SOONER MAGAZINE July, 1941 Hervey New Law Dean [Campus Review] TWO meetings, highlighted by Charlaine Tullis, whose resignation was Law School was made at this session. a change in the dean of the University accepted . Ray A. Heady, University of Kansas Law School, were held by the Board of The board changed the title of Dr. Roy journalism professor, was named to suc- Regents during the waning days of the Gittinger, '02ba, from dean of administra- ceed Mr. Copeland on the journalism fac- regular school year, on May 30 and June tion to dean of admissions. It approved ulty. 9. the election of Jesse H. Glass, who will Ingo Maddus, Jr., professor at the Phil- Most important action taken by the re- serve as full-time secretary for the Naval adelphia College of Pharmacy and Sci- gents was the acceptance of the resigna- R. O. T. C. at the University . ence, was employed as mathematics in- tion of Julien C. Monnet, dean of the The regents announced no action on the structor at the University . School of Law for 32 years, and the ap- State Senate "Little Dies" committee's The board accepted the resignations of pointment of Dr. John G. Hervey, '23ba, recommendation that Dr. Maurice Hal- Dr. Charles Nelson Berry, '14bs, '14ba, '25aw, dean of the Law School at Temple perin, '29ma, professor of Romance lan- associate in surgery, and Dr. Hugh M. University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to guages at the University, be removed Galbraith, instructor in neurology, from succeed him. from the faculty, but indicated the facts the School of Medicine faculty. Present for the May 30 meeting of the were being reviewed. Leaves of absences were granted Dr. regents was President-Elect Joseph A. At the June 9 meeting of the board, a Robert B . Howard, '36bs.med, '38med, Brandt, '21ba . Greatest part of the session number of resignations were accepted and assistant in surgery ; Dr. Stanley F. Wild- was devoted to the task of accepting res- leaves of absences were given several mem- man, '22ba, 22bs.med, '24med, associate ignations and making appointments to bers of the University Medical School fac- in neurology ; and Dr. William E. Streck- fill vacancies. ulty and the staff of University Hospital, er, '34bs.med, '36med . The last two have Fayette Copeland, '19ba, associate pro- Oklahoma City . been called to active duty in the Army. fessor of journalism, was appointed to the Appointment of Dr. Hervey to succeed Resignations of internes who have been newly created position of counselor of Dean Monnet as dean of the University called to active duty include Dr. Harold men, succeeding C . C. Bush, jr., '23ba, '32ma, who has been acting dean of men . Clarence Frost. '31ba, news editor of the Hobart Democrat-Chief, was named as assistant in journalism to succeed Frances Hunt, '29ba, instructor in journ- alism, whose resignation was accepted by the board. Addle Lee Pickard, '39journ, proof- reader for the University Press, resigned . Her place has been taken by Betty Cop- mann Lynn, '38drama. Joyle Marie Grif- fin, '41ed, was employed in the Graduate Placement office to succeed Pauline Gilles Rogers, '38ed, whose resignation was ac- cepted . Juanita Farris was named secretary of the University radio station, WNAD, suc- ceeding Myrtle Blair Hoover, '37, who resigned. Marian Widlake was employed as secretary in the University Extension Division to fill a vacancy created by the resignation of Jean Hamilton . Elizabeth R. Hall, now with the Uni- versity of Michigan Health Service, was appointed to take the place of Mrs . Ida Lucille Wallace, '28ba, '34ms, who re- signed as instructor in bacteriology at the University School of Medicine, Oklahoma City. Frank Rinehart was named custodian of the botany department stock room to replace Ivan Rainwater, who resigned. Vinnie Mae jolly was employed as tech- BACHRACH nologist at Ellison Infirmary, succeeding John Gaines Hervey, '25law, new dean of the School of Law JULY, 1941 F. Bertram, Dr. Maurice B . Winstead, "This sentiment the regents heartily ap- and Dr. Vernon L. Bolton. proved. After all these years, I am happy At the University Hospital, Oklahoma to be able to testify that there has never City, Dr. M. Kurzner, assistant in pedi- been any such interference, and that no atrics, was given leave for active duty one could have received more cordial and with the Navy at San Diego, California, satisfactory co-operation than I have re- for the duration of the national emer- ceived from the Boards of Regents and gency . the University presidents during the en- Those on the hospital staff whose res- tire period . ignations were accepted by the board are "And, now, in laying down the inspir- Dr. Benedict E. Abreu, instructor in phar- ing and constructive burden of