THE BLUE AND WHITE Vol. Vili, No. IV May 2002 Columbia University in the City of New York A CONVERSATION WITH PRESIDENT RUPP DIAGNOSIS COLUMBIA CAMPUS CHARACTERS by Emily Voigt by The Blue and White Staff CONTENTS Columns 87 Introduction 92 Measure For Measure 98 Told Between Puffs 100 Conversation 104 Culinary Humanities 106 Digitalia Columbiana 108 Blue J 114 Booze Humanities 115 Campus Gossip Features 88 Campus Characters 94 Diagnosis Columbia 105 Towards a Campus Architecture 109 Ophelia 111 In Good Company $ On the Cover: “Spring Cleaning” by Paul Heyer t> Typographical Note The text of The Blue and White is set in Bodoni Old Face, which was revived by Gunter Gerhard Lange based on original designs by Giambattista Bodoni of Parma (active 1765-1813). The display faces are Weiss and Cantoria. THE BLUE AND WHITE Vol. VIII New York, May 2002 No. IV THE BLUE AND WHITE ven more enjoyable than an immoderate meal is the languorous, Editor-in-Chief wine-drunk feeling of satiation that ANAND VENKATESAN, C’03 attends it. And while early May does­ n’t often afford us the luxury of lingering over Publisher our meals, in a few weeks there will be many CRAIG HOLLANDER, C’04 opportunities to partake of coffee as something Managing Editor other than a stimulant. Until then, The Blue and DANIEL S. IMMERWAHR, C’02 White presents you with a few vicarious pleasures Senior Editors in the pages to follow. We hope that, in reading ANGHARAD L. COATES, C’02 about Pontius Palate’s foray into wine connois- B. D. LETZLER, C’02 seurship and Verily Veritas’s musings on Rilke RICHARD J. MAMMANA, JR. C’02 and “exquisite coffee,” you will find at least tem­ DAVID V. SACK, C’02 porary refuge from the indecencies of Finals C. ALEXANDER LONDON C’02 Week. Editors Even with impending examinations, The Blue CLARE H. RIDLEY, C’02 and White has done its share of tarrying in this, ADAM J. VALENSTEIN, C’02 EMILY E. VOIGT, C’02 our “Diagnosis Columbia” issue. But rather than LARA WEIBGEN, C’02 a good meal, our occasion for pause and reflec­ MARIEL L. WOLFSON, C’02 tion herein has been the conclusion of another VIJAY IYER, C’03 year at Columbia—a strange and changeful year, D. JEFF SOULES, C’03 (Webmaster) no doubt, but a full and vital one nonetheless. So, PAUL HEYER, C’04 (Graphics) with the term winding down, we have turned our MICHAEL PAULSON, C’04 (Literary) thoughts again to our alma mater. In this issue’s AINSLEY H.P. ROSS, B’04 (Layout) Conversation, President Rupp holds forth about MARGARET H. GRAM, C’05 (Copy) his time at Columbia and his plans for the future. Contributors In addition, Emily Voigt offers up Diagnosis DAVE AUSTERWEIL, C’02 Columbia, a look back in verse at her college JUSTIN JAMAIL, C’02 peers and career. We are also excited to bring MATTHEW PELLOW, C’02 you Campus Characters, a new feature that we PRIYA SWAMINATHAN, C’03 hope to make a recurring one. CHRISTIAN W. BROWNRIGG, C’04 With this installment, The Blue and White bids DAVEY VOLNER, C’04 its faithful readers adieu for the summer. Finally, Artists it is with considerable fondness and sadness that MISCHA BYRUCK, C’04 we bid goodbye to a remarkable group of seniors, ADAM WOLKOFF, C’04 who will soon depart for England, France, Germany, and all points on the globe. Their fel­ lowship is something we have looked forward to The B&W invites contributions of original work from the Columbia community and welcomes letters from with anticipation each week, and something we readers. Articles represent the opinions of their authors. will look back upon in years to come with immoderate joy. Email: [email protected] website: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/bw May 2002 87 Campus Characters ou might not know the following figures—but you should. In Campus Characters, our newest fea­ Yture, The Blue and White introduces you to a handful of Columbians who are up to interesting and extraordinary things, and whose stories beg to be shared. If you’d like to suggest a Campus Character, send us an e-mail at: [email protected]. Akil Dasan Baker the academic approach to jazz and hip-hop is “See the thing about rap—freestyle rap—is, that people studying this stuff aren’t always it’s just like improv jazz. Instead of tones, you playing it.” Listening to him try to explain a lay down rhymes. That’s why hip-hop fits haiku form of freestyling he’s been experi­ with jazz so well.” A veritable rap theory rolls menting with until he gives up and articulates out of Akil Dasan Baker’s mouth, punctuated it more clearly with a demonstration, you can with the natural rhythms that course through see that music isn’t something fossilized on his tongue, his vocal chords. His music. manuscript pages to