LEDGER U Odds ami Ends ENTRIES Here and There Pithy Pointn Picked Up and Being: a Collection of Varioui and ALTO SOLO Patly Put By Our Peripa- Topics of Local and tetic Pencil Pusher General Interest FORTY-SECOND YEAR LOWELL, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY. JAN. 17, 1935 NO. 35 Charles R. Footc o' Alto has been named a member of the Kent A NOBLE CAUSE LowellB.&L. Ass'n County Jury Commission by Gov ernor Fitzgerald. The appoint- T WAS a spend id idea to make GERALD HENRY In Fine Condition WELFARE LOAD ment is a good one. President Roosevelt's birthday Wouldn't We Squawk? by A. B. Chapin I the occasion for a great nat- According to the Public Acts of ional drive for funds for the aid The Semi-Annual report of the 1929. it is unl.iwful for any per- of sufferers from infantile paraly- SEES FILMING Lowell Building and Loan Associ- FOR DECEMBER son while in an automobile to sis. Last year more than a mil- ation appears elsewhere in this IF we HAD TO THAW OUT IF WE HAD TO CHOP IC6 IU THE . carry a gun or other firearm ex- lion dollars was raised from the issue. The stockholders have just •meoio OLD PONO SO "TVE COWS OOOLD BttINK? cept a pistol or revolver unless the balls and parties that were given cause to feel proud of the associ- ClSTRiN same be unloaded in both the bar- in several thousand communities ation, the statement showing an UP 138 CASES AT HOLLYWOOD PUMP TO rel and magazine. on January 30th. increase in legal reserve and un- WT NJAi- - TTiis year, we understand, sev- EYE WITNESS TO REHEARSALS divided profits. MOST ENCOURAGING FIGURE WATER Mrs. Frank Santaro of Brock- coty percent of all the money In a combined report of the FOR ton, Mass., who three months ago raised by the "Birthday Balls" OF "CAR 99." BASED ON condition of the Building and SINCE MAY 1934 WHEN THERE MOONIMth became a grandmother at 40, re- will go to hospitals and sanitari- COPFEe MICHIGAN STATE POLICE Loan Associations of the state, the WAS A DECREASE OF 392 cently gave birth to her twenty- ums in the territory where the local association is one of the third child. Only 12 of the 23 are money is raised. This is entirely RADIO STORIES—SEES MANY seven in the state showing an in- CASES —MANY ON RELIEF living. She was married at the Tight and proper. There are some MICHIGAN PEOPLE crease and also is one of the low- ONLY TEMPORARILY age of 14. fi9 hospitals equipped to care for est in cost of operation. the 200,000 or more children who An organization of this type At least 205,250 motorists in are victims of this frightful dis- 4428 Wesley Avenue, offers one of the best plans for Kent county welfare relief com- Michigan have failed to renew ease, and every dollar that is con- LosAngeles, Calif., Jan. 8,1935 buying a home on lower than rent mission had a total of 13,151 cases their drivers' licenses and as a re- Iributed will enable them to ex- Lowell Ledger, basis. on December 31, 1934, James G. wK KM> TO TAKE OWL sult are placing themselves in tend their care to those whose Bryant, county administrator, an- Lowell, Michigan. MlCHT" jeopardy of the financial respon- parents cannot afford to pay for It occurs to me you might be nounces. The December case loan UH6 SAO USED It sibility law. In most instances, treatment. interested in an experience of represents a gain of only 138 cases according to Secretary of State The other thirty percent of the mine the other day. Comes to Defense over the figure for the preceding TOPO? Orville E. Atwood, the failure tu funds raised this month arc to go Iwent to the Paramount Studios month, and is the most encourag- secure new licenses is due to ovei- to pay for further research work in Hollywood to call on Karl Det- ing figure since May, 1934, when sight and not to any desire to cir- into the causes and prevention of zer of Leland, Michigan, who is Of The Lowly Carp there was a decrease of 392 cases. cumvent the law. infantile paralysis. It is still ob- acting as technical director in Ibt- The nominal increase during scure to the medical world, thi, fllming of "Car 99," based on half- December is regarded by Mr. Bry- In accordance with a standing precise method by which chil- a-dozen Michigan State Police When old fishermen gel to- ant as an indication that economrt rule of the State Board of Educa- dren are infected; and no effective radio stories which he wrote for gether for evening talkfests an and employment conditions are tion to the efiect that the entrance means of prevention has been dis- the Saturday Evening Post. "old recipe" about how to cook definitely on the upgrade. He requirements for the State Teach- covered. Hundreds of able re- Hie man who took my name at carp invariably bobs up. "Put the points out that during December i crs Colleges shall be the same as search workers are studying the the outer olllce looked up and steaks on a clean board and placc the Grand Rapids figures showed those for the University of Mich- problem, and the better they are said, "Another Michigander, eh? both in the oven," says the recipe. a net decrease of 152 families, due igan, the State Teachers Colleges supported and equipped, the bet- I used to ru„ n th„ e interurban tbe - "After a couple hournours remove to industrial revival in the city. will conform in admission prac- ter the chance of finding out how- t'ween Grand Rapids and Muske-lfrom oven, throw carp away and There was a similar decrease of 10 tices to the new standards recent- to curb the ravages of the dis- gon." His name is W. A. McDow- eat the board, adding salt and families in suburban areas. Case ly set up by the University oi ease which makes cripples of tens ell, and he knows a great many pepper to taste." load figures showed decreases on Michigan. of thousands of children annually. Western Michigan people. The inference of this story like 10 days during December, the We can think of no nobler ser- The Paramount l»t is like a many other popular stories about largest daily decrease being 68 There is no evidence to support vice that the people of our com- walled town, a city within the nature is not entirely based oit cases. A gain of 39 families in the idea that the Great Lakes munity, or of any community, can city of Hollywood. There are fact, says the Fisheries Division. rural districts and addition to the basins, Superior. Huron and Mich- render on Wednesday, Jan. SOtb, narrow streets lined with oflin Department of Conservation. The case load of 261 single persons igan were ploughed out by the ice. than to "throw a party," charging buildings several stories in height. truth of the matter is that carp was responsible for the increase Michigan and Huron seem to have a fair admission fee, and send the Mr. Detzcr has offices in ttu- are not bad to eat at all when tak- over the month. been reduced to lowlands in pre- money so received to the Birthday Writers' Annex, which, cut into en at the right time of the yeai- Numerous cases are on relief glacial times by erosion, while the Ball Committee at the Waldorf- reception rooms and sound-proof and properly prepared, says the only temporarily, Mr. Bryant Superior basin is a structural Astoria Hotel, New York. With cubicles, is reminiscent of Camp- Fisheries Division. adds. Many are on relief becaust trough resulting from the folding more money in the hands of bell-Ewald ('ompany. Advertisers Carp are much prized as food of inability to provide their own of rock formations in and around more people than there was a in metropolitan centers. Many \p TUe Boy FKIEMO MAT) TO FttSClE US STIPP Incorporated, and the other big fuel during the winter while some IF W£ MAO TO WALK Tu/O lilLES TO JcHOOL ? CVCRtt TIME WC HAP A "PAOTY ttATC ? lit. according to the Department year ago. and a general feeling Detroit Advertising Agencies. tons of the species taken in Mich- rural cases are listed because, due 'of ('onservation. that the crisis is past and that re On Mr. Detzer's wall is a photo- igan are sold in Chicago and New to drouth, poor crops and similar covery is in sight, this year's ap- graph of Oscar G. Olander, Michi- York at good prices when there is reasons, they have not been able Under proclamation of Ihe Gov- peal for this worthy purpose gan Commissioner of Public Saf-'" demand for fish food. to provide sufficient food for their ernor the Centennial of Michigan ought to result in at least doubling ely. Fishermen who have overcome families. Most of these cases will No Driving Car Call Meeting for will be observed wHh appropriate the amount of money raised Going to the Paramount Com- traditional aversions and have be self supporting again within a Boxing Tourney Celebrations during 1935 and 1936, throughout the nation last year. missary for luneh. we passed a tested the edible qualities of carp few montfhs . Mr. Bryant predicts. For Fun of it n , each community or region to de- lood looking young fellow in the have acclaimed its food value.
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