organiz- macy; Kendall Knutson, laboratory tech- ing and conducting for 32 years the State nician ; Mable Milne, head nurse; Dora University Law School in this great new Ella Brooks, nurse ; Margaret Bolton, state, I can only say in closing the record, nurse; Grady Bell, electrician ; and Harry `Whatever is writ is writ, would that it Johnson, plumber. were worthier .' " The regents also voted to discontinue President Bizzell, in commenting upon wrestling at the University until the sport the retirement of Dr. Monnet, said : can be handled by a full-time coach. Stu- "The long service of Dean Monnet to dent coaches have had charge of the squad the Law School of the University is out- for the last several months . standing in American higher education. Action on the University budget for He organized the Law School in the be- next year was held up pending apporti- ginning and has administered the school onment of funds which will have to be continuously through the years. "Few men have rendered such conspic- made among the institutions of higher Julien C. Monnet, who becomes dean uous service to any institution as Dean learning in Oklahoma by the newly cre- emeritus after 32 years as head of the Monnet has rendered to the University ated board of State Regents for Higher School of Law Education. during his long and notable career. It has been a genuine pleasure and priv- new dean, Dr. John G. Hervey, Change in Deans The ilege to me to have been associated with who has held a similar title and position the dean during the past 16 years and I Thirty-two years ago, a young fellow at Temple University, Philadelphia, Penn- have come to appreciate his high character named Julien C. Monnet resigned from sylvania, since 1939, received a B . A. de- and to admire his intellectual ability. the faculty of George Washington Uni- gree in 1923 and the LL. B. degree in 1925 "Hundreds of judges, lawyers, and other versity, Washington, D. C ., to come to from the University of Oklahoma . His public officials will regret to learn of Dean the University of Oklahoma campus, or- Ph. D., degree was conferred by the Uni- Monnet's retirement. I have never known ganize a School of Law and become its versity of Pennsylvania in 1928. any of his former students who did not dean. Dr. Hervey was admitted to the Okla- have the highest respect for him as a man This fall, Dean Monnet will relinquish homa liar in 1925. Before joining the and a profound student of the law. Every his position to begin a sabbatical leave of faculty of Temple University, he taught at member of the Board of Regents shares absence for the scholastic year 1941-42. the University of Pennsylvania . He was fully in the sentiments I have expressed." His successor as dean will be Dr. John legislative adviser for the Pennsylvania In commenting upon the appointment G. Hervey, '23ba, '25law, to whom he re- Commission on Revision of Public Ser- of Dr. Hervey, President Bizzell said : fers as "one of my fine boys whom I hold vice Company Laws in 1932-33, and has in high esteem." been consultant to Governor Earle of "The appointment of Dr. John G. Her- Dean Monnet, whose new title will be Pennsylvania . vey as Dean Monnet's successor gives as- Dean Emeritus of the School of Law and The new dean is a member of the surance that the high standards of ac- professor of law, had a background rich American Bar Association, Pennsylvania complishment in the Law School are to in education and legal experience when Bar Association, Pennsylvania Historical be continued . Dean Hervey holds both he came to Oklahoma in 1909. He holds Society, Phi Beta Kappa and Acacia fra- the 13. A. and LL. B . degrees from this three degrees from the University of Iowa ternity. He married Hallie Holloway, institution . He was a student for three -A . B . degree in 1892, LL. I3 . in 1893, '24, in 1925. They have two children, years under Dean Monnett who speaks and A. M. in political science and history Janis Marilyn and John Douglas . of him as `one of my fine boys whom I in 1905. As a student in the University, John hold in high esteem.' In 1908, he was granted an LL. B . cum Hervey was a varsity debater for three "After completing his law work in the laude degree by Harvard University . years, was president of his fraternity chap- University, he entered the University of Three years after Dean Monnet's arrival ter, was elected treasurer of the Student Pennsylvania and took his Ph. D. there. on the campus, he was named acting pres- Council, and belonged to several honorary He has served successively as professor, ident of the University, a position which groups . He earned his way through associate dean, and dean of the Law he held for almost a year.
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