![Arxiv:1807.05227V2 [Math.RA] 1 Oct 2019 Conjugation Es That Sense field a 2.1](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE SPECIAL LINEAR GROUP FOR NONASSOCIATIVE RINGS HARRY PETYT Abstract. We extend to arbitrary rings a definition of the octonion special linear group due to Baez. At the infinitesimal level we get a Lie ring, which we describe over some large classes of rings, including all associative rings and all algebras over a field. As a corollary we compute all the groups Baez defined. 1. Introduction The special linear groups SL2(R) and SL2(C) are, respectively, the double covers of SO0(2, 1) and SO0(3, 1) – the isometry groups of the hyperbolic plane and hyperbolic 3-space. The pattern continues with the quaternions H, as shown by Kugo and Townsend in [KT83], and Sudbery deals with the final normed real division algebra, the octonions O, in [Sud84]. Unfortunately the way Sudbery defines the special linear group over O only makes sense in dimensions two and three. In his celebrated survey [Bae02], Baez suggests a unified definition of SLm(O) for all m, and shows that it agrees with Sudbery’s definition when m = 2. He does not discuss the case m> 2, and it seems that until now no further investigation has been made. Motivated by this, in Section 2 we reformulate Baez’s definition of the special linear group and algebra in a natural way that lends itself to computation, and note that it naturally extends to arbitrary nonassociative rings (in the present paper, we do not in general assume rings to be associative). We then determine the corresponding special linear ring (we do not necessarily get an algebra structure) for all associative rings. In Section 3 we cover the two dimensional case for unital real composition algebras. In Section 4 we characterise SLm, with m> 2, for a large class of algebras that includes O. This allows us to compute Baez’s groups. In doing so, we find that in three dimensions his definition disagrees with Sudbery’s, which gives a real form of the exceptional Lie group E6. An alternative definition for SL2(O) has been proposed by Hitchin [Hit18]. This defi- nition is motivated by a dimension argument, and does not give a Lie group. I would like to thank Dmitriy Rumynin for introducing me to the problem and for his arXiv:1807.05227v2 [math.RA] 1 Oct 2019 helpful comments and suggestions. 2. Preliminaries 2.1. A composition algebra is a not necessarily unital or associative algebra C over a field F, together with a nondegenerate quadratic form | · |2 that is multiplicative in the sense that |zw|2 = |z|2|w|2. Such algebras come with an anti-involution, which we call conjugation and denote by a bar, e.g. z¯. They are also necessarily alternative. That is, the associator [·, ·, ·] : C3 → C, given by [z, w, u] = (zw)u − z(wu), is alternating. 1 THE SPECIAL LINEAR GROUP FOR NONASSOCIATIVE RINGS 2 If the characteristic of F is not two, then all unital composition algebras can be obtained from F by the Cayley–Dickson construction (a description of which can be found in [Sch95]), and have famously been classified by Jacobson [Jac58]. We are mainly interested in real composition algebras, and we state his classification in this case. Theorem 2.1 (Jacobson). The unital real composition algebras are exactly: (i) R (ii) C (iii) R2, with quadratic form |(a, b)|2 = ab 2 (iv) H (v) M2(R), the 2 × 2 matrices over R, with | · | = det (vi) O (vii) The split octonions O′ We write 1, e1,...,ed−1 for an orthonormal basis of a unital composition algebra of 2 dimension d. We then have ei = ±1 for all i, and eiej = −ejei whenever i 6= j. Letting Lz : C → C denote the left multiplication map w 7→ zw, alternativity of C gives us (1) Le Le = L 2 = ±1 i i ei Moreover, whenever ei 6= ej we have 0 = [ei, ej, z] + [ej, ei, z]= Leiej +ej ei (z) − (Lei Lej + Lej Lei )(z) and hence (2) Lei Lej = −Lej Lei Let Rp,q denote Rp+q with the standard quadratic form of signature (p,q). The algebras in the left-hand column of Theorem 2.1 have signature (d, 0), and those in the right-hand d d column have signature ( 2 , 2 ). 