AGENDA HAYDEN PLANNING COMMISSION THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2020 7:00 P.M. HAYDEN TOWN HALL – 178 WEST JEFFERSON AVENUE, HAYDEN LIVE ATTENDANCE LIMITED PER STATE OF COLORADO COVID-19 PUBLIC HEALTH ORDERS AND MASKS ARE REQUIRED PER ROUTT COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH ORDER #3 ATTENDEES/PLANNING COMMISSIONERS MAY PARTICIPATE VIRTUALLY VIA ZOOM WITH THE INFORMATION BELOW: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82998389167?pwd=TVJzOUZCSDEwWVZBZXk3a3RlVGVjUT09 Meeting ID: 829 9838 9167 Passcode: 930348 One tap mobile +16699009128,,82998389167#,,,,,,0#,,930348# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,82998389167#,,,,,,0#,,930348# US (Tacoma) THE TOWN WILL ALSO BROADCAST THIS MEETING ON FACEBOOK LIVE AT THE TOWN’S FACEBOOK PAGE AT https://www.facebook.com/coloradohayden/ *OFFICIAL RECORDINGS AND RECORDS OF MEETINGS WILL BE THE ZOOM RECORDING AND NOT FACEBOOK LIVE. FACEBOOK LIVE IS MERELY A TOOL TO INCREASE COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AND IS NOT THE OFFICIAL RECORD.* REGULAR MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER, MOMENT OF SILENCE & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL 3. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES a. Review and Consider Approval of October 8, 2020 Minutes 4. WORK SESSION – HAYDEN MASTER PLAN a. Work Session for a presentation, review and discussion on the Hayden Master Plan 5. ADJOURNMENT NOTICE: Agenda is subject to change up to 24 hours before scheduled meeting. If you require special assistance in order to attend any of the Town’s public meetings or events, please notify the Town of Hayden at (970) 276-3741 at least 48 hours in advance of the scheduled event so the necessary arrangements can be made. Regular Meeting Hayden Planning Commission October 8, 2020 The regular meeting of the Hayden Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Amy Williams at 7:02 p.m. Other members present were Tim Frentress, Emily Waldron and Kimi Lehman, Alternate. Vice Chair Lewis and Commission Dudley were excused. It was noted that Ms. Lehman was a voting member this evening. Town Planner Mary Alice Page-Allen were also in attendance. Moment of Silence and Chair Williams asked for a moment of silence and led the Pledge of Pledge of Allegiance Allegiance. Consideration of Minutes Commissioner Frentress moved to approve the minutes for the regular meeting held on September 10, 2020 as written. Commissioner Waldron seconded the motion. Motion approved unanimously. Public Comments None. Old Business None. New Business Public Hearing: Campus Commissioner Frentress stated that he is a member of the Hayden School Subdivision – Hayden School District’s (District) Board, but had no direct or personal financial interest in this District: Rezone of 9.18 acres application. Chair Williams asked other Commission members in attendance at 495 W Jefferson Avenue whether they felt Commissioner Frentress had a conflict of interest and should from Open (O) to Commercial not participate. The consensus was that Commissioner Frentress had no (C); Sketch/preliminary direct or personal conflict of interest and should be allowed to participate. subdivision into three (3) lots to be known as Campus Mary Alice reviewed the information contained in the staff report. She noted Subdivision, including that no comments were received from the 100+ notices and legal notice vacation of internal public publication, and that the comments received from referrals have been utility easements; and incorporated into the report and recommendations contained therein. Mary Conditional use permit for Alice stated that one issue of note is what zoning district is appropriate for using proposed Lot 1, Campus the property, whether it should instead be Central Business District (CBD) Subdivision, as the Hayden versus the requested Commercial (C). She directed Commissioners to the School District Transportation section of the staff report that included the intent of each zoning district, Center adding that she is seeking the Planning Commission’s direction on this matter, noting that the entirety of the current downtown CBD zone district is approximately 12 acres in size and this property is 9.18 acres in size, so while they are not contiguous they are comparable areas when both size and location are considered. Chair Williams asked about the large building associated with the District’s Transportation Center and the uses that would be allowing in both the CBD and C. Mary Alice replied that the uses allowed in either zone district are generally the same, adding that the recommendation on the conditional use permit (CUP) contained in the staff report regarding the Transportation Center includes a provision that the CUP is not transferable, so any future Draft Page 1 of 5 Regular Meeting Hayden Planning Commission October 8, 2020 proposed use would need to comply with the requirements of the authorized zone district. She added in response to a question from Kevin Lind, Hayden School District Board member, that the most significant advantage of the CBD zone district over the C zone