Resettlement Planning Document Short Resettlement Plan for Raichur Sub-projects Document Stage: Revised Project Number: 38254-01 August 2006 IND: North Karnataka Urban Sector Investment Program Prepared by Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation (KUIDFC). The short resettlement plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Currency Equivalent Currency Unity : Indian Rupee/s (Re/Rs) Re. 1.00 : US$ 0.022 US$ 1.00 : Rs. 45 Abbreviations and Acronyms ADB : Asian Development Bank AP : affected person BPL : below poverty line CBO : community based organization CDO : Community Development Officer DC : Deputy Commissioner DLVC District Level Valuation Committee EA : Executing Agency GoK : Government of Karnataka GRC : Grievance Redress Committee ha : hectare IA : Implementing Agency KUIDFC : Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation KUWSDB : Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board LA : land acquisition LAA : Land Acquisition Act LS : Lump Sum M&E : Monitoring and Evaluation NGO : non-governmental organization NKUSIP : North Karnataka Urban Sector Investment Program NPRR : National Policy for Resettlement and Rehabilitation PC : Investment Program Consultants IIPMU : Investment Program Management Unit RF : resettlement framework RP : resettlement plan STP : sewage treatment plant ToR : Terms of Reference ULB : Urban Local Body 2 Contents Executive Summary 01 I. Scope of Land Acquisition and Resettlement 03 A. Socio-economic Information of Affected Persons 06 B. Consultations with APs 12 C. Cut-Off Date 12 II. Objective, Framework and Entitlements 13 III. Consultation and Grievance Redress Participation 23 A. Information Dissemination, Consultation, and Disclosure Requirement 23 B. Grievance Redressal Mechanisms 24 IV. Compensation, and Income Restoration 25 A. Compensation 25 B. Income Restoration 25 V. Institutional Framework 27 VI. Resettlement Budget and Financing 28 VII. Implementation Schedule 29 VIII. Monitoring and Evaluation 31 I. 3 Annexure Annex A: Socio-economic Data of Affected Persons..................................................................................1 Annex B: List of Participants / Officials Consulted......................................................................................5 Annex C: Gender Action Plan ......................................................................................................................6 Annex D: Outline Terms of Reference for Implementing NGO................................................................. 10 Tables Table 1: Proposed Sub-Project Components in Raichur.........................................................................4 Table 2: Details of Land Proposed for Acquisition .............................................................................. 10 Table 3: Resettlement Budget............................................................................................................... 29 Table 4: Implementation Schedule ....................................................................................................... 30 4 Executive Summary The Investment Program will facilitate economic growth in 25 towns of North Karnataka and cause urban infrastructure development through urban basic services in an environmentally sound and operationally sustainable manner. The Investment Program will finance investment in the sectors of (i) water supply; (ii) sewerage and sanitation; (iii) urban drainage; (iv) urban roads; (v) poverty alleviation; (vi) non-municipal infrastructure inclusive of development/conservation of lakes, expansion of fire services, development of tourism facilities; (vii) institutional development; and (viii) investment program assistance. The Investment Program is designed to minimize land acquisition and resettlement impacts. Sub-projects involving rehabilitation will be accommodated within the existing facilities’ premises and will not involve land acquisition and resettlement. Sub-projects involving construction of water supply systems, sewage treatment plants, and non-municipal infrastructure are proposed on Government land wherever possible. The overall resettlement impacts are to be further avoided or minimized through careful sub-project siting and alignment during detailed design and sub-project implementation.1 Scope of Land Acquisition and Resettlement. This resettlement plan (RP) was prepared for Raichur sample sub-projects, in Raichur district. Permanent land acquisition of 14 hectares is required for the sewage treatment plant (STP). There are no structures in the proposed STP sites, which are currently under agriculturural use. Eleven households cultivating the land will be affected. No permanent or temporary land acquisition is anticipated for the road resurfacing component. Laying of pipes may affect roadside hawkers and vendors for short periods. The Investment Program will identify suitable temporary alternative sites during detailed design to enable APs continue their activities during construction. Upon construction completion, APs will be able to resume their activities at their original locations. Further detail will be provided in updated RPs to be prepared following detailed design. Policy Framework and Entitlements. The policy framework and entitlements for the Investment Program are based on National Laws: The Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (amended in 1984) and the National Policy on Resettlement and Rehabilitation for Investment Program Affected Persons, 2003; and ADB’s Policy on Involuntary Resettlement, 1995. Compensation and Income Restoration. Loss of land, structures, trees and crops, and other assets will be compensated at replacement cost. A District Level Valuation Committee will be constituted with representation from the Deputy Commissioner (DC), Raichur district, Land Acquisition Officer (LAO), Accounts Officer of the Collectorate, Raichur Urban Local Body (ULB), Resettlement Officer (RO), Investment Program Management Unit (IPMU), affected persons (APs), nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and community based organizations (CBOs) to determine the replacement value of land and assets to be acquired. Vulnerable households will be provided additional assistance in the form of land-for-land replacement options, priority in employment for sub-project activities, skills and livelihood training, and income generating assets. Short-term income restoration activities include the provision of short- term allowances such as (i) subsistence allowances (three months); and (ii) shifting assistance. Medium-term income restoration activities such as provision of income generating assets, and longer-term skills training will also be provided by the Investment Program. 1 The total estimated land requirement for sub-project components in 25 sub-project towns is 512.12 hectares (ha). Of this, 215.8 ha is Government land. About 300 ha will require land acquisition, of which about 120 ha has not yet been identified. 1 Information Dissemination, Consultation, Disclosure and Grievance Redress. The RP was prepared in consultation with stakeholders. Discussions and meetings were held involving stakeholders, particularly affected households; and a socio-economic survey was conducted to determine the potential impacts of land acquisition. Information has been and continues to be disseminated to APs. Local language versions of the RP and the resettlement framework have been made available in Raichur ULB and disclosed in the executing agency’s (EA’s) website. The RP will be disclosed in ADB’s website, and information dissemination and consultation will continue throughout program implementation. Grievances of APs will first be brought to the attention of the implementing NGO or Raichur ULB RO. Grievances not redressed by the NGO or RO will be brought to the grievance redress committee (GRC), proposed to be established in Raichur District. GRCs will have representation from APs (including vulnerable households), Raichur ULB, EA, NGOs, and CBOs. The GRC will determine the merit of each grievance, and resolve grievances within a month of receiving the complaint; failing which the grievance will be addressed by the DC. The DC will hear appeals against decisions of the GRC. Further grievances will be referred by APs to appropriate courts of law. Institutional Framework, Resettlement Costs, and Implementation Schedule. The Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation is the EA responsible for implementing the Investment Program. The Raichur ULB will act as an implementing agency . A special LAO at the IPMU and LAOs at the divisional offices will coordinate land acquisition and resettlement activities. The RO and implementing NGO will be responsible for RP implementation. The total cost for land acquisition and resettlement for Raichur sample sub- projects located in Raichur district is estimated at Rs 4 million. The budget will be available for disbursement upon approval of the Investment Program. Monitoring and Evaluation. RP implementation will be closely monitored to provide the IPMU with an effective basis for assessing resettlement progress and identifying potential difficulties and problems. Internal monitoring will be undertaken by the Raichur ULB to track indicators such as the number of families affected, resettled, assistance extended, infrastructure facilities provided, and financial aspects
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