February 3, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E139 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING RILEY WALTER with the U.S. Army at Ft. Hood, Texas. After Americans continue to overwhelmingly oppose moving to California, he began training as an closing Gitmo 2-to-1. HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH electrician in 1957. Twenty years later he was It is clear President Obama’s policies have OF CALIFORNIA elected business manager of the International made Americans less safe. And according to Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 551 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the polls, the American people know it. where he fought to improve the lives of work- Wednesday, February 3, 2010 ing families, advocating for fair treatment, f Mr. RADANOVICH. Madam Speaker, I rise good wages, retirement benefits, and health today to commend and congratulate Riley care. Upon his retirement in 1996, IBEW Local IN HONOR OF CASSANDRA LAWRY Walter upon thirteen years of dedicated serv- 551 had over 600 members in six counties. AND THE UNI-CAPITOL WASH- ice to the Board of Directors of the Central Rich was involved with his church and other INGTON INTERNSHIP PRO- Valley Business Incubator. Mr. Walter was civic organizations, including serving a stint on GRAMME recognized by the Central Valley Business In- the Cotati school board to ensure that the cubator annual Holiday Party on Thursday, local kids would get the best possible edu- December 10, 2009. cation. But he is probably best known to a HON. MICHAEL N. CASTLE generation as a Little League coach. For 25 Mr. Riley Walter has served the Fresno OF DELAWARE community for almost thirty years. For over years he made sure his young charges played twenty-five years he has specialized in bank- their best and had a good time doing it. He IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ruptcy and reorganization matters, with a par- also coached CYO basketball and cheered his Wednesday, February 3, 2010 ticular concentration on agricultural cases, own children and grandchildren at various business litigation and emerging businesses. sporting events. Mr. CASTLE. Madam Speaker, I rise today Mr. Walter also volunteers to a number of Rich had a wide circle of friends who appre- in recognition of the Uni-Capitol Washington local organizations, providing his legal exper- ciated his friendly manner, strong character, Internship Programme. This program provides tise. and Irish story telling. In recent years, he took Congressional offices with not only tremen- Mr. Walter is a past president of the Central pleasure in the spirited discussions at Friday dous Australian students and employees, but California Bankruptcy Association and the San morning coffee socials. He particularly enjoyed also wonderful people, and I am pleased to Joaquin Valley Chapter of the Federal Bar As- spending time with his large family and work- have hosted a number of students—including sociation. He is the past director of the Cali- ing on his 10-acre farm in Petaluma where he our most recent student, Cassandra Lawry— fornia Bankruptcy Forum and the California used both his skills as a craftsman and his over the past several years. Receiver’s Forum and is past co-chair of the background as an Iowa farmer. The Uni-Capitol Washington Internship Pro- Agribusiness Committee of the Business Law Rich’s first wife Shirley predeceased him in gramme was founded in 1999 to offer students Section of the California State Bar. Mr. Walter 1987. He is survived by his wife Jean, sons from Australia’s top universities the opportunity is a certified Business Bankruptcy specialist, Mitch, Mark, and David; daughters Cyndi, Sue, to learn and appreciate the American political accredited by the American Board of Bank- Bobbi, and Edie; 21 grandchildren; and five system, serve as ambassadors for their coun- ruptcy Certification and a Fellow, American great grandchildren. try and gain valuable academic and profes- College of Bankruptcy, Class XIII. Madam Speaker, Richard Clarey exempli- sional experience. Each year, after competing Mr. Walter is the author of numerous arti- fied what is best in our local communities. He for admission into this highly selective pro- cles on insolvency and bankruptcy. He is fre- truly cared about people and pitched in where gram, these students put their studies on hold quently requested to speak to business, agri- he could to make their lives better. He and come to Washington, D.C. to intern for culture and financial groups. For the past five touched his family, his colleagues, and his eight weeks, largely at their own expense. The years, he has been named a ‘‘Northern Cali- many friends. I will miss him, and I am proud Uni-Capitol Washington Internship Programme fornia Super Lawyer.’’ Currently, Mr. Walter is to have known him. is not only beneficial for the Australian stu- a member of the Board for the Central Valley f dents, but also for their new co-workers, who Business Incubator, he is active with the Fres- AMERICANS FEEL LESS SAFE are able to gain insight from their unique per- no Business Council and the Lyles Center for spective on political issues. Entrepreneurship and Innovation as well as This year, I have the privilege of hosting other civic and legal organizations. HON. LAMAR SMITH Cassandra Lawry. Cass comes to us from Syl- Madam Speaker, I rise today to commend OF TEXAS vania in New South Wales and is currently and congratulate Riley Walter for his dedi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cated service to the Central Valley Business completing her bachelor’s degree at Wednesday, February 3, 2010 Incubator and the greater Fresno area. I invite Wollongong University, where she is studying my colleagues to join me in wishing Mr. Walter Mr. SMITH of Texas. Madam Speaker, re- history and politics. During her time here, many years of continued success. cent polls show that the public is very con- Cass has attended briefings, drafted con- stituent correspondence and assisted my staff f cerned with the Obama administration’s han- dling of national security. with various other administrative duties. IN MEMORY OF RICHARD CLAREY The latest Investor’s Business Daily poll Cass’s work ethic and positive attitude have findings show that Americans believe Presi- made her a great addition to our team. She HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY dent Obama’s policies are soft on terror. The hopes that experience gained from her intern- ship on Capitol Hill will provide valuable OF CALIFORNIA percentage of Americans who feel safe has knowledge that she can use in the completion IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES declined significantly—from 82 percent a year ago, to 67 percent this month. of her degree when she returns home. Fol- Wednesday, February 3, 2010 Additionally, the Pew Research Center re- lowing graduation, Cass plans on returning to Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, I rise with cently released findings showing terrorism is Washington, D.C. to work on Capitol Hill. sadness today to honor Richard Clarey of the third most important issue to American Once again, I thank and commend Cas- Petaluma, California, who passed away Janu- voters, after jobs and the economy. sandra Lawry for her outstanding service to ary 19, 2010 at the age of 78. Rich was very This is due in part to the mishandling of the my office and this country, as well as the Uni- involved with his family, his work, his union, Christmas Day terrorist attempt. Instead of Capitol Washington Internship Programme for and his community, especially its children. gaining valuable intelligence, Abdulmutallab connecting us with numerous other dedicated Born and raised in rural Iowa, Rich enlisted was given Miranda rights, a move that 61 per- students like her. I look forward to continuing during the Korean Conflict and was stationed cent of Americans disagree with. Additionally, our partnership for many years. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:11 Feb 04, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03FE8.001 E03FEPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS E140 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 3, 2010 IN RECOGNITION OF THE CON- Instead of waving fees, guaranteeing loans the Seaford Volunteer Fire Department has STRUCTION ASSOCIATION OF and doing cartwheels to make banks lend to taken on a great deal more since its formation. MICHIGAN ON CELEBRATING ITS small businesses, it’s time we cut out the mid- Over the last 75 years, they have raised funds 125TH ANNIVERSARY dle-man. to benefit the fire company as well as the town It’s time we let the SBA lend directly to of Seaford, hosting numerous events and HON. GARY C. PETERS small businesses, so that our local economies fundraisers such as fashion shows, conces- OF MICHIGAN aren’t dependent on the decisions of Wall sion stands, banquets, and annual bake sales, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Street. craft shows and penny parties. And since the We don’t need Wall Street middle-men dedication of the new fire house in 1950, the Wednesday, February 3, 2010 slowing down lending to small businesses and Ladies Auxiliary and the Seaford Volunteer Mr. PETERS. Madam Speaker, I rise today skimming profits at the same time. Fire Department have hosted the Delaware to recognize the Construction Association of By lending 20 billion dollars directly to small Volunteer Firefighter’s Association State Con- Michigan on the occasion of its 125th anniver- businesses, the SBA can provide cost-effec- vention three times. In 2001, the Ladies Auxil- sary.
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