kaleidoscope 1.08 MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSLETTER | ISSN 1685-5884 | VOL. 4 NO. 1 | WINTER 2007 an international perspective maintaining an international perspective THE BEGINNING OF ANY CALENDAR YEAR IS GENERALLY A TIME FOR REFLECTION AND APPRAISAL, A TIME TO reassess one’s priorities when looking to the future. IT SEEMS FITTING, THEN, TO CONSIDER AT THIS TIME THOSE REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES IN WHICH MUIC HAS BEEN AND CONTINUES TO BE ENGAGED, GIVING CREDENCE AND LEGITIMACY TO ITS DESIGNATION AS AN INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM. THE EXTENDED AND NEWLY-RENOVATED HERB GARDEN RESTAURANT A PARTIAL VIEW OF THE of the college’s new exten- PRESIDENTIAL SUITE THE SALAYA sion, were finally complet- ed, providing 26 new guest PAVILLION rooms (including a presi- HOTEL dential suite), two confer- ence centers, an additional The Salaya Pavilion lobby area and an extended Hotel and Training Cen- and newly-renovated Herb ter officially opened in Garden Restaurant. 1998, with a complex of 17 rooms, a conference REGIONAL center, the Mango Bar and Herb Garden Restaurant. CONFERENCES Over the past nine years it has served as a major SATU SUMMIT venue for Travel Industry Management internships The very first guests to and has catered to a variety enjoy these new accommo- of guests, including an dations were participants international clientele who at the SATU Summit on participate in conferences, Industry-Academia Collab- seminars and competitions oration and Business Plan at Mahidol University and Competition on November other sites in the immedi- 19-21, 2007. ate vicinity. The Presidents’ Forum In November of 2007 of Southeast Asian and the hotel’s additional facili- Taiwan Universities (SATU) ties, located on the sixth, was initiated by the Nation- seventh and eighth floors al Cheng Kung University THE HOTEL’s new lobby/inner courT AREA kaleidoscope 1.08 (NCKU) of Taiwan in 2003 in order to strengthen aca- demic cooperation between Taiwan and Southeast Asian countries and foster sustainable development in the region. The summit and competition were jointly organized by NCKU and Mahidol University (MU). The aim of the Industry- MALAYSIAN PARTICIPANTS MALAYSIAN PARTICIPANTS Academia Collaboration REGISTERING FOR THE REGISTERING FOR THE DR. PETER SMITH ADDRESSING workshop, which was held CONFERENCE CONFERENCE THE PARTICIPANTS in the MUIC auditorium, was to provide a forum for Presidents of MU and Keynote speakers, summit. National Sun Yat- the exchange of informa- NCKU, respectively, wel- Mr. Satit Chanjavanakul, Sen University of Taiwan tion and ideas between out- comed the participants, Secretary General of the won the competition, with standing business leaders after which Mr. Pramon Board of Investment of the Ateneo de Manila Uni- and university academics. Sutivong, Chairman of the Thailand, and Mr. Kan versity of the Philippines Professors Pornchai Thai Chamber of Com- Trakulhoon, President of taking second place. MUIC Matangkasombut and merce, delivered the open- Siam Cement PLC, offered students Naren Thonkaow Michael Ming-Chiao Lai, ing address. their insights on industry- (team leader), Pon Nus- academic linkages, as did itchaikarn and Withoon others from both industry Hardat, representing MU, and academia in Thailand. secured third place. In conjunction with the conference, 21 teams of un- MALAYSIA- dergraduate and graduate THAILAND university students from CONFERENCE Brunei, Indonesia, Malay- sia, the Philippines, Singa- Approximately one pore, Thailand, Taiwan and week later, from November Vietnam participated in the 29 to December 1, 2007, THE MUIC TEAM WITH THEIR ADVISOR, AJARN Business Plan Competition, the Salaya Pavilion Hotel ATTHAPONG SAKUNSRIPRASERT which was coordinated by was the venue for the 3rd Dr. Chairawee Anamthawat, International Malaysia- Ajarn Chompunuch Pongjit Thailand Conference on and Ajarn Kandapa Southeast Asian Studies, a Thanasuta of the Business collaboration between the Administration Division. Faculty of Social Sciences The preliminary rounds and Humanities, Univer- of the competition were siti Kebangsaan Malaysia conducted in each of the (UKM) and the Social Sci- respective countries, ence Division of MUIC. making way for the final The theme of the elimination rounds at the conference was “Defining DISTINGUISHED GUESTS AT THE SATU CONFERENCE tor of MUIC, and Professor Pornchai Matangkasombut, President of MU, wel- comed Professor Masaharu Yanagihara, Vice President for International Affairs at KU, and Dr. Kuo Ikejima, Director of the Japan So- THE RIBBON-CUTTING ciety for the Promotion of CEREMONY FOR THE Science, Bangkok Office, at NEW KYUSHU OFFICE a special ceremony to mark the occasion on November Harmony in Southeast Asia: EXCHANGE to Mexico last year, the col- 26, 2007, in the Seminar Competing Discourses, Chal- PROGRAM lege recently signed formal Room. lenges and Interpretations.” exchange agreements with They spoke of Kyushu Professor Chariya Brock- STUDY ABROAD the Instituto Technologico University’s long-standing elman, Director of MUIC, and FAIR De Estudios Superiores de association with Mahidol Professor Saran Kaur