United States Patent (19) | 1 || 3,923,951 Pukszta, Jr. (45) Dec. 2, 1975 54 METHOD OF MAKING AMOLDED FIBER 3,542,913 l l l 1970 Robinson et al.................... 264/263 GLASS AND RESIN STRUCTURE WITH NTERLOCKED AND BONDED WALLS Primary Examiner-Robert F. White Assistant Examiner-Willard E. Hoag (76) Inventor: Peter Pukszta, Jr., 1001 E. Congress Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Woodhams, Blanchard and St., Sturgis, Mich. 49091 Flynn 22 Filed: Mar. 15, 1974 (21) Appl. No.: 451,524 57 ABSTRACT An improved process for molding a plastic structure, 52 U.S. Cl. ................ 264/250; 264/255; 264/257; specifically a fiberglass article, wherein a preformed 264/258; 264/263; 264/274; 264/DIG. 59 reinforcing member is integrated into the molded (5 Int. Cl......................... B29D 3102; B29G 7700 structure by means of a chemical bond and by means 58) Field of Search............ 264/257, 258, 261-263, of a double mechanical interlock so that the reinforc 264/248, 255, 137, 249, DIG. 59, 274, 250; ing member is fixedly and rigidly integrated with the 1561196, 227, 293, 298, 303.1, 313 molded product. This process also results in an im proved molded plastic structure incorporating therein 56) References Cited a preformed reinforcing member. UNITED STATES PATENTS 3, 82.1 () 5/1965 Balcom et al....................... 264/263 8 Claims, 6 Drawing Figures U.S. Patent Dec. 2, 1975 Sheet 1 of 2 3,923,951 U.S. Patent Dec. 2, 1975. Sheet 2 of 2 3,923,951 3,923,951 1 2 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION METHOD OF MAKING AMOLDED FIBER GLASS The present invention relates to an improved process AND RESINSTRUCTURE WITH INTERLOCKED for fabricating a plastic structure and particularly a .." AND BONDED WALLS molded fiber reinforced article having plural sidewalls FIELD OF THE INVENTION interconnected by at least two spaced apart planar lay ers. The process includes the steps of forming a boxlike This invention relates to an improved molded plastic shell within an upwardly opening boxlike mold, which structure having a preformed member both mechani shell consists of a layer of a glass fiber-resin mixture. cally interlocked and chemically bonded thereto for re 10 After the layer has been allowed to semi-cure, then a inforcing same, and to the method of molding said fiberglass mat impregnated with a similar thermosetting structure. - resin is positioned over the sidewall of the shell with the BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION lower edge of the mat being positioned adjacent a small supporting block disposed on the bottom wall of the Molded fiberglass structures are widely utilized in 15 shell. The mat is then rolled out. A preformed reinforc many products, such as for boat hulls and the like. ing member, which is also preferably of a molded fiber While the techniques for molding such fiberglass struc glass-resin composition, is then inserted into the mold. tures are fairly well known, nevertheless in many in The preform includes a flange which, upon insertion of stances the molded structure must be provided with a the preform into the mold, is positioned directly adja substantially thick wall in order to provide the structure cent the inner surface of the mat and engages same. with the required strength and rigidity. This wall thick The lower free end of the preform flange causes the ness thus unnecessarily increases both the cost and lower edge of the mat to be formed into a U-shaped weight of the resulting product. portion which hooks around the lower free edge of the Alternately, the fiberglass structure has been molded flange. The outer surface of the flange is also provided around a preformed reinforcing structure which is nor 25 with an undercut recess adjacent the upper end mally positioned so that the molded fiberglass substan thereof. A further resin wetted mat is pushed into this tially, totally encloses the preform so as to result in the recess to completely fill same. The resin layer forming preform being rigidly secured relative to the molded the shell and the resin used for wetting the fiberglass structure. While this technique does minimize the mats is then permitted to totally cure, whereupon the amount of fiberglass which has to be molded into the 30 mats and the resin layer forming the shell become both resultant structure, nevertheless this technique still re chemically and physically bonded together to thus form quires generally large quantities of fiberglass and is use a strong integral connection therebetween. At the same able only when the molded structure possesses certain time, the setting up of the mats results in the mats form geometrical and size limitations. ing a secure mechanical interlock both due to the en Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention 35 gagement within the recess and due to the engagement to provide an improved process which permits the around the free edge of the flange. molding of a plastic structure, specifically a fiberglass BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS article, which process uses a preform which functions FIG. 1 is a fragmentary elevational view, taken par as a reinforcing member and is integrated into the 40 tially in cross-section, and illustrating a mold contain molded structure by means of a chemical bond and by ing therein a molded structure which is being manufac means of a double mechanical interlock so that the re tured according to the present invention. inforcing preform is fixedly and rigidly integrated with FIG. 2 is an elevational view similar to FIG. 1 but the molded product to provide same with the strength showing the preform positioned for insertion into the and rigidity required, while at the same time permitting 45 mold. the molded product to be formed with minimum wall FIG. 3 is an elevational view similar to FIG. 2 but thickness to minimize both weight and cost. showing the preform positioned within the mold and A further object of the present invention is to provide also showing an additional mat segment positioned for an improved molding process, as aforesaid, which uti insertion into the recess formed on the preform. lizes a reinforcing preform which is fixedly intercon 50 FIG. 4 is an enlarged, fragmentary, sectional view il nected to the molded structure by utilization of a resin lustrating the layered construction of the bottom layer impregnated fiberglass mat which is compressed be of the molded structure as illustrated in FIG. 1. tween the preform and a partially cured fiberglass layer FIG. 5 is a fragmentary elevational view, similar to which defines the configuration of the resulting prod FIG. 1, taken in cross-section, and illustrating therein a uct, whereupon curing of the layer results in the fiber 55 modified molded article and molding process accord glass mat achieving a chemical bond with the fiberglass ing to the present invention. layer while simultaneously forming a double mechani FIG. 6 is a fragmentary elevational view, taken in cal interlock with the preform for fixedly and rigidly in cross-section, and illustrating therein a further modifi terconnecting the preform to the resultant molded cation of the molded article and molding process of the product. 60 present invention. Still a further object of the present invention is to provide an improved molding process, as aforesaid, DETAILED DESCRIPTION which can be easily carried out utilizing conventional FIGS. 1 and 2 illustrate therein a boxlike mold 11 molding techniques associated with fiberglass products, constructed of fiberglass or other suitable material and which process at the same time can be performed effi 65 defining therein an upwardly opening mold cavity 12 ciently to permit formation of a desired product with which, in the illustrated embodiment, is of substantially out requiring the use of large quantities of automated rectangular cross-section when viewed in both the ver machinery or the like. tical and horizontal direction. The mold 11 includes a - 3,923,951 3 4 Substantially horizontal bottom wall i3 which is bor outer surface of the resulting molded product 18. The dered by a plurality, here four, of substantially straight gel layer 38 is in turn overlaid, as by spraying, with a sidewalls 14 extending upwardly therefrom. The side chopped glass fiber-resin layer 39 which is of substan walls 14 are each defined by an internal surface 16 tial thickness, which thickness is obviously selected ac which, while disposed substantially vertically, never cording to the specific load and use requirements, but theless extends at a slight angle relative to the vertical. may be in the order of approximately 1/16 inch. The In the illustrated embodiment, the surface 16 extends layer 39 normally consists of a conventional polyester upwardly and outwardly at an angle of between approx resin containing intermixed therein chopped glass fi imately 2 to 4 relative to the vertical. bers, and additionally containing therein a conven The mold 11 is used to permit the formation of an ar 10 tional curing catalyst. Alternatively, the layer 39 may ticle or product 18 therein, which article 18 specifically be formed by using a resin impregnated fiberglass mat includes a molded boxlike shell 19 which is molded to in a conventional manner if desired. a preformed reinforcing member 21 by means of an in With respect to the intermediate pad structure 22, termediate connecting pad structure 22. same includes a conventional fiberglass mat 41 is ini Considering first the preformed reinforcing member 15 tially soaked or impregnated with a conventional resin, 21, which member will hereinafter be referred to as the such as a polyester resin, containing a curing catalyst preform' for convenience in reference, same includes therein. After the layer 39 has been permitted to par a substantially horizontal planar base wall 26 and a plu tially cure (75 to 90 percent), as by going just beyond rality, here four, of downwardly extending substantially the peak of its exotherm so as to become approximately vertical sidewalls or flanges 27.
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