Avion Newspapers 9-10-2001 Avion 2001-09-10 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.erau.edu/avion This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Avion by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. A Collegia t e Newspa jjet lly students for St\lde1ih. September 10, 2001 • Volume XCXIV • Issue' 1 5 A Division of the Student Governmen t Association hmbry,ffiddle lettlrli!UHrilt UntversHy bayhJttH Bea~n , llitJridil For tl1e second straight );ear, U.S. Nevvs and World Repo11 ra11ked aerospace engineering programs and , declared that ... \lark Cappello Chief Academic Officer ;:rnd senior vice faculty. students and • C,lp~ EJ1h1r president .. Our reputation i~ based on staff." Benedict said. the graduates. the quality of the faculty ··v.,re hope to keep moving up in the over­ Embr\ -R,ddle students concerned as in the program .1nd their Yisibility in the all ranking. Everyone at the University ti.)\\ he1hc-r the, chose the ri2:ht uni,-ersi­ aYiation cotnrnuniry. contributed. but 1t"s a real testament to t~ no,, ha,e ·one less 1hillg to worry .. \ve·\e had faculty members who the quality of our students and faculty.·· abnut. h.1ve been \"ery active 1t1 the community According to Maria Franko of BeL·::i.u,e '.\o. I is e"actly where U. S. and students who have exce!led wit~in Tnstitutionat Research. criteria for this :--.;e,,-. & \\.orld Repon ranked ERAU's their companies.·· ranking included reputation, retention unJergradu::i.te engineering program - U:-S. News and World Report ranked rates of freshman. graduation rates. class ..1.mong rhe· nauon·s engineering pro­ schools in the aerospace category and sizes, student/faculty ratio. SAT scores gr..1.m, ,, irhout a doctorate - for the sec­ the O\erall engineering program catego­ of entrants and the percentage of stu­ l'nd .;.trai2ht vear in their annual ry based upon a reputation survey of dents taken from the top 25 of their ··.-\menca·.:- Be-.l Colle2:es .. edi ti on . due higher-level deans and senior faculty and class. 10 hit nc:-,, ,'-lands. rnday: administration members at schools Asked whether the rankings and sub­ LS. :--:e,, <; & \\'orld Repon also accredited by the Accreditarion Board sequent ·1iatio1'tal exposure for the ranked the L"nin':rsiry's oYerall engineer­ for Engineering and Technology University had influenced the size of ing program.\\ hich includes seYen bach­ (ABET). new recruiting classes. Franko said that elor·, and (\\O master 's programs. 1-..J.th The U.S Air Force Academy placed freshman take a survey in their college ,imong the na1ion·s engineering pro­ second in the aerospace engineering cat­ success classes (i .e. AE IO I) gram~ ,, ithout a doc!Orate. up one spot egory. with California Polytechnic State 1t1 which they answer whether nalional from laq \ ear. U niversi ty- San Luis Obispo and St. reputation affected their decision to The ma'gazine began publishing rank­ Louis University tied for third. attend Embry-Riddle. ing.., in the specific area of aeronauti­ The magazine also ranks overall In the 1999 survey, taken close to ca I/aero, pace/as. t ronau t ical engineering universities' by region. with Embry­ when ERA U was first ranked No. 1, the re LJ...,t year. and ERAU has topped both Riddle ranked 31st - in the first tier for ERAU students put more stock in rank- 17 editio lish. the second straight year - in the South ings than lhe national average. World Rep The rea'.)on'? .compared to all public and Compared to 12(}0 nationally, newsstands --1Jt's) primarily 1he long-standing role private universi ties that offer few or 24% of ERAU freshman answered that rankings also app that ERAL' has played in leading the avi­ no doctorate programs rankings in national magazrncs were magazine's webs it atton 111dustn _.. said Barry Benedict. ··It"s a real compliment to all of the important. www.u.rnews.com. Shagfest features free food, prophylactics Mariano Rosales word at the event. ·'Trojan donated over two thousand Photography Editor condoms for us to hand our, ·· said The start of a new school year brings A lvarez. ·'We also had free food for all both celebration and excitement. For students thanks to R odney Cruise and Embry-Riddle, this year was no differ­ Embry-Riddle Dining Services:· ent. The food tables were a popular spot To keep with the tradition, th e for the many hungry students. Music Embry-Riddle Student Government entertainment during thi s eyent was Association played host to this year' s provided by the campus radio station. Shagfest celebration, held at the 104.7 WERU. another d i\·ision of the Fieldhouse on Monday evening before SGA. the first day of classes. Not to be left out.