2.2. For a ring R we write Mm(R) to mean the space of m × m matrices with entries in R, and Eij for an element of the standard basis. The trace of a matrix x is written tr x, and left multiplication maps are again denoted Lx. The definition of the octonion special linear group and algebra given by Baez is as follows [Bae02, p.177]. Definition 2.2 (Baez). The octonion special linear algebra slm(O) is the Lie algebra generated under commutators by the set {Lx : x ∈ Mm(O), tr x = 0}. The octonion special linear group SLm(O) is the Lie group generated by exponentiating slm(O). This definition is not well suited to computation, and we prefer to use the following, which is easily seen to agree with Definition 2.2 in the case R = O. Definition 2.3. For R a not necessarily associative or unital ring, slm(R) is the ring generated by LaEij : a ∈ R, i 6= j under commutators. Similarly, SLm(R) is the group generated by LI+aEij : a ∈ R, i 6= j under composition. Straight from the definition we can obtain a nice description of the special linear algebra of an associative ring. Theorem 2.4. Let R be an associative (not necessarily unital) ring. Then there is an isomorphism slm(R) =∼ {x ∈ Mm(R) : tr x ∈ [R, R]} THE SPECIAL LINEAR GROUP FOR NONASSOCIATIVE RINGS 3 Proof. Since R is associative, we have LaLb = Lab for all a, b ∈ R, so we can identify LaEij with the matrix aEij and consider slm(R) ⊂ Mm(R). Now slm(R) contains all matrices with all diagonal entries zero, as these form the linear span of the generators. Furthermore, the commutator of two generators is [aEij, bEkl] = δjkabEil − δilbaEkj, where δ denotes the Kronecker delta. If δjk and δil are not both 1 then we get either zero or a generator. If both are 1 then we get abEii − baEjj. Clearly this has trace lying in [R, R], and by varying a and b we can get the whole of [R, R]. Then varying i and j gives the right hand side of the result. Note that the commutator of such a diagonal matrix with a generator is traceless, so all further commutators have trace in [R, R], and we are done. Theorem 2.4 shows that Definition 2.3 gives a true generalisation of the usual special linear algebra, for if R is a field then [R, R] = 0, and, moreover, if R = H then [H, H]= {z ∈ H : Re(z) = 0}, which gives the standard definition of slm(H) [Har90, p.52]. 3. The Two Dimensional Case Let C be a unital real composition algebra. For x = (xij) ∈ Mm(C), the hermitian ∗ ∗ conjugate of x is x = (xji). If x = x then x is said to be hermitian, and the set of such matrices is denoted hm(C). Note that all diagonal entries of a hermitian matrix lie in R. We restrict our attention to the case m = 2, where alternativity of C ensures that the determinant map x 7→ x11x22 − x12x12 is a well defined quadratic form on h2(C) (see [Bae02, p.176]). If C has dimension d and signature (p,q), then writing z = z0 + z1e1 + · · · + zd−1ed−1 q+1,p+1 for an element of C, we have that h2(C) is isometric to R via the map r z r + s r − s 7−→ , , z , z ,...,zd− z¯ s 2 2 0 1 1 We now define a representation of SL2(C) on h2(C). Let y = LI+aEij be a generator of SL2(C), and for x ∈ h2(C) set y · x = (I + aEij)x(I +aE ¯ ji). This product is well defined because C is alternative, and we extend to SL2(C) in the obvious way. Lemma 3.1. The action of SL2(C) on h2(C) is by isometries. That is, if x ∈ h2(C) and y ∈ SL2(C) then det(y · x) = det x. Proof. It suffices to show that this holds for generators of SL2(C). The two cases are r z similar, so we just do y = LI aE21 . Let x = , recalling that r, s ∈ R. Since + z¯ s ww¯ =ww ¯ for all w ∈ C we obtain r ra¯ + z det(y · x) = det = rs − zz¯ = det x ra +z ¯ raa¯ +z ¯a¯ + az + s It follows that there is a homomorphism of connected Lie groups ψ : SL2(C) −→ SO0(q + 1,p + 1) In order to analyse ψ, we describe a basis of sl2(C), but first a remark. Remark 3.2. If F = C then the same argument as the one above gives a homomorphism SL2(C) → SO(d + 2, C). THE SPECIAL LINEAR GROUP FOR NONASSOCIATIVE RINGS 4 Lemma 3.3. sl2(C) is based by the set LE12 ,LE21 , [LE12 ,LE21 ], αi = LeiE12 , βi = LeiE21 , γi = [LE12 , βi], εij = [αi, βj ] : i < j n o (d−1)(d−2) (d+1)(d+2) In particular, dimSL2(C) = 3 + 3(d − 1) + 2 = 2 . Proof. It follows from identities (1) and (2) that the set in question bases the subspace spanned by products of length at most two, so it suffices to show that this is the whole T of sl2(C).
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