ont Cou n erm try V Sampler Free • Statewide Calendar of Events, Map • Inns, B&B’s, Dining, Real Estate • Entertainment, Book Reviews • Plenty of Good Reading! September 2017 FOR SALE Downtown Randolph, Vermont Depot Square, 2 Salisbury Street Ground Floor: 1,660 sq. ft. 2nd Floor: 600 sq. ft. Total: 2,260 sq. ft. Historically renovated CNRR Railroad Station. Baggage building and beautiful outdoor park. 12 parking spaces. Recently occupied ¢ȱȱ¢ȬęĴȱȱ Depot Restaurant. Price: Available Upon Request 24 Pleasant Street Ground Floor (Unit B) - 7,700 sq. ft. Formerly the headquarters of Freedom Foods and the Randolph Co-Op. New bathrooms and two new furnaces. Montague Golf Club - Est. 1913 13 designated parking spaces. Randolph, Vermont Price: Available Upon Request (Only 3 miles from Exit 4 / I-89) /ƚ͛Ɛ>ĂƚĞ^ƵŵŵĞƌKƵƟŶŐ^ĞĂƐŽŶ͊ 2 South Main Street ͘͘͘ŶĚƚŚĞƌĞ͛ƐŶŽďĞƩĞƌůŽĐĂƟŽŶƚŚĂŶDŽŶƚĂŐƵĞ͊ 10,000 square feet ¢ȱȱȱȱĜȱ • DŽŶƚĂŐƵĞ͛ƐŐŽůĨĐŽƵƌƐĞŝƐŝŶƟƉͲƚŽƉƐŚĂƉĞ building in a prime location on the • Reasonable greens fees corner of Main Street and Merchant’s • Centrally located, only minutes from Exit 4, I-89 ǯȱȱȱĚȱȱśǰŖŖŖȱ sq. ft. is available for lease. • ĞůŝĐŝŽƵƐůƵŶĐŚͬĚŝŶŶĞƌŽƉƟŽŶƐ 32 parking spaces. • sĂƌŝŽƵƐƉƌŝĐĞƉŽŝŶƚƐƚŽŵĞĞƚLJŽƵƌďƵĚŐĞƚ Price: Available Upon Request KDW>/DEdZz'K>& 2 Park Street ^hEz^/Eh'h^dΘ^WdDZ͊ 3,200 sq. ft. plus basement (750 sq. ft.) dĞĞdŝŵĞƐ͗ϭWDƚŽϯWDͲ*Limit, one free round of golf Located at one of the busiest inter- sections in Downtown Randolph. Ideal for a user or as an investment property. Ăůů:ĞƐƐ͕DŽŶƚĂŐƵĞ͛ƐDĂŶĂŐĞƌ͕ƚŽŚĂǀĞŚĞƌƉƵƚƚŽŐĞƚŚĞƌ 7 parking spaces immediately in front of building. ĂĨƵŶĂŶĚŵĞŵŽƌĂďůĞŽƵƟŶŐĨŽƌLJŽƵƌŐƌŽƵƉŽƌƚŽďŽŽŬ Price: Available Upon Request LJŽƵƌĐŽŵƉůŝŵĞŶƚĂƌLJƚĞĞƟŵĞ͗(802) 728-3806 For information or to inspect, please contact: Sam Sammis, Owner ~ (802) 522-8500 ǁǁǁ͘DŽŶƚĂŐƵĞ'ŽůĨ͘ĐŽŵ September Journal Under the Cricket and Katydid Moon by Bill Felker Like Altair and Vega, intact. The oaks and syca- we ride the night sky alone mores, Osage orange and refl ecting only the light maples still fi lter and stag- that shines on us. ger the light. The moon only —Rin-no-ji, Nikko breaks completely through trans. by Sam Hamill where box elders or cotton- The dapples of light and woods or black walnuts have half-light under the full shed their leaves. Cricket and Katydid Moon I follow the crinkling easily merge summer and sound of the water. Frost is autumn. I walk at night be- still days away. Katydids tween the patches of white and crickets still call around and dark, between my garden me, grating and chirping and and the woods. There is no whistling, intermittent like wind. The moon is high and the darkness from one clear- round. The Summer Triangle ing of the woods to the next. of Altair and Deneb and Vega In the sun, all the different fl ees west before it. pieces of the season are stark By the shining river, iron- and clear, so linear that they weed and Joe Pye seeds are point to winter. But under the soft and gray, wingstem stiff stars and the full of the moon, photo by Carolyn Moran and prickly. Late zigzag gold- everything comes together, Tommy Flowers with his team of Brabant Belgian draft horse mares at the DraftAnimal-Power Field Days. enrod and snakeroot fl icker in disconnected from daytime the moonlight, complement meaning. Cornish, NH the small-fl owered asters. A We, like they, only refl ect few brittle jumpseeds jump. the light that shines on us. Draft Animal-Power Field Days at Cornish Fairgrounds A few large-fl owered swamp We and the land and time The 2017 Draft Animal- a workshop for timber for- Entertainment will include tion of equipment, tack, art, bidens glow at the edge of the make gentle sense together, Power Field Days will be est landowners and foresters a square dance Friday night, farm products and a 10’x14’ wetland. the stippled coat of a single held September 29th through who want to learn about the draft animal ballads played timber frame. Much of the canopy is still creature. October 1st at the Cornish, advantages of using draft ani- on the fiddle, plus music New Hampshire Fairgrounds. mals in forest management around the campfi re on Sat- The Draft Animal-Power This three-day educational and silviculture. urday. Field Days is presented by Brown Bag Lunch Series event celebrates the use of Saturday, September 30th Sunday, October 1st is a the Draft Animal-Power Net- Speakers • Music • Demos draft animals: horses, ponies, is a day for everyone in- full half-day including an work. For more information, every weekday at noon oxen, and mules, in modern terested in animal power obstacle course with horses, go to www.draftanimnal day farming and logging in with over 25 workshops on oxen, and mules, a multiple- power, call (802) 763-0771 Bring your lunch! New England and New York. plowing, haying, working hitch of horses, a harness or e-mail dapnetinfo@gmail. Friday, September 29th with animals, equipment, raffl e and live benefi t auc- com. Strolling