Gill, Monterrey and the Uni- and other Thai universities, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of The Offices of Interna- versidad Internacional. enthusiastically endorsing UKM, formally welcomed tional Relations and Inter- the participants, after which national Network Develop- MUIC STUDENTS AT THE STUDY ABROAD FAIR Assistant Professor Parichart ment organized a Study Suwanbubbha, Vice Direc- Abroad Fair in the Seminar tor of Mahidol University’s Room on October 15, 2007. Research Center for Peace MUIC students were Building, delivered the key- given the opportunity to note address. learn about the undergrad- The first day’s plenary uate and graduate pro- sessions explored the issues grams of various overseas of Malaysia’s role in ASEAN, universities from Europe, education and communica- the United States and Aus- tion as well as visible mani- tralia, a majority of which festions of harmony in the enjoy formal exchange region and concluded with a agreements with our col- The current number of this bilateral agreement be- special reception dinner. lege. Also represented exchange agreements that tween KU and MUIC which, Other topics under were educational agencies MUIC enjoys with universi- according to Professor consideration during the from the United Kingdom, ties around the world is 38. Yanagihara, “constitutes following two days included Australia and Japan. a new step in promoting religion and ethnicity, poli- A more extensive Study KYUSHU both student and faculty cies and politics, language in Abroad Fair has been sched- UNIVERSITY OFFICE exchange.” ASEAN, education and youth, uled for February 1, 2008. A group of MUIC stu- tradition and family, migrant Kyushu University (KU) dents are scheduled to visit workers and gender issues. EXCHANGE of Japan formally opened KU in March for a two-week The conference con- AGREEMENTS its own office at MUIC, study tour; other short and cluded with a final panel located on the second floor long-term projects are also discussion and closing As a result of Director of Building 1. Professor being scheduled. In the not ceremony. Chariya Brockelman’s trip Chariya Brockelman, Direc- too distant future, MUIC kaleidoscope 1.08 maintaining an international perspective anticipates opening its own Central Asia and Africa, Development for ASEAN technology for developing office at KU in order to fur- with even more sessions Countries” in October. environmental resources, ther bolster this exchange scheduled for the coming Thirty participants from and his experience as lab agreement. year. In the meantime, 10 ASEAN member coun- manager at MUIC made the Two students minor- individual instructors have tries explored the issue of transition that much easier. ing in Japanese, Mr. Pawit also made their contribu- community-based ecotour- Most of Gawin’s time Khid-arn and Ms. Temsiri tions in training. ism development, with was devoted to working Samatthordsak, addressed Ajarn Nate-tra Teva- an emphasis on tourism with the technical teams the guests and participants banchachai conducted personnel competency. in the lab preparation in Japanese, expressing a training workshop in room, setting up the nec- their own support for this October for 16 hotel owners PROFESSIONAL essary conditions for the new venture. and managers in the Cham- DEVELOPMENT teaching labs. He was par- Everyone then pro- pasak area in Laos. The ticularly impressed with ceeded to the office area purpose of the three-day Mr. Gawin Pla-on, the team’s organization in for a ribbon-cutting cer- session was to address the Academic Affairs Officer the use and maintenance emony, after which they skills necessary for more and Manager of MUIC’s Sci- of equipment, along with enjoyed a special lunch at effective guest service as ence Laboratories, traveled all the safety features in the Herb Garden Restau- well as motivating and to the United Kingdom in protecting the lab envi- rant. retaining hotel personnel. October for a two-month ronment. AJARNS RAMESH AND NATE-TRA GAWIN IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX LAB Given the success of the training session at the Uni- Gawin’s experience at TRAINING workshop and the enthu- versity of Essex, Colchester. the University of Essex will PROGRAMS siastic response from the During his stay Gawin enable him to more read- participants, Ajarn Nate-tra lived off campus, enjoy- ily maintain the MUIC labs TIM AND TOURISM was invited to conduct a ing the hospitality of Dr. according to international follow-up training session Lian Dong, a university standards, one of the prior- Over the past year the in December. researcher, and experienc- ities of the college’s Science Travel Industry Manage- Dr. Ramesh Boonratana ing a taste of the British Division. Although the ment (TIM) Division, in col- was invited by Thailand’s lifestyle. He spent the first training sessions were both laboration with the Tour- Office of Tourism Develop- two weeks familiarizing intensive and demanding, ism Authority of Thailand, ment to be one of the in- himself with the research Gawin had an opportunity conducted a series of train- structors at the seven-day labs and the staff.
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