him—it’s a breathing, Maybe you’ve heard it before—on campus as changing life form. Soft-spoken with Philla he plays the guitar accompanied only by a creeping in: “That jawn is tight!” An animat­ drum set or at the Nuyorican, maybe even on ed smile accompanied by swinging dreaded the street when he passes by you spitting locks. Then, modestly, “You know?” And beats out of his lips. A blend of blues, rap, even if you don’t, you know he does. jazz, hip-hop, soul, funk, Latin, and anything - PS else he hears, Akil’s sound embodies that Miranda Pearl Halverson jazz-hip-hop fusion buzzing on everyone’s “I’ve never been in the library,” declares lips. Miranda impishly, “except to film something A junior studying music and creative writ­ or perform something.” Registering The Blue ing, Akil grew up in Philadelphia playing the and White’s shock-ed disbelief, she lightens blues. He bounced from the piano to the gui­ the claim a little: “Actually, I checked out a tar to the drums and, ultimately, back to the book once. And once we snuck in through a guitar, all the while practicing his rhymes tunnel from Carman. But mostly it’s been, like scales. While he values the written word, you know, mischief.” freestyling’s always had an extra appeal to Ironically, Butler has been the site of some him because “that stuff comes off the top of of Miranda’s best performances. Many an your head.” After taking a year off two years Orgo Night has found her shouting cheeky ago to tour with his band, LMMental lines from her perch atop a desk in the main www.lmmental.com), Akil came back to aca­ reading room. The library also served as a demia. Despite school- filming location for her most S* work, his performing recent television and recording efforts exploit: a CTV short haven’t slowed entitled “The down: come the end Signal Game” in of the summer, he which Miranda hopes to be distrib­ played an invisi­ uting an album he’s ble friend. already recorded. A graduating Though hesitant senior, Miranda to voice criticisms has spent four about Columbia, years delight- he admits that mg audi- “the problem with enees on Illustrated by Paul Heyer Illustrated by Lara JVeibgen 88 The Blue and White campus and beyond. She has performed with is in training for priesthood in the Anglican King’s Crown in several “nomadic” spring Church, in which he is currently a subdea­ plays, starred in (and directed and choreo­ con, and can often be found leading services graphed) numerous Musical Theater Society at the Church of the Resurrection on 74th productions, and made her off-Broadway and Park. On September 11th, he used his debut as a handmaiden-with-moxie in a per­ training by serving as one of two chaplains formance of Handel’s Messiah. for an entire hospital on the East Side—doing Miranda’s mirthful behavior isn’t limited to pastoral work with victims and their families the stage. She eats peppermint ice cream, until late in the evening. throws pirate-themed parties, and lives in an Richard's religious convictions are backed anarchic Hogan hovel (the desk is on the by a serious scholarly interest in the nuances windowsill) with a white mouse named of Anglican theology. During his freshman Nibbles (“he’s recovering from a stroke,” she year, he edited and wrote a lengthy introduc­ explains). Now that she has mostly finished tion to an edition of Tracts for the Times, a her schoolwork, Miranda seeks out new collection of controversial ecclesiastical doc­ breeds of mischief. “I’ve been praying fever­ uments by Oxonians from the mid-nineteenth ishly for a warm drizzle,” she confesses, century published by Littlemore Press. He is “because I’ve really wanted to start a mud- currently editing a text by Isaac Williams, an wrestling tournament in the pit outside John Anglican poet and theologian. Jay.” Although accomplished, Richard's notoriety The Blue and White is keeping its eye on on campus stems more from his booming Miranda Pearl Halverson—whether perched voice, impish humor, mellifluous whistling, on her personalized clove-smoking stoop out­ and knowledge of all things Columbian. A side Saint Paul’s, draped over the steps of viscous prankster, he is known to shout Low, or dancing tap on Lerner’s ramps. “SILENCE!” in John Jay during dinner and Between newly orange hair and a signature to ring the bell in St. Paul’s. Richard is also pair of overalls, she is easy to spot. And if our an avid collector of printed antiquities; his favorite mischief-maker somehow slips our room is strewn with nineteenth-century pam­ radar, we'll just wait outside John Jay Hall phlets about various church schisms and the until that warm rain comes.
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