and industry, to contribute to j Kennedy, Ivord, Dunn Headquart- Others serving on the committee the fund. ' (‘Ts, and will officially repre.sent ’ arc Mrs. Philip Lewis, Springfield, The sup<‘rstructure of the 2R-bed, Jack Kennedy for 1’rosiden.t, Thorn former Mayor of Elizahi'-th, James wing has been erectcxl and work­ Dedicate Sunnyside Ijord for Senator, and Jack Dunn T. Kirk. As.semblyman James M. ers are preparing to start brick ■ for Congress. McGowan. George Cushing. Eliza­ and masonry operations. beth: Reuben Redfield and Mrs. : "Wo hav'c openiKl this headquart- When compleUni the new wing Sophie Baran-ski, Cranford. Murray , era now as a mandate fjx>m the will have fourteen semi-private Library Branch Frirvlfeld and Joseph Tankel, p«H>ple." sxiid Dunn. rooms, each w ith a bath, pipcxi {'’lark; H. Roy Wheeler and John Dedication of the Sunnyside oxygon, telephone, arid two-way "I have .supportixl Kennedy’s can- Blewett. Linden: and Herbert Jaffc Branch of the Linden Public Li­ p>ationt-nurse call systems. Playgrounds Open ' didacy for almost a year. Hun- and Mrs. Grace Tvubman, Union. The basement will contain a large brary took place W(‘dnesday even­ t dreds of citizens of both parties in ing, June 29. confer(mcc room, a serving pantry, ! Union County are urging the nom- space for air conditioning cquip- Mrs. Joseph E. Grygotis, Presi­ With Registration I inaCion of K ennedy for I*re.sid<‘nt. PAL 1 Favored nien-t, and other facilities. dent of the Board of Trustees, in j The primary purpose of this head­ The first floor will have a large her opening remarks pointed out quarters. until the convention, will laboratory suite, offices, two iso­ that the d^xiication of this branch Of 1400 On Hand ^ be to enroll citizens support in To Take Crown , tope rooms, a blood bank, a wait­ Ml’KRAV SEGAL is another milestone in the history ; urging the delegates to nominate of the Linden Pubiie Library. ing room, and a pharmacy. Seventeen municipal playgrounds' Kennedy, the People's Choice for MIDGET AMERICAN LEAGFE She also stressed the fact that The entire second floor will be Murray Segal member of the Lin- opened Tuesday. July 5, with a reg- President. (Standing of Teams) it is the responsibility of the used for operating rooms, a doctors’ don Kiwanis Club wa.s honored for isrtration of approximately 1,400. | W L Pet. "Surely, this is a time when the lounge, X-ray equipment, and ser­ Paul M. Tompkins, (left) Plant Manager of the Warners his election a.s President of the Board of Truatcc.s to develop 11-1 ^ h e D ay Cam p, a t 10th W ard F>ark. PA L N. 1 .......................... 10 0 1.000 spark of greatness that can be sup­ vice. An limbed recovery room is Plant of American Cyanamid Company, presents ch<K*k for $2,500 Police Athletic League Advisory brary service for the entire com -1 ^35 on the first 2ml W ard ...................... 9 S .750 munity. The new branch is visible plied by Kennedy is neexied in planned for location adjacent to to Brother Constantine, C.F.A., Administrator of Alexian Brothers Board at t/hc club’s weekly lunch- day. lOth W ard ...................... 6 6 JWO proof that the trustees take their Washington to direct the country the surgical unit. Hospital, for building fund. ' eon held Thursday. June 30, at the Playgrounds will be open for a «th W ard 6 7 .468 responsibilitios seriously. through these troublesome times. i PAL Yo\Jth Center. President John period of 8 weeks, terminating on H istory .............................. 4 8 .3SS Miss Viola R. Maihl, Director, in With tlic country's prestige at its ! Gregorio presided. the 26th of August. Six play­ Con. Anahe Chewed . , 2 13 .142 commenting upon the library’s most lowest ebb in many parts of the grounds, Wilson, 2nd Ward. Dob­ Slovak Pilgrimage I Mayor William J. Hurst, Kiwanis recent achievement, stated that the world, and with a Communist son, McManus. Lawson, and the The PAL No. 1 team had little i member, was present and laudcni library has always worked on a stronghold being built up only 90 Case Urges Long Range 10th Ward, will be open during difficulty in recording its tenth ' the PAL movement. long-term program, keeping in miles off our shores in Cuba, phis This Sunday the evening for supervised activity. consecutive league win as they ! mind current trends both in oduca- the uncertainty of the diree-tion | Det(X*tive Edward Flanagan. PAL hum bled th e 5th W ard, 14-3. ' tioTTand In the .social structure. The first week's activities will that our allies in the far Fast arej Director and organizt'r, reviewr 1 Paul Makuch continues to lead Slovaks, Catholics from this city I Sunnyside Branch is just one include checker and washer con­ taking, we noe<l the m an w'-'o has! Military Defense Plans the accomplishments of his organ- the league In the longest ball hit­ and vicinity, will attend the an­ further proof that it pays to work tests and a scavenger hunt. Hand­ I the experience and capacities to nual pilgrimage in honor of SS. i ation since its inception. He in­ ting department. His home run 2 on a long-term plan. This is the icraft will also play a major part in I fight communism strongly and as- j Cyril & Methodius, apostles of the Senator Clifford P. Case, in three troduced Detective Lt. James Ken­ and Bernie Tally’s triple with the result of a plan written in 1955 and the summer’s activities. i sure the obtaining of a ia.sting! Slavs In general and Slovaks in Fourth of July addressees in New ny, head of the Police Juvenile I bases full accounted for the most presenit('d to the Council in 1956. Among the city-wide events will ' peace with dignity particular on Sunday. July 10th at Jersey, urged continued dc^dication Bureau, who discussed the fun­ I runs of the game, The immediate response to the be a Fishing Derby at Wilson SS. P oter & Paul Church, Second and determination in shouldering ctions of hi.s department. Dettx't- Dunn also Scud that the Union 'I'hc box score: plan on the part of the Council Park on Saturday. July 16th, a min- Street, Trenton, N. J. the long-range burdens necessary ive K enny lauded the public schcx^l ______________ - ! loth WARD wns the acquisition of the site of iaturc golf tournament, city cham- Most Rev. George W. Ahr, D.D. for military security, pre-eminence administrators and its special ser­ AB R H this branch and a site for a branch : pionships on August 2nd, Fun Day will celebrate pontifical mass at 12 in space exploration, and economic vices for the excellent cooperation.
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