of the Heifers will offer all-day intensive blacksmithing, timber fram- River Garden Headquarters workshops for beginning and ing, wagon rides, and much 157 Main Street Brattleboro, VT advanced teamsters on till- more. There will be working See the complete schedule age and cultivation, forestry, horses, ponies, oxen, and on our website farm planning, and horse mules demonstrations all www.strollingoftheheifers.com training. There will also be day long. ROCKINGHAM ARTS AND Rural Vermont Activates, Advocates and Educates MUSEUM PROJECT (RAMP) for Living Soils, Th riving Farms and Healthy Communities Vermont Country Sampler Economic Development September 2017, Vol. XXXIII www.ruralvermont.org Through the Arts The Vermont Country Sampler is distributed free (802) 223-7222 7 Canal Street over-the-counter in and out of Vermont. Advertising Bellows Falls, VT 05101 Join Us in Giving Voice rates on request. Deadline the 10th of the preceding (802)463-3252 to Vermont’s Family month. www.ramp-vt.org Farm Heritage! Vermont Country Sampler The Exner Block provides live-work spaces for P.O. Box 197, N. Clarendon, VT 05759 artists and retail spaces supporting the arts: Check out our local artist notecards, (802) 772-7463 including this photo from John David Geery! [email protected] www.vermontcountrysampler.com BAKERY, DELI Teacher Treasures FARMS GREENHOUSE A Teacher Resource Store & More! & GAS Southern Scrapbooking Materials & Gently 722-3395 Vermont Used Books/Lending Library “A Hands-On Store” Dairy Goat School Year Hours: YOUR ONE STOP DESTINATION Assocation 2–5 pm Wed–Fri and 10–5 on Sat www.vtgoats.com (802) 365-4811 • (802) 365-4426 fax Featuring Made-to-Order Cynthia W. Nau • [email protected] Sandwiches, Homemade Pizza and Mac & Cheese Right on Rt. 30—just north of Newfane Village Pressing our own Vermont Apple Cider Celebrate Heirloom Apples! Hard Cider, Wine and Beer • 120 Varieties Full Garden Center with annuals, • Farm Market • PYO perennials and over 20,000 fall mums • Heirloom Cider • Hard Cider, Beer & Pie Seating Area • Garden Center • Restrooms Making Workshops Northern Forest Gas Station • Superb Service • Vacation Rentals Canoe Trail Free WiFi • www.allenbrothersfarm.com 707 Kipling Rd, Dummerston, VT Guidebook • Maps Open daily through Nov 22 Membership • Volunteer Easy on/off I-91, Exit 5 • Route 5, Westminster, VT 802-254-6868 • ScottFarmVermont.com (802) 496-2285 northernforestcanoetrail.org Hours: 5:30AM - 9PM • 7 Days a week Heirloom Apple Day —Sunday, Oct 8 Page 2 Vermont Country Sampler, September 2017 Woodstock, VT Billings Farm & Museum Fall Festivities Billings Farm & Museum has served as Saturday, September 9—Sprang with a gateway to Vermont’s rural heritage for Tiana St. James of Enfi eld, NH. Tiana will over 1.5 million visitors. Billings Farm is an demonstrate the historic textile craft of operating Jersey dairy farm that continues a sprang—an ancient method of construct- 145-year tradition of agricultural excellence ing fabric that has a natural elasticity. The and offers farm programs and historical ex- technique involves twisting the threads of a hibits that explore Vermont’s rural heritage fi xed warp in a method similar to braiding. and values. In addition to the following spe- Saturday, September 16—American cial events, you can visit the farm for Wagon Handmade Redware Pottery with Rick Ride Wednesdays and Foodways Fridays. Hamelin of Warren, MA. Master Potter Rick Whether your are a visitor or make Vermont Hamelin creates authentic reproductions and your home, plan a trip to Billings Farm & original red earthenware with his special clay Museum this fall. You’ll have a great time! mix and unique lead-free glaze. Saturday, September 24—The Farm & Labor & Leisure Museum will host the VT Woodworkers Billings Farm & Museum will host Labor Forest Festival Weekend on September 23 & & Leisure Day on Saturday, September 2, 24. See the extraordinary talent of Vermont’s from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. It’s a day of work wood craftsmen and all aspects of the “forest and fun on the farm! Wagon rides, building to fi nished product.” Meet the artisans and split rail fencing, ice cream making, historic shop for wood products. Enjoy hands-on, “base ball” and laundry – using a washboard family-friendly programs and activities at and wringer. There’s ice cream making with the Billings Farm & Museum and Marsh- samples for all—after the cranking is done! Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Wagon rides are from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Park. Local wood, local good! 31st Annual Quilt Exhibition Pumpkin & Apple Celebration The 31st Annual Quilt Exhibition will run The Annual Pumpkin & Apple Celebration through September 17, from 10 a.m. to 5 is coming on Saturday and Sunday, Septem- p.m. daily, featuring quilts made by Windsor ber 30 & October 1 from 10 a.m.
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