DUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY NHS BOARD PUBLIC MEETING A meeting of the Dumfries and Galloway NHS Board will be held at 10am on Monday 6th August 2018 in the Conference Room, Crichton Hall, Bankend Road, Dumfries. AGENDA Time No Agenda Item Who Attached / Verbal 10.00am 183 Apologies L Geddes Verbal 10.00am 184 Declarations of Interest P Jones Verbal 10.05am 185 Previous Minutes P Jones Attached 10.10am 186 Matters Arising and Review of Actions List P Jones Attached QUALITY & SAFETY ASSURANCE 10.15am 187 Risk Management Annual Report E Docherty Attached 2017/2018 10.30am 188 Patient Experience Report E Docherty Attached 10.45am 189 Healthcare Associated Infection Report E Docherty Attached 11.00am 190 Volunteering Strategy E Docherty Attached 11.15am 191 Annual Report on Feedback, Comments, E Docherty Attached Concerns and Complaints – 2017-18 PERFORMANCE ASSURANCE 11.30am 192 Performance Report V Freeman Attached 11.45am 193 Integration Joint Board Update K Lewis Verbal FINANCE & INFRASTRUCTURE 11.55am 194 Financial Performance Update K Lewis Attached 12.10am 195 Scheme of Delegation K Lewis Attached PUBLIC HEALTH & STRATEGIC PLANNING 12.25pm 196 Regional Delivery Plan J Ace Verbal 12.30pm 197 'Nurse Director Post; trial of joint J Ace Attached arrangements with NHS24 12.40pm 198 Scotland’s New Public Health Priorities: A Carnon Attached How are they Addressed in D&G. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 1 of 2 Time No Agenda Item Who Attached / Verbal 12.50pm 199 Tobacco Control Update A Carnon/T Attached Grierson GOVERNANCE 1.00pm 200 Board Briefing J Ace Attached 1.00pm 201 Committee Minutes P Jones Attached • Audit and Risk Committee Minute – 19 March 2018 • Healthcare Governance Committee Minute – 28 May 2018 • Performance Committee Minute – 5 March 2018 • Staff Governance Committee Minute – 26 March 2018 • Staff Governance Committee Minute – 28 May 2018 1.00pm 202 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING 203 • 1st October 2018 @ 10am – 1pm in the Conference Room, Crichton Hall, Bankend Road, Dumfries NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item 185 DUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY NHS BOARD NHS Board Meeting Minutes of the NHS Board Meeting held on 4th June 2018 at 1pm - 4pm in the Conference Room, Crichton Hall, Bankend Road, Dumfries, DG1 4TG. Minute Nos: 153-165 Present Mr P N Jones (PNJ) - Chairman Mr J Ace (JA) - Chief Executive Mrs L Carr (LC) - Non Executive Member Mr A Ferguson (AF) - Non Executive Member Mrs G Cardozo (GC) - Non Executive Member Ms L Bryce (LB) - Non Executive Member Ms M Gunn (MG) - Non Executive Member Dr K Donaldson (KD) - Medical Director Mr E Docherty (ED) - Nurse Director Mrs K Lewis (KL) - Director of Finance In Attendance Mrs J White (JW) - Chief Officer Ms C Sharp (CS) - Workforce Director Dr A Carnon (AC) - Consultant In Public Health Medicine Ms A Little (AL) - Strategic Planning Manager/Commissioner for Cancer Ms A Allan (AA) - Health Intelligence Specialist Mrs L Geddes (LG) - Corporate Business Manager Mrs L McKie (LM) - Executive Assistant (Minute Secretary) Apologies Mrs P Halliday (PH) - Vice Chair Mr S Hare (SH) - Non Executive Member Mr N Morris (NM) - Non Executive Member Dr L Douglas (LD) - Non Executive Member Ms M McCoy (MMc) - Interim Director of Public Health PNJ welcomed Board Members and members of the public to the NHS Board Meeting. 153. Apologies for Absence Apologies as noted above. PNJ confirmed that the meeting was quorate despite the number of apologies given. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 1 of 13 154. Declarations of Interest The Chairman asked members if they had any declarations of interest in relation to the items listed on the agenda for this meeting. It was noted that no declarations of interest were put forward. 155. Minutes of meeting held on 9th April 2018 The minute of the previous meeting on 9th April 2018 was approved as an accurate record of discussions, with no amendments. 156. Matters Arising and Review of Actions List PNJ presented the Actions List to members, taking members through the updates that had been given, noting that all actions listed were progressing as expected. NHS Board Members noted the Actions List. 157. Patient Experience Report ED presented the Patient Experience Report, asking NHS Board Members to note the Board’s performance around complaints, in particular the activities of the Patient Services team on Feedback and Complaints. ED continued to note that it would be useful to capture more information regarding the resolution meetings and is currently working with relevant colleagues to explore the most effective way to capture this data. Further staff resource and the purchasing of qualitative software to assist in the analysis of complaints and feedback information is currently being considered. NHS Board Members were directed to the Care Opinion Section within page 5 of the report, confirming that Care Opinion is actively supported by Scottish Government. ED further advised Board Members that NHS Dumfries and Galloway received 12 Care Opinion stories during this reporting period, 10 of which were positive. GC enquired as to whether the feedback charts within the report were based on all NHS facilities, ED advised that the patient feedback team were currently working on a resolution to give as much detail as possible. GC further enquired to whether the resolution included the views of vulnerable patients, ED noted that the model moving forward followed the triangle of care which was hoped would spread throughout the organisation. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 2 of 13 NHS Board Members: • Noted the report which provided an update on the activities of the Patient Services team in relation to Feedback and Complaints. • Noted the Board’s complaints performance for March and April 2018, including key feedback themes and details of the resulting learning and improvements. 158. Spiritual Care and Volunteering Report ED presented the Spiritual Care and Volunteering Report, asking NHS Board Members to note the key activities over the period March and April 2018, which detailed the planned improvement actions and recent achievements. NHS Board Members were highlighted to the support information available for staff within the newly designed Spiritual Care Team web page on Beacon. ED highlighted that the two spiritual care volunteers who were introduced to the Senior Nursing Acute Group in February were proving beneficial to patients and their loved ones in Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary (DGRI). It was highlighted that 44 of our volunteers have participated in the Wheelchair Assistance Moving & Handling training, to give support to visitors and patients in need of wheelchair assistance at DGRI. LB asked whether the volunteer stories which were captured at Healthcare Governance Committee (HCGC) could be used to recruit more volunteers. ED noted that this would be a useful tool to encourage additional young volunteers. GC enquired to what media coverage there would be prior to the forthcoming Royal Visit and whether volunteers were included in the visit. LG advised that information had been added to the NHS Dumfries and Galloway Facebook. PNJ highlighted his invitation to attend the Volunteers Quiz Night in the Duncan Rooms at Easterbrook Hall tonight to celebrate Volunteers Week from 1st - 7th June 2018. NHS Board Members were directed to the unannounced HEI Inspection from 29th – 31st May 2018, at DGRI, with ED noting that the Inspection had followed a new format that covered all aspects of environmental standards from leadership in the prevention and control of infection through to traditional cleanliness standards. ED continued to note that the draft report would be received by email on 11th July 2018, with the final report published on 8th August 2018. It was agreed that a copy of the report would be shared with Board Members when available. Action: ED NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 3 of 13 NHS Board Members: • Noted the progress within Spiritual Care and Volunteering. • Noted the activities of the Patient Services Team. 159. Healthcare Associated Infection Report ED presented the Healthcare Associated Infection Report, asking NHS Board Members to note the report and note in particular the position of NHS Dumfries and Galloway with regard to the SAB and C Diff HAI Local Delivery Plan targets. NHS Board Members were advised that NHS Dumfries and Galloway were one of the Health Boards with higher rates of Clostridium difficile infection, although remaining within the acceptable parameters and not an outlier. ED advised NHS Board Members that whilst the Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteraemia (SAB) LDP target was missed, NHS Dumfries and Galloway has one of the lowest rates of healthcare associated SAB recorded within this reporting period. NHS Board Members were advised that a vascular access network was in place, with ED reporting a variance in practice and knowledge levels across acute areas. A protocol has been developed in relation to this network, which is being implemented across the Board. ED advised Board Members that prescribing challenges had been addressed, following the significant increase in the early part of the year. It was thought that this was due to an increase in prescribing for respiratory infections. GC enquired to whether the first 6 months of the new single bedded wards had improved infection rates. ED advised that single rooms had significantly improved the management of infections and greatly reduced the risk of cross contamination. NHS Board Members received the Healthcare Associated Infection report and noted the position of NHS Dumfries and Galloway with regard to the SAB and C Diff HAI Local Delivery Plan targets. 160. Improving Safety, Reducing Harm Report – Mental Health Directorate ED presented the Acute Adult Patient Safety Programme report, asking NHS Board Members to note the assurance from this Improving Safety, Reducing Harm Mental Health Directorate update. NHS Board Members were highlighted to the three key priority areas that aim to improve the experience and outcomes of people who use mental health services.
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