district are the parking standards which allow off-site parking. Mr. Lind stated that one other concern with the recommendation contained in the staff report is the proposed duration of the temporary water line easement across Lot 2 to serve Lot 3 to December 31, 2021. He added that having this amount of time would impair the District’s ability to market the property in a timely manner. After discussion among Commissioners, staff District Superintendent Christy Sinner and Mr. Lind, it was determined that this was a point of discussion better suited between the District and Town Council. There were no members of the public in attendance. Review and Consideration for Commissioner Waldron moved to recommend approval of the rezoning of Approval of Campus 9.18 acres at 495 W Jefferson Avenue from Open (O) to the Central Business Subdivision – Hayden School District (CBD) zone district with the findings of fact that: District: Rezone of 9.18 acres at 495 W Jefferson Avenue 1. The proposal meets the standards of the Town of Hayden’s from Open (O) to Commercial Development Code, is in general conformance with the intent and (C); Sketch/preliminary purpose of the Town of Hayden Comprehensive Plan and preserves subdivision into three (3) lots the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Town of Hayden. to be known as Campus Subdivision, including Subject to the following conditions of approval: vacation of internal public utility easements; and 1. The approval of the rezoning shall be authorized and approved by Conditional use permit for an ordinance of the Hayden Town Council, and such ordinance shall using proposed Lot 1, Campus be recorded in the records of the Routt County Clerk and Recorder. Subdivision, as the Hayden 2. A major site plan review by the Planning Commission is required for School District Transportation the proposed Hayden Center reuse of the High School building prior Center to its operation as a community center. Commissioner Frentress seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Frentress moved to recommend approval of the Sketch/Preliminary subdivision plan dividing the 9.18-acre property located at 495 W Jefferson Avenue, Hayden, into three (3) lots to be known as the Campus Subdivision, including the vacation of the internal public utility easements as shown on the Campus Subdivision Easement Exhibit map, with the following findings of fact that: Draft Page 2 of 5 Regular Meeting Hayden Planning Commission October 8, 2020 1. The proposal meets the standards of the Town of Hayden’s Development Code, is in general conformance with the intent and purpose of the Town of Hayden Comprehensive Plan and preserves the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Town of Hayden. Subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The Final Plat approval shall be subject to approval of the rezoning ordinance and School Transportation Center Conditional Use Permit by the Hayden Town Council. 2. The Final Plat shall include the rededication of the public utility easements that are in use as identified by the Interim Public Works Director, e.g. 4-inch fire sprinkler, sewer line extending from High School building to Jefferson Avenue, along with other needed easements as proposed and shown on the draft Campus Subdivision plat. 3. The approval of the vacation of the public easements shall be authorized and approved by an ordinance of the Hayden Town Council, and such ordinance shall also include the provisions for the approval of the Final Plat which results in the dedication of needed public utility easements as proposed and shown on the draft Campus Subdivision plat. 4. A temporary water service line easement overlying the water service line serving Lot 3, portions of which lay within Lot 2, shall be executed by the Hayden School District and shall provide that water service to Lot 3 shall not be moved or terminated prior to the relocation of said service line or December 31, 2021 whichever occurs first. Commissioner Waldron seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Waldron moved to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the Hayden School District Transportation Center on proposed Lot 1, Campus Subdivision, with the following findings of fact that: 1. The proposed conditional use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and all applicable provisions of this Development Code and applicable state and federal regulations. 2. The proposed conditional use is consistent with the purpose and intent of the CBD: Central Business District and any applicable use- specific standards in the Development Code. 3. The proposed conditional use is compatible with the purpose and intent of the CBD: Central Business District and any applicable use- specified standards in the Development Code. 4. The proposed conditional use will not substantially alter the basic character of the CBD: Central Business District or jeopardize the Draft Page 3 of 5 Regular Meeting Hayden Planning Commission October 8, 2020 development or redevelopment potential of the CBD: Central Business District.
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