· Student Acti\·ities. ·'The Shagfest is a way for the SGA in conjunction with Touch ·n Go to promote an awareness of safe sex Productions. brou2:ht the e\·enin!?s main and safety in substance abuse among entertainment. Fo~· the fourth c0nsecu­ the Embry-Ridd!e community.·' said tive year. hy pnotist Tom Deluca per­ SGA President Peter Alvarez. '·1r·s also formed in front of a packed Fieldhouse a way to vent our frustrations and have crowd later that e\·ening. Deluca has a good time with our friends and class­ been routinely inYited back to Riddle mates before classes begin ... because of the immense popularity of - -,, The Student Government worked in his performance. cooperation with the Greek organiza­ '·T"ve been doin2 these show~ since tions to bring an event packed with the mid 1980s ... staled Deluca. ··This is K I games. food. music and fun. In addition probably the busiest time of lhe :ear for to the · many fraternities and sororities me because all the uni\·e rsities are start­ displaying their services. the SGA divi­ ine: off their new years:· This years sho\~' had a number of HYPNOTIST TOM DELUCA ASKS one of his volunteers why he, Bud Chan (Jackie Chan's bigger and badder brother), is the sions also had a chance to show the stu­ dents what they are all abour. greatest martial artist ever. The night was filled with many more great laughs as Mr. Deluca charmed his volunteers ,nto thinking See SHAG on A3 they were s0mething they were not. From secret agents to fueding couples, this year's show was a gaurenteed laugh for all. ··free.'' was also a common President's Safety Education Day recognizes ERAU's best Christian Tougas accident reports among its students. The repair. Becky Shultz, Anna Marie Wells. team was awarded a S 1,000 check for its Lee Walker, David Levinson, Chris Brown. Editor in Chief efforts to improve safety. Sandra Stack, Santiago Terif and many oth­ ' The next major award to be handed out ers all received recognition for their abili­ On Tuesday. September 4. the Flight was to a Mr. Ellis Ramirez. Ramirez works ties and dedication to the flight program Department gathered together in the IC for the aircraft maintcnence department here on campus. auditorium to recogmze their brightest and here on campus and was sired for his atten­ The second half of the seminar was dedi­ be~t staff members. The seminar al s.o tion to detail. While inspecting a Cessna cated to the funher education of our flight played host to numerous guest speakers 172, he noticed a fuel stain on the carpet of instructors. An FAA safety spokesman from who lectured on important safety topics in the aircraft. Upon follow up. it was found the Orlando FSDO spoke on the dangers of the flight community. that an aileron cable had wound itself multi -engine operations. Accidents involv ­ Pre~iding over the ceremonies, President around a fuel cable in the fuselage and had ing flight instructor mislrn1js were talked George H. Ebbs handed out awards to those punctured the line. Finding this defect about, as well as procedures for sing!e v. ho had gone beyond the call of duty to averted an almost certain catastrophe. engine operations at low altitude. make ERAU ·s flight program one of the Another award went out to Jaime Cortez. One accident in particular involved an best in the nation. President Ebbbs said that This instructor had earned the respect of his MEI who failed his students rn2ht engine he felt "This will be the best year yet for peers at ERA U's CATER program in while in right-hand traffic. Tile airc~·aft (the Flight Program)." due to an ideal ratio Deland for his overall commitment to eventually trashed while trying to avoid a between flight instructors, aircraft, and stu­ excellence in flight. Ymc role while turning base lO final. The dents. The rest of the awards were handed out instructor.also compou1lded the problem by The first award went to Team One of the to other members of the ERAU family for failing the right engine through the fuel Flight Department: headed up by Ivan their efforts. The ERAU parts ream was selector, thus ruining al! ch.111ces of an PRESIDENT GEORGE EBBS SPEAKS to the hundreds of flight instructors who turned Grau. This team was recognized for its commended for their hard work in stocking out for the President's Safety Day seminar in the IC auditorium. Awards were handed out superb ability in gathering incident and the many aircraft parts needed annually for See SAFETY ON A2 to flight staff who stood out among t11eir peers for their cornrnitrnent to excelle, .
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