{' ... _________ 1 " .... ------------------------ L-------- • - . ..........V 1- ....................:" .......................-- » A • ......— ^ Weather » • ■ ' ■: -------------------------------------- ^TFinal ------ €1^^ , Not : : " Qgite so Warmrm ....................- EEditibnl t TheT h e MagicMagM Valley Newspaper>er DedicatedDedica to Serving andd PromotinggjlhePromc Growth.flf NineVine Irrigated1 Idaho C o u n tie.ses VOL. 47, NO. 54 _______ TT\yiN WIN 1FALLS, IDAHO. WEDNESVEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1965 T E N C EN Ta Statem enttit IssuedIi ■ A s t r o nl a a i u t s Hl a a v e On Role ofo f U .S . mB y w l 1 1 In V iet Nam'J a m W a y « " D e b r i ee f f i n g ’ ; F a c e j WASHINGTON (AP)—Thehe White HouseH said today. ■ m that th e U . S. commander has had all al9 ng the newly reported authority to commitmit U. S. ground\ forces to> i ■ ■ •■support" fighting if the South VietnameseVieti ask andi H ■ P l y J SS e r i e s o i f W e lI c c ( o m e s » need help, and it does not mean those forces can joinI H f ABOARD THF WASP (AD—.hniP)—.laiiu'S ,-\. MoDlvitt and.1 1l-:dw;ird-aIw ;U' H. Whito U, novV " in an Offensive. The statementtement saidsaii Gen. William ■ ^FilvV . close eiiougli to home to soo0 thoirth o ir io u n h is to ric .spaCO-\valli_J^i.liikvalkj^i.lm on sliipboard tele- C. W e s tm o re la n d h a s had the authorii IVfU' H r »■ /. • close the authority since Marines ^ IIIK r iiW/ ^ ~ visionvision, began their final festivetive il.iy at soa tociiiy. iftul gol,got, set Ifor a round of wel- >1 were landed in the Southeast^ist Asian nationr in March. iV/ ■ ' comesc o m e s awaiting them uslioro,'ro,' AlmostAlim all of the inteiisivosive nioimedical testing behind II Nevertheless, the W hite: ------- — V 7 " 'I j themth e m ., the iistronauts' scliociiilolulo toii.iytoii, fnl (oil for "technicalhnical debriefing"—talkingi jll House statem ent represent-1 Q k ^ in to t a p e recorders at - - ed a pullback from impliea- 3O Americansrk H K -’/.I lenethlength about their four-day T T T ” tions of a State Department ^ ■. mission ami being question- \\ declaration Tuesday. That state- I - |p |a o k; :■ = • ed in detail liy space o.\- Women’s UniJ n it P l ^ II ment was interpreted a.-; open- Released in pt-rts.pt'rts. ^ ing the way for troops in Viet -p v • Iho Gemini -I iwins said their I /'V l Nam to go on the offensive, U O m i most memorahU' nioinonts of The State D epartm ent pro­ Dominican ''' 'w J most Conventionn inir T.F. | 'hthe e flight vvcTi'. fur VVhite,- lus ^ nouncement from press officer SSANTOa n t o dD o m i n g o , Domini- ■--u20-mim20-mimno .stroll in space, and. “"Ciutipany’s Ctuu] Coining.” htisis been set: ns tho theme of Kobert J. McCloskey stirred up> can Republic (AP) — .The Do- -A-'j for M.McDivitt, lhi‘ capsulc's n*- thoth e -I-lth4-lth aiiiu u il s ta le coiivonlionllion of the11 Idaho I'oderation i something of a storm. It minicunminican rebelsrebi today released entry througl^ vhe eanl^'s al- B usin brought huddles at the -White three Amer ’ J -\S»iV' en try of Uusiness and Profossioiiiilli WWomei omen lo be held F rid a y 1 three American soldiers who m osphere. Itlfrmightlirough Stimlay in Twin l-'alls. ■ Hou.se this morning and an offi- wandered intoir rebel territory. ' They were imiong the inillinns . I'alls. According to Mrs. I cial statem ent, read to news- They w ere t l.illiaii Moniiv, general canventiicanvention chairman, ' tho I They were turned over to the "'h«who ,‘hithrilled al lhe Mghi of vivid -"i*''' men by press secretary George Organization of Anicrican mmovies ovies of lhe space stroll The oonvoiitioonvoiiiion hasn't been heldd in TwinTwi F alls sinco 1922. ' E. Reedy. States. ina films werev relea.sed Tuesday In llostillgllostiag 'the three d;iy meetingleeling will be the south Military officials said the de- The three Americans, cap- __ ___ Houston,lloustoi Tex,, and thc astro- central district which inclutlesdes clubsclub from Buhl, Good­ cision to com m it U.S. forces to turedtu^ed when theyt drove into reb- GREEXIGREETING REGULA DE MORA,IORA, left, an; Ecuadorian teacherier who visited' In Twin Falls nauts saw a televised version ilf* H. H. ing,ing. JJerome. e Rupert, Sun ‘■supporf fighting upon request elg, territory,erritorv Tue.sday by mis-, TuesdayTuesday Ifor the Alliance of Progress,’rogress. Isis SyI Kolman, a local attorney late Tuesday night. , , Is "a logical extension of what (gijg attorney who Is thh a r e a 's ^ IBFl Valley a n d, Twin Falls, u take, were^ Lt, Henry Cephus; co-reglonalc<»»reglonal director for the IdahoIdaho PartnersP a rtn of Ihc Alliance foror Progress.Progres (Tlmes-News photo) SpactSpace doctors also continued ■ we've been doing out there." Leforce ->4 ' SSpecitil p ecial gtiest at the con­ Leforce. 24, of Nash. Okla.; * * * * * * -J. ' ^ to be Imildly amazed at the as- ^ The decision coincided with a Spec. A4 ‘AUo’rAlton P. Blakely. 21. of T ^ * tronauttronauts’ fine physical condition vention will be Mrs. M. Saigon announcem ent th at gov- Richmond.Richm ond. Calif.;C and Pfc. Nei- LiquorU ' by g * after their arduous journey. Cravens Douglass, El Segunda, ernment forces had suffered son Belengeri.Belennei 21. a P eruvian f M edical te^ts show ed little ill Calif., national membership their heavifest casualties of the citizen whosewhn< uncle lives in. I Istw i Ecuadoriann \V is ito r .... H'clfccts-on tlux.aslcoivauts' hearts j±ililjiiM^Sh(>_wilL-iircscnt_tho—chairman - war In the week that ended last BellevillpBelleviUe^Oli III___________________ M-f L i- U - # from ffour days of weightless- national prograni and 'legisla­ DiaM lt£alk>t-i^ ness, though there was unc mi- tion and will be the featured ”~^‘TBut^"*mTlitary officials hero ILeforce eforce tctold newsmen they were on their way to investigate J7 3 S S C nor health problem Tuesday: speaker nt the Saturday night said this w as p u re ly coinci- ' 1 ° 'J]®'' Passes in Bujli]1 ■U^'^H a s H ig h AmAmbition S;McDivitt had a nosebleed. banquet. Her duties will also In­ dental. They said the decision a“ ‘^,1,'"claim that nn American truck had been damaged when they BUHL—B , A 26-year-old schoolteacher frorr Doctors said the nosebleed cludecludu the Installation of new of­ had been made well before last had been dc BUHL—Buhl voters, who have 26-yi her from Ecuador, who has probably_robabi resulted from thc ficers. lygjij wwandered andered intinto rebel territory. gone to thethc polLs several timesi aspiratio I aspirations of being presidentdent of his country, arrived drying effect of breathing pure On tho agenda for Friday in Over the past three months. .“I•'I assumecassumed there would be a in recent years; to attempt to) inin TwinTwin Falls Tuesday for a visit 'I’e • a visit as a representative oxygen for nearly 98 hours. V ' O'l-earyO’Leary Junior High School is operations of U.S. ground units sign telling uus when the interna- gain liquor by the drink sales in> forfor thethe AAllianco for Progress:s programprogra . Regulo De M ora, They said future astronauts f tho executive board meeting, (I tional zone ended.•’ Leforce Buhl, passe the exec have progressed gradually from tional zone Buhl. passe<i the proposal by a‘ PeliieoPeliieo, Ecuador, spent Tuesdayuesday nightt in Twin Falls might take along something to ^ registratlregistration, stale board ot dl- I a relatively static perimeter said, “But vwhen we had gone margin of 129! votes Tuesday in nlnn lubricate the inner nose. 1 two blocks, a jeep with a 50- a reportedl; ' and plans to loave Wednesdaysday afternoonafti by pliine for i rectors rmeeting und a class in I defense of the key base at Da two blocks, a reportedly surprising vote. P‘“" The astronauts^ schedule on y,''...... 'V parliameparliamentary law and club pro- J Nang to aggressive patrolling caliber machmachine gun mounted The count was .112 for the pro-. WWashington. a.shingt D. C., where ho10 will participatep; in Ihe first ,heir .k Iheir scheduled return to Hous- ,. ’v ' 0 locol. :■ variously called “combat kill'' on it pulled (out of a side street posal and 183I against. In ward1 conferencconference of the Alliance for Progress.Prog At the meeting mnton ThursdayT already was and .stopped us. There was not No. 1 the v Tho convention will bo of- | and "search and destroy" mis- and .stopped No. 1 the vote was 121 for and1 inin WashWashington, De MoraI ----------- crowdc(crowded with parades and other ficially called to ordv ut 2 p.m. ,ions. much we coucould do.” 85 against. Ward No. 2 saw 289 w ill h el] n I will help devise a town T> honors from their admiring pub- and tho'group will bo gieeted by -;i- ----------- - ■■■" ................'—— votersvoters cast casting ballots with 191 plan for' and tho'F ' plan forT’ellleo. De Mbra.r 'RrU'pertrFail'rV U l s lie. HeHere's what’g iilannecT bo , ' #3-., StatoState RRep. William Lantlng, i 1 1 I voting for the1 liquor sales and q p r im e far: Br ' a primary teacher, was ^ ■ ■■ r M ■Txvtrr I'alls. During tho first | chosen os the country’s repre- I ^ Thursday — Arrive in Hous- wB Kk - .—...-----— ------- rt mmeeting eeting convention rules will bo It was reportede that the date ton at 10:.